Avaya one-X™ Deskphone Value Edition
1603/1603SW IP Telephone
User Guide
Issue 1
July 2007

Notices ..................................................................................................... 3
Introduction to the 1603 IP Telephone .................................................. 5
Overview .................................................................................................................. 5
About LEDs .............................................................................................................. 6
About Icons .............................................................................................................. 7
About Paper Labels .................................................................................................. 7
About logging in to your telephone ...................................................... 7
Logging in to your telephone .................................................................................... 8
Logging out of your telephone .................................................................................. 8
Making a Call ........................................................................................... 8
Redialing a number ................................................................................. 8
Answering a Call ..................................................................................... 8
Muting a Call ............................................................................................ 8
Putting a Call on Hold ............................................................................. 9
Transferring a Call .................................................................................. 9
About Conference Calls ......................................................................... 9
Making a conference call .......................................................................................... 9
Adding a person on hold to a conference call .......................................................... 9
Putting a conference call on hold ........................................................................... 10
Dropping the last person added to a conference call ............................................. 10
Getting Your Messages ........................................................................ 10
Logging into your voice mail ................................................................................... 10
About Bridged Appearances and Shared Lines ................................. 10
Answering a call on a bridged appearance ............................................................ 10
Joining a call on a bridged appearance .................................................................. 11
Making an outgoing call on a bridged appearance ................................................. 11
About Advanced Telephone Features ................................................. 11
About the Avaya Menu ......................................................................... 11
Adjusting the brightness or contrast of the display ................................................. 11
Changing the ring pattern ....................................................................................... 12
Turning button click sounds on and off ................................................................... 12
Turning error tones on or off ................................................................................... 12
Turning visual alerting on or off .............................................................................. 12
Setting Automatic Gain Control .............................................................................. 12
Changing the language .......................................................................................... 13
Viewing Network Information .................................................................................. 13
Index ....................................................................................................... 15
2 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone Value Edition 1603 IP Telephone User Guide

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Using a cell, mobile, or GSM phone, or a two-way radio in close proximity to an Avaya IP
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Avaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales agreement to
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Issue 1 July 2007 3

4 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone Value Edition 1603 IP Telephone User Guide

Introduction to the 1603 IP Telephone
Introduction to the 1603 IP Telephone
The 1603 IP telephone is a multiline IP telephone for use with an Avaya call processing
system. The 1603 IP telephone puts convenient features and capabilities at your fingertips,
including a Conference, Transfer, Hold, and Redial button and a menu of options and
settings to customize your phone.
Not all features described in this user guide may be available on your telephone. If you
find that a feature is not available, contact your system administrator.
Issue 1 July 2007 5