Celestron VistaPix 72204 User Manual

Binocular & Digital Camera
Model #72204 /72205/72217
˙Never immerse VistaPix into any fluid or liquid.Remove dust or stains
with a soft cloth dampened with water or neutral detergent. Keep in a dry and cool dust-free environment or a container when it is not used.
˙ Avoid dropping VistaPi x.Do not disassemble VistaPi x.
Usage of the battery
˙ Please always use Alkaline Battery(AAA Alkaline Battery). ˙ Please remove batteries when not using your VistaPix for long periods
of time.
About usage
˙ To avoid damage do not use VistaPix under the following conditions.
1.Places in temperature higher that 100 F.(35 C)
2.Damp or dust places.
3.Places with strong electromagnetic field.
˙ Please do not disassemble or repair the product to avoid malfunction. ˙ Please do not drop the product on the ground to avoid malfunction.
VistaPix i s a bin ocu lar integ rat ed with a d igital ca mer a that is great f or sportin g ev ents, con cer ts and wil dlife act ivi tie s such as hun tin g or bird-wa tch ing . Vista Pix lets y ou r ecord mem ori es and sights at the touch of a b utt on. Use th e full-featu red binocula r fo r clos er v iews a nd cap ture i mag es to t ake home w ith you at the sa me t ime. Vi sta Pix ma kes it po ssi ble to sha re you r fu n with oth ers by dow nloading ima ges fr om t he camera r igh t to yo ur comput er t o e-ma il t o your fri ends a nd f amily.
Product part identification
8 9
1. Diopter Knob(on underside)
2. Center Focus Knob
3. Objective Lens
4. Power/Mode Button
5. Shutter/Set Button
6. USB Port
7. Eyepiece
8. Camera Lens
9. LCD Screen
10. Battery Compartment Lid
11. Objective Barrel
How To Use Your Binocular
Never use a VistaPix to look at the sun !
Looking at or near the sun will cause instant and irreversible damage to your eye. Eye damage is often painless, so there is no warning to the observer that damage has occurred until it is too late. Do not point the binocular at or near the sun.Children should always have adult
supervision while observing...............................................................
Adjustment of eye-relief for eyeglass wearers
Fold down the ru bbe r eyecups and pla ce them ag ain st y our gla sse s t o get the be st vie win g re sult .
Adjusting the eyepieces
The dis tan ce bet wee n your eye s is ca lle d in t er pup illa ry dis tanc e. The in ter pup illa ry dis tanc e is dif fer ent from o ne p erson to a nother. It is im p ortant to adju st to your in ter pu pilla ry dis tance bef ore usin g your Vis t aPix :
- Hold Vis t aPix f ir m ly in t he n orm al vie win g posit io n.
- Adju st t he b arrels by pushin g togethe r or pullin g apart un til you se e a sin gle c ir c le fie ld wit h bot h of yo ur eyes.
Focusing the Binocular
1. Set the Dio pte r Knob on und ers id e of Vis t aPix at it scente r Poin t between + and - .
2. Choose an obje ct tha t is 10 met ers (30 ft) aw ay.
3. Lookin g wit h ju st your le ft e ye, rotate th e Center F ocu s Knob unt il the o bje ct y ou a re vie win g is in b est fo cus .
4. Lookin g wit h ju st your rig ht eye , rotate t he Dio pter Kn ob u ntil t he obje ct you a re v ie win g is in b est fo cus .
5. Vie w in g your o bje ct w it h both e yes , turn the Center Fo cus Kn ob t o brin g it in b est fo cus .
How To Use Your Camera
* To extend battery life remove the batteries when not using the camera.. Failure to do so will result in losing pictures and dead battery after several days. * When batteries are removed, memory of pictures can maintain for 30 seconds. Batteries must be replaced within 30 seconds to avoid losing pictures. Be sure VistaPix is OFF before replacing the batteries.
Inserting Batteries
Lift the battery compartment lid and insert two AAA size alkaline batteries.
Operation Instruction
Camera Functions Control
Pow er of f th e ca mera
Pre ss th e Fu ncti on b utto n to sel ect the shown on t he LCD , the n pr ess the Shut ter butt on t o po wer o ff th e ca mera .
Aut o - S hoot Mod e
1.P ress the Func tio n but ton to s elec t sho wn o n th e LCD .
2.P ress the Shut ter butt on w ithi n 5 seco nds. The time r ru ns fo r ab out 10 s econ ds b efor e the pho to i s ta ken.
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