Chauvet DMX 60 User Manual

Tiger DMX 60
User Manual Version 1.1
3000 North 29th Ct.
Hollywood, FL 33020 USA
Tel: 954-929-1115 Fax: 954-929-5560
Warranty Information
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Date of Birth
Telephone # (include area code)
Date of Purchase
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Serial #
CHAUVET U.S.A. Warranty Registration 3000 North 29th Ct.
We take great pride in the quality, value and performance of our products and believe that it should offer you trouble free operation throughout its lifetime providing you take care to follow the simple instructions in this manual.
a) CHAUVET provides, from the date of purchase, to the original purchaser, a 24-month limited warranty on all DMX
products, a 12-month limited warranty on special effect fixtures and controllers and a 3-month limited warranty on items with an “NV” prefix. This limited warranty covers manufacturing defects in material and workmanship only. At the time of service, the owner will need to be able to provide evidence of date and place of purchase and serial number.
b) CHAUVET does not cover damage or failure caused by abuse, misuse, faulty installation, improper maintenance, or any
repairs not carried out by CHAUVET.
c) Items which are not covered by warranty are those considered as parts which are prone to failure due to general wear and
tear. For example – lamps, fuses, brushes and belts. Laser diodes carry a (90day) warranty. For foggers, see user manual.
d) There will be no obligations or liability on the part of CHAUVET for consequential damages arising from the use of the
product or any indirect damages with respect to loss of property, revenue, or costs for removal, installation, or re­installation.
e) For warranty service the product must be reported to CHAUVET to receive a unique RA# (returns authorization number)
and at that time you will be advised of where to send the faulty product.
f) All shipping charges for returns should be pre-paid. If the requested repairs or service are within the terms of this warranty
then the item will be returned to you on completion without any charge. The unit must be in its original packaging with any original accessories. CHAUVET will not be responsible or accept any liabilities for any loss or damage to additional items which are sent with returned product.
g) If this product is not covered under the terms of this warranty, CHAUVET will advise you of the costs to carry out any
repairs necessary and the unit will be shipped to you on receipt of payment for the work including the return freight charges.
h) Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for return of your product. Under normal circumstances we try to ensure we carry out warranty
repairs within 5 working days. We cannot be held responsible for delays in shipping.
1 Index
1 Index ................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Operational Overview .................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Terminology ................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Front Panel Controls and Displays ............................................................................... 6
2.3.1 LCD Display and Soft Buttons ............................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Faders and Flash Buttons ..................................................................................... 7
2.3.3 Joystick ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.4 Auxiliary Buttons ................................................................................................ ... 7
3 Quick Start .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Set-up .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Program a Memory .....................................................................................................10
3.3 Programming a Sequence ..........................................................................................12
4 Setting up the Console .......................................................................................................14
4.1 Assigning and Patching a Fixture. ...............................................................................14
4.2 Editing/Creating a Fixture ............................................................................................16
4.3 Loading a Fixture ........................................................................................................18
4.4 Generics .....................................................................................................................18
4.5 Autopatch ...................................................................................................................19
4.6 Auxiliaries ................................ ................................................................ ...................19
5 Programming .....................................................................................................................20
5.1 Programming a Memory..............................................................................................20
5.2 Replaying a Memory ...................................................................................................22
5.3 Effects .........................................................................................................................23
5.3.1 Movement effects ................................................................................................23
5.3.2 Fans ....................................................................................................................24
5.4 Programming a Sequence ..........................................................................................24
6 Playback ............................................................................................................................28
6.1 Memories ....................................................................................................................28
6.2 Live! ............................................................................................................................28
6.3 Sequences ..................................................................................................................29
6.3.1 Manual Sequence ................................................................................................29
6.3.2 Auto Sequences ..................................................................................................29
