Chemometec Nc-view User Manual

Software User Guide
P/N 991-2022
Revision 1.3
January 2020
ChemoMetec A/S
Gydevang 43 · DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark
Telephone: (+45) 48 13 10 20
Doc. No: 991-2022 v. 1.3 · Issue date: 24-January-2020 · ChemoMetec A/S · Gydevang 43 · DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark · Email: · Web:
FORM 880-0011-79 v.2
This software must be operated as described in this user guide and documents referred to herein. Please read the entire guide and referred documents before attempting to use the software.
Contacting Support
Technical information that is not covered in this document or referred documents, is available from our support:
Email questions to
Speak to a Technical Support Specialist, by calling (+45) 48 13 10 20
Please create support files in NC-View via Help -> Create support files, before contacting ChemoMetec for support.
Sales and Ordering Information
To order NucleoCounter NC-202™, NC-View™ software, and consumables, call (+45) 48 13 10 20 or send an e-mail to
Disclaimer Notices
The material in this document and referred documents is for information only and is subject to change without notice. While reasonable efforts have been made in preparation of these documents to ensure their accuracy, ChemoMetec A/S assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions in these documents, or from the use of the information contained herein.
ChemoMetec A/S reserves the right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without notification to its users.
Copyright Notices
Copyright © ChemoMetec A/S 2019. All rights reserved. No part of this publication or referred documents may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of ChemoMetec A/S, Gydevang 43, DK-3450 Allerod, Denmark.
ChemoMetec and NucleoCounter are registered trademarks owned by ChemoMetec A/S. Via2-Cassette and NC-View are trademarks of ChemoMetec A/S.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Doc. No: 991-2022 v. 1.3 · Issue date: 24-January-2020 · ChemoMetec A/S · Gydevang 43 · DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark · Email: · Web:
FORM 880-0011-79 v.2
Table of contents
QUICK GUIDE .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
GETTING STARTED ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
GET STARTED IN 8 QUICK STEPS .............................................................................................................................................. 4
STARTUP............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
VALIDATION WITH IQ/OQ PROTOCOLS ................................................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION TO NC-VIEW .............................................................................................................................................. 5
NC-VIEW BASIC CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 6
USING NC-VIEW™ ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
OPERATING THE MAIN WINDOW ........................................................................................................................................... 7
USE THE CONTROL SECTION TO ACQUIRE DATA ......................................................................................................................... 7
Sample and Dilution Volumes .................................................................................................................................... 8
OPERATING THE IMAGE PANEL ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Configure Result Fields ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Visual Inspection of Counted Cells............................................................................................................................ 10
FILE LIST IN MAIN WINDOW ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Tool Bar .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Data in the File List ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Define Columns to Display ....................................................................................................................................... 12
SELECTING A PROTOCOL ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
OPEN PREVIOUSLY ACQUIRED DATA FILES .............................................................................................................................. 14
EXPORT RESULT DATA ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
EXPORT PDF REPORTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
SOFTWARE OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................17
CERTIFICATE OF PRODUCT TESTING ...........................................................................................................................17
INSTALLATION GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................17
MINIMUM COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS AND PREPARATIONS BEFORE INSTALLATION ....................................................................... 17
INSTALLING AND UPGRADING .............................................................................................................................................. 18
UNINSTALL PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
MAINTENANCE AND BACKUP ....................................................................................................................................18
TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................................................19
CREATING SUPPORT FILES ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Doc. No: 991-2022 v. 1.3 · Issue date: 24-January-2020 · ChemoMetec A/S · Gydevang 43 · DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark · Email: · Web:
FORM 880-0011-79 v.2

