Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, however in some cases changes in the products or availability could occur which may not be
reflected in this document. Christie reserves the right to make changes to specifications at any time without notice. Performance specifications are
typical, but may vary depending on conditions beyond Christie's control such as maintenance of the product in proper working conditions.
Performance specifications are based on information available at the time of printing. Christie makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this
material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Christie will not be liable for errors contained herein
or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or use of this material. Canadian manufacturing facility is ISO 9001
and 14001 certified.
Products are warranted under Christie’s standard limited warranty, the complete details of which are available by contacting your Christie dealer
or Christie. In addition to the other limitations that may be specified in Christie’s standard limited warranty and, to the extent relevant or
applicable to your product, the warranty does not cover:
a) Problems or damage occurring during shipment, in either direction.
b) Projector lamps (See Christie’s separate lamp program policy).
c) Problems or damage caused by use of a projector lamp beyond the recommended lamp life, or use of a lamp other than a Christie lamp supplied by Christie
or an authorized distributor of Christie lamps.
d) Problems or damage caused by combination of a product with non-Christie equipment, such as distribution systems, cameras, DVD players, etc., or use of a
product with any non-Christie interface device.
e) Problems or damage caused by the use of any lamp, replacement part or component purchased or obtained from an unauthorized distributor of Christie
lamps, replacement parts or components including, without limitation, any distributor offering Christie lamps, replacement parts or components through the
internet (confirmation of authorized distributors may be obtained from Christie).
f) Problems or damage caused by misuse, improper power source, accident, fire, flood, lightning, earthquake or other natural disaster.
g) Problems or damage caused by improper installation/alignment, or by equipment modification, if by other than Christie service personnel or a Christie
authorized repair service provider.
h) Problems or damage caused by use of a product on a motion platform or other movable device where such product has not been designed, modified or
approved by Christie for such use.
i) Problems or damage caused by use of a projector in the presence of an oil-based fog machine or laser-based lighting that is unrelated to the projector.
j) For LCD projectors, the warranty period specified in the warranty applies only where the LCD projector is in “normal use” which means the LCD projector is
not used more than 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
k) Except where the product is designed for outdoor use, problems or damage caused by use of the product outdoors unless such product is protected from
precipitation or other adverse weather or environmental conditions and the ambient temperature is within the recommended ambient temperature set forth in
the specifications for such product.
l) Image retention on LCD flat panels.
m) Defects caused by normal wear and tear or otherwise due to normal aging of a product.
The warranty does not apply to any product where the serial number has been removed or obliterated. The warranty also does not apply to any
product sold by a reseller to an end user outside of the country where the reseller is located unless (i) Christie has an office in the country where
the end user is located or (ii) the required international warranty fee has been paid.
The warranty does not obligate Christie to provide any on site warranty service at the product site location.
Preventative maintenance is an important part of the continued and proper operation of your product. Please see the Maintenance section for
specific maintenance items as they relate to your product. Failure to perform maintenance as required, and in accordance with the maintenance
schedule specified by Christie, will void the warranty.
REGULATORY (if applicable)
The product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in a commercial environment. The
product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of the product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which
case the user will be required to correct the interference at the user’s own expense.
CAN ICES-3 (A) / NMB-3 (A)
Laite on liitettävä suojakoskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan
Apparatet må tilkoples jordet stikkontakt
Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag
Apparatets stikprop skal tilsluttes en stikkontakt med jord, som giver forbindelse til stikproppens jord.
The product is designed and manufactured with high-quality materials and components that can be recycled and reused. This symbol
means that electrical and electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from regular waste. Please dispose of the
product appropriately and according to local regulations. In the European Union, there are separate collection systems for used electrical and
electronic products. Please help us to conserve the environment we live in!
Translated copie s of this document are provided on the CD in the back of this docu ment. The CD may a ls o con tain
additional produ ct documentation . Read all instruc tions before using or servicing this product.
Le CD au dos de ce document contient des traductions de celui-ci dans différentes langues. Ce CD peut également contenir de
la documentation supplémentaire sur le produit. Lisez toutes les instructions avant d'utiliser ou d'entretenir ce
Übersetzte Versionen dieses Dokuments werden auf der CD auf dem Vorsatzblatt dieses Dokuments bereitgestellt.
Die CD kann auch zusätzliche Produktdokumentation enthalten. Bitte lesen Sie diese Anweisungen vor der
Verwendung dieses Produkts oder vor der Ausführung von Wartungsarbeiten am Produkt.
Le copie tradotte di questo documento sono fornite sul CD, sul retro di questo documento. Il CD potrebbe anche
contenere altra documentazione sul prodotto. Si prega di leggere tutte le istruzioni prima di utilizzare questo
prodotto o sottoporlo a manutenzione.
