Chery RIICH 2 series User Manual

User’s Manual clarifies the agreement between Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and the User on the product quality warranty responsibility and the establishment and termination of after-sales service rights and responsibilities. Please read this User’s Manual carefully before using our products.
User’s Manual for Chery Riich 2 series
Sincere congratulations on y our own of one Chery Riich 2! Also, with great app reciation on your great favor on our company and our products. The personnel of Chery authorized service station are trained with good professional trainings, who will sincerely provide you with the top quality service.
Chery Riich 2 features advanced technology and prominent performances. Your choice of Chery Riich 2 will prove that you have extra-hi gh requirements on the vehicle performance and design. Please read this manual car efully, since the informat ion contained in this manual can let y ou underst and how t o operate and maintain y our vehicle properly so as to achieve the driving pleasure to the maximum extent. This user’s manual applies to the Chery Riich 2. Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.
This manual is established based on the detailed conditions of Riich 2 vehicles manufactured by Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., which only applies to the Riich 2 vehicles manufactured by Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.. This manual includes the latest information up to the date when this manual is printed. Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. will be wholly responsible for the modification and exp lanation of this manual and reserved the rights for product replacement after the print of this manual without any prior notice. So me pictures in t his manual are illustrations for reference only. The real art icle should take p recedence in cas e of any conflict be t ween t he p ict ur es and t he real articles. This manual is the main evidence for vehicl e qualit y w arranty. Please keep this manual in your vehicle so that it’s available whenever you need it. When you resell this vehicle, please hand over this manual and all the do cumentation attached with t his vehicle t o the new owner so that they are available whenever the new owner needs them.
Special Statement
Please make sure to read this manual, especially the chapter “Quality warranty service” before using this product, otherwise y ou may have no right t o take the service due to your improper usage. Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred as “Our Company” or “Chery Company”) defined the technical maintenance regulations of the new vehicle run in and of maintenance at various stages for t he products, including the first 5,000 km maintenance. Please make sure to abide by the above regulations since the above defined maintenance is vital to the safety operation and the maintaining of good running conditions of your vehicle. Your claim right will be forfeited in case of the failure of your vehicle or vehicle parts arising from t he abuse, negligence, improper use, the maintenance not in accordance with the specified mileage/period, or the warranty evidence not s igned or s t amp ed in accord ance wit h the requirements, or any unauthorized refit/attachment. Therefore, any direct or indirect warranty app lication thereof will not be accep ted by t he Chery authorized
service station. Any problems of Our Company’s products during use must be overhauled by the Chery authorized service station. During the overhaul process, Chery authorized service st ation is ent itled t o decide ba sed on the conditions t o perform the repair by means of repair or the replacement of equivalent parts. If you encountered anything unclear during the careful reading of t his manual, Chery Company and Chery authorized service st ation will giv e you t he detailed exp lanat ion. Also, the p recious advices of vast users are highly welcomed.
Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. reserved all copyrights of this manual
Wish you pleasant driving!
Chapter 1 Summary
Before reading this User’s Manual, you
should understand following things. ..........2
Equipm ent Sc ope ........................................ 2
Alarm Symbols within This Manual .............. 2
New Vehicle Inspection ................................3
Run in of New Vehicle ..................................3
Run in Regulation within 1,000 km ................. 3
Run in Regulation from 1,000 km to 1,500 km Notice during Run in Period
“One-To-One” Service .................................4
Vehicle Delivery Inspection Certificate ......5
Chery Vehicle Sale & Delivery Sheet “One-To-One” Counseling Service Card (Service Station)
The following items should be confirmed by the use r.
“One-To-One” Counseling Service Card .10
(Customer) ..................................................10
T able of contents
Common Vehicle Symbol Instruction ...... 11
Chapter 2 Driving ............................ 14
Start ............................................................. 15
............................................................................. 3
............................ 3
Engine Control System Self-adaptive
Function ...................................................... 17
..................................................................... 9
Engine RPM Limit
Engine stall ................................................. 17
The following items should be confirmed by the user:
Pr epar at ion bef or e S t ar t ............................. 15
Saf ety Not ic e ........................................... 15
Befor e Vehicle Star t .................................. 15
Engine S tar t ............................................. 16
Caution of Vehic le Exhaust Fume ............... 16
Vent ilation Not ice ..................................... 16
Dual-Circuit Brake Syst em ........................ 18
Bra ke Liqu id leve l a lar m ........................... 18
Operation Ins tr uction of Brake System ........ 18
Brake Boos ter : ......................................... 19
................................................................... 10
.................................... 17
........................................................... 18
Ant i-loc k Brake Sys tem ( ABS) ( ) ............ 19
Reaction of ABS ............................................... 19
Braking by taking Advantage of ABS A B S Self-Examination
Handbrake ............................................... 21
