Chauvet Pro WELL Fit 6-Pack Users Manual

User M anual
The WELL Fit User Manual Re v. 3 includes a description, safety precautions, and installation,
as of the releas e date
CHAUVET, the Chauvet logo and WELL Fit are registered trademarks or trademarks of
. (d/b/a Chauvet and Chauvet Lighting) in the United States and other countries. Other company and product names and logos referred to herein may be trademarks of t hei r respect ive companies.
The works of authorship contained in this manual, including, but not limited to, all design, text
El ec tronical l y publi shed by Chauvet in t he United S tat es of Am eri ca.
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Any person in charge of i nstal ling, operat ing, and/ or maint aining t his product s hould c omplet ely read through the guide that s hipped with the product, as well as this manual, before installing, operating, or maintaining this product.
Chauvet believes that the information contained in this manual is accurate in all respects. However, Chauvet ass umes no responsibility and specifically disclaims any and all liability to
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and does not com m i t to m ake, any s uch revisions..
The WELL Fit User Manual Rev. 3 is the revised edition of this manual. Go to
Edit ion Not es
programming, operation, and maintenanc e instructions for the W ELL Fit of t hi s editi on i n 2017.
Chauvet & Sons, LLC
and images are owned by Chauvet .
© Copyright 2017 Cha uve t & Sons, LLC. All rights reserved.
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any party for any loss, damage or disruption ca
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WELL Fit User Manual Rev. 3
Table of Content s
T able of Contents
1. Before You Begin ........................................................................................................................................... 1
W hat Is Inc l uded ...............................................................................................................................................1
Claims ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Manual Conventions ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Safety Not es .....................................................................................................................................................2
Pers onal Safety ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Mounting And Rigging ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Power And Wiring............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Operation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Expec ted LE D Lifespan .....................................................................................................................................2
2. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Description .......................................................................................................................................................3
Features ...........................................................................................................................................................3
Well Fit Overview ..............................................................................................................................................4
Product Dim ensi ons ..........................................................................................................................................5
Charging C ase Dimens i ons (Not sol d with t he Single Fi xt ure) ..............................................................................6
3. Setup ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
AC P ower .........................................................................................................................................................7
AC Plug .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Bat tery Charge Note s ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Repl ac ing t he Fuse .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
DM X Linki ng .....................................................................................................................................................7
DMX Personalities............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
W i reless Operat i on ............................................................................................................................................8
Initial Set up........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Configuration ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Product Pairing ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
St or age Note s ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
W-DMX Setup ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
IR In frar ed R emote Co nt rol ................................................................................................................................9
IR Rem ote Oper atio n ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Mounting ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Orientation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Rigging .............................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................................................................10
4. Operation....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Control Panel Description ................................................................................................................................ 11
Control Opti ons ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Programming .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Control Panel Lock .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Passcode .........................................................................................................................................................................................................11
Menu Map ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Menu Map ( Cont .) ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Configur at i on (S tandal one) .............................................................................................................................. 13
Automatic Programs ......................................................................................................................................................................................13
Fixed Stat ic Color ...........................................................................................................................................................................................13
Manual St atic Color........................................................................................................................................................................................13
Dimmer Profile s ..............................................................................................................................................................................................13
White Cali br ation ............................................................................................................................................................................................13
Backlight ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Sof tware I nformation......................................................................................................................................................................................14
Fixture Hours ...................................................................................................................................................................................................14
WELL Fit User Manual Rev. 3 -i-
Table of Content s
LED T est ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Fac tory Reset..................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Configur at i on (DMX)........................................................................................................................................ 14
DMX Personalities..........................................................................................................................................................................................14
DMX Control....................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Wireless Settings............................................................................................................................................................................................14
IR Setting .........................................................................................................................................................................................................14
DM X V al ues.................................................................................................................................................... 15
DM X V al ues (Co nt. ) ........................................................................................................................................ 16
5. Technical Information .................................................................................................................................. 17
Product M ai nt enance....................................................................................................................................... 17
6. Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 18
Returns .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Contact Us ............................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
-ii- WELL Fit User Manual Rev. 3
6–WE LL Fit
Quic k Reference G uide
W E LL F i t
Quic k Reference Guide
Carefully unpack the product immediately and check the charging case to mak e sure all the
or the contents (the product and included acces sories) appear damaged
. F ailure
to report damage t o the c arrier imm ediatel y may invalidate y our clai m. In addit ion, keep t he box
nts or parts, damage not related to shipping, or
conceal ed dam age, fil e a clai m wi t h Chauvet wit hi n 7 days of deli very.
A range of values i n t he text
A set of mut ual l y exc l usi ve values in the t ext
A but ton on t he product ’ s cont rol panel
A product func tion or a menu opti on
A sequenc e of menu options
A range of menu values from whi ch t o choos e in a menu
A set of two mutually ex clus ive menu opt ions in a menu
A uni que value to be ent ered or sel ect ed i n a m enu
Criti cal i nstall ation, configurat i on, or operat i on i nformation. Fail ure to damage third-party equi pm ent , or cause harm to t he operator.
The te rm “DMX” used throughout this ma nual refers to the USITT DMX512-A di gi tal data transmission protocol.

