Christie Solaria CP2210 Setup Manual

© 2010 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
All brand names and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of their respective holders.
The product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in a commercial environment. The product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of the product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at the user’s own expense.
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
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Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, however in some cases changes in the products or availability could occur which may not be reflected in this document. Christie reserves the right to make changes to specifications at any time without notice. Performance specifications are typical, but may vary depending on conditions beyond Christie's control such as maintenance of the product in proper working conditions. Performance specifications are based on information available at the time of printing. Christie makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Christie will not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or use of this material.
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The product is designed and manufactured with high-quality materials and components that can be recycled and reused. This symbol means that electrical and electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from regular waste. Please dispose of the product appropriately and according to local regulations. In the European Union, there are separate collection systems for used electrical and electronic products. Please help us to conserve the environment we live in!
Canadian manufacturing facility is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified.
For complete information about Christie’s limited warranty, please contact your Christie dealer. In addition to the other limitations that may be specified in Christie’s limited warranty, the warranty does not cover:
a. Damage occurring during shipment, in either direction. b. Projector lamps (See Christie’s separate lamp program policy). c. Damage caused by use of a projector lamp beyond the recommended lamp life, or use of a lamp supplied by a supplier other than Christie. d. Problems caused by combination of the product with non-Christie equipment, such as distribution systems, cameras, video tape recorders,
etc., or use of the product with any non-Christie interface device. e. Damage caused by misuse, improper power source, accident, fire, flood, lightening, earthquake or other natural disaster. f. Damage caused by improper installation/alignment, or by product modification, if by other than a Christie authorized repair service
provider. g. For LCD projectors, the warranty period specified applies only where the LCD projector is in “normal use.” “Normal use” means the LCD
projector is not used more than 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. For any LCD projector where “normal use” is exceeded, warranty coverage
under this warranty terminates after 6000 hours of operation. h. Failure due to normal wear and tear.
Preventative maintenance is an important part of the continued and proper operation of your product. Please see the Maintenance section for specific maintenance items as they relate to your product. Failure to perform maintenance as required, and in accordance with the maintenance schedule specified by Christie, will void the warranty.
Table of Contents
1: Introduction
1.1 Using this Manual........................................................................................................................1-1
1.1.1 Typographical Notations......................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Safety Warnings and Guidelines .................................................................................................1-2
1.2.1 Labels and Marking .............................................................................................................1-2
1.2.2 General Precautions.............................................................................................................1-2
1.2.3 AC/Power Precautions.........................................................................................................1-3
Power Cords and Attachments .............................................................................................1-3
1.2.4 Lamp Precautions ................................................................................................................1-3
Wear Protective Clothing .....................................................................................................1-3
Cool the Lamp Completely ...................................................................................................1-4
1.3 Purchase Record and Service Contacts .......................................................................................1-4
1.4 Projector Overview......................................................................................................................1-5
1.4.1 Key Features ........................................................................................................................1-5
1.4.2 How the Projector Works ....................................................................................................1-6
1.4.3 Air Filter Cover and Air Filter.............................................................................................1-6
1.4.4 Douser..................................................................................................................................1-7
1.4.5 Adjustable Feet ....................................................................................................................1-7
1.4.6 Lamp Door and Lamps ........................................................................................................1-7
1.4.7 LED Status Indicators..........................................................................................................1-7
1.4.8 Optional - Motorized Auxiliary Lens Mount (MALM).......................................................1-7
1.4.9 Projection Lens ....................................................................................................................1-7
1.4.10 Security Locks ..................................................................................................................1-7
1.4.11 Source and Communication Panel....................................................................................1-8
PIB Faceplate Connections ...................................................................................................1-8
PIB Faceplate Status Indicators ............................................................................................1-8
ICP Faceplate Connections ...................................................................................................1-9
1.4.12 Touch Panel Controller (TPC)..........................................................................................1-10