Quick Guide

Start the NC-View software via the NC-View icon in the Windows start menu
Once NC-View™ is open, NucleoCounter® NC-202™ will initialize. When the LED indicator on the instrument becomes green, the instrument is ready to use
Select a protocol in the drop-down menu, or via the Select Protocol icon
Load the Via2-Cassette with a cell sample and place it into the instrument cassette fixture
OPTIONAL: enter Sample ID and Operator name
Start the analysis by selecting the Run icon or press the RUN button on the instrument A few moments later the result of the analysis will be displayed
Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 to perform the same protocol on a new sample.
Doc. No: 991-2022 v. 1.3 · Issue date: 24-January-2020 · ChemoMetec A/S · Gydevang 43 · DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark · Email: · Web:
FORM 880-0011-79 v.2

Getting Started


The NC-View™ software is required for control and data acquisition with the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ instrument. NC-View™ is available for Windows 10 only – refer to the Installation Guide section for more information. This manual is integrated into NC-View™. Pressing F1 while in NC-View™ will open the manual to the relevant section.

Get Started in 8 quick steps

1. Log into your dedicated computer (see requirements) with your Windows administrator
2. Unpack the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ instrument and locate the software installation package
on the USB key provided.
3. Launch the Install NC-View™ X.X.X.X.exe (the Xs indicate the version number e.g.
using administrator permissions. WARNING: Do NOT open the .bin file
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the camera and other device drivers. To complete
installation, restart the computer
5. Next, open the NC-View™ software in the Windows start menu
6. Insert the USB data cable included in a USB 3 port on the computer
7. Unpack the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ instrument and connect it to the computer. Using the
enclosed mini screwdriver, fasten the USB data cable with the screw lock mechanism to secure the connection
8. Insert the power cable into the outlet at the back of the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ and then
connect it to a 3-prong outlet (i.e. including a grounding wire). The NucleoCounter® NC-202™ is ready to use when the RUN-indicator turns green (this may take a minute)
For more details see the Installation Guide section below.
Doc. No: 991-2022 v. 1.3 · Issue date: 24-January-2020 · ChemoMetec A/S · Gydevang 43 · DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark · Email: · Web:
FORM 880-0011-79 v.2


On the computer, open NC-View™ using the NC-View™ icon in the Windows start menu. The instrument will initialize, and the motor can be heard aligning during this process. When the LED indicator
on the instrument turns green and the Run icon becomes enabled, the instrument is ready to use. If the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ fails to connect, ensure that the instrument is connected to the computer using the supplied USB cable and ensure power supply is connected to the main power outlet.

Validation with IQ/OQ Protocols

For the initial NucleoCounter® NC-202™ installation or when the instrument has been moved to a new location, performing a system validation is recommended via the Installation Qualification (IQ) and
Operation Qualification (OQ) protocols.
Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operation Qualification (OQ)
1. Start NC-Viewup via the NC-View™ icon in the Windows start menu
2. Click the Select Protocol icon to launch the Protocol Browser
3. In the Protocol Browser select the NC-202 IQ/OQ protocol
4. Press the Run icon and select IQ or OQ protocols, respectively
5. Follow the instructions on-screen to perform the IQ and OQ test
6. After run has completed, a message will confirm whether it has passed analysis

Introduction to NC-View™

For optimal user experience, a display resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels or higher is recommended. NC­View™ consists of multiple windows that can be moved and resized:
Main Window: Appears when NC-View™ is launched. It is used to operate the NucleoCounter® NC-
202™, acquire data files and display acquired images
Protocol Browser: Used to select and manage protocols
File Browser: Shows the acquired data files (CM files) and is used to open files in the image display,
export data or administrate data files
Doc. No: 991-2022 v. 1.3 · Issue date: 24-January-2020 · ChemoMetec A/S · Gydevang 43 · DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark · Email: · Web:
FORM 880-0011-79 v.2

NC-View™ Basic Concepts and Terminology

CM file: A ChemoMetec proprietary file format that contains the images, the result data and the
metadata with file information. The file type is displayed as .cm
Protocol: A file containing the settings on how the instrument acquires images, performs the image
analysis and presents the results
View: The photographed area of a cassette. A view typically contains two images, one for the UV
channel and one for the green channel. A CM file may contain a variable number of views depending on the protocol
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