Chauvet Colorband RGB User Manual

User Manual
Use on Dimmer
Outdoor Use
Sound Activated
Power Su pp ly
Replaceable Fuse
User Serviceable
Duty Cycle
5200 NW 108th Avenue, Sunrise, FL 33351 U.S.A.
(800) 762-1084 – (954) 929-1115
FAX (954) 929-5560
CHAUVET®, 2012, All Rights Reserved Informatio n and specificat i ons i n t his User Manual ar e su bj ect to change wi t hout notice. CHAUVET® a ssumes no responsibilit y or l i abili t y for any errors or inaccura ci es that may a ppea r i n t hi s
1. BE FORE Y O U BE GIN ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
WHAT IS INCLUDED ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
MANUAL CONVENTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
ICONS........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
FEATURES.................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. SETUP .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
AC POWER ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Power Linking .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
FUSE REPLACEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Orientation.......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Rigging ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4. OPER ATING INSTRU C TIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 9
CONFIGURING THE STARTING ADDRESS .......................................................................................................................................... 9
CONTROL PANEL FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
MENU MAP ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
DMX OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
MASTER/SLAVE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
STANDALONE OPERATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Automatic ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Sound-Active .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Preset Colors ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Custom Static Color Mixing ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Fixture Linking.................................................................................................................................................................. 13
DMX CHANNEL VALUES ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
5. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
DMX PRIMER ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18
GENERAL MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
DATA CABLING .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
DMX Data Cable .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Cable Connectors ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
FIXTURE LINKING....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
3-Pin to 5-Pin Conversion Chart ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Setting up a DMX Serial Data Link ................................................................................................................................. 20
SETTING THE STARTING ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................................... 21
GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
CONTACT US ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21
RETURNS PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
CLAIMS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 23

What is included

Ø 1 x COLORband™ RGB Ø 1 x Power Cable Ø 1 x Warranty Card Ø 1 x User Manu al

Unpac ki ng Instru cti ons

Immediately upon receiving a fixture, carefully unpack the carton, check the contents to ensure that all parts are present, and have been received in good condition. Notify the shipper immediately and retain packing mate rial for inspection if any parts appear damaged from shipping or the carton itself shows signs of mishandling. Save the carton and all packing materials. In the event that a fixture must be returned to the factory, it is important that the fixture be returned in the original factory box and packing.

Manual Conventions

CHAUVET manuals use the following conventions to differentiate certain types of information from the regular text.
[10] A DIP switch to be configured
<Menu> A key to be pressed on the fixture’s control panel
1~512 A range of val u es
50/60 A set of values of w hic h on ly one can be ch os en
MENU > Settings A sequence of menu options to be followed
ON A value to be enter ed or s el ect ed
A menu option not to be modified (for example, showing the operating mode/current status)


This man u al us es th e followin g icons to in dicate inf or m ati on t h at r eq u ires speci al at t ention on th e p art of the user.
1. Before You Begin 3 2/6/2012 2:58 PM
This paragraph contains critical installation, configuration or operation information. F ailur e to comp ly with t his inf ormation may r ender th e fixtur e partiall y or compl etely i noperat ive, caus e damage to the fixtu re or c ause harm to the user.
This p aragraph contains i mp or t ant inst all at ion or c onf igurati on inform ati on. Failure to comply with this information may prevent the fixture from functioning correctly.
This parag raph remi nds you of useful, althoug h not cr it ical, inf or m ati on.

Safety Instructions

Please read these instructions carefully. It includes important product.
inform at i on ab ou t th e inst allati on, usage and m ai ntenance of this
Please keep this User Manual for future consultation. If you sell the unit to another user, be sure that they als o receive this instruction booklet.
Always m ak e sure that you ar e c onn ec ti ng to the proper volt ag e, and that t h e lin e vol tage you ar e connecting to is not higher than that stated on the decal or rear panel of the fixture.
This product is intended for indoor use only! To prevent ris k of fire or shock, do not exp os e fi xture to rain or moisture.
Make sur e th er e ar e no f l am m abl e m ater i als cl ose to the uni t w hil e o p er ati ng.
The unit mus t b e install ed in a location w ith ad equate ven ti l at i on, at leas t 20 in (50 cm) from adjac ent
surfac es. Be sure that no venti l ati on sl ot s ar e bloc ked.
Always disconnect from power source before servicing or replacing fuse and be sure to replace with same fuse source.
Secure fixture to fasteni ng d evice usin g a s af et y ch ai n.
Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104° F (40° C) . D o n ot op erate fixture at temp eratures hi gher
than this.
In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using the unit immediately. Never try to repair the unit by yourself. Repairs carried out by unskilled people can lead to damage or malfunction. Please contact the nearest authorized technical assistance center.
Never connect the device to a dimmer pack.
Make sure the power cord is never crimped or damaged.
Never disconnect the power c ord b y pulling or tugging on the cord.
Never carry the fixture directly from the cord. Always use the hanging/mounting bracket.
Avoi d direct eye exposure to the light source while it is on.
1. Before You Begin 4 2/6/2012 2:58 PM



3, 4, 6, 7, 12 or 24-channel DMX-512 LED linear wash light
Operating modes:
3-channel: RGB control 4-channel: RGB, dimmer 6-channel: RGB control of 2 sections 7-channel: RGB, macros, run/strobe speed, automat ic /sound, di m m er 12-chan n el: R G B c ontrol of 4 sect i ons ( eac h p air ) 24-chan n el: R G B c ontrol of 8 sect i ons ( eac h LED )
Static colors and RGB color mixing with or without DMX controller
Built-in automat ed programs vi a m ast er /s l av e or DM X with variab l e speed
Built-in s ound acti vat ed pr og rams via m ast er /s l av e or DM X
Pulse effect with adj us table sp eed
Additional Features
High-power, 1 W (350 mA) LEDs
Additional power output : m ax 12 units
Multipl e bracket opt i ons al l ows tr us s or floor mount in g
2. Introduction 5 2/6/2012 2:58 PM

Product Overview

Single-yoke Brackets (2)
Bracket Adjustment Knobs(2)
Power Link Out
Microphone Adjustment Knob
Control Board
hanging bracket
2. Introduction 6 2/6/2012 2:58 PM
Additional power
link out
Fixture #1
Fixture #2
Fixture #3

AC Power

This fixture r uns on 100~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. Before powering on the unit, make sure the line voltage to which you ar e c onn ec ting it is within the rang e of accepted vol t ages.
Always conne ct the fixt ure to a switc he d circ uit. Ne ver co nne ct t he fixt ure to a rheostat
(variable resistor) or dimmer circuit, even if the rheostat or dimmer channel is used only as a 0 to 100% switch.
To determine the power requirements for a particular fixture, see the label affixed to the back plate of the fixture or refer to the fixture’s specifications chart. A fixture’s listed current rating indicates its average current draw under normal conditions.
Always conne ct the fixt ure to a circuit wi th a suit abl e el ectri ca l ground.

Power Linking

This fixture contains power lin ki ng vi a th e edi son outl et l oc ated in front of the power input cable. Please see the diagram below for further explanation.
The maximum quantity of fixtures that may be linked is 12.
3. Setup 7 2/6/2012 2:58 PM
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