Casio 5196 Operation Guide

Casio 5196 Operation Guide

MA1208-EA Ú #!3)/ #/-054%2 #/ #,4$

Operation Guide 5196/5252/5301


Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.

About this manual

Operations are performed using the watch’s crown and the Abutton.












Module 5196

Module 5252

Module 5301






About the face






The following explains the meanings of the markings on the




watch’s face.


1. Y (YES)/N (NO): Time calibration signal reception result





Y (YES): Successful





N (NO): Unsuccessful





x See “To check the result of the latest receive operation”





(page E-30).





2. RC: Receive in progress





x See “To perform manual receive” (page E-29).





3. A (AM)/P (PM): AM and PM indications when setting



the time





x See “To set the time manually” (page E-36).










Signal reception location



x See “Radio Controlled Atomic Timekeeping” (page E-23).



Second click

For configuring time, date and other settings


x When you push the crown back in from the first click, the x Second Hand will perform movement that indicates whether the watch’s battery requires charging before resuming regular timekeeping. See “Charging Guide” (page E-17).

High-speed Forward and Reverse Movement

While the crown is pulled out, rotating it more than one full turn either way will cause the hands or Day indicator to start to move at high speed. High-speed movement will continue even if you release the crown.

xNote that the product illustrations in this manual are intended for reference only, and so the actual product may appear somewhat different than depicted by an illustration.

Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of this product or its malfunction.


Hand Functions z Hour Hand

x Second Hand

c Minute Hand

v Day Indicator

This User’s Guide uses numbers shown above to identify watch hands and indicators.

x The operational procedures for Modules 5196, 5252 and 5301 are identical. All of the illustrations in this manual show Module 5196.

* The module number is engraved on the back cover of the watch case.


x The Abutton is designed to protect against accidental pressing. Use a thin pointed object to press the depression of the button to operate it.

x In the illustrations in this manual, the Abutton is emphasized for ease of understanding.


Crown Operations

The crown can be pulled out to one of two (click) positions. Never apply undue force when pulling out the crown.


x When pulling out the crown, avoid using undue force, which creates the risk of personal injury to your fingers and fingernails, and of watch malfunction.

First click

For selecting the location setting


High-speed Cancel

Rotate the crown in the reverse direction of the movement or press the Abutton.


x Leaving the crown pulled out for more than two minutes without performing any operation will automatically cause the setting operation to become disabled. If this happens, press the crown back in and then pull it out again to configure settings.

x High-speed movement can be used when setting the current time (page E-36) and when performing home position adjustment (page E-44).

E-6 E-7


Things to check before using the watch





The watch is charged. For details about charging, see “Charging the Watch”










(page E-14).



1. Observe the movement of the x Second Hand.










Is the x Second Hand moving smoothly at one-second intervals?

















Go to step 2.











































x Second Hand moving in the

1 second


1 second


2 seconds

following pattern.







Is the x Second Hand moving at two-second intervals or is it stopped completely?

Charge the watch by placing it in a location where it is exposed to light. For details, see “Charging the Watch” (page E-14).


Battery is starting to go low.


Battery is low.



Operation Guide 5196/5252/5301

2. Check the current location settings.

Use the procedure under ÒConÞ guring Time and Date SettingsÓ (page E-32) to conÞ gure your location settings.


x Proper time calibration signal reception and time settings depend on correct location setting. Make sure you configure these settings correctly.

3.Set the current time.

x To set the time using a time calibration signal

See “To get ready for a receive operation” (page E-26).

xTo set the time manually

See “Configuring Time and Date Settings Manually” (page E-35).

The watch is now ready for use.

x For details about the watch’s radio controlled timekeeping feature, see “Radio Controlled Atomic Timekeeping” (page E-23).






E-2 About this manual

E-4 About the face

E-5 Crown Operations

E-8 Things to check before using the watch

E-14 Charging the Watch

E-18 To use the charging guide E-22 To recover from the sleep state

E-23 Radio Controlled Atomic Timekeeping

E-32 Configuring Time and Date Settings

E-33 To check the current location setting E-34 To change the location setting

E-36 To set the time manually E-38 To set the date manually

E-43 Adjusting the Home Positions

E-48 Troubleshooting

E-54 Specifications

E-26 To get ready for a receive operation

E-29 To perform manual receive

E-30 To check the result of the latest receive operation





Charging the Watch

The face of the watch is a solar panel that generates power from light. The generated power charges a built-in rechargeable battery, which powers watch operations. The watch charges whenever it is exposed to light.

Charging Guide

Whenever you are not


When wearing the watch,

wearing the watch, be sure


makes sure that its face is


to leave it in a location


not blocked from light by the

where it is exposed to light.


sleeve of your clothing.

x Best charging


x The watch may enter a

performance is achieved


sleep state (page E-21) if

by exposing the watch to


its face is blocked by your

light that is as strong as


sleeve even only partially.






Leaving the watch in bright light for charging can cause it to become quite hot. Take care when handling the watch to avoid burn injury. The watch can become particularly hot when exposed to the following conditions for long periods.

x On the dashboard of a car parked in direct sunlight x Too close to an incandescent lamp

x Under direct sunlight


x Keep the watch in an area normally exposed to bright light when storing it for long periods. This helps to ensure that power does not run down.

x Storing the watch for long periods in an area where there is no light or wearing it in such a way that it is blocked from exposure to light can cause power to run down. Make sure that the watch is exposed to bright light whenever possible.


Power Levels

Movement indicates the current charge level.


You can get an idea of the watchÕs power level by observing the movement of the x Second Hand in the regular timekeeping.


Hand Movement









Battery is charged.


x Second Hand moves in the



following pattern.


Battery is starting

1 second


1 second




to go low.







2 seconds







x Second Hand moves at two-



second intervals.


Battery is low.

v Day Indicator changes to





(home position).











x Second Hand stopped.


Battery is very low.

z Hour Hand and c Minute



Hand stopped at 12 o’clock.



x When power drops to Level 4, all functions will be disabled but the watch will continue to keep time internally for about one week. If you recharge the battery sufficiently during this period, the analog hands will move automatically to the correct setting and regular timekeeping will resume. After one week, all settings (including timekeeping) will be cleared. Recharging the battery will reset all settings to their initial factory defaults.

Charging Guide

The charging guide causes the x Second Hand to perform movement that gives you a rough idea of whether the watch needs to be exposed to light in order to charge the battery.


To use the charging guide

1.Pull the crown out to the Þ rst click. The x Second Hand will move to the currently

selected location setting. Next, push the crown back in.

x For about one second, the x Second Hand will perform movement that indicates whether the watch’s battery requires charging.


Battery is charged.

Charge is very low.

Charge is low.

Consider leaving the watch in

Leave the watch in bright

light for charging.

light for long time until




x The current charging requirement is indicated whenever you push the crown back in from the first click.

x Failure to expose the watch to light when charging is required will cause the charge to be reduced even further.

x The charging guide is based on a calculated value (not the actual battery charge). Because of this, the battery charge may go low even if the charging guide indicates that immediate charging is not required. If this happens, expose the watch to light as soon as possible to charge the battery.

Charge is low.

Leave the watch in light for charging.



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