Cashco B2 User Manual

The Model B2 is a back pressure regulator used to control upstream (inlet or P1) pressure. Sizes are 1/4" and 3/8" NPT (DN8 and DN10) FNPT or 1/2" (DN15) with Tri-Clamp connections. The unit is suitable for gaseous or liquid service. Refer to Technical Bulletin B2-TB for design conditions and selection rec om men da tions.
This is not a safety device and must not be substituted for a code approved pressure safety relief valve or a rupture disc.
Installation of adequate overpressure pro tec tion is recommended to pro tect the reg u la tor from over­ pres sure and all down stream equip ment from dam­ age in the event of regulator failure.
1. An inlet block valve should always be installed.
2. If service application is continuous such that shut down is not readily accomplished, it is rec­ommended that an inlet block valve, outlet block valve, and a manual bypass valve be installed.
3. Pipe unions should be installed to allow removal from piping.
4. An outlet pressure gauge should be located ap­ proxi mately ten pipe diameters downstream, and within sight.
5. All installations should include a downstream re­ lief de vice if the inlet pressure could exceed the pres sure rating of any downstream equip ment or the maximum outlet pressure rating of the unit.
6. Clean the pip ing of all foreign material including chips, welding scale, oil, grease and dirt before installing the reg u la tor. Strainers are rec om ­mend ed.
7. In plac ing thread seal ant on pipe ends pri or to en gage ment, ensure that excess material is re-
moved and not allowed to enter the regulator upon startup.
8. Flow Direction: Install so the fl ow direction match es the inlet stamp on the main regulator body (1).
9. For best performance, install in well drained hori zon tal pipe.
10. Basic Regulator - (Refer to Figure 2, Model B2): Regulator may be rotated around the pipe axis 360°. Recommended position is with knob (4) ver ti cal upwards.
11. Regulators are not to be buried un der ground.
12. For insulated piping systems, recommendation is to not insulate regulator.
1. Movement occurs as pressure variations register on the diaphragm. The registering pressure is the inlet,
, or upstream pressure. The range spring opposes
diaphragm movement. As inlet pressure drops, the range spring pushes the dia phragm down, closing
the port; as inlet pres sure in creas es, the diaphragm pushes up and the port opens.
2. A complete diaphragm failure will cause the reg u la tor to fail closed.
The maximum outlet pressure is stamped on the body as the upper range spring pres sure level, and is the rec om mend ed “upper operative limit” for the sens ing diaphragm (see Sec tion IV. Startup, Step
7). Higher press ures could dam age the di a phragm. (Field hydro static tests fre quent ly de stroy di a ­phragms. DO NOT HYDRO STATIC TEST THRU AN IN STALLED UNIT; ISO LATE FROM TEST.)
1. Start with the block valves closed. A bypass valve may be used to maintain inlet pressure in the upstream system without changing the fol low ing steps.
2. Relax the range spring (15) by turning knob (4) counter clockwise (CCW) a minimum of three (3) full rev o lu­ tions. This reduces the inlet (up stream) pres sure setpoint.
3. If it is a “hot” piping system, and equipped with a bypass valve, slowly open the bypass valve to pre­heat the system piping and to allow slow ex pan sion of the piping. Assure proper steam trap operation if installed. Closely monitor inlet (up stream) pres sure via gauge to assure not over-pressurizing. NOTE: If
no bypass valve is in stalled, extra caution should be used in starting up a cold system; i.e. do everything slowly.
4. Crack open the inlet (upstream) block valve.
5. Slowly open the outlet (downstream) block valve ob serv ing the inlet (upstream) pressure gauge. De­ ter mine if the regulator is fl owing. If not, slowly rotate the regulator adjusting screw CCW until fl ow begins.
6. Continue to slowly open the outlet (downstream) block valve until fully open.
7. Observing the inlet (upstream) pressure gauge, ro tate knob (4) clockwise (CW )slowly until the inlet pres sure begins to rise. Rotate CW until the desired setpoint is reached.
8. Continue to slowly open the inlet (upstream block valve. If the inlet (upstream) pressure exceeds the desired setpoint pressure, rotate knob (4) CCW until the pres sure decreases.
9. When fl ow is established steady enough that both the outlet and inlet block valves are fully open, begin to slowly close the bypass valve, if installed.