Shift .............................................................21
Paddling ......................................................22
Three-Way Catalytic Co nverter ...............22
Drive the Vehicle Equipped with a Catalytic
Converter ................................................ 23
The following conditions should be avoided: 23
Parking ........................................................23
Chassis Protection .................................... 24
Fuel Consumption ......................................24
The fuel consumption is influenced by the
following factor s : ..................................... 24
Essentials for Fuel- Saving Driving and
Environmenta l Protect ion: ......................... 25
Radiato r Fan ..............................................25
Instruction ............................................... 25
Chapter 3 Introduction of Vehicle
Functions & Instruction of Designations
............................................................ 27
........... 20
.................................... 20
I. Introduction of Vehicle Functions ..... 28
Steering wheel lock/ignition switch ............ 28
Horn ....................................................... 29
Windscreen Wiper & Cleaning S ys tem ........ 29
Intermittent Wip ing .................................. 30
Nor m al W ipi ng ........................................ 30
High Speed Wiping ................................... 30
Water S pr ay Sw itc h .................................. 30
Interior Rearview Mirror ........................... 30
Exterior rearview mirror ............................ 31
Sun Visor ................................................ 32
Control Switches on Front Left Door .......... 32
El ectrical Window (
Front left door .................................................. 32
Front Ashtray, Cigarette Lighter ................. 33
Headlamp sw itch ...................................... 34
Conversion of high beam/ dipped headlight . 34
Flic ker of Headlamp ................................. 34
Sw itches of Front & Rear Fogs .................. 34
Turning Indicator ..................................... 35
Interior Front and Middle Ceiling Lamps ..... 35
Danger Alarm Lamp S witc h ....................... 35
) ............................ 32
Braking Lamp .......................................... 36
Revers ing Lamp ....................................... 36
Sound System .......................................... 37
A/C System ............................................. 41
Central vent hole ...................................... 43
S ide a ir out let ........................................... 43
Defros t air outlet of front windscreen .......... 43
Ceiling Air Outlet and Control .................... 44
Control Panel ........................................... 45
Ventilation & Warm Air ............................. 45
Blow e r Switch ......................................... 46
Internal/ external circulation c ontr ol lever .... 46
Airflow Distribut ion Switch ....................... 46
A/C System ............................................. 48
II. Instruction of Designation ...........51
Ins trum ent Panel ( ) ................................ 51
Warning Dev ice ........................................ 53
Low Fue l Level Alarm Lamp ..................... 53
Par king br ake alarm lamp .......................... 53
Braking s ystem alarm lamp ........................ 54
Parking/position indicator lamp .................. 54
Saf ety belt alarm lamp ............................... 54
Engine def ect alarm lamp .......................... 55
High beam ind icator lamp .......................... 55
Turning signal ind icator lamp ..................... 55
Air bag a larm lamp ( ) ........................... 55
Low engine oil pressur e alar m lamp ............ 56
Battery charge indic tor lamp ...................... 56
Coolant tempe r ature/leve l alarm lamp ......... 56
Door not close alarm lamp ......................... 57
EPC defect alarm lamp .............................. 57
Braking d isc a larm lam p (
Maintenance indicat or lamp ....................... 57
Engine coolant tem per at ur e ga uge .............. 57
Fuel gauge ............................................... 58
Speedometer ............................................ 59
LCD ....................................................... 59
Engine t achom eter .................................... 60
) ..................... 57
Ch ap ter 4 Safety ............................... 61
Door Lock & Anti-theft ............................. 62
Key ........................................................ 62
Door Lock ............................................... 62
Sliding Door ............................................ 63
Central Contro l Lock (
Back Door ............................................... 64
Release Rod of Filler Cap ......................... 64
) ......................... 64
Open Engine Bonnet ..................................65
Remote Control System with Anti-Theft
F u nct ion ( ) ...............................................66
Door Lock & Unlock ................................ 66
Alarm ..................................................... 66
Remote Cont r ol ler Bat ter y Repl ac em ent ...... 67
Electroni c Anti-theft System ...................... 67
Seat & Safety Protection ...........................68
Seat ........................................................ 68
Correct Sitti ng Posture .............................. 68
Ad justment of Front Seats .......................... 68
Ad justment of Middle Seats ....................... 69
Adjust ment of Rear S eat s .......................... 69
Headrest .................................................. 69
Adjusting method of headrest: ....................... 69
Removing and assembling method of headrest:
Folding of Middle Seats ............................ 70
Fold ing of Rear S eats ................................ 70
Reposition of rear seats ................................... 70
Luggage Conveyance ................................ 71
Seat Safety Belt ..........................................71
Seat S af et y Belt Alarm Lamp ..................... 71
Fas t ening Seat S af et y Belt ......................... 72
Midd le 2-P oint S af et y Belt for Middle Seats 72
Maintenance of Seat Safety Belt ................. 72
Check seat safety belt ...................................... 72
Air Bag ( ) ................................................ 73
Front Ai r B ag ........................................... 73
Air Bag Alarm Lamp ................................ 74
