Casio 5261 Operation Guide


Operation Guide 5261


Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.

This watch does not have a city code that corresponds to the UTC offset of –3.5 hours. Because of this, the radio-controlled atomic timekeeping function will not display the correct time for Newfoundland, Canada.

Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of this product or its malfunction.



About This Manual

Things to check before using the watch












Button operations are indicated using the letters A through Dshown in the illustration.

Hand Functions z Hour Hand

x Second Hand

c Minute Hand

v Left Dial Hand: Indicates the current mode. b Lower Dial Hand

n Right Dial Hands m Day Indicator

This User’s Guide uses numbers shown above to identify watch hands and indicators.

1.Hold down Cat least two seconds to enter the Timekeeping Mode, and then observe the movement of the x Second Hand.

Is the x Second Hand moving smoothly at one-second intervals?





Is the x Second Hand moving at

The watch is charged sufficiently.


two-second intervals or is it stopped

For details about charging, see



“Charging the Watch” (page E-10).





Power is low. Charge the watch by placing


Go to step 2.


it in a location where it is exposed to light.






For details, see “Charging the Watch”







(page E-10).








2. Check the Home City and the daylight saving time (DST) setting.

Use the procedure under “To configure Home City settings” (page E-34) to configure your Home City and daylight saving time settings.


Proper time calibration signal reception and World Time settings depend on correct Home City, time, and date settings in the Timekeeping Mode. Make sure you configure these settings correctly.

3.Set the current time.

x To set the time using a time calibration signal

See “To get ready for a receive operation” (page E-23).

xTo set the time manually

See “Configuring Current Time and Date Settings Manually” (page E-38).

The watch is now ready for use.

x For details about the watch’s radio controlled timekeeping feature, see “Radio Controlled Atomic Timekeeping” (page E-18).






E-2 About This Manual

E-3 Things to check before using the watch

E-10 Charging the Watch

E-17 To recover from the sleep state

E-18 Radio Controlled Atomic Timekeeping

E-23 To get ready for a receive operation E-26 To perform manual receive

E-28 To check the result of the latest receive operation

E-30 Mode Reference Guide

E-31 To determine the watch’s current mode

E-31 To return to the Timekeeping Mode from any other mode E-32 To select a mode


E-33 Timekeeping

E-34 Configuring Home City Settings

E-34 To configure Home City settings

E-36 To toggle the Home City time between standard time and daylight saving time

E-38 Configuring Current Time and Date Settings Manually

E-38 To change the current time setting manually E-41 To change the current date setting manually

E-44 Using the Stopwatch

E-45 To perform elapsed time measurement

E-45 To perform an elapsed time operation

E-45 To pause at a split time



Using the Countdown Timer

E-62 Adjusting Home Positions Manually



To specify the countdown start time


E-63 To adjust home positions manually



To perform a countdown timer operation




E-50 To stop the alarm




Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone




E-52 To view the time in another time zone




E-53 To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city




E-55 To swap your Home City and World Time City




Using the Alarm




E-58 To change the alarm time setting




E-58 To turn the alarm on or off





To stop the alarm




Auto Correction of Hand Home Positions





To trigger auto correction of hand home positions





Operation Guide 5261

Charging the Watch

The face of the watch is a solar panel that generates power from light. The generated power charges a built-in rechargeable battery, which powers watch operations. The watch charges whenever it is exposed to light.

Charging Guide

Whenever you are not


When wearing the watch,

wearing the watch, be sure


make sure that its face is


to leave it in a location


not blocked from light by the

where it is exposed to light.


sleeve of your clothing.

x Best charging


x The watch may enter a

performance is achieved


sleep state (page E-16) if

by exposing the watch to


its face is blocked by your

light that is as strong as


sleeve even only partially.






Leaving the watch in bright light for charging can cause it to become quite hot. Take care when handling the watch to avoid burn injury. The watch can become particularly hot when exposed to the following conditions for long periods.

x On the dashboard of a car parked in direct sunlight x Too close to an incandescent lamp

x Under direct sunlight


x Keep the watch in an area normally exposed to bright light when storing it for long periods. This helps to ensure that power does not run down.

x Storing the watch for long periods in an area where there is no light or wearing it in such a way that it is blocked from exposure to light can cause power to run down. Make sure that the watch is exposed to bright light whenever possible.


Power Levels

You can get an idea of the watch’s power level by observing the movement of the x Second Hand in the

Timekeeping Mode. See “Hand Movement and Function

Status” (page E-13).

