Welcome to the ranks of Cessna owners! Your Cessna has been designed and constructed
to give you the most in performance, economy, and comfort. It is our desire that you will find
flying it, either for business or pleasure, a pleasant and profitable experience.
This Pilot's Operating Handbook has been prepared as a guide to help you get the most
pleasure and utility from your airplane. It contains information about your Cessna's equipment, operating procedures, and performance; and suggestions for its servicing and care. We
urge you to read it from cover to cover, and to refer to it frequently.
Our interest in your flying pleasure has not ceased with your purchase of a Cessna. World-
wide, the Cessna Dealer Organization backed by the Cessna Customer Services Department
stands ready to serve you. The following services are offered by most Cessna Dealers:
• THE CESSNA WARRANTY, which provides coverage for parts and labor, is available
at Cessna Dealers worldwide. Specific benefits and provisions of warranty, plus other
important benefits for you, are contained in your Customer Care Program book, sup-
plied with your airplane. Warranty service is available to you at authorized Cessna
Dealers throughout the world upon presentation of your Customer Care Card which
establishes your eligibility under the warranty.
• FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL to provide you with courteous expert service.
• FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE EQUIPMENT to provide you efficient and accurate
• A STOCK OF GENUINE CESSNA SERVICE PARTS on hand when you need them.
AIRPLANES, since Cessna Dealers have all of the Service Manuals and Parts
Catalogs, kept current by Service Letters and Service News Letters, published by
Cessna Aircraft Company.
We urge all Cessna owners to use the Cessna Dealer Organization to the fullest.
A current Cessna Dealer Directory accompanies your new airplane. The Directory is
revised frequently, and a current copy can be obtained from your Cessna Dealer. Make
your Directory one of your cross-country flight planning aids; a warm welcome awaits you
at every Cessna Dealer.