ChemoMetec NucleoCounter NC-250 User Manual

NucleoCounter® NC-250™
Instrument User's Guide
Revision 1.3
991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016
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991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016
Flexible Cell Counter
P / N 9 9 1 - 0 2 51 (E n g l i s h )
R e vi s i o n 1 . 3
J u ne , 2 0 1 6
ChemoMetec A/S
Gydevang 43, DK-3450 Allerod, Denmark
Telephone: (+45) 48 13 10 20, Fax: (+45) 48 13 10 21
Intern et: m,
E-mail: m
991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016
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991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016
This equ ip ment must b e operated as d es cr ib ed in this U se r’ s Gui de a nd documents re ferred to h erei n. Pl ea se read the e ntire guide and refe rr ed d ocuments before atte mp ti ng to use t hi s unit. Ple as e pay attention t o that gloves o r protective cl othing are no t worn on the ill us trations/pi ctur es shown in this User ’s Guide. How ever , Chem oM etec A /S does recom me nd that the u se r wear su itab le protective c lothing etc.
Contacting support
Techni ca l information i nclu ding produc t literature, a ns wers to q ue st ions regarding the operation of th e NucleoCo un ter NC- 250 no t covered i n this document and re fe rred doc uments is availabl e through the followin g:
For e- ma il support, s en d questio ns t o Nu cleoCount er
NC- 250™ T echn ical Suppor t on the addr es s
Suppor t@ ch em omet
Check ou t the FAQ secti on under su pp or t at www.chemo me tec. com To speak w ith a Techn ic al S upport Specia li st, call (+ 45 ) 48 13 10 20 .
Please n ot e the NucleoC ou nter NC- 250™ ser ia l number an d ha ve it availab le when contact in g ChemoMetec A/ S fo r su pport. Th e Nu cleo Coun ter NC- 250™ s er ial number is f ound on t he label af fi xe d to the rear of the instrume nt . The versi on num ber of th e Nuc le oV iew NC-250™ sof tw are shall als o be noted, thi s ca n be foun d on the He lp – About me nu item in th e Nucle oV iew NC-250™ sof tw ar e.
Sales and ordering information
For sa le s assista nc e with Nucleo Counte r NC- 250™ o r th e Nucle oV ie w NC-250™ s of twar e, to pla ce a n order for a Nucl eoCo unter NC- 250™ o r consumables , ca ll (+45) 48 1 3 10 20, fax (+ 45) 48 13 10 21 , or send e -mail to Sales@ch em ometec .com
Disclaimer Notices
The ma te ri al in thi s document and referre d do cuments i s for informa ti on o nly and is su bject to ch an ge without notice. Wh ile reasona bl e effo rts have be en ma de in prepa ra tion of these document s to assure the ir accuracy , Chem oM etec A /S assumes no l iability re su lt ing from erro r s or om is si on s in these documents, or from the u se of the i nformation cont ai ned herein.
Chem oM etec A /S reserves t he right to m ake changes in th e product d es ign without r es ervation an d wi thout notifi ca ti on to its u se rs.
Copyright Notices
Copyrigh t © ChemoMe te c A/S 2 010. All rights re se rv ed . No part o f th is public at ion a nd referred d oc um ents ma y be r ep roduced, st or ed in a r et ri ev al system , or tra nsmitted in any form o r by any means, e lectronic, mechanic al , photocopying, r ecording or o ther wise, w itho ut the pr ior w ritten cons en t of ChemoM etec A /S, Gydevang 4 3, DK-3 45 0 Alle rod, De nm ar k.
Chem oM etec a nd NucleoCoun ter are registe re d trademarks ow ned by Chem oM et ec A/S. Nucle oC ount er, Nucleo Ca ss ette, NC- sl ide and Nuc le oV iew are tradema rk s of Chem oM etec A /S.
All ot he r trademarks ar e the pro pe rt y of their re sp ective owners.
991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016
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Declaration of Conformity
991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016 vii
Declaration of Conformity
Name of product: NucleoCounter
Type: Flexible Cell Counter Other identifying data: Part no. 900-0251
We declare under our sole responsibility that the products, to which this declaration relate s, are in confor mity with the Council Directives on the approximation of the laws of the EEC Membe r States relating to the following:
Electromagnet ic Compatibility (2 004/108 /EC). EMC Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC) LVD Machin ery D irective (2006 /42/EC) MD
Standards EMC:
EN 61326-1:2006 Electrical equip ment for laboratory use EN 61000-3-2: 2006 Limits for harmonic current emissions EN 61000-3-3: 1995 +A1 +A2:2005 Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flick er
Standards LVD:
EN 61010-1:2001 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measur ement, control, and laboratory use
Standards MD:
EN 12100-1: 2003 Safety o f machinery; Basic co ncepts, general principl es for design Part 1 EN 12100-2: 2003 Safety o f machinery; Basic conc epts, g eneral principles for design Part 2: EN ISO 14121-1:2007 Safet y of ma chinery; risk assessment
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Ope ration is subj ect to the following two condition s: (1) this devi ce may not cause harmful inter ference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including int erferen ce that may cause undesired operation.