If the x Second Hand is moving normally at one-second intervals, power is at Level 1.

Low Battery Alert

If the x Second Hand is moving at two-second intervals, power is at Level 2, which is quite low. Expose the watch to light as soon as possible so it can charge.

Moves at two-second intervals.

Hand Movement and Function Status


Hand Movement

Function Status



All functions enabled.





x Second Hand moving at two-second

Beeper, time calibration signal



reception, and countdown timer


m Day Indicator changes to 1 (home position).

operation disabled.


x Second Hand stopped.

All functions disabled.

z Hour Hand and c Minute Hand stopped


at 12 o’clock.


x When power drops to Level 3, all functions will be disabled but the watch will continue to keep time internally for about one week. If you recharge the battery sufficiently during this period, the analog hands will move automatically to the correct setting and regular timekeeping will resume. After one week, all settings (including timekeeping) will be cleared. Recharging the battery will reset all settings to their initial factory defaults.





Power Recovery Mode

The watch is designed to go into a power recovery mode that stops hand operation temporarily whenever power suddenly drops below a certain level due to overuse of the alarm tone over a short period. Note that all operations are disabled while the watch is in the power recovery mode.

The hands will move to the correct positions and the watch will resume normal operation after power recovers (in about 15 minutes). Putting the watch in a location where it is exposed to light will help power to recover sooner.

Charging Times








Level Change *2


Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Exposure Level (Brightness)







Outdoor sunlight (50,000 lux)

8 minutes

2 hours

23 hours

Window sunlight (10,000 lux)

30 minutes

6 hours

85 hours

Window sunlight on cloudy day

48 minutes

8 hours

138 hours

(5,000 lux)





Indoor fluorescent lighting (500 lux)

8 hours

92 hours

– – –

*1 Approximate exposure each day to generate power for normal daily operation.

*2 Approximate amount exposure time required to take power up one level.

x The above exposure times all are for reference only. Actual exposure times depend on lighting conditions.

x For details about the operating time and daily operating conditions, see the “Power Supply” section of the Specifications (page E-77).





Power Saving

Power Saving enters a sleep state automatically whenever the watch is left for a certain period in an area where it is dark. The table below shows how watch functions are affected by Power Saving.

x There actually are two sleep state levels: “second hand sleep” and “function sleep”.

Elapsed Time in Dark


60 to 70 minutes (second hand

x Second Hand only stopped at 12 o’clock, all other


functions enabled

6 or 7 days (function sleep)

x All functions, including analog timekeeping, disabled

x Internal timekeeping maintained


x The watch will not enter a sleep state between 6:00 a.m. and 9:59 p.m. If the watch is already in a sleep state when 6:00 a.m. arrives, however, it will remain in the sleep state.

x The watch will not enter a sleep state while it is in the Stopwatch Mode or Countdown Timer Mode.

To recover from the sleep state

Move the watch to a well-lit area or press any button.





Radio Controlled Atomic Timekeeping

This watch receives a time calibration signal and updates its time setting accordingly. However, when using the watch outside of areas covered by time calibration signals, you will have to adjust the settings manually as required. See “Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings Manually” (page E-38) for more information.

This section explains how the watch updates its time settings when the city code selected as the Home City is in Japan, North America, Europe, or China, and is one that supports time calibration signal reception.

If your Home City Code setting is this:

The watch can receive the signal from

the transmitter located here:



Anthorn (England), Mainflingen (Germany)


Shangqiu City (China)


Fukushima (Japan), Fukuoka/Saga (Japan)




Fort Collins, Colorado (United States)




x The areas covered by HONOLULU (HNL) and ANCHORAGE (ANC) are quite far from the calibration signal transmitters, so certain conditions may cause reception problems.

x When HONOLULU (HNL) or HONG KONG (HKG) is selected as the Home City, only the time and date are adjusted according to the time calibration signal. You need to switch manually between standard time and daylight saving time (DST) if required. See “To toggle the Home City time between standard time and daylight saving time” (page E-36) for information about how to do this.



Casio 5261 Operation Guide
12 o’clock

Operation Guide 5261

Approximate Reception Ranges

UK and German Signals

North American Signal


2,000 miles


(3,000 kilometers)


500 kilometers

600 miles

(1,000 kilometers)


1,500 kilometers

Fort Collins


The Anthorn signal is receivable within this area.


x Signal reception may not be possible at the distances noted below during certain times of the year or day. Radio interference may also cause problems with reception.