6.3.3 Beat Sequences ..................................................................................................29
6.3.4 Sound to Light Sequences ...................................................................................29
6.4 Page Chases and Page Ripples .................................................................................29
6.5 View and Preview .......................................................................................................30
6.6 Blackout ......................................................................................................................31
7 Memory Module .................................................................................................................32
7.1 Saving a show. ...........................................................................................................32
8 Super User Functions ........................................................................................................33
8.1 Clear all Memories and Sequences ............................................................................33
8.2 Start Up Mode .............................................................................................................33
8.3 Lock Mode ..................................................................................................................34
8.4 Reset ..........................................................................................................................34
8.5 Pan and Tilt Default Settings .......................................................................................35
8.6 Other LTP Default Settings .........................................................................................35
8.7 LCD Settings ...............................................................................................................35
8.8 Test Function ..............................................................................................................35
8.9 Version Information .....................................................................................................35
9 Connections .......................................................................................................................36
9.1 Power Connection.......................................................................................................36
9.2 Remote Go/Step Input ................................................................................................36
9.3 DMX Out Connection ..................................................................................................37
9.4 Audio Input .................................................................................................................37
9.5 Memory Module ..........................................................................................................37
10 PC Software ...................................................................................................................38
11 Menu Navigation Flow Chart ..........................................................................................39
2 Introduction
2.1 Operational Overview
The Tiger is a lighting controller that allows for the control of intelligent and generic lighting in a seamless manner. It can be used in a variety of applications from clubs to theatre to television.
The Tiger can control up to 18 intelligent fixtures using a maximum of 18HTP and 99LTP channels. It can also control an additional 18 HTP generic channels. There are 4 auxiliary buttons which can be used to trigger DMX devices like smoke machines, strobes etc.
Up to 108 memories can be programmed and saved. The memories are accessed via 9 submaster faders on 12 pages. The programmed memories can also be used to program 12 separate sequences each of which can contain a maximum of 250 steps. The sequences can be played back either manually as a playback stack, or automatically as a chase.
Crossfade times, sequence drive, sequence speed and sequence direction are not recorded, but are adjusted live by the user in Run Mode. Sequence direction can be forwards, backwards, bounce or random.
There are two ways to approach the manual. If you are impatient to get started simply go to section 3 Quick Start and leap in. If you want a more detailed explanation then you will need to work your way through each section of the manual.
2.2 Terminology
Memory- Tells one or more fixtures to change settings for intensity, beam,
color and position. Other names are scene, cue or look.
Sequence- Memories grouped together to run one after another. These can be
triggered manually, automatically or to music.
Parameter- An attribute of a fixture. A parcan has one attribute, intensity. A
moving light has several, usually pan and tilt, color, beam and intensity.
IBCF- Refers to intensity, beam, colour and focus (position).
Intensity how bright the fixture is, not all fixtures have a dowser/dimmer. Beam refers to things like gobo wheels, prisms, shutter speeds etc. Color refers to color wheels, CYM mixing etc. Focus refers to the position of the picture, the pan and tilt attributes.
Symbol and Text Conventions used in the manual. This Text for buttons to push on the console
This Text for buttons or text appearing on the LCD display.
2.3 Front Panel Controls and Displays
2.3.1 LCD Display and Soft Buttons
The main user interface is via a menu driven 4 line, 20 characters per line, backlit LCD display with 6 Soft Buttons (arranged 3 each side). The top line of the display will typically show the current menu page title. The lines below will indicate the current function of the 6 soft buttons. One soft button will typically be „Back‟ to return to the menu above. If more than 5 other options are applicable, one soft button will be More.. to go to more options.
The various functions of the desk like patching, recording and playback will all be done using softkeys and commands on the LCD screen.
2.3.2 Faders and Flash Buttons
The faders and flash buttons are used to perform different functions depending on the mode the console is in. In playback mode the first 9 faders on each page are used to trigger memories while the flash buttons bump the memories to full. The three faders on the extreme right are used to control the memory stack.
In programming mode the faders and buttons are used to select fixtures and then set the parameters to the required value. The faders functions will change depending on the type of fixture selected. The three faders on the extreme right will always be assigned to pan, tilt and intensity.