1.4.13 List of Components...........................................................................................................1-10
2: Installation and Setup
2.1 Permanent Power Connection .....................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Tools Required for Installation....................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Installation Instructions ...............................................................................................................2-2
2.3.1 Step 1: Position the Projector...............................................................................................2-2
2.3.2 Step 2: Adjust Tilt/Leveling ................................................................................................2-3
2.3.3 Step 3: Mount Touch Panel Controller (TPC).....................................................................2-3
2.3.4 Step 4: Connect Exhaust Ducting (Optional) ......................................................................2-4
2.3.5 Step 6: Install Lens ..............................................................................................................2-5
Primary Zoom Lens Installation ...........................................................................................2-5
Anamorphic Lens Installation ..............................................................................................2-6
Wide Converter Lens (WCL) Installation ............................................................................2-6
Motorized Auxiliary Lens Mount (MALM) Installation (Optional) ....................................2-6
2.3.6 Step 7: Install First Lamp.....................................................................................................2-7
2.3.7 Step 8: Connect to Power.....................................................................................................2-8
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Table of Contents
2.3.8 Step 9: Connect Sources ......................................................................................................2-9
2.4 Connecting Sources .....................................................................................................................2-10
2.4.1 Cinema Servers ....................................................................................................................2-10
2.4.2 Connecting for Communications .........................................................................................2-11
PC/Laptop, Server or Network .............................................................................................2-11
2.5 Maximizing Light Output............................................................................................................2-12
2.6 Calibrating Screen Brightness (fL)..............................................................................................2-12
2.7 Basic Image Alignment ...............................................................................................................2-13
2.7.1 Basic Optical Alignment Procedure.....................................................................................2-13
2.8 Offset and Boresight Alignment
2.8.1 Adjust Offset........................................................................................................................2-13
2.8.2 Adjusting Left/Right Boresight............................................................................................2-14
Lens Mount Vertical Boresight .............................................................................................2-14
Lens Mount Horizontal Boresight ........................................................................................2-15
2.8.3 Add Anamorphic Lens.........................................................................................................2-16
2.8.4 Wide Converter Lens ...........................................................................................................2-16
2.9 Fold Mirror and Convergence Adjustments ................................................................................2-17
2.9.1 DMD Convergence ..............................................................................................................2-17
2.9.2 Fold Mirror Adjustment.......................................................................................................2-17
2.10 Calibrating the System...............................................................................................................2-18
2.10.1 Color Calibration...............................................................................................................2-18
2.10.2 Electronic Screen Masking ...............................................................................................2-18
3: Basic Operation
3.1 Powering Up/Powering Down the Projector................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Powering Up the Projector...................................................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Powering Down the Projector..............................................................................................3-2
3.2 Using the Touch Panel Controller (TPC) ....................................................................................3-2
4: Maintenance
4.1 Maintaining Proper Cooling ........................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Ventilation............................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Preventative Maintenance............................................................................................................4-1
4.2.1 Light Engine Air Filter (P/N: 003-002311-xx)....................................................................4-1
4.2.2 Radiator Filter ......................................................................................................................4-1
4.2.3 Liquid Cooling System ........................................................................................................4-2
Filling the Coolant Reservoir ................................................................................................4-2
4.2.4 Optional: Exhaust Duct (P/N: 119-103105-xx) ...................................................................4-2
4.3 Maintenance and Cleaning...........................................................................................................4-3
4.3.1 Lamp ....................................................................................................................................4-3
4.3.2 Optical..................................................................................................................................4-3
Optical Component Cleaning Supplies .................................................................................4-3
4.3.3 Cleaning the Lens.................................................................................................................4-4
4.3.4 Cleaning the Lamp Reflector...............................................................................................4-4