Перевод данного документа представлен на компакт-диске на оборотной стороне документа.
Компакт-диск может также содержать дополнительную документацию по продукту. Перед
использованием или обслуживанием продукта ознакомьтесь со всеми инструкциями.
Las copias traducidas de este documento se proporcionan en el CD que se encuentra en la parte trasera. En el CD
también puede encontrar documentación adicional del producto. Lea todas las instrucciones antes de utilizar o
realizar el mantenimiento de este producto.
Before using the product ..................................................................................... 10
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 9
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
Before using the product
Warning! Failure to comply with the following could result in death or serious injury.
• Christie products must be installed and serviced by Christie qualified technicians.
• A minimum of four people or adequately rated lifting equipment are required to safely lift, insta ll,
or move the product.
• SHOCK HAZARD! Only use the AC power cord provided with the product or recommended by
• SHOCK HAZARD! Disconnect the produc t from AC befor e servic ing , c le ani ng , removing
components, or opening any enclosure.
• FIRE HAZARD! Do not use a power cord that appears damaged.
• SHOCK HAZARD! Do not attempt operatio n if the AC supply is no t within the s p ecified voltage and
power range, as specified on the license label.
• SHOCK HAZARD! The AC power cord must be inserted into an outlet with grounding.
• Always connect the ground first to reduce sho ck hazar d.
• TRIP OR FIRE HAZARD! Position all cables where they c annot contac t hot surfaces, be pulled, be
tripped over, or dam a ged by persons walki n g on or objects rolling over the cables.
Notice. Failure to comply with the fo llowing may result in property damage.
• Install the product at least 10 cm far from the wall. Othe rw is e it may affec t inte rnal temperature
to be increased and cause a fire.
• Do not install in locations wher e has vibr a tio n or in an unstable po s ition. Product fall may occur
and it might cause a damage. This may cause a fire.
• Do not install in places which dirt, mo is ture , s moke, muc h water or rain water can reac h.
• Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and do not place near hot objects such as a fire or heater heat.
This may cause a fire or shortening the product life.
• Do not place heavy objects on the product.
• Always provide proper ventila tio n fo r the prod uc t to prevent ov erhe a ting .
• Do not place the screen on a hard surface.
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 10
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
Package Handling
Warning! Failure to comply with the following could result in death or
serious injury.
• A minimum of four people or adequately rated lifting equipment are
required to safely lift, install, or move the product.
Notice. Failure to comply with the fo llowing may result in property
• Do not drop the panel or apply pressure to the sides of the bezel.
The small size of the bezel, which enables minimal image -to-image
gaps, means there is reduced protection of the LCD glass and
components. Dropping the panel or applying unnec e s s ary force to
the sides of the bezel will result in permanent damage .
• Extreme care must be taken when pushing the mounted display into
its locked position. Always handle the display on the opposing
corners of the frame to avoid direct contact with the LCD glass.
Due to the delicate n a ture of the display, we strongly recom m end that you use
the provided packing mate r ials a nd secure the package onto a pallet du r ing
Warning! Failure to comply with the following could result in death or
serious injury.
• A minimum of four people or adequately rated lifting equipment are
required to safely lift, install, or move the prod uc t.
To protect the pane l during transporta tion, each LCD panel is packed inside a
box carton and additional packing material has been placed within th e c a r ton .
1. Before unpacking, prepar e a s table, level, and clean surface near a wall
2. Set the box in an upright position and pull out the white cart on locks.
3. Lift off the top cover car ton.
4. Remove the ESD bag before remov in g the display from the bottom tray carton.
5. Remove the panel from the bottom tra y carton.
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 11
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
Handling and care
Caution! Failure to comply with the following could result in minor or moderate injury.
•Make sure the power connector and any other cables are unplugged before mov ing the product.
To avoid damaging your LCD panel, follow these guidelines when handling or moving the
•Always use the handles on the back of the LC D p a nel. Do not hold onto the
frame when transporting.
• Four people are requir ed when moving or raising the LCD pa nel.
• Hold an d s upport the LCD panel at each side and keep at an even height
above the ground.
• Do not twist or bend the pa nel.
• Use a cart to move the panel.
• To avoid da ma ging the screen, when the panel is sitting on a surface do not
tilt it more than 10 °.
Notice. Failure to comply with the fo llowing may result in property damage.
• Do not clean the product directly with a wet cloth or wet spray water.
Unplug the power cord before clean in g the LCD panel. Do not use a liqu id, s pr a y cleaners, or any abrasiv e
cleaners to clean the LCD panel.
After disconnecting the po w er c a ble, wipe contaminated parts and each part of the product screen lig htly with
a dry and soft cloth.