2.3.3 Joystick
The joystick is used to control the pan and tilt position of the selected fixture/s. The more extreme the movement of the joystick the faster the fixture will move.
2.3.4 Auxiliary Buttons
These four buttons can be assigned to trigger DMX devices. It makes the use of strobes, smoke machines etc simple while ensuring they are co-ordinated with the lighting. It is possible to use an Auxiliary button as a master black out button. You would set the button to solo mode. By pressing it all lights with a dimmer or dowser will fade to zero.
3 Quick Start
Page01 Step--- Run 1
PageChase Page+ Live! Page- More..
Page01 Step--- Run 3 View/Pvw Blackout Assign/Patch Load/Save More..
Assign/Patch Back FixtProfiles Fixtures AutoPatch Generics Aux‟s
Fixture 01 ← + Unassigned
- DMX: --- Edit
Assign Fixture 03 ← < Unassigned > DMX: --- OK
PageChase will only be visible of there are memories recorded on the page.
This section will assume that you are turning the console on for the first time and you have not assigned or patched any fixtures.
3.1 Set-up
When you turn the console on you will see the following screen on the LCD:
The first thing that we need to do is to assign the fixtures that we have and then patch these and any dimmers. To do this you need to press the More.. key twice. This will take you to the following menu screen:
Select the Assign/Patch soft-key. You will see the following menu screen:
The first thing we will do is assign and patch a fixture. Select the Fixtures softkey. You will now see the following screen:
Select the Edit Key. The screen now shows:
The softkeys on either side of the < Unassigned > command will scroll you through the fixtures
Assign Fixture 01 Back Unpatch Up DMX: --- Down OK
Assign/Patch Back FixtProfiles Fixtures AutoPatch Generics Aux‟s
stored on the console. For the purpose of this manual we will assume we have four Chauvet 250XR fittings. Use the softkeys to scroll through until you have the name of the fixture on the screen. Now press the softkey next to the DMX: --- this will take you to the screen that allows you to patch the fixture to the DMX address you wish to use.
You can use the Up and Down keys to set the DMX address or you can use the flash buttons to type in the value, for instance 100. You will need to make sure that the address matches the fixtures DMX address.
Use the OK to take you back to the previous screen. Use the + and – keys to select the next fixture you wish to assign and patch.
Repeat these steps until you have assigned all the fixtures you wish to use. Once a fixture has been assigned the yellow LED on the relevant flash button will be illuminated.
You also have 18 generic channels of control. These are patched automatically to DMX value 1 to 18. If you wish to change these values go back to this screen using the Back or ← keys:
Select the Generics soft-key. Scroll to the channel number you wish to patch either using the Up or Down keys or using the flash buttons as a numeric entry tool. Once you have selected the relevant channel then select Edit. You can now set the address for the channel using the Up or Down keys or by using the flash buttons for numeric entry.
You can assign all the fixtures without giving them a DMX address. Once complete select the AutoPatch key from the Assign/Patch menu. This will automatically patch the console. The first 18 channels will be for the generic fittings. The first moving light will start at DMX address 19 and the others will be patched to according to the number of channels used by the previous fixture. To check the DMX addresses for each fixture select the Fixtures button and then scroll through the fixtures using the + or – keys. You can also use the flash buttons to select the relevant fixture. The DMX address will be displayed in the window.
When you are finished use the Back key to take you to the default screen.You are now ready to start programming.
3.2 Program a Memory
Page01 Step--- Run 1
PageChase Page+ Live! Page- More..
Page01 Step--- Run 2 Flash On ProgMem Sound Off ProgSeq Dir Fwd More..
Page01 Step--- Select Memory Back Page + Page -
Edit Fixtures 01-09 Back Home Save As Channels Save More.
PageChase will only be visible of there are memories recorded on the page.