Child Safety Seat ........................................ 74
Chapter 5 Emergency Procedures .... 77
Hazard Warning Flasher lamp ................. 78
Electronic Control Unit Support System
Duly Refuel ................................................. 78
Replace Bulbs ............................................. 79
Headlamp Unit (Including High Beam / Low
Beam / Position / Tur n Indic ator Lamps ) ..... 79
Ta ill ight Bu lb ........................................... 80
........................................................................... 70
High -Mounted Br aking Lamp Bu lb ............ 80
Lic ense P late Lamp Bulb ........................... 80
Interior Front Ceiling L am p Bu lb ............... 80
Luggage Boot Lamp Bu lb ......................... 81
Regulat e the Beam of Head lamp ................ 81
Fuse & Relay .............................................. 81
Fuse ........................................................ 81
Cartridge Fuse ......................................... 82
. 78
Replac e F use ............................................ 82
Engine Compartment Fuse Box .................. 83
Replace Wheel ............................................84
Spar e Wheel ............................................ 84
Driver Tool .............................................. 85
Ja ck L ift Poi nt .......................................... 85
Remove Wheel ......................................... 86
Install Wheel ............................................ 86
Battery ........................................................87
Safety Recommendations .......................... 87
Removal & Installation .............................. 88
Engine Battery-Ass isted Start Method ......... 88
Connect Down-Lead ................................. 89
Start Engine ............................................. 89
Remove Down-Lead ................................. 89
Tow Truck ...................................................89
Chapter 6 Repair & Maintenance .....90
Care & Maintenance .................................91
Services Offered by Chery’s Special Service
Station .........................................................91
Items You Have to Follow
General Ma int ena nce of Vehicl e ................. 92
Maintenance Schedule ............................... 92
Daily Check: ..................................................... 92
Please check the following items while
refueling: .......................................................... 92
Monthly Check:
............................................... 92
Maintenance Items in Engine
Compartme nt ............................................. 93
Engine Oil Dipstick .................................. 94
Engin e O il Fi lle r C ap ................................ 94
Brake F luid ............................................. 95
Engine Coolant Res ervoir .......................... 95
Chec k P ow er Steering F luid Level .............. 96
Windscreen Cleaning Fluid Reser voir ......... 97
Chec k Wiper Blad e ................................... 97
Replac e Wiper Blade ................................ 98
Tire ........................................................ 98
Replace Tire ............................................ 98
T ire Chain ............................................... 99
Driving Belt ............................................. 99
Wash Ve h icle ..........................................100
Aut om atic Vehicle Was her ........................100
Was h Vehicle Manua l ly ............................100
.................................................... 97
Check the tension of driving belt ................. 100
Use cold or slightly-warm water to wash the vehicle only.
.................................................... 100
Clean Headlamp ..................................... 101
Clean Rear Windsc reen ........................... 101
Ant i-Corrosion of Chass is ........................ 101
Clean Wheel .......................................... 101
Cleaning Products ................................... 101
Paint Removal Tr eat ment ......................... 101
Paintwork Pr otection ............................... 101
Leather F abric Car e ................................ 102
Clean Radiator ....................................... 102
Regulations on Regular Maintenance ....103
Maintenance Record
Safety Protection System ......................... 114
Replacement Record of Air Bag System Replacement Record of Air Bag System 114 Replacement Record of Air Bag System 115 Replacement Record of Air Bag System Replacement Record of Air Bag System 115
Chapter 7 Quality Warranty Service
Warranty for Complete Vehicle .............. 117
Quality Warranty Period for Special Parts (lim ited to orig inal quality problems only): .117
Chapter 8 Capacity and Specification
.......................................................... 116
Coverage of Warrant y .............................. 118
Items not covered by warranty .................. 118
Spar e P ar ts Warranty ................................121
Vehicle Identification Description .......... 124
VIN .......................................................125
Engine Number .......................................125
Vehicle Nameplate ...................................125
Fuel ............................................................ 125
Fuel tank c apac ity: ..................................125
Engine oil .................................................. 126
Replac e t he engine oil ..............................126
Refil l the engine oil .................................126
Vehicle Fluid ............................................. 126
T ransmission oil ......................................126
Manual transmission ..................................... 126
Pow er steering oil ....................................127
Brake f luid and clutch oil .........................127
Coolant ..................................................127
Wi ndscreen cle aning fl uid ........................127
Weig ht ....................................................... 127
Mass Parameters
....................................... 123
..................................... 129
Wheel and Tire .........................................130
Tire pressure .......................................... 130
Tightening torque of wheel bolt ................ 130
Wheel ................................................... 130
Engine Data .............................................. 131
Vehicle Dimension .................................... 132
Dimension (mm) ............................................ 132