1. Before You Be gin

Neutrik powerCON power c ord
IR remote
Charging case
W arranty Card
parts are in the pack age and are in good condit ion. If the charging case from shipping or show signs of mishandling, notify the carrier immediately, not Chauvet
and cont ents for inspec ti on. For other issues, such as missing compone
Convention Meaning
IEC power cable
IR remote
Charging base
W arranty Card
Before You Begin
Symbols Meaning
com pl y with t hi s information may cause t he product not t o work,
Important ins t al l ation or configurat i on i nformat i on. F ai l ure t o com pl y with thi s i nformation may keep t he product from working.
Useful information.
WELL Fit User Manual Rev. 3 -1-
Read all the following Safety Notes before working with this product. These notes include import ant informat ion about the inst allat ion, us age, and mai ntenanc e of t hi s product .
This product contains no user-serviceable parts. Any reference to servicing in this User housing or a ttem pt a ny repai rs.
Avoid di rect eye ex posure t o the light sourc e while t he product is on.
Do not t ouch t hi s product ’ s housing duri ng operation becaus e it m ay be very hot.
Do not submerge this product (IP65). Temporary outdoor operation is fine.
W hen hangi ng thi s product , al way s sec ure to a fasteni ng device usi ng a safety cable.
Al way s m ake s ure you are connec ti ng t hi s product to t he proper voltage in accordanc e with
Never disconnect thi s product by pul l i ng or t uggi ng on the power c abl e.
Do not operat e this product if you see damage on t he housi ng, lens es, or cabl es. Have t he
In cas e of a s eri ous operat i ng probl em , stop us i ng thi s product imm ediatel y!
In the unlikely event that your Chauvet product requires service, contact Chauvet Technica l S upport.
LEDs gradually decline in brightness over time, primarily due to heat. Packaged in clusters,
conditions. For this
LEDs at their fullest intens ity s ignificantly reduces the LEDs’ lifespan.
projec t i on intensi t y m ay al s o hel p to ext end the LE Ds’ lifespan.
Before You Begin
Manual wil l only a ppl y to properly trai ned Chauvet certifie d te chnicians. Do not open the
All a ppli ca bl e loca l code s and regul ations apply to proper install ation of this product.
Al way s di s connect this product from i ts power source before servicing.
Al way s connec t t hi s produc t t o a grounded ci rc ui t t o avoid the ri sk of el ect rocut i on.
Do not operate the product in a seal ed enclos ure or in an area wit hout air circ ulat ion.
CAUTION: W hen trans ferring product from ext reme tem perature envi ronments , (e. g. cold
truc k to warm hum i d bal l room ) condensat i on m ay form on the i nt ernal el ect roni cs of t he product . To avoid c ausi ng a failure, allow product to full y ac cli mate to the s urrounding env ironment befor e connecting it to power.
Not for permanent outdoor i ns tal l at i on i n l ocat i ons with ext rem e environmental c ondi ti ons . This incl udes, but i s not li m i ted t o:
W here the normal hi gh or low tem peratures of the locat ion ex ceed t he tem perature ranges i n this manual .
Locations that are prone to flooding or being buried in snow.
Other areas where t he product will be subj ec t t o extreme radi ation or caust i c
Only use the ret ract abl e foot t o ti l t the produc t .
Be sure retrac tabl e foot is cl osed c om pl etel y before insert i ng i nto t he chargi ng case.
Mount this produc t in a locat ion with adequate ventilat ion, at l east 20 in (50 cm) from
adjac ent s urfaces.
Mak e sure t here are no flammable m aterials cl ose to t his product while it is operat ing.
-2- WELL Fit User Manual Rev. 3
the spec i ficat i ons i n this m anual or on the produc t’s s peci ficat ion label.
To eliminat e unneces sary wear and improve i ts lifes pan, during periods of non-use com pl etely di sc onnect the product from power via breaker or by unpluggi ng i t.
DO NOT connect the charging cas e to a di m m er or rheos tat .
damaged parts replaced by an aut horized tec hnic ian at once.
Do not cover the ventilat ion slot s when operating t o avoid int ernal overheati ng.
The maximum ambient temperature is 113 °F (45 °C). Do not operat e this produc t at a
higher temperature.
LEDs exhibit higher operating temperatures than in ideal, single-LED reason, using clustered Under norm al condit ions , this lifespan c an be 40,000 t o 50,000 hours . If ext ending thi s li fespan is vital, lower the operating temperature by improving the ventilation around the product and reducing the ambient temperature to an opti mal operat ing range. In addit ion, l imit ing the overall
The WELL Fit is a quic k setup, high-powered LED up-lighter. This s mall battery powered accent wash l ight c omes in a reflect ive c hrome housi ng designed t o blend int o any déc or. W ELL Fi t c an
lternatively, it can be
cont rolled manual ly from t he OLED di splay on t he product.
3-, 4-, 6- or 10-channel quad-col or LED was h product
your i nves tm ent.