4.3.5 Other Components ...............................................................................................................4-5
ii CP2210 Setup Guide
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Table of Contents
Lamp Blower ........................................................................................................................4-5
4.3.6 Lamp Replacement ..............................................................................................................4-5
4.3.7 Rotating the Lamp ...............................................................................................................4-7
4.3.8 Air Filter Replacement.........................................................................................................4-8
Light Engine Air Filter .........................................................................................................4-8
Radiator Filter Cleaning .......................................................................................................4-8
4.4 Lens Replacement........................................................................................................................4-9
4.4.1 Remove Lens .......................................................................................................................4-9
4.4.2 Install New Lens..................................................................................................................4-10
5: Troubleshooting
5.1 Power...........................................................................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 Projector Does Not Power ON.............................................................................................5-1
5.2 Lamp............................................................................................................................................5-2
5.2.1 Lamp Does Not Ignite..........................................................................................................5-2
5.2.2 Lamp Suddenly Goes OFF ..................................................................................................5-2
5.2.3 Flicker, Shadows Or Dimness .............................................................................................5-3
5.2.4 LampLOC™ Does Not Seem to Work................................................................................5-3
5.2.5 LiteLOC™ Does Not Seem to Work...................................................................................5-3
5.3 ILS ...............................................................................................................................................5-3
5.3.1 Reset the ILS........................................................................................................................5-3
5.3.2 Calibrate the ILS..................................................................................................................5-4
5.4 TPC..............................................................................................................................................5-4
5.5 Ethernet........................................................................................................................................5-4
5.5.1 Trouble Establishing Communication with Projector .........................................................5-4
5.6 Displays .......................................................................................................................................5-4
5.6.1 Blank Screen, No Display of Cinema Image.......................................................................5-4
5.6.2 Severe Motion Artifacts.......................................................................................................5-5
5.6.3 Image Appears Vertically Stretched or ‘Squeezed’ into Center of Screen..........................5-5
5.6.4 No Image, Just a Black Screen ............................................................................................5-5
5.6.5 No Image, Just Pink Snow...................................................................................................5-5
5.6.6 Colors in the Display are Inaccurate....................................................................................5-5
5.6.7 Display is Not Rectangular..................................................................................................5-5
5.6.8 Display is “Noisy” ...............................................................................................................5-6
5.6.9 Display has Suddenly Frozen ..............................................................................................5-6
5.6.10 Data is Cropped from Edges.............................................................................................5-6
5.6.11 The Projector is ON, but There is No Display..................................................................5-6
5.6.12 The Display is Jittery or Unstable.....................................................................................5-6
5.6.13 The Display is Faint..........................................................................................................5-7
5.6.14 The Upper Portion of the Display is Waving, Tearing or Jittering...................................5-7
5.6.15 Portions of the Display are Cut OFF or Warped to the Opposite Edge............................5-7
5.6.16 Display Appears Compressed (Vertically Stretched) .......................................................5-7
5.6.17 Display Quality Appears to Drift from Good to Bad, Bad to Good .................................5-7
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1 Introduction
1.1 Using this Manual
USERS/OPERATORS: This manual is intended for trained users authorized to operate professional high-
brightness projection systems, located in restricted areas, such as projection rooms in theatres. Such users may also be trained to replace the lamp and air filter, but cannot install the projector or perform any other functions inside the projector. NOTE: Only personnel trained specifically by Christie on lamp replacement and lamp
safety may handle the lamp.
SERVICE: Only qualified Christie trained service technicians knowledgeable about all potential hazards associated with high voltage, ultraviolet exposure and high temperatures generated by the lamp and associated circuits are authorized to 1) assemble/install the projector and 2) perform service functions inside the projector.
This manual contains the following sections:
• Section 1 Introduction
• Section 2 Installation and Setup
• Section 3 Basic Operation
• Section 4 Maintenance
• Section 5 Troubleshooting
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this document is accurate and reliable. However, due to constant research, the information in this document is subject to change without notice. Christie Digital Systems assumes no responsibility for omissions or inaccuracies. Updates to this document are published regularly, as required. Please contact Christie Digital Systems for availability.
