Cashco 31-N User Manual

Pressure Reducing Service Regulator
The Model 31-N is a pressure reducing service regulator used to control downstream (outlet or P2) pressure to levels between 2" – 16 “WC (50–400 mm H2O). Sizes are 1/2" 3/4”, 1", 1-1/2" and 2" (DN15, 20, 25, 40 and 50).
The unit is designed for gaseous service only.
Refer to Technical Bulletin 31-N-TB for sizing, application and selection recommendations.
1. Model 31-N does not include an internal relief mech a nism. Overpressure protection requires use of a downstream safety relief valve or rupture disc.
2. User to determine acceptance of non-relieving design by federal, state, and/or local codes.
User to comply with instructions, operating re quire ments and maintenance requirements located herein the “IOM-31-N”.
1. An inlet block valve should always be installed. An outlet block valve is recommended.
3. Pipe unions are recommended to be installed to allow removal from piping. Trim can be changed without removal from pipeline.
4. An outlet pressure gauge should be located ap prox i mate ly 10 pipe diameters downstream, and within sight.
5. All installations should include a downstream re lief device if the inlet pressure could exceed the pressure rating of any downstream equipment.
A downstream safety relief valve or a rupture
disc is absolutely required if the inlet P1 pres sure exceeds 100 psig (6.9 Barg) under any normal or upset conditions.
Installation of adequate overpressure pro tec tion is recom­mended to pro tect the reg u la tor from overpressure and all down stream equip ment from damage in the event of regulator failure.
The maximum outlet pressure listed on the name plate is the “upper operative limit” for the sensing di a phragm. Higher pressures could damage the internals. (Field hy­ dro stat ic or pneumatic pressure tests fre quent ly destroy diaphragms. DO NOT HY DRO STAT IC OR PNEUMATIC PRESSURE TEST THRU AN IN STALLED UNIT EX POS ING THE OUTLET POR TION OF THE REGULATOR TO PRES­ SURES GREATER THAN 50 PSIG (3.45 BARG) FAIL URE TO HEED MAY RESULT IN CAT A STROPH IC FAIL URE WITH FLYING PARTS AND POSSIBILITY OF PER SON AL INJURY! ISO LATE FROM TEST.)
For welded installations, all internal trim parts, seals and diaphragm(s) must be removed from reg u la tor body prior to welding into pipeline. The heat of fusion welding will dam­ age non-metallic parts if not re moved. NOTE: This does
not apply to units equipped with extended pipe nip ples.
6. Clean the piping of all foreign material including chips, welding scale, oil, grease and dirt before in stall ing the regulator. Strainers are rec om ­mend ed.
Figure 1
Recommended Piping Schematic For
Pressure Re duc ing Station
7. In placing thread sealant on pipe ends prior to en gage ment, assure that excess material is re moved and not allowed to enter the regulator upon startup.
8. Flow Direction: Install so the fl ow direction match es the arrow cast on the regulator body.
9. Refer to Figure 2. Regulator may be rotated around the pipe axis 360°, and may be installed in a horizontal or vertical pipeline. Four orientation/ arrangement assembly positions are standard. Ori­ent to prevent the spring chamber vent hole from collecting rainwater or debris. Reorient ac tu a tor around the stem axis 360° if nec es sary.
10. Regulators are not to be direct buried un der ­ground.
11. For insulated piping systems, recommendation is to not insulate regulator.
12. Cashco does not recommend fi eld welding on the body of the regulator. If weld connections are desired, specify Opt-32, extended plain end pipe nipples.
Position 1
Position 1
Position 2
Position 2
1. Refer to internals drawings Figures 5 thru 8.
2. Internal trim movement occurs as pressure vari a­ tions register on the diaphragm. The registering pressure is the controlled outlet pressure, P2, or down stream pressure. The range spring opposes
Figure 2
Position 3
Position 3
up wards movement of the diaphragm due to the P2 pressure. As outlet pressure drops, the range spring pushes the diaphragm down, opening the regulator’s port via the linkage lever travel. As outlet pressure increases, the diaphragm pushes up against the range spring and the port closes.
Position 4
Position 4
3. Model 31-N includes a linkage lever in its mech a­ nism. The linkage lever allows the regulator to operate fl ow-to-open (FTO) and provides plug travel multiplication thru the lever length ratio.
5. Aspiration (jet) effect is developed by properly locating the “windows” of the loading ring. When properly po si tioned, a high velocity path is in tro ­duced. This causes a corresponding decrease in
static pressure to be de vel oped at a location that allows this decreased pressure to register into the lower case and beneath the diaphragm. The net result is to pull the diaphragm down and open the valve port, providing higher unit capacity.
6. A complete diaphragm failure will cause the reg u ­la tor to fail open.
1. Assure that the proper range spring is indicated to be within the regulator by inspection of the unit’s name plate. Apply setpoint pressures that are only within the stated range.
2. When stating direction of rotation of the ad just ment screw, the view is with respect to looking down towards the closing cap or its normal lo ca tion.
3. Start with the block valves closed. A bypass valve may be used to maintain outlet pressure in the down stream system without changing the fol low ing steps.
