ComfortZone™ II Zoning System
Comfort Control at Your Fingertips
Innovation and the
Leaders in
Over 100 years ago, a humble but
deter mined engineer solved one of
mankind’s most elusive challen ges by
controlling the indoor environment. A
leading engine er of his
ay, Dr. W illis Carrier would
file more than 80 paten ts
over the cours e of his
career. His ge nius would
enable incredible advan cements in
health care, manufactur ing processe s,
food preservation, art and historical
conservation, indoor comfort an d
much more.
Carrier’s foresight changed the world
forever and paved the w ay for over a
century of once-impossible inno vations.
Yet in additi on to being an accomplishe d
inventor, he was also an avid outdoorsman. Carrier recognized the power and
beauty of the natural environment. This
appreciation of our wor ld and its
resources continues to guide Carrie r
Corporation to day. We will never rest on
our accomplish ments, but instead
consistently l ook for ways to improve our
products, our environment and our w orld.
Carrier helps you impro ve your world
with the Performance™ series
ComfortZone™ II zoning system t hat
delivers the p otential for up to eight
zones of custo mized comfort and energy
management wit hin your home.
All year long, humidity affects the temperature at which you feel most comfort able. When you combine
the Performance series ComfortZone II z oning system, Carrier humi difier, variable- speed furnace or
fan coil and a compatible Carrier air condi tioner or heat pump, Ideal Humidity System technolog y
gives you enha nced control over humidity levels for greater c omfort even when your system isn’t
calling for he ating or cooling.
lower temperat ures in t he winter.
Ideal Humidity System technology continually monitors indoor humidity, indoor temperature and outdoor temperature, and has the ability to turn on your comfort system just for dehumidification in the cooling season.
You’ll feel c ooler at higher temperatures in the summer and warmer at