Casio 1044, 1244 Product Manual

M od u l e No
1 0 4 4 1 2 4 4 -1
The operational procedures for Modules 1044 and 124 4 are identical. All of the illustrations in this manual show Module 1044.
[Module No. 1244]
Hold down B for 3 seconds.
10 :5 8 5 0
[ Gregorian Date Display ] [ Hijra Date Display ]
To switch from the Timekeeping Mode to the Prayer Time Mode, hold down © for about one second. For other modes, simply press © to change from mode to mode. After you perform an operation in any mode, pressing © returns to the Timekeeping Mode.
Prayer Time Mode
Hijra Date Mode
2 :3 9
30- 6
Digital Compass Mode
1 2:0 0
Alarm Mode
This part of the manual tells you how to set the city data (to tell the watch where you are), the prayer time calculation method,* and the current time and date. Note that the settings you make in the Timekeeping Mode are used by the Digital Compass and Prayer Time function. Make sure you make these settings correctly. * There are number of different prayer time calculation methods in use, depending on
geographic region. This watch is pre-programmed to calculate prayer times in accordance with the method you select. For details, see 2-2 About prayer time calculation methods.
In the Timekeeping Mode, you can switch the date display between Hijra style and Gregorian style. For details, see 2-4 About the Timekeeping Mode display.
In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down B to illuminate the display.
2-1 About city data...
With the city data, you tell the watch your current location so that it can calculate other data. Be sure to c ha ng e the city data setting whenever you move from one city to ano th e r . City data consist of time differential from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), latitude, longitude, and directional variation (variation between true north and magnetic north) for the city where you are currently located. You can use either of the two following methods to set city data.
Standard Data Input
With this method, you simply specify one of 30 pre-programmed city codes, and all other data (based on data for 1990) is input automatically. With this method, however, you must remember to change the time differential from GMT whenever you switch between summer time and standard time. A complete list of the available city codes
can be found at the end of this manual.
Original Data Input With this method, you make each of the settings by yourself. There are two methods you can use to preset original data: editing pre-programmed city data or inputting new data. To edit pre-programmed city data, you select one of the pre-programmed city codes and make changes in its data to suit your current location. To input new data, you must make each setting one-by-one.
To set city data using city codes
1. Press ( A ) while in the Timekeeping Mode. At this time,
the currently set city code starts to flash on the display because it is selected.
Graphic display area
2. While the city code is selected (flashing), press (D) or (B) to scroll through the 3-letter city codes until the one you want is displayed.
See the City Code List at the end of this manual for a full
list of available city codes.
3. After you select your city code, press © to advance to the GMT differential setting.
City code Pressing © causes the GMT differential to start flashing,
GMT differential 4. If you want to change the GMT differential setting (to (+9 hours) adjust for the 1 -hour change for summer time), press
to increase the time differential or (B) to decrease it.
Prayer time calculation method number
If you do not want to change the GMT differential setting, skip this step and proceed to step 5.
Pressing (D) and (B) changes the time differential in 15-minute increments.
The hours setting changes automatically whenever a change in the minutes settings increases or decreases past 00.
You can set the GMT differential within the range of -11 hours to +13 hours 45 minutes.
5. After you finish making your setting, press (A ) twice to return to the Timekeeping
After you change the setting in the above procedure, the watch needs a bit of time to calculate certain information. During this calculation, the pattern in the graphic display moves. Wait until this display stops moving before you try to set any further data.
If you do not operate any button for a few minutes while a selection is flashing, the flashing stops and the watch automatically goes back to the Timekeeping Mode.
After you change the GMT differential for summer time, the city code (which is displayed with the city data when setting the prayer time calculation method) is marked with a to indicate that its data has been changed.
To set original city data
When setting original city data, you can use the City Data List at the back of this manual and the Directional Variation Map (included separately with this watch).
1. Press (A) while in the Timekeeping Mode. At this time,
the currently set city code starts to flash on the display because it is selected.
2. While the city code is selected (flashing), press (B ) or (D) to scroll through the 3-letter city codes until the one you want is displayed.
If you are going to use pre-programmed city data, you
should select a city code for a location that is close to the one whose data you want to set.
If you are going to input new data, select _ _ _ as the
city code.
