This equ ip ment must b e operated as d es cr ib ed in this U se r’ s Gui de a nd documents re ferred to h erei n. Pl ea se
read the e ntire guide and refe rr ed d ocuments before atte mp ti ng to use t hi s unit. Ple as e pay attention t o that
gloves o r protective cl othing are no t worn on the ill us trations/pi ctur es shown in this User ’s Guide. How ever ,
Chem oM etec A /S does recom me nd that the u se r wear su itab le protective c lothing etc.
Contacting support
Techni ca l information i nclu ding produc t literature, a ns wers to q ue st ions regarding the operation of th e
NucleoCo un ter NC- 250™ no t covered i n this document and re fe rred doc uments is availabl e through the
followin g:
For e- ma il support, s en d questio ns t o Nu cleoCount er
NC- 250™ T echn ical Suppor t on the addr es s
Suppor t@ ch em omet
Check ou t the FAQ secti on under su pp or t at www.chemo me tec. com
To speak w ith a Techn ic al S upport Specia li st, call (+ 45 ) 48 13 10 20 .
Please n ot e the NucleoC ou nter NC- 250™ ser ia l number an d ha ve it availab le when contact in g ChemoMetec
A/ S fo r su pport. Th e Nu cleo Coun ter NC- 250™ s er ial number is f ound on t he label af fi xe d to the rear of the
instrume nt . The versi on num ber of th e Nuc le oV iew NC-250™ sof tw are shall als o be noted, thi s ca n be foun d on
the He lp – About me nu item in th e Nucle oV iew NC-250™ sof tw ar e.
Sales and ordering information
For sa le s assista nc e with Nucleo Counte r NC- 250™ o r th e Nucle oV ie w NC-250™ s of twar e, to pla ce a n order for
a Nucl eoCo unter NC- 250™ o r consumables , ca ll (+45) 48 1 3 10 20, fax (+ 45) 48 13 10 21 , or send e -mail to
Sales@ch em ometec .com
Disclaimer Notices
The ma te ri al in thi s document and referre d do cuments i s for informa ti on o nly and is su bject to ch an ge without
notice. Wh ile reasona bl e effo rts have be en ma de in prepa ra tion of these document s to assure the ir accuracy ,
Chem oM etec A /S assumes no l iability re su lt ing from erro r s or om is si on s in these documents, or from the u se
of the i nformation cont ai ned herein.
Chem oM etec A /S reserves t he right to m ake changes in th e product d es ign without r es ervation an d wi thout
notifi ca ti on to its u se rs.
Copyright Notices
Copyrigh t © ChemoMe te c A/S 2 010. All rights re se rv ed . No part o f th is public at ion a nd referred d oc um ents
ma y be r ep roduced, st or ed in a r et ri ev al system , or tra nsmitted in any form o r by any means, e lectronic,
mechanic al , photocopying, r ecording or o ther wise, w itho ut the pr ior w ritten cons en t of ChemoM etec A /S,
Gydevang 4 3, DK-3 45 0 Alle rod, De nm ar k.
Chem oM etec a nd NucleoCoun ter are registe re d trademarks ow ned by Chem oM et ec A/S. Nucle oC ount er,
Nucleo Ca ss ette, NC- sl ide and Nuc le oV iew are tradema rk s of Chem oM etec A /S.
All ot he r trademarks ar e the pro pe rt y of their re sp ective owners.