Date: 2012-Sept-3rd Signed:
Name: Sarah R. Rasmu ssen
Position: QA/QC Managers
Name and address of manufacturer:
ChemoM etec A/S Gydevang 43 DK-3450 Allerod DENMAR K
Declaration of Conformity
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WEEE directive information – Europe only
991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016 ix
WEEE directive information – Europe only
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) - Europe only
This marking sh own on the product or its literature, indicates that it should not be disposed togeth er with other household wastes at the end of it s working life. To prevent possibl e harm to the en vironment or human health from uncontro lled waste disposal, pl ease separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reu se of material resources.
Busine ss user s should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This p roduct should not be mixed with other commerc ial wastes for disposal.
This information is listed in “Appendix B: WEEE directive infor mation in more EU languages”.
WEEE directive information – Europe only
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Introduction and intended use
991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016 xi
Introduction and intended use
The Nu cleoCounter® NC-250™ is a co mpact cell -analyzer intended to be used for advanced cell analysis within the life-science and pharmaceutical markets. The NucleoCounter® NC­250™ system is intended for research use only, not for diagnostic use. Th e NucleoCounter® NC-250™ uses special designed slides with 2 or 8 chambers. This will cover an analysis volume from 0.8µl to 16µl.
The Nu cleoCounter® NC-250™ is a highly advanced cell analyzer based on fluor escence microscopy using d igital camera technology with low magnification an d advanced image analysis. Num erous properties of the individual cel ls can be analyz ed with the solid-state integrated triple-light sou rce (365 nm, 50 0 nm and a white dark field light source) and with a dual-band emission filter. Spatial position is main tained from wavelength to wavelength enabling direct comparison of the different parameters detected or quantified on each individual cell. The l ow magnification (x2) guarantees a high analysis volume an d thus ensure s a high stati stical performance.
Specially designed sample illumination eliminates the risk of bleaching of adjacent sampl e material and therefore several images can be exposed in the same sa mple window. Since no tubes, valves, ho ses etc. are present th e instrument is virtually service and maintenance free.
The Nu cleoCounter® NC-250™ part number at Ch emoMetec A/S is 900 -0251.
Introduction and intended use
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Warnings and precaut ions
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Warnings and precautions
Whenever the symbo l appears on the NucleoC ounter® NC-250™ instrument, it indicates that the manual must be consulted for pr ecautions and warnings.
Power and cables
Use th e shielded USB cable supplied with the Nu cleoCounter® NC-250™ to ensure that appropriate EMI classification is maintain ed for the intended environment.
The USB interface connector of the NucleoCounter® NC-250™ must only be connected
to SELV circuits. External computing devi ces connected to the USB int erface connector of the NucleoCounter® NC-250™ has to co mply with the standards, UL 1950 and IEC/EN
Table 1. Description of th e NucleoCounter® USB interface connector
NucleoCounter® NC-250™ is powered by an ext ernal 24VDC power supply . For safe u se, please follow the inst ructions for connecting the power supply.
The NucleoCounter® NC-250™ shall only be used with an external power supply
purchased at ChemoMetec A/S.
The d etachable DC power supply cord set and applia nce inlet of the external power
supply are considered as the disconnecting devic e.
The mains supply cord and plug of the external power supply sha ll comp ly with any
national regula tions.
In normal operation mode (refers to Pin no 4)
Pin no.
Voltage level1
VDC 2 D-
VDC 3 D+
to DGN D)
Warnings and precaut ions
991-025 1 Rev. 1.3 June-2 016 xiv
The u ser should b e made aware of that, if the NucleoCounter® NC-250™ and the
external power supply is used in a manner not sp ecified by the manufacturer, t he protection provided by the NucleoCounter® NC-250™ and the external power supply may be impaired.
Electromagnetic interference
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comp ly with the limits fo r a Cla ss B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfu l interference in a residential installation. This equipment gen erates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruct ions, may cause harmful interferenc e to ra dio communication s. However, there is no guarantee that inter ference will not occur in a particular in stallation. If t his equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televi sion reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user i s encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the foll owing measur es:
Reorient or r elocate the re cei ving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
Caution! Changes or modif ications not expressly approved by the party responsible f or compliance could void the use r's authority to operate the equipment.
Slides, Reagents, Solutions and Dispensers
With r espect to us e and handling of slides, reagent s, solutions and dispensers, please refer to appropriat e package insert s for these it ems.
Caution! When using a bottle-top dispenser: To protect against accidental splashes , protective clothing, eye protection and glo ves must be worn when using potentially hazardous liquids.
Any biological specimen should be handled , as if it is capable of transmitting infectious disease and disposed of with proper precaut ions according with federal, state and local regulations.
Avoid specimen contact with skin or mucous membranes.
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