1.1.1 Typographical Notations
The following notations are used throughout this manual:
• References to specific areas of the document appear italicized and underlined. When viewed online the text
appears in blue indicating a direct link to that section. For example, Section 2 Installation and Setup.
• References to other documents appear italicized and bold, such as Service Manual.
• References to software menus and available options appear bold, such as Main panel, Preferences.
• User input or messages that appear on screen, in status display units or other control modules appear in
Courier font. For example. “No Signal Present”, Login: christiedigital.
• Error codes, LED status appear in bold, e.g.
• Operational states of modules appear capitalized, such as power ON/OFF.
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LP, A1 etc.
Section 1: Introduction
1.2 Safety Warnings and Guidelines
1.2.1 Labels and Marking
Observe and follow any warnings and instructions marked on the projector.
Danger symbols indicate a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result
in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the most extreme situations.
Warning symbols indicate a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
Caution symbols indicate a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE! Addresses practices not related to personal injury.
NOTICE! Observe and follow any warnings and instructions marked on the projector.
The exclamation point within the equilateral triangle indicates related operating/maintenance instructions
in the documentation accompanying the projector.
The lightning flash and arrowhead symbol within the equilateral triangle indicates non-insulated “dangerous voltage” within the projector's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock.
1.2.2 General Precautions
Never look directly into the projector lens or at the lamp. The extremely high brightness can cause permanent eye damage. For protection from ultraviolet radiation, keep all projector housings intact during operation. Protective safety gear and safety goggles are recommended when servicing.
FIRE HAZARD! Keep hands, clothes, and all combustible material away from the concentrated light beam of the lamp.
Position all cables where they cannot contact hot surfaces or be pulled or
tripped over.
1) The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends occupational UV exposure for an 8-hour day to be less than 0.1 microwatts per square centimeters of effective UV radiation. An evaluation of your workplace is advised to assure employees are not exposed to cumulative radiation levels exceeding the government guidelines for your area. 2) Be aware that some medications are known to increase sensitivity to UV radiation.
This projector must be operated in an environment that meets the operating range specification, as listed in Section 6 - Specifications from the CP2210 User Manual (020-100410-xx).
1-2 CP2210 Setup Guide
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1.2.3 AC/Power Precautions
1) Use only the AC power cord supplied. DO NOT attempt operation if the AC supply is not within the specified voltage and power range. For details, refer to Section 6 - Specifications from the CP2210 User Manual (020-100410-xx).
2) As a safety feature the projector is equipped with a three-wire plug with a third (grounding) pin. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact an electrician to have the outlet replaced. DO NOT defeat the safety purpose of the grounding-type plug.
3) DO NOT attempt operation if the AC supply is not within the rated voltage range, as specified on the licence label.
4) Disconnect projector from AC before opening any enclosure.
1) DO NOT allow anything to rest on the power cord. Locate the projector where the cord cannot be abused by persons walking on it or objects rolling over it. Never operate the projector if the power cable appears damaged in any way.
2) DO NOT overload power outlets and extension cords as this can result in fire or shock hazards.
3) Note that only qualified service technicians are permitted to open any enclosure on the product and only if the AC has been fully disconnected from the product.
Section 1: Introduction
Power Cords and Attachments
1) The North American rated line cord is provided with each projector. Ensure that you are using a line cord, socket and power plug that meets the appropriate local rating standards. 2) Use only an AC power cord recommended by Christie. Do not attempt operation if the AC supply and cord are not within the specified voltage and power range.
Use only the attachments and/or accessories recommended by Christie. Use of others may result in the risk of fire, shock or personal injury.
1.2.4 Lamp Precautions
EXPLOSION HAZARD! Wear authorized protective safety gear whenever the lamp door is open! Never attempt to remove the lamp directly after use. The lamp is under significant pressure when hot and cold, and may explode, causing personal injury and/or property damage.
Any lamp used in the CP2210 is under high pressure and must be handled with great care at all times. Lamps may explode if dropped or mishandled.