Chapter 1 Summary


Before reading this User’s Manual, you should understand following things.

Thanks for your purchase of Chery vehicle. In order to operate your vehicle properly and guarantee your rights and benefits, please spend some time to read this manual car efu lly.
This manual provides the important instruct ions and hints on t he daily driving and regular maintenan ce and care, with the purpose for your familiarity with the operation of your vehicle. Only the more understanding to your vehicle can guarantee the safety and economy of the vehicle driving as well as enjoy the pleasure thereof.
Any improper operation may damage your vehicl e as well as may be de p rive of y our claim right.
The periodical maintenance to your vehicle will help maintain the driving performance and used value of your
vehicle. The Chery authorized service stations all over the country boasted numerous repair experts to provide you with service anytime. The repair personnel of all authorized service stations, who passed the professional trainings, can properly repair your vehicle and vehicle equipment. The spare parts in Chery authorized service station are Chery genuine spare parts.

Equipment Scope

This manual defined the maximum possible equipment scope installed in accordance wit h the ser ies Riich 2 mode l plan till the print date, namely for all the standard equipment and optional equipment in series Riich 2 model, some equip ment may be supplied in the future or may be only available in certain markets. Therefore, some items in this manual may not apply to your vehicle.

Alarm Symbols within This Manual

During the veh icle op eration, p ay attention to how to reduce the damage to the vehicle and the
vehicle equipment, and how to avoid the p erson injury? In this manual, t he answer for such question is included in the explanation for the alarm symbols with triangle. Please read carefully and abide by the contents thereof.
The equipment marked with
asterisk (*) is only used in lot siz e on certain model structures, which is supp lied as opt ional equip ment for some models or is only available in certain markets.
When this symbol is present on
the vehicle, make sure to read t he relat ed ch ap t er s of t his manual before any operation.
working of environmental protection. It’s the important step to achieve such objective by operating your vehicle properly and disp osing t he used clean in g articles and lubricating materials in accorda n ce w it h t he law s and r e gulat ions . This manual disp lays the information on this aspect by means of tree symbol.
We must contribute our
res p ons ibi lity and liabi lit y in t he

New Vehicle Inspection

Before deliver in g t he vehicle to y ou, the dealer of Chery Company has already performed the vehicle inspection in accordance with the regulations of Chery Aut omobile Co., Ltd. T he dealer of Chery Company should fill in the vehicle delivery date in the “Vehicle Delivery Inspection Certificate” column of this manual and seal with t he st amp of dealin g agency.
The dealer should verify the entire vehicle performance and introduce the operation knowledge of the vehicle against the “Chery Vehicle Sale & Delivery Card” dually signed by the salesman and the user.

Run in o f New Vehi cle

Due to the manufacture and assembling deviations, the friction resistances between the moving components of the new vehicle at the initial stage of operation will be much greater than the ones in normal condition. The run in effects of the vehicle at the init ial stage of op eration will exert
great influence on the use lifetime, working reliability and economy of the vehicle, therefore, the use of new vehicle must abide by the run in regulations strictly.

Run in Regulation within 1,000 km

Full speed driving is absolutely
Generally, do not drive the vehicle at
the speed above 100 km/h;
Avoid driving at the top speed at any

Run in Regulation from 1,000 k m to 1,500 km

Increase to t he top speed gr adually or
drive at the allowable max. engine speed.

Notice during Run in Period

For the driving of vehicles with engine tachometer, the allowed short period top
engine speed is 6000 r/min. During the manual ge arshift, make sure to shift to the next high gear when the engine tachometer indicator reached red indication area at the latest.
Avoid the runnin g of en gine at unnecessary high speed. The
earlier shift to high gear will help save the fuel, reduce the working noise as well as diminish the environmental pollution.
The engin e sp eed should not be exces sive low during drivin g. Shift t o p rop er gear at reasonable time.
In cold engine condition, do not run t he engine at t op speed on neutral gear or any other driving gear.
The new t ires don’t have best adhesion at the beginning of use; therefore, the tires also need run in. The vehicle speed should be relatively low during first 100 km driving and the driving should be extremely careful.
The new brake friction linin g a lso needs run in, since the brake doesn't have ideal friction force dur in g first 200 km drivin g. During this period the brake effect is a little p oor, t herefore t he pressure on brake p edal may be reasonably increas ed. Such condi t ion is als o ap plica ble e ach t im e it ’s replaced with new friction lining.
When the new vehicle traveled up to 800km, the wheel nuts must be re-tightened to the specified torque. Please refer to the chapter “Specification and Parameters” of this manual for correct torque values. Also, if the wheel has been replaced or the wheel nuts have been loosened, then the wheel nuts should be re-tightened in accordance with the specified torque after 800km.

