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Installation Instructions
Linking to your NexStar SLT Telescope
The NexStar has a RS-232 port located on the bottom of the hand control that allows it to communicate with the NexStar Observer List software. Establishing a link with your NexStar will require the use of an optional RS-232 cable (#93920) available through your local Celestron dealer. Before attempting to create a link with your computer, you must do the following:
1. Connect the RS-232 cable - Connect the phone jack end of the RS-232 cable to the port on the bottom of the hand
control and connect the 9-pin connector to the back of your computer.
2. Do a star alignment- Complete any of the star alignment procedures as described in the Instruction manual.
Very Important: If you currently have an older version of NexStar Observer List installed, you must uninstall it prior to installing this new version. Go to the Start Menu, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and double-click NexStar Observer List. If you are prompted whether you want to remove shared components, answer no. This will leave your current observation lists and User Supplied Objects intact as well as other components that may be used by other programs in your computer.
To install NexStar Observer List Version 2, run the file Setup.exe on the NSOL CD.
Very Important: During the installation process, you may be presented with dialog boxes stating that the installation is trying to replace an already existing file on your system and the existing file is newer. You will be asked if you want to keep the existing file: answer YES. Many programs will present you with this option during installation and 99% of the time you should answer yes to keep your existing file. Additionally, you may be presented with a dialog box stating that certain system files are out-of­date on your computer and need to be updated to continue. These files have been updated by Microsoft and are needed to access the database in NexStar Observer List. The updated files address security concerns that have been discovered in many Microsoft products that access databases. If you wish to use NexStar Observer List you will need to allow the setup program to update these files.
The first time you run the program (you will find it was added to Programs on the Start menu), you will be presented with the operating instructions. Please take the time to read the instructions. After the instructions, you will be prompted for basic setup information such as type of telescope, communication port the scope will be connected to, etc. Make sure that your Observing Location and Altitude Control (slew limits) are the same as you entered into the hand control when you aligned the telescope.
If the program won't start after installing and your computer uses Windows 95 or Windows 98, look in the DCOM files on the CD and double-click the DCOM file for your version of Windows. DCOM is a database patch for Windows that comes directly from Microsoft
If you decide to uninstall NexStar Observer List, simply open Control Panel on the Windows Start Menu, then open Add/Remove Programs. Look for NexStar Observer List and double-click to remove. Very, very important: when you are prompted about removing shared files, click the button “Remove None”. This will leave components that might be in use by other programs in place and it will also leave any observing lists and the file containing your User Supplied Objects in your data folder (generally C:\Program Files\NSObserverList\Data).
Technical Support
I provide support via email for any questions or problems you might have regarding NexStar Observer List. To contact me, simply send an email to swanson.michael@usa.net. If you received an error message on the screen, please describe what you where doing when you got the error, provide the full text of the error, and let me know if you can recreate the error. You may also visit the NexStar Resource Site at www.angelfire.com/ns/nexstar and check the Downloads page for program updates.
Clear Skies and Happy Computing!
Mike Swanson