Wear Protective Clothing
Never open the lamp door unless you are wearing authorized protective clothing such as that included in a Christie Protective Clothing Safety Kit (P/N: 598900-095). Recommended protective clothing includes, but may not be limited to a polycarbonate face shield, protective gloves, and a quilted ballistic nylon jacket or a welder’s jacket. NOTE: Christie’s protective clothing recommendations are subject to change. Any local or
federal specifications take precedence over Christie recommendations.
CP2210 Setup Guide 1-3
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Section 1: Introduction
Cool the Lamp Completely
Lamp may explode causing bodily harm or death. 1) Always wear protective clothing whenever lamp door is open or while handling lamp. 2) Ensure those within the vicinity of the projector are also suited with protective clothing. 3) Never attempt to access the lamp while the lamp is ON. Wait at least 10 minutes after the lamp turns OFF before powering down, disconnecting from AC and opening the lamp door.
The arc lamp operates at a high pressure that increases with temperature. Failure to allow the lamp to sufficiently cool prior to handling increases the potential for an explosion causing personal injury and/or property damage. After turning the lamp OFF, it is crucial that you wait at least 15 minutes before disconnect­ing AC and opening the lamp door. This provides enough time for the cooling fans to properly cool the lamp. Ensure the lamp is completely cooled before handling and always wear protective clothing! For all other precautions critical for safe removal and replacement of the lamp, refer to 4.3.6 Lamp
Replacement, on page 4-5.
1.3 Purchase Record and Service Contacts
Whether the projector is under warranty or the warranty has expired, Christie’s highly trained and extensive factory and dealer service network is always available to quickly diagnose and correct projector malfunctions. Complete service manuals and updates are available for all projectors. Should a problem be encountered with any part of the projector, contact your dealer. In most cases, servicing is performed on site. If you have purchased the projector, fill out the information below and keep with your records.
Table 1.1 Purchase Record
Dealer or Christie Sales/Service Contact Phone Number:
Projector Serial Number*:
Purchase Date:
Installation Date:
* The serial number can be found on the license label located on the front panel.
Table 1.2 Ethernet Settings
Default Gateway:
Projector IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
1-4 CP2210 Setup Guide
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1.4 Projector Overview
Figure 1-1 CP2210 Projector
The CP2210 is a professional quality, easy-to-use DMD™ projector utilizing Digital Light Processing (DLP™) Cinema technology from Texas Instruments. It’s all-in-one design integrates all components in a sleek projection head that can be table-top mounted or used with the optional rack stand. Integrating smoothly into traditional projection environments such as theatres and other wide screen exhibitor venues, the CP2210 offers stunning wide screen, high-resolution cinema images that remain flawless from first release to final show. The CP2210 interfaces with local networks typical in theatres throughout the world, and can be expanded even further by connecting non-cinema DVI source material for multimedia presentations from a variety of formats.
1.4.1 Key Features
Section 1: Introduction
• Three-chip mDC2K DLP Cinema® light engine.
• .98” “mDC2K” panel format: 2,048(H) x 1,080 (V).
• Maximum light output of 12, 500 centre lumens, depending on lamp used.
• Available for use with 2.0kW, 1.8kW and 1.4kW Xenon lamps supporting theatre screens up to 30 feet in width.
• All-in-one design (including Lamp Power Supply).
• CineBlack™ contrast management for contrast ratios of 450:1 ANSI and 2000:1 full field.
• CinePalette™ color management for film-like colorimetry.
• Easily accessible Input/Output panel located on the operator side of the projector with access to:
• Two SMPTE 292M inputs, intended for cinema content – operable as two independently selectable inputs
or as a single dual-link input (both inputs used simultaneously for one source).
• Two DVI-D inputs, intended for alternative content – operable as two independently selectable inputs or as
a single twin- or dual-link input (dual-link requires optional adapter).
• RS232 Connections – one for Projector Intelligence Board (PIB) and one for TI electronics (ICP).