GMT differential (hours:minutes)
Prayer time calculation method
to advance to
3. After you select the city code (3-letter city code o r "_ _ _), press the GMT differential setting.
Pressing © causes the GMT differential to start flashing.
4. Press (D) to increase the time differential or (B) to decrease it.
Pressing (D ) and (B) changes the time differential in 15-minute increments.
The hours setting changes automatically whenever a change in the minutes settings
increases or decreases past 00 .
Holding down (D) or (B) changes the time differential at high speed.
You can set the GMT differential within the range of -11 hours (-11:00) to +13 hours
45 minutes (13:45).
60° S
Press (D).
Press (B).
(B ) 5. After you set the GMT differential, press
to the latitude setting.
to advance
60° N
6. Use (D) and (B) to change the latitude within the range
shown in the illustration. Holding down either button changes the setting at high speed.
7. After you set the latitude, press longitude setting.
to advance to the
Press (D).
179°W = 0°E 180°E =
8. Use (D) and (B) to change the longitude within the range
shown in the illustration. Holding down either button changes the setting at high speed.
Press (B).
Qibla value
9. After you set the longitude, press © to advance to the directional variation setting.
The sample display illustrated here shows a directional
variation of 7 degrees west.
For details on the Qibla value, see 3-2 About Qibla
Directional variation
Press (D).
Press (B).
60° E
8 : 0 0
10. Use (D ) and (B) to change the directional variation
setting the range shown in the illustration. Holding down either button changes the setting at high speed.
11. After finish setting your city data, press (A) twice to
return to the Timekeeping Mode.
Anytime you change pre-programmed city data, the city
code (which is displayed with the city data when setting the prayer time calculation method) is marked with a # to indicate that its data has been changed.
Note here that the prayer time calculation method (see 2-2 About prayer time calculation methods") is also considered to be part of the pre-programmed data. Because of this, is shown with the city code if the prayer time calculation method has been changed, also.
1044 1244-2
Whenever you change to another city code from a city code whose pre-programmed data has been changed, the changed data is automatically reset to their initial (unchanged) settings. You have to make the changes again if you wish to return to the original city code.
New settings that you make (using _ _ _ as the city code) are stored in memory until you change them. If you change from _ _ _" to another city code, the settings for _ _ _" are retained.
2-2 About prayer time calculation methods
Methods that are used to determine prayer times (especially Fajr, Asr, and Isha) differ somewhat between countries and regions. This watch comes with a total of seven built-in prayer time calculation methods that conform with various geographical areas around the world. In addition, you can also set your own calculation method for calculation of Fajr, Asr, and Isha.
Prayer Time Calculation Methods
Type of Calculation
Applicable Areas
- - 1
Europe, Turkey, Far East, etc.
- - 1
Kuwait, Iran, etc.
- -2
Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, etc.
- - 1
2 Saudi Arabia
- - 1 1
Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, UAE, etc.
- - 1
Africa, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, continental United States, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, etc.
7 - - 1
- - 1
- - 1
- - 1
15.0° (User programmable)
Numbers 1 through 7 are pre-programmed calculation methods, while 0 is reserved
for input of a user calculation method. These numbers are used to specify the calculation method that you want.
The degree values in the above table (such as: 18.0°) indicate the angle of sun below
the horizon. The values 1 and 2 have the following meanings. FAJR - - 1 : 90 minutes before sunrise
2 : 120 minutes before sunrise
ASR 1 : Shadow length equal that produced by objects
- - 2 : Shadow length double that produced by objects
ISHA - - 1 : 90 minutes after sunset
2 : 90 minutes after sunset, and 120 minutes after sunset during Ramadan
The 1 or 2 setting of No. 0 can be changed when making its angle o f sun
below the horizon settings.
For the angle of sun below horizon values, one degree of angular differential is equivalent to a time differential of approximately four minutes.
At latitudes greater than 45° (north or south), this watch extrapolates Fajr and Isha prayer times based on the proportion of night time, and predawn light/twilight at 45° (north or south).
This watchs pre-programmed prayer calculation methods were carefully selected to provide the widest possible applicability. Note, however, that there are still other calculation methods and variations.
To set a prayer calculation method
See Prayer Time Calculation Methods before making the following setting.
1. Press (A) while in the Timekeeping Mode. At this time, the currently set city code starts to flash on the display because it is selected.