10. Develop system fl ow to a level near its expected normal rate, and reset the regulator setpoint by turn­ ing knob (4) CW to increase inlet pressure, or CCW to reduce inlet pressure.
11. Using a downstream valve, reduce system fl ow to a min i mum level and ob serve setpoint. Inlet pres sure will rise from the setpoint of Step 9. (Ensure this rise does not exceed the stated upper limit of the range spring by greater than 50%, i.e. 2-50 psig (.14 - 3.4 Barg) range spring, at maximum fl ow the inlet pres- sure should not exceed 1.5 x 50 psig (3.4 Barg), or 75 psig (5.2 Barg). If it does, consult factory).
12. Increase fl ow to maximum lev el, if possible. Inlet (up stream or P setpoint as necessary at the normal fl ow rate.
) pressure should fall off. Re ad just
1. On systems with a bypass valve, and where sys tem pressure is to be main tained as the reg u la tor is shut down, slowly open the bypass valve while closing the inlet (up stream) block valve. Fully close the inlet (up­ stream) block valve. (When on bypass, the sys tem pres sure must be con stant ly observed and man u al ly
reg u lat ed. Close the outlet (down stream) block valve.
Do not walk away and leave a bypassed regulator unattended.
2. If the regulator and system are to both be shut down, slowly close the inlet (upstream) block
SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE. Prior to performing any maintenance, isolate the regulator from the sys­tem and relieve all pressure. Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
A. General:
1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are
based upon re mov al of the regulator unit from the pipeline where in stalled.
valve. Close the outlet (downstream) valve only if reg u la tor re mov al is required.
Figure 1: Diaphragm Subassembly
spring button (5) should remain inside the spring cham ber.
2. Owner should refer to owner's procedures for
removal, handling, cleaning and disposal of non reuseable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.
3. Refer to Figure 2 for Model B2 basic reg u -
la tor and Figure 1 for the diaphragm sub as ­sem bly.
B. Diaphragm Replacement - Model B2:
To prevent damage to body, use soft jaws when placing body in a vise. Position so that vise closes over the fl ats on lower end of body.
1. Securely install the body (1) in a vise with
knob (4) directed upwards.
SPRING UNDER COMPRESSION. Prior to removing spring chamber, relieve range spring compression by turning the knob CCW until rotation comes to a complete stop. Failure to do so may result in fl ying parts that could cause personal injury.
2. Relax range spring (15) by turning knob (4)
CCW until rotation comes to a complete stop. NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the knob (4) before removing the spring chamber (6) from the body (1).
3. Remove spring chamber (6) by grasping the
ats and turning CCW. Upon removal, the range spring (15), range spring clip (16), and
4. Remove diaphragm subassembly (7) con­ sist ing of the actuator nut (7.3), diaphragm (7.1), ac tu a tor post (7.2), ac tu a tor gasket (7.4), ac tu a tor o-ring (7.5). Remove di a ­phragm gas ket (10).
5. Remove actuator nut (7.3) and separate all parts of the diaphragm subassembly (7).
6. Clean body (1) diaphragm fl ange surface and all re us able parts according to owner's procedures. Do not scratch di a phragm
gas ket seat ing sur face. NOTE: On reg u- la tors origi nally sup plied as “oxygen clean”, Option-M, main tenance must in clude a level of clean li ness equal to Cash co's clean ing stan dard #S-1134. On regulators originally suppled for Sanitary Service, maintenance must in clude a level of clean li ness equal to Cash co clean ing stan dard #S-1576. Contact factory for details.
7. Inspect and replace any necessary parts.
NOTE: Use only parts man u fac tured and sup plied by Cashco, Inc. for these products. See Section VIII.
8. Reassemble di a phragm subassembly (7) by plac ing the actuator gasket (7.4), di a phragm (7.1), and actuator o-ring (7.5) over the threads of the actuator post (7.2). Place a thread sealant com pound on the threads of the ac tu a tor post (7.2) prior to installing the actuator nut (7.3). Install ac tu a tor nut (7.3) and tighten to the fol low ing torque value: ALL SIZES: 15 Ft-lbs (20 Nm).
9. Place the diaphragm gas body (1) diaphragm fl ange. Place di a phragm sub as sem bly on top of the gasket (10).
ket (10) onto the
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