• Single projector Ethernet network connection.
• Dedicated 3D connection plug for interfacing with third party 3D systems.
• Easy-to-read three coloured LED indicators on the rear corners of the projector for status indication.
• Supports CineLink® II link encryption on SMPTE 292M inputs.
• LiteLOC™ feature for constant image brightness.
• LampLOC™ feature for motorized three-axis lamp alignment (automatic or individually adjusted).
• Available suite of field-interchangeable “prime” zoom lenses supporting 1.85:1 and 2.39:1 image formats.
• Prime lens provides electronic adjustment of focus (stepper motor).
*Manual adjustment is available in case of motor failure.
• Prime lens provides electronic adjustment of zoom (stepper motor).
• Lens mount provides electronic adjustment of horizontal and vertical offset (stepper motors).
• Optional Motorized Auxiliary Lens Mount for flat to scope format conversion (for optional 1.25x anamor­phic or 1.26x converter lens).
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Section 1: Introduction
• Lamp easily replaceable via locked door on rear of projector.
• Electronically operated “quick” douser.
• Field adjustable RGB Convergence.
• Easy-to-remove Light Engine including a permanently mounted handle and quick disconnects for cooling and electrical connections.
• Secure, encrypted communication protocol, with multi-level password access.
• Content protected by a high-security Medeco® lock on front electronics compartment and SPB2 boundary per DCI Digital Cinema System Specification v1.2.
• Complies with DCI Digital Cinema System Specification v1.2 mandated security requirements.
• Air filter for projection compartment that is easily replaceable with common tools.
• Optional Rack Mount Stand that supports the product for projection out standard theatre port windows and provides for rack mounting of hardware.
• Capability to split power supply to allow use of UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) to power head elec­tronics.
• Touch Panel Controller (TPC) running Windows XPe for main projector interface. TPC can be removed from the projector for ease of use or alternate mounting with optional extension cable. Ensure you have the latest software by visiting
• Seamless switching between 292 and DVI inputs.
• Capable of supporting an internal image media block.
• Easily serviceable LVPS with quick disconnects.
• Separate and easily serviceable standby LVPS with quick disconnects.
• Easy access for Lamp Power Supply removal.
• Projector can be self-cooling or utilize external air extraction, depending on theatre configuration.
1.4.2 How the Projector Works
The CP2210 accepts a variety of cinema or DVI-compatible “non-cinema” signals for projection on screens typical in commercial theatre or other large screen applications. High-brightness light is generated by a short arc Xenon lamp, then modulated by three Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) panels responding to incoming data streams of digitized red, green and blue color information. As these digital streams flow from the source, light from the responding “on” pixels of each panel is reflected, converged and then projected to the screen through one or more front lenses, where all pixel reflections are superimposed in sharp full-color images.
1.4.3 Air Filter Cover and Air Filter
Located directly behind the air filter cover is a field replaceable air filter. The air filter is responsible for filtering the intake air before it begins circulating in the front compartment to cool the main electronics. Replace the air filter whenever the lamp is replaced or sooner in dusty/dirty environments. Check the condition monthly. Refer to 4.3.8 Air Filter Replacement, on page 4-8 for complete instructions.
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1.4.4 Douser
For most instances, use the douser control buttons on the TPC to blank the display for instant picture muting. Closing the douser rotates a shutter blade in front of the illumination system and reduces lamp power to conserve lamp life.
1.4.5 Adjustable Feet
For many cinema installations, the projector is inclined slightly forward to match screen tilt and to minimize the amount of vertical offset required. Turn the adjustable feet to increase or decrease the projector height as needed for proper leveling and/or slight tilt. Refer to 2.3.2 Step 2: Adjust Tilt/Leveling, on page 2-3 for details on how to adjust the feet and how to properly secure the projector.
1.4.6 Lamp Door and Lamps
Located on the back of the projector is the lamp access door designed with a mid-security lock. The lamp door must remain closed and locked for all normal operation. Lamp replacement should only be performed by qualified technicians.