“One-To-One” Se rvi ce

In order to provide you wit h better service and vehicle use, the dealer of Chery Company will appoint one service counsel to serve you at the purchase of your vehicle. In case of any problems during your vehicle use, you may contact your
service counsel, who will provide you with best service.
Vehicle Owner Name (Unit) Responsible Service Station Name

Ve hicle Delivery Inspection Ce rtifica te

This is to certify that this vehicle has completed the vehicle delivery insp ection defined by Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and its quality meets with the technical specification of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.
Vehicle Delivery Date:
Dealer Stamp:
—————————————————— —————————————————————
—————————————————— —————————————————————
Address ————————————— Responsible ————————————
Body VIN No.:
Transmi ssion No.:
Delivery Date
Dealer Stamp
Engine S e rial No.:

Chery Vehicle Sale & Delivery Sheet

Engine oil, brake liquid, st eering liquid, cool ant, batt ery liquid, windscreen
VIN number, engine serial number, nameplate and other identifications
Entire vehicle locks and keys
5 Entire vehic le lamps, including head lamp, t urn lamp, fog lamp, combined
Windscreen glass and body paint
Speedometer, engine tachometer, odometer
Hub cap, spare tire, vehicle attached tools and entire vehicle operation
Safety belt, s eat, cigar ett e lighter, A/C swit ch and vent, glove box and sun
Glass lifter, rear view mirror, wiper, washer, horn, radio (CD player) and
Category No. Item Whether it’s inspected OK
cleaning liquid.
lamp, compartment lamp, brake lamp, backup lamp, tail lamp, reading lamp, and instrument lamp.
and clearly explained
Salesman Signature: Date: User Signature: Date:
1 93# gasoline fuel Yes No 2 Normal operation during run in. Yes No 3 Operation of entire vehicle lamps Yes No 4 Meaning of alarm indicators Yes No 5 Correct maintenance period and mileage Yes No 6 Vehicle maintenance items in winter and summer. Ye s No 7 Correct understanding of cooling system/coolant usage. Yes No 8 Correct operation of A/C Yes No 9 Notices for vehicle start Ye s No
10 Correct operation of audio equipment Yes No
Form one-Saved by service stations
“One-To-One” Counseling Servi ce Card
(Service Station)
User Name: Vehicle Purchase Date Sales Agency: Model: Vehicle VIN Number:

The follow in g i tems s hould be con fi r m ed by th e use r.

I. Relat ed it ems confirmat ion at vehicle delivery (“√" for Yes as
“×” for No)
Basic vehicle op eration method has been introduced and the
onsite delivery inspection is certified OK.
Quality warranty policy has been introduced. Vehicle driving notice has been introduced. The importance of vehicle periodical maintenance and
maintenance period/mileage has been introduced.
The importance of vehicle maintenance/repair at Chery
authorized service station has been noted.
User’s Manual has been handed over and the reading is
The function and operation method of service hotline of Chery
Company has been noted.
II. “One-To-One” counselin g servi ce mod e introduction (“√” for
Yes as “×” for No)
Cont act the s ervice couns el inst ead of any one else in case of
any problems or needs.
The service counsel appointed by the service station is the
exclusive person to communicate and contact with the user.
One user is only served by one service counsel: “One-To-One” User may choose other service counsel when he dissat isfies
with current service counsel.
III. M ajor job int roduction of service counsel (“√” for Yes as “×”
for No).
Repair maintenance service reception Complaint acceptance Periodical maintenance reminding visits Repair/Maintenance counsel explanation Periodical greeting visits Repair/maintenance reserv ation acceptance Service activity reminding visits Annual authentication reminding/acceptance Important festival greetings Other activities of user’s needs
IV. Establishment of “One-To-One” counseling service
Service Counsel Card
User Signature/Date: Service Counsel Signature/Date:

“One-To-One” Counseling Service Card


User Name: Vehicle Purchase Date Sales Agency: Model: Vehicle VIN Number:

The follow in g i tems s hould be con fi r m ed by th e use r:

I. Relat ed items confirmation at vehicle delivery (“√" for Yes as
“×” for No)
Basic vehi cle oper ation method has been introduced and the
onsite delivery inspection is certified OK.
Quality warranty policy has been introduced. Vehicle driving notice has been introduced. The importance of vehicle periodical maintenance and
maintenance period/mileage has been introduced.
The importance of vehicle maintenance/repair at Chery
authorized service station has been noted.
User’s Manual has been handed over and the reading is
The function and operation method of service hotline of Chery
Company has been noted.
II. “One-To-One” counselin g servi ce mod e introduction (“√” for
Yes as “×” for No)
Cont act the s ervice couns el inst ead of any one else in case of
any problems or needs.
The service counsel appointed by the service station is the
exclusive person to communicate and contact with the user.
One user is only served by one service counsel: “One-To-One” User may choose other service counsel when dissatisfied with
current service counsel.
III. M ajor job int roduction of service counsel (“√” for Yes as “×”
for No).
Repair maintenance service reception Complaint acceptance Periodical maintenance reminding visits Repair/Maintenance counsel explanation Periodical greeting visits Repair/maintenance reserv ation acceptance Service activity reminding visits Annual authentication reminding/acceptance Important festival greeting Other activities of user’s needs
IV. Establishment of “One-To-One” counseling service
Ser vic e Counsel Card
User Signature/Date: Service Counsel Signature/Date:
Form two-Saved by customer

C ommon Vehi cle Sy mb ol Instruction

Window regulator
Window regulator
Engine oil pressure
Rear fog indicator
Engine trouble
Coolant temperature indicator (red
Front fog indicator
Symbol Definition
Engine self-examination trouble light
switch forbidden
li ght
li ght
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
ABS Anti-lock brake system
war ning lamp
Cigarette lighter
Position lamp
alarm lamp
Audible alarm
Battery charge
Air bag trouble
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
A/C A/C system switch
indicator lamp
High beam lamp
Low beam lamp
Head lamp switch
Brake system trouble alarm lamp
Fasten the safety belt
Hazard flash warning lamp
Power + pole
Air bag identification
Windscreen cleaning
Vehicle maintenance indicator
Windscreen defrosting
Parking brake
Rear windshield
Warning light for
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
Lockup indicator
Unlock indicator
door open
Right turn indicator
Low fuel l eve l al arm indicator
heating indicator
Interior lamp switch indicator
Left turn indicator
Internal air circulation
External air circulation

Chapter 2 Driving

The long period high speed
the engine and the exhaust system,
Do not start the vehicle in the
locations since the vehicle


Preparation before Start

The engine start is controlled by the engine electrical control system.
Do not step on the accelerator before start and during start when starting the elect ric al inj ect ion en gine. T he acce ler at or should be used only when having difficult in starting. Please refer to the “Engine Start” for the details of vehicle start.
idling running of the engine will result in the overheating of
which may result in the danger of fire or other damages. Therefore, do not p a rk on the ground covered with dry grass and other dry coverings.
closed gara ge or other closed
exh aust gas is poisonous . M ake s ure t o op en t he gara ge gate bef ore t he en gin e start. Refer to the section “Caut ion of Vehicle Exhaust Fume” for details.

Safety Notice

The idle speed of the en gin e is controlled by the electrical cont rol syst em. The idle sp eed at engine st art is quit e high to help increas e the en gine t emper ature. The idle speed should reduce automatically when the engine temperature is increased. Please deliver your vehicle to the Chery authorized service station for overhauling if the idle speed can’t reduce automatically. Do not run the engine at the sp eed high er than specified idle speed for more than 10min.

Before Vehicle Start

1. M ake sur e all p as s enger s ar e fas t ened
with safety belt. Please refer to the chapter “Seat and Safety Protection” for the details of safety belt and its correct operation method.
2. Make sure the front head lamp and
other electrical fittings are turned off.
3. Make sure to lift up the handbrake.
4. M ake sur e t hat t he gear se lect or lev er
is at neutral gear.
5. Switch the ignition switch to “”, but
not to ().
If the rotation of the key needs great effort, it may rot at e the steering around, till the key can rotate freely. The occurrence of such condition may have following causes:
Deflection of front wheel.
T he front wheel touched with the road
The steering wheel is rotated during
get -on and get-off (self-lock of the steering wheel).
If you smell the fume
authorized service station for overhauling immediately. Do not
6. At the same time when the ignition
key is t urned on, make sure that the dashboard alarm lamp lights shortly. If not, then it needs to deliver your vehicle to the Chery authorized service station for overhauling.
If the driver safet y belt is fastened before turning on the ignition key, then the safety belt alarm lamp won’t light.