4. Remove closing cap on top of spring chamber. Relax the range spring by turning the adjustment screw CCW a minimum of three (3) full rev o lu tions. This reduces the outlet (downstream) pres sure setpoint.
Crack open the outlet (downstream) block valve.
6. Slowly open the inlet (upstream) block valve ob­ serv ing the outlet (downstream) pressure gauge. Partially close off the bypass valve, if open. De­ ter mine if the regulator is fl owing. If not, slowly rotate the regulator adjustment screw CW until ow begins.
7. Continue to slowly open the inlet (upstream) block valve until fully open.
8. Continue to slowly open the outlet (downstream) block valve, especially when the downstream pip­ing system isn’t pressurized. If the outlet (down­ stream) pres sure exceeds the desired pressure, close the inlet (up stream) block valve fi rst, then the outlet (downstream) block valve, and go to Step 4, then return to Step 6.
9. When fl ow is established steady enough that the outlet (downstream) block valve is fully open, begin to slowly close the bypass valve if installed.
10. Develop system fl ow to a level near its expected normal rate, and reset the regulator setpoint per Section VII.
11. Reduce system fl ow to a minimum level and ob- serve setpoint. Outlet pressure may rise from the set point of Step 10. The maximum rise in outlet pressure on decreasing fl ow should not exceed the stated upper limit of the range spring by greater than 10%; i.e. 5.5–8.0 “WC (140–200 mmH2O) range spring, at low fl ow the outlet pressure should not exceed 8.8 “WC (224 mmH2O). If it does, consult factory.
1. On systems with a bypass valve, and where sys­tem pressure is to be maintained as the reg u la tor is shut down, slowly open the bypass valve while closing the inlet (up stream) block valve. Fully close the inlet (up stream) block valve. (When on bypass, the system pres sure must be con stant ly observed and manually reg u lat ed.) Close the outlet (downstream) block valve.
Do not walk away and leave a bypassed reg u la tor un at tend ed.
2. If the regulator and system are to both be shut­ down, slowly close the inlet (upstream) block valve. Close the outlet (downstream) valve only if regulator removal is required.
A. General:
SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE. Prior to performing any maintenance, isolate the regulator from the system and relieve all pressure. (Including the External Sensing line when specifi ed.) Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are based upon removal of the regulator from the pipeline where installed.
2. Owner should refer to owner’s procedures for re mov al, handling and cleaning of re us able parts, the dis pos al of non-reusable parts, i.e. gaskets, suitable sol vents, etc.
3. If desired, gaskets may be oiled, or coated with gasket sealant or thread sealing com pound, provided the sealant is compatible with the fl u- id. (See below for “oxygen cleaned” valves.)
4. Valves originally supplied as “special cleaned” (Opt-56) are assembled using special seal ant, Fluorolube GR-3621, or equivalent. Cash co, Inc., rec om mends fol low ing factory cleaning specifi cation #S-1542, or equiv a lent. Contact factory for details.
5. When directions such as upwards, down wards, leftwards or rightwards are given, they are with respect to Figures 5 and 6.
When counter clockwise (CCW) or clock wise
(CW) ro ta tions are indicated, they are with respect to:
a. Spring Chamber – as viewed from above
looking down towards the closing cap or its normal location.
b. Body – as viewed looking into the body
cavity with the upper case assembly re­ moved.
B. Diaphragm Replacement:
SPRING UNDER COMPRESSION. Prior to re mov ing up­per case, relieve spring compression by removing the ad just ing screw. Failure to do so may result in fl ying parts
that could cause personal injury
1. Install the body (1) in a vise with the spring chamber (4) directed upwards.
2. Remove closing cap (5). Relax range spring (17) by turning adjustment screw (18) CCW until removed from spring cham ber (4); count number of full revolutions and record below.
No. of revolutions to remove ad just ment screw (18) ____________________ .
3. Paint or embed a match mark between lower case (3) and spring chamber (4) at fl ange O.D.
4. Remove all diaphragm fl ange nuts (10) and screws (9).
5. Remove spring chamber (4) and range spring (17).
6. Pry up the edges of the diaphragm (12) from around the pe rim e ter of the lower case (3) diaphragm fl ange to assure that the diaphragm (12) is not “sticking” to the lower case.
7. Grasp stop post (19) and with hand carefully lift up wards and to the right to disengage link­age lever (21) from cir cu lar opening of lower di a phragm plate (20). Fully remove diaphragm sub-assembly (DSA) from lower case.
8. Place the “ear” of the lower diaphragm plate (20) into a soft jawed vise and fully secure, with stop post (19) pointed upwards. Place a wrench on the hex surface of stop post (19) and loosen by rotating CCW (viewed from above).
Product of Fisher Scientifi c Company
9. Grasp upper diaphragm plate (13) with fi n gers and continue to loosen stop post (19) until re­moval. Finger remove washer (16), and nylon bushing (15). Lift upper diaphragm plate (13), together with stuck-on diaphragm (12) away from lower diaphragm plate (20), and place on bench top.
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