The projector is designed to operate with 2.0kW, 1.8kW and 1.4kW lamps. For a complete list of available lamp types refer to Section 6 - Specifications from the CP2210 User Manual (020-100410-xx).
Section 1: Introduction
1.4.7 LED Status Indicators
Located in the rear corners of the projector are two sets of LEDs, which illuminate to provide continuous feedback of the projector’s status. Refer to Section 3 - Operation from the CP2210 User Manual (020- 100410-xx) for details on the various LED states.
1.4.8 Optional - Motorized Auxiliary Lens Mount (MALM)
The MALM assembly is an optional hardware component, which when needed can be used to switch from flat to “scope” formats. This assembly can be secured to the projector base and supports either a 1.25x anamorphic lens or a 1.26x wide converter lens (WCL). The drive and control electronics package for this motorized accessory lens mount communicates with and is controlled by the projector over a 9-pin subminiature D cable that connects to the Auxiliary Input Panel.
1.4.9 Projection Lens
A variety of lenses can be used with the CP2210. Refer to the Section 6 - Specifications from the CP2210 User Manual (020-100410-xx) for a list of available lenses
1.4.10 Security Locks
Critical internal components and/or connections are protected by various security locks on projector covers/ access panels. This safeguard enables only authorized personnel to access certain restricted areas of the projector. The projector’s panels cannot be removed with standard tools unless the key locks are open.
Panels with high-security lock: Light Engine and Cardcage
Panels with low-security lock: Rear Access Door
No locks: Air Filter Access Panel
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Section 1: Introduction
1.4.11 Source and Communication Panel
PIB Faceplate Connections
Located on the operator’s side of the projector (left side) is a communication panel that provides connection of external devices such as servers and a controller.
Ethernet: Use the 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet port for network connection to the projector.
GPIO: Connect external I/O devices, such as the Christie ACT, for remote control of a limited number of projector functions. Refer to Appendix C - GPIO Port from the CP2210 User Manual (020-100410-xx) for GPIO pinouts.
SCCI: A Simple Contact Closure Interface (SCCI) port that provides the following functions upon a simple dry contact closure: Lamp ON/OFF and Douser Open/Closed. Refer to Appendix B: SCCI Port from the CP2210 User Manual (020-100410-xx) for SCCI pinouts.
RS232 ICP: Connect a PC or laptop for direct DLP communication. Trained users required.
RS232 PIB: Utilizes Christie-proprietary protocol and is intended for Christie accessories or third-party automation equipment.
3D: Connect a variety of 3D products to this connector, such as MasterImage or Real D for polarizing 3D content during projection.
Marriage: Marriage must be established to allow the projector to play encrypted content. This means the security boundaries SPB1 and SPB2 are physically and electrically connected and that marriage is monitored 24/7. Marriage is initiated from a Wizard application on the TPC. A user with the appropriate credentials is prompted to press the marriage button to establish marriage. If the button is pressed any other time it is ignored. Marriage cannot be established remotely.
Emergency Start: This button is recessed into the faceplate to prevent accidental activation. It should only be used when the TPC has failed or is disconnected. When pressed, the projector is powered on, the lamp is turned on and the douser is opened. When you press and hold this button, the douser is closed and the lamp is turned off, but power is still on.
Reset: This button is slightly recessed into the faceplate to prevent accidental activation. It’s main purpose is to reset the electronics of the projector. After re-booting, the projector will return to its previous power mode (STANDBY or FULL Power), however the lamp will not strike automatically and requires manual striking.
DVI-A / DVI-B: Connect a variety of non-cinema video and graphics sources to either of these identical single-link DVI ports. These are single-link ports for single-link cables/connectors only. The connectors can be used together as a twin-link DVI port.