2. Press © five times to advance to the prayer time calculation setting screen. In this display, the prayer time calculation method number is flashing.
Prayer time calculation method number
Each time you press © , the display changes in the sequence noted below. If you accidently go past the prayer time calculation method setting screen, use © to go back through the sequence until it appears again.
GMT differential
Directional Variation
FAJR Calculation
Method Number
If you have already set a pre-programmed city code, the corresponding prayer time calculation method number appears flashing on the display. Press © to check the settings for FAJR, ASR, and ISHA. If they are correct, proceed with step 10 below. If the settings are not correct, proceed with step 3 to change them.
3. Press (B) to decrease the prayer time method number and (D) to increase it.
If you want to use one of the pre-programmed prayer time calculation methods, select its number and proceed with step 10 below. If you want to make your own settings, select number 0 and proceed with step 4.
4. If you selected number 0 in step 3, press © to display the FAJR setting screen.[ 0 ] FAJR
Press (D) .
Press (B).
[ 0 ] A SR
5. Use (D) and (B) to change the FAJR setting within the
range shown in the illustration. Holding down either
button changes the setting at high speed.
With the 15° - 20° setting, you can make the setting in
units of 0.5 degrees.
6. After you set the FAJR, press © to advance to the ASR
7. Press (D) or (B) to switch the ASR setting between - - 1 and - - 2.
[ 0 ] ISHA
8. After you set the ASR, press
to advance to the ISHA
Press (D)
15° - 20°
- - 2
Press (B)
9. Use (D) and (B) to change the ISHA setting within the range shown in the illustration. Holding down either button changes the setting at high speed.
With the 15° - 20° setting, you can make the setting in
units of 0.5 degrees.
After you finish setting the prayer time calculation method, press (A) twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
2-3 To set the time and date
Press (A) twice while in the Timekeeping Mode. The seconds digits start to flash on the display because they are selected. Press © to change the selection in the following sequence.
Gregorian Year
Gregorian Date
AM indicator
30- 6-1994
Hijra date Hiy ra month
3. While the seconds digits are selected (flashing), press (D) to reset them to 00. If you press (D) while the seconds count is in the range of 30 to 59, the seconds are reset to 00 and 1 is added to the minutes. If the seconds count is in the range of 00 to 29, the minutes count is unchanged.
4. While any other setting (besides seconds) is selected (flashing), press (D) to increase the setting or (B) to decrease it. Holding down either button changes the setting at high speed.
The digital time is always displayed in 12-hour format.
5. After you set the time and date, press (A) to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
The day of the week is automatically set in accordance with the Gregorian Date
The Gregorian Date can be set within the range of January 1, 1990 to December 31,
This watch uses a 30-day cycle to calculate the Hijra months. Because of this, the Hijra date shown by this watch may differ from the actual date. When this happens, use time/date setting procedure described above to change the date to its correct setting. Also note that the watch uses midnight as the point for the change of date.
2-4 About the Timekeeping Mo de display
You can switch the Timekeeping Mode display to show the Hijra date, Gregorian date, or prayer times as illustrated below.
Day of week Date Month Year
Hijra date indicator
Hold down (B) for 3 seconds.
Hijra date Hijra month
30- 6 '94
[ Gregorian Date Display ]
Press (B).
Gregorian date Next prayer time
[ Hijra Date Display ]
Press (8
Hijra date
TH 30 11 :44
[ Prayer Time Display ]
Next prayer time
TH 21 11 : 44
[ Prayer Time Display ]
The date display (Hijra or Gregorian) you select here determines the format for the date that appears in other modes. If you select the Hijra date display, for example, the Hijra date format is used in the Prayer Time Mode as well. Note also that a Hijra
date indicator appears on the display while the Hijra date display is selected.
Whenever the Prayer Time Display is selected, the next sequential prayer time (Fajr, Zohr, Asr, Mgrib, Isha) is indicated on the display.
AM and PM is not indicated on the Prayer Time Display.
The next prayer time indicated on the Prayer Time Display changes one minute after the indicated prayer time is reached.
The next prayer time is indicated for the current date only. Because of this, the Isha
prayer time remains on the display even after Isha is passed. The next prayer time
will change to Fajr after midnight.
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