Mainflingen (Germany) or Anthorn (England) transmitters: 500 kilometers (310 miles)

Fort Collins (United States) transmitter: 600 miles (1,000 kilometers)

Fukushima or Fukuoka/Saga (Japan) transmitters: 500 kilometers (310 miles)

Shangqiu (China) transmitter: 500 kilometers (310 miles)

x As of December 2010, China does not use Daylight Saving Time (DST). If China does go to the Daylight Saving Time system in the future, some functions of this watch may no longer operate correctly.

x Using this watch in a country covered by a time calibration that is different from the countries it supports may result in incorrect time indication due to local application of summer time, etc.


x Signal reception may be difficult or even impossible under the conditions described below.

Inside or

Inside a


Near a








or behind




site, airport,

power lines





or other






sources of





or a mobile











To perform manual receive

1.In the Timekeeping Mode, keep Adepressed (for about two seconds) as the x Second Hand goes through the following sequence.

x Moves to YES (or Y for some models) or NO (N) to indicate the last signal reception result, then to READY (R).

2. The x Second Hand indicates the operations the watch is currently performing.


When the x Second

It means this:


Hand is pointed here:





Watch is setting up for reception.



Reception is in progress.



Reception was completed






NO (N)

Reception failed for some reason.



x If signal reception is unstable, the x Second Hand


may move between WORK (W) and READY (R).





To check the result of the latest receive operation

In the Timekeeping Mode, press A.

x The x Second Hand will move to YES (Y) for five seconds if the latest receive operation was successful, or NO (N) if it was not. After that, regular timekeeping will resume.

x You can return to the Timekeeping Mode manually by pressing Awhile the x Second Hand is pointing to YES (Y) or NO (N).


x The x Second Hand will indicate NO (N) if you have adjusted the time or date setting manually since the latest receive operation.

Japanese Signals

Chinese Signal


500 kilometers


500 kilometers









Hong Kong


1,500 kilometers


1,000 kilometers


To get ready for a receive operation

1. Confi rm that the watch is in the Timekeeping Mode. If it isn’t, hold down Cat least two seconds to enter the Timekeeping Mode.

2. Place the watch in a location where signal reception is good.

x Position the watch as shown in the nearby illustration, with 12 o’clock pointed towards a window. Make sure there are no metal objects nearby.

x Signal reception normally is better at night.

x The receive operation takes from two to seven minutes, but in some cases it can take as long as 14 minutes.

Take care that you do not perform any button operation or move the watch during this time.


3.What you should do next depends on whether you are using Auto Receive or

Manual Receive.

x Auto Receive: Leave the watch over night in the location you selected in step 2. See “Auto Receive” on page E-25 for details.

x Manual Receive: Perform the operation under “To perform manual receive” on page E-26.

Auto Receive

x With Auto Receive, the watch performs the receive operation each day automatically up to six times (up to five times for the Chinese calibration signal) between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. (according to the Timekeeping Mode time). When any receive operation is successful, none of the other receive operations for that day are performed.

x When a calibration time is reached, the watch will perform the receive operation only if it is in the Timekeeping Mode or World Time Mode. The receive operation is not performed if a calibration time is reached while you are configuring settings.


3.The receive operation is complete when the x Second Hand moves to YES (Y) or NO (N) for about fi ve


seconds, and then resumes regular timekeeping.


x You can return to the Timekeeping Mode manually by


pressing Awhile the x Second Hand is pointing to


YES (Y) or NO (N).


x When the receive operation is successful, the watch


adjusts the time setting accordingly. It does not adjust


the setting if the operation failed.





x To interrupt a receive operation and return to the


Timekeeping Mode, press any button.



Radio-controlled Atomic Timekeeping Precautions

x Strong electrostatic charge can result in the wrong time setting.

x Even if a receive operation is successful, certain conditions can cause the time setting to be off by up to one second.

x The watch is designed to update the date and day of the week automatically for the period January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2099. Updating of the date by signal reception will no longer be performed starting from January 1, 2100.

x If you are in an area where signal reception is not possible, the watch keeps time with the precision noted in “Specifications” (page E-76).

x The receive operation is disabled under any of the following conditions.

While power is at Level 2 or lower (page E-12)

While the watch is in the power recovery mode (page E-14)

When the watch is in the function sleep state (power saving, page E-16)

While a countdown time operation is in progress (page E-47)

x A receive operation is cancelled if an alarm sounds while it is being performed.



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