You should be on the following screen:
Press the More.. key to move to the following menu screen:
Select the ProgMem key to take you to:
The Tiger has 12 pages that you can record memories on. Use the Page + or Page – keys to go to the page you wish to record on. To select where you want to store a memory select a flash button. If the Yellow LED is lit on a flash button there is already a memory recorded on that fader. You can over record it or by selecting it edit its contents. Once you have pressed the relevant flash button the menu changes:
The flash buttons have now also changed function to be the controls for the various moving
lights. The flash buttons which have yellow LED‟s lit are the ones to which fixtures have been
assigned. When you select a fixture the red LED will light. It is possible to select multiple fixtures, for instance if you want to select fixture 1 to 4 hold down button 1 and then press button
4. You can deselect fixtures in the same way. Having selected the fixtures you can turn them on by raising the relevant slider. This will only
work if the fixture has a channel dedicated to dimming. Those fixtures that work with shutters will not turn on this way.
Alternatively you can use the Home key. This will turn the fixture on and centre it. To adjust the various attributes select the Channels Key. This changes the faders to attribute mode. The flash buttons with lit Yellow LEDs have attributes assigned to their faders. By moving the faders you can set the relevant attributes to the required values. Pressing the flash buttons will show what attribute is associated with the fader. The information is displayed on the bottom line of the LCD. The numeric display shows what the current level is set to.
If a parameter has been changed the yellow LED flashes. This indicates that that parameter will
The Tiger console records only what is selected/tagged. The Yellow LED will flash if that attribute is going to be included in the memory. If you wish to include an attribute in the memory and the yellow LED is not flashing then hold the button down for 2 second. To deselect an attribute so it is not included in the memory hold the button down until the yellow LED stops flashing.
By being able to record to parameter level the Tiger is a very powerful console. It is possible for instance to make up looks that just have colors recorded in them. You can also make up looks that just have positions recorded. This means that it is possible for instance to have a position sequence running as a chase and then manually change colours, beams or other attributes. It is also possible to have a page chase running on top of a sequence.
Please remember that only the fixtures selected/tagged will be recorded in a memory.
Edit Fixtures 01-09 Back Home Save As Channels Save More.
be included in the memory.
Once you have set the look that you want use the Back key to go back to the previous menu:
You can use the Save key to store the look in the flash button you originally selected. Alternatively you can use the Save As key to select where you wish to store the memory. You can change to a different page if desired. Pushing a flash button will store the memory. Continue to store some further looks so that we can put them into a sequence.
To replay a memory simply raise the fader associated with the memory. It is possible to play back multiple memories. If you change pages the memory will remain outputting until the DMX outputs are changed by a different memory outputting or until you move the fader associated with the memory back to zero.
3.3 Programming a Sequence
Page01 Step--- Run 2 Flash On ProgMem Sound Off ProgSeq Dir Fwd More..
Program Sequence 01 Back (000 Steps) Up Down Select
Step 001 Seq05 Back
Insert Step
Page01 Step 001 Back Page+ Page-
Once you have programmed memories you can store them in sequences and replay these either manually, to a beat, triggered by sound or by setting the speed.
To store a sequence go to the following menu:
Select the ProgSeq soft key. This will take you to the following menu:
It is possible to store up to 12 Sequences each of 250 steps. To select a different sequence number use the Up or Down soft keys to select the number you want. If the number next to Steps has a value other than 000 then it has already had memories stored in it.
To program the sequence press the soft key associated with Select. You now have two options, Auto Seq or Steps.. If you use Auto Seq it will use all the recorded memories to make up a sequence. If you select Steps you can make up your own sequence. Selecting Steps.. will take you to the following screen:
This will take you to the following screen:
Use the Page + or Page – keys to take you to the page that the memory you want is on. Select the memory by pushing the flash button the memory is stored on. Flash buttons that have memories stored on them will have the Yellow LED lit. Each time you press a flash button the number of steps will increment by 1. You will see the change in the top right hand corner of the LCD display.
+ 27 hidden pages