2. Introduction

be controlled wireles sly either by W -DMX or by the included IR remote. A
Operating modes:
3-channel: HS I control
3-channel: HSV cont rol
4-channel: RGBW
6-channel: RGBW, di m m er, strobe
10-channel: RGBW , dimmer, st robe, col or mac ro/whit e bal ance, auto programs ,
A compl etely wi reless IP 65 rated bat tery powered up-light with four high powered quad
col ored RGB A LE Ds t hat is cont rol l ed by W-DMX or IR remote.
Chrome exterior for blending into its surroundings.
Drop i n case c hargi ng for easy st orage and re-charging of t he batt ery. (Not available wit h
Si ngle Fix ture)
8 hours of operat i on at full and a qui ck 5 hours charging ti m e for frequent use.
Bui lt i n aut om ated programs recall abl e by IR, W DMX or manual l y.
Bui lt i n kicks tand for pos i tioni ng light where you need it.
M12 t hreaded i nsert for easy cl am p i ns tal l at i on and a Kensington l ock posi t i on for securing
dimm er speed, auto s peed
WELL Fit User Manual Rev. 3 -3-
Bottom View
Top View
Side View
Front Vi ew
Rear View

Well Fit Overview

Control Panel
Power Switc h
Charging Socket
Retractable Foot
M12 Threaded Mounting Hole
Quad Color LED
R etr act ab l e F o o t Release
-4- WELL Fit User Manual Rev. 3
+ 16 hidden pages