Engine Start

1. Rot ate t he ignit ion switch t o the “
position but not step down the accelerator, release the key after the engine st art and t he key will return to the“” position.
2. If t he temp erature is normal or higher,
then the engine can not be started within 5s during the start, and then rotat e the key to t he “B” p osit ion and wait for 10s before retrying.
3. If t he temp erature is lower, the engine
can not be started within 15s during start, and then rotate the key to t he “B” position and wait for 10s before retry ing. If the two consecutive starts
all fai l, then st ep down the accelerat or p rop erly and then rotat e the key to the
” position. After the engine start, release the key and release the acce lerat or p edal s low ly as t he engin e
speed increases.
4. After the engine start, run at idle speed
for several seconds, step down the clutch, shift to the drive gear, release the handbrake and then be ready to drive.
5. The normal environment temperature
condition of the engine start is
-25-+40 (it m ay ha ve othe r abnormal conditions when the environment t emperate is out of such scope).

Caution of Vehicle Exhaust Fume

Although the vehicle exhaust fume is little poisonous, it contains the carbon monoxide, of which the danger must be cautioned. The certain contents in the engine exhaust gas and the certain chemi cals cont aine d or em it t ed by cer t ain vehicle components may result in the
cancer, the defect of the newborn.
peculiar smell within the vehicl e, please deliver your vehicle to the Chery
continue to drive. The exhaust fume is poisonous that may endanger the life.
The exhaust system and the vehicle ventilation system should be checked under the following conditions:
When the vehicle is lifted for
When the sound of exhaust system is
When the veh icle is d amage d due to
the collision.

Ventilation Notice

When the vehicle is parked in the open field for long period idle, the window should be opened for at least 2.5cm. Or open the A/C system ventilation function to let the fresh air into the vehicle.
Clean t he snow, leaf fall or other foreign articles
Please do not st ep down the
Turn off the ignition switch, the
engine and the radiator
again du e to excessive high
Therefore, cautions
blocked in vent so as to
make sure good ventilation.

Engine Control System Self-a da pt i ve Function

If the batt ery cable is on ce removed from the battery, after connection again, the vehicle may present some abnormal phenomenon during the initial period of the driving. This is t hat the engine cont rol system is re-learning to adapt to the engine, which is normal.

Engine RPM Limit

The highest speed limit In order to avoid the engine overspeed,
when the rpm exceeds the highest regu lated sp eed, the ECU w ill cut off t he injection pulse, and the injector stops injection. It works again when the rpm decreases within the range of the normal speed.
Fuel supply is cut off at the time of sudden deceleration
To reduce the fuel consumption and exh aust p ollution, when t he throt tle valve closes suddenly, if the engine rpm is higher than the set idle speed, the ECU will cut off the injection p ulse. When t he rp m de creas es w it hin t he set idl e sp eed, it resumes the fuel injection.

Engine stall

Release the accelerator pedal. Wait the engine to lower to idle speed and then turn off the ignition switch.
accelerator pedal before turning off the engine.
After long p eriod high sp eed drivin g, do not turn off the engine immediately during parking. Run the engine at the speed higher than idle speed for two more minutes so as to lower the engine temperature gradually.
temperature will still be very high after the t urn-off of the
electrical cooling fan will still keep running about 10min. Even the cooling fan stops running, it may run suddenly
temperature. should be taken when working near the
In case of the failure of one
In case of the occurrence of such condition, please deliver your vehicle to the Chery authorized service station for
Please refill with brake liquid immediately to
deliver your vehicle to the Chery authorized service station for the


Dual-Circuit Brake System

Your vehicle is equipped with “X” dual-circuit brake system. The other circuit will still keep effective operation even if one circuit has fault.
brake circuit, it will needs
more force to s tep down the brake pedal and the st op dist ance will be lengthened.
overhauling before you continue your journey.

Brake Liquid level alarm

If the brake fluid level warning lamp is on, which shows the brake fluid level has been lower than the lowest level, and it needs to be refilled immediately. The brake liquid level should be checked periodically in accordance with the requirements.
between M AX and MIN marking and
checking of the brake system.
maintain the liquid level

Ope ration Instruction of Brake System

It’s quite normal if the brake system issues noise occasionally. The long period grinding or screaming noise bet ween the met al and t he met al may indi cat e t hat t he brake disc was severely worn out and should be replaced. At that time, please deliver your vehicle to the Chery authorized service station for overhauling. If there is consecutive shake or shock
transmitted to the steering wheel during braking, please deliver your vehicle to Chery authorized service station for overhaulin g immediately. The new brake lining can achieve best brake eff ects only after run in. The brak e effect s may be slight ly lowered within the initial 200k m. Under such condition, the brake effects can be compensated by enhancing the prop er force on the pedal. This essential point also applies to the new brake lining after replacement. The worn-out status of the brake lining depends on the working condition and driving method to large extent. For the vehicl es mainly for city transp ort ation, the working condition of the brake lining is relatively poor due to the frequent start and stop. Therefore, make sure to deliver your vehicle to the Chery authorized service st ation for the checking of brake lining thickness or the replacement of brake lining in accordance with the maintenance mileage specified in the Maintenance. For downward slope driving, it should shift t o low gear at p roper time so as t o sufficiently take advantage of the brake
All pedals should be
effects of the engine and reduce the load of brake system. At that moment, the brake pedal should be stepped down all the time even the braking is required.
The moisture brake disc will reduce the brake efficiency. After paddling, heavy rain or car wash, it should step down the brake pedal slightly to generate friction heat between the brake disc and t he brake lining so as to evaporate the water and resume brake effects.
If the vehicle is equipped with front
overheats due to poor heat dissipat ion to reduce the brake effects.
sp oiler, it should ensure the free airflow to the front brake; ot her wis e t he br ake s y st em may
The brake booster is subject to the control
of engine v acuum. This device will act only when the engine
is running. Therefore, do not turn off the engine for sliding when driving on downward slopes.