HD-SDI A/HD-SDI-B: Connect a variety of high-definition cinema sources to these SMPTE 292M bit­serial standard interface BNCs. The connectors can be used together to deliver Dual Link HD-SDI following the SMPTE 372M standard.
PIB Faceplate Status Indicators
STBY: Standby power (Single Color Green) indicates the presence of +24V from the standby power supply.
OFF: Indicates no standby power (breaker OFF or Standby power failure).
Green: Indicates standby power.
• PWR: Main power (Single Color Green) indicates the presence of +24V from the Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS).
OFF: No LVPS power (STANDBY mode or breaker OFF).
Green: Indicates full power.
1-8 CP2210 Setup Guide
020-100524-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010)
Section 1: Introduction
• RUN: Blinking heartbeat (bi-color green/yellow).
OFF or Solid Green: Indicates projector not functioning properly.
Blinking Green: OK (software/communication/OS/ICP/Enigma/IMB if present are operating
Solid Yellow: Communication error. NiOS functioning OK, but can no longer communicate with TPC.
PIB: Projector Intelligence Board Status (Bi-color Red/Green)
OFF: Not detected.
Red: Detected communication problems etc.
Blinking Red: PIB card seating error.
Green: Detected and working properly.
ICP: Integrated Cinema Processor Status (Bi-color Red/Green)
OFF: Not detected.
Red: Detected communication problems etc.
Green: Detected and working properly.
LD: Link Decryptor (Enigma) Status (Bi-color Red/Green)
OFF: Not detected.
Red: Detected communication problems etc.
Green: Detected and working properly.
IMB: Image Media Block Status (Bi-color Red/Green)
OFF: Not detected.
Red: Detected communication problems etc.
Green: Detected and working properly.
ICP Faceplate Connections
The ICP board provides the image processing electronics for the projector. The ICP faceplate includes a number of LEDs that are only functional when the projector is in full power mode.
REGEN: (Regulators Enabled) This LED indicates the presence of the internal regulator enable signal.
When illuminated BLUE the internal regulators are enabled. When OFF, not enabled.
SOFTST: (Software State) This LED indicates the state of the software application. When OFF, in a Fail
state (0). When RED, in a Fail state (1). When YELLOW, in a Fail state (2). When GREEN, status OK.
OSST: (Operating System State) This LED indicates the state of the operating system. When OFF, in a Fail
state (0). When RED, in a Fail state (1), When YELLOW, in a Fail state (2). When GREEN, status OK.
FMTST: (FMT FPGA State) This LED indicates the configured state of the FMT FPGA. When RED,
unable to configure FPGA with Main or Boot application. When YELLOW, in Boot application. When GREEN, in Main application.
ICPST: (ICP FPGA State) This LED indicates the configured state of the ICP FPGA. When RED, unable to
configure FPGA with Main or Boot application. When YELLOW, in Boot application. When GREEN, in Main application.
Port A / Port B: Indicates the status of the ICP input port A or B. When OFF, no source is present. When
GREEN, active source present.
USB 1 / USB 2: For future use.
CP2210 Setup Guide 1-9
020-100524-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010)
Section 1: Introduction
1.4.12 Touch Panel Controller (TPC)
The TPC is a portable, touch-sensitive screen used to control the projector. It is mounted to the rear of the projector and can be adjusted at any angle using the flexible double ball joint mount for convenient viewing and flexible operation in various installation configurations. The TPC provides users with a means for monitoring operation and status of the projector. Users can turn the lamp ON/OFF, select a specific source/ input, and obtain basic status information. Depending on the installation, the TPC can remain mounted to the projector or wall mounted anywhere else at the site. An optional extension cable is also available, which can be purchased separately to provide TPC access up to 100 feet away.
1.4.13 List of Components
Ensure the following components were received with the projector:
Projector with Touch Panel Controller User ManualWarranty CardWeb Registration FormLine Cord
NOTE: Lamp and Lens supplied separately.
1-10 CP2210 Setup Guide
020-100524-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010)
+ 40 hidden pages