When washing by various cleaning agents, brighteners, abrasives, waxes, benzene, alcohol, solvent, surface
active agent, the surfa c e of the pr oduct may be damaged.
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 12
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
This Owner’s M an ual describes how to ins ta ll, set up and operate the LCD Panels. Throughout this m anual, the
LCD Panels are referred to c ollectively as the “display.”
The LCD Panel represent th e c utting edge of direct-view LCD technology. They combine ultra -high resolution
and unparalleled im age quality with c onfigurable I/O in a large-format display.
Key features and benefits
The display offers these k ey f ea tures and benefits:
• Display P or t 1. 2, HDMI1.4b Inputs with H igh-bandwidth Digital Content Protect ion (HDCP)
• Su pported O P S(Open Pluggable Specific a tion) slot: HDMI1.4b, DisplayPort 1.1, RS232
• Touch Capability:
o Precise, highly responsive touch tech nology
o High touch sensitivity–no pressure required
o Any touch: finger, glove d hand or pointer
o OS com p a tibility : Window s 7 and 8/8.1 , Mac OSX , Linux
Parts list
Your display is shipped with the following items. If a ny items are missing or d a m aged, please contact your
dealer or Customer Service.
• LCD Pa nel
• User manual
• IR Remote Controller U nit and battery (2 AAA)
• RS232 Cable (Length 1800mm)
• USB Cable (Length 3000mm)
• Ex ternal IR Receiver Kit
• Screw (M3x6) 2ea
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 13
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
Controls and functions
The illustration below shows the key display components. The appearance of actual components may diffe r
from the image shown.
Main power input and switch
Connects or disconnects the display panel from the AC power source.
100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz
IR receiver / power status LED
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 14
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
• On—Green or No color
• Standby—Red
• Power Save—Red-Green blinking or Red blinking
Using the keypad
Use the keypad instead of the remote control unit to operate the on-screen display (OSD) controls.
Button Description
On/Standby Press once to toggle from standby mode to on mode.
Press it again to return to standby mode.
▲ Source With no menus visible, to select a source press the ▲(SOURCE) button
When a menu is visible, this button operates as an up arrow.
When a menu is visible, this button operates as a down arrow.
+ Increases the volume.
When a menu is visible, this button operates identica lly to the right-arrow
(or SEL) button on the display remote control unit.
- Decreases the volum e .
When a menu is visible, this button operates identical ly to the lef t-arrow
button on the display remote control unit.
M Menu Displays the display (OSD), or exits the on-screen display (OSD) and
return to the previous menu.
Input / Output panel
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 15
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
⑥ ⑧ ⑩
⑦ ⑨
Audio Out (3.5 mm 3 pole)
To connect audio stereo output.
Audio In (3. 5 mm 3 pole)
To connect audio input.
VGA In (15-pin D-Sub)
To connect RGBHV (VGA) video input.
DisplayPort In
To connect DisplayPort 1.1a video and audio
HDMI 1 ~ 4 In
To connect HDMI 1.4b video and audio input.
Service In (USB A type)
To connect with a USB device for software
Touch In (USB B type)
To connect touch control system.
RS232C In (3. 5 mm 3 pole)
To connect an RS232 input cable with a control
IR In (3. 5 mm 4 pole)
To connect the external IR receiver kit.
OPS Slot (OPS Module is optional)
To connect an OPS (Open Pluggable Specification)
Internal Speaker (2 x 10W)
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 16
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
Remote Control
Label Description
3 ▲Move to the up menu
4 ▼Move to the down menu
◀ or -
▶ or +
Turns on or off the product
Select a connected source device
Confirm a menu selection
Decreases the sound volume or Move to the left menu
Increases the sound volume or Move to the right menu
Opens the product on-screen menu system. When the menu system is already ope n,
pressing this button will select the previo us sub menu
Provides source and resolution informati o n
Turns off the sound
Auto adjustment of VGA source
When using the re m ote, follow these preca utions:
•Make sure nothing is obstructing the infrared beam between the remot e c on tr ol and the IR receiver on
the display.
• If the effective ran g e of the remote control decreases or stops working, replace the batteries.
• The remote control may fail to operate if th e infrared remote sen s or is exposed to bright sunlight or
fluorescent lighting.
• Ma ke sure that the ba tter y polarities are corr ect when insta lling the batteries.
• If the remote control w ill not be used for a long time, remove the batteries to av oid dam a ge from
battery leakage.
•Do n ot expose batteries to excessive h e a t such as from sun sh ine or fire.
FHQ552-T and FHQ842-T LCD Touch Panels User Manual 17
020-000839-01 Rev. 1 (09-2015)
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