Brake Booster:

If the brake booster can’t function because the vehicle is trailed or it ’s due t o its ow n fault, then it needs to enhance the stepping force to compensate the boosting effects of the booster.
stepped down to the end
Therefore, it’s preferable not to place the foot cushion or other covering on the floor around the pedal. If really needed, then make sure that the placement of foot cushion won’t obstruct the pedal movement without any sliding.
and should fully return with free movement.
Anti-lock Brake Sys tem (ABS)
The ant i-lock brake system can avoid the lock of the wheels that can keep the st eering performance of t he v ehicle ev en
under emergent braking so as to escape the obstacles.
The ABS on this vehicle inte grat es EBD system (Electric Brake force Distribution), making the ABS performance better.
Reaction of ABS
The ant i-lock brake sy st em will func tion only during brak in g. During braking, the pulse movement of the brake pedal together with the noise indicates t hat the ABS is under working. Such pulse movement and noise are normal. At such moment, do not release the pedal.
Though ABS can ensure t he best brake effects,, the stop
conditions. The ABS can’t always make sure to reduce the braking distance, such as on sand or snow
than the one of the vehicle without
foregoing vehicle, paddlin g, e xc essive
The lighting of ABS alarm
Braking by taking Advantage of ABS
The consecutive stepping down the brake pedal with full force under emergent condition will actuate the antilock brake syst em immediat ely t o keep the control of steering. If with enough space, you still can escape the obstacles.
It’s recommended that you should get famil iar with this brake technology first ly ; however, any unnecessary adventures should be avoided.
distance will have great
difference depending on the road
ground, the braking distance of the vehicle with ABS may be much longer
ABS. Also, taking advanta ge of AB S can’t eliminate the dangers arising from the excess ive short dist ance wit h
fast t urn or poor road as well as avoid t he accid ents aris in g from t he car eles s and incorrect driving. Please drive careful ly and decelerat e the dr iving at
ABS Self-Examination
The ABS will conduct the self-examination after the vehicle start. The mechanical noise can be heard durin g this period, which is quite normal.
lamp during driving indicates
the fault in the AB S system. Please park the vehicle and cont act with Chery authoriz ed service st ation timely to repair the ABS system.


Pull up the handbrake handle after parking so as to avoid the humping due to temporary carelessness. The hand brake handle is located at the middle of the front row of seats.
handbrake handle before leaving the vehicle.
The brake lamp will light when applied with handbrake under the condition that the ignition switch is turned on.
Pull up the handbrake lever when using handbrake.
Make sure to pull up the
When releasin g the handbrake, p ull up the handbrake lever slightly, push down the release butt on at the end of the handle and push downward.
The handbrake is applied on the rear wheels. It can step down the brake pedal at the same time t he handbrake is p ulled up so t hat it can pull up t he handbrake much easier.


Use/Operation Method and Notices:
During gearshift, fully s tep dow n t he
clutch pedal and release the driver from the engine torque and then operate the gearshift lever for gearshift rapidly.
The low speed gear should be used for
downward slop es and turns . The slide with disengaged clutch is not allowed.
When shifting the transmission from
low gear to high gear, do not conduct gear skip operation; otherwise the service life of t he sy nchronizer will be affected.
The forced gearshift by means of
sy nchronizer to start the engine under neutral gear and engine stall status is strictly prohibited; otherwise the service life of the synchronizer will be affected.
The flap method (namely the operation
method of one pulling and one releasing) is strictly prohibited during gearshift. Please always hold the transmission lever with hand so as to greatly reduce the slide and friction time and the worn-out of the synchronizer lock ring.
Do not leave your hand on the gear
selector lever during driving; otherwise it will result in the early worn-out of the gearshift fork.
In case of the detection of any
abnor mal evidenc es s uch as abnormal noise of the transmission or the obvious heavier operation during use, p lease st op the vehicle for insp ection immediately and continue the driving once the trouble is resolved.


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