Carrier TOTALINE Gold P274-0200-C, Totaline Gold P274-0300-C, Totaline Gold P274-0100-C Installation, Start-up, And Operating Instructions Manual

Part Numbers P274-0100-C, P274-0200-C, P274-0300-C
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ...................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................. 1
INSTALLATION ................................. 2-9
Step 1 -- Thermostat Location ................... 2
Step 2 -- Select Model ........................... 2
Step 3 -- Install Thermostat ...................... 2
Step 4 -- Set Thermostat Configuration .......... 3
Installer Test Mode ............................... 5
Terminating Installer Test ........................ 5
Step 5 -- Check Thermostat Operation ........... 5
OPERATIONAL INFORMATION .................. 10
CONFIGURATION RECORD ................... I I
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before beginning installation.
Read and follow manufacturer instructions camlhlly. Fol- low all local electrical codes during installation. All wiring must conform to local and national electrical codes. Improper wiring or installation may dmnage thermostat.
Tot_fline thermostats me wall-mounted, low-voltage ther- mostats which maintain room temperature by controlling the operation of a heating and air conditioning system. Separate heating and cooling set points, plus autochangeover provide maximum comfort and flexibility. Temperature and mode set- tings ale preserved with the power off when optional batteries
are used.
Power- All non-programmable thermostats can be dual
powered either by battery operation or electrical operation. AA batteries are included wifll the product.
Models -- Ensure the proper thermostat is selected for the intended application. Refer to Fig. 1 for thermostat dimensions. Select from the following models:
1. P274-0100-C -- l-stage cool, l-stage heat for air- conditioning systems only.
2. P274-0200-C -- 1-stage cool, 2-stage heat for a single speed heat pump, or an air conditioner with 2-stage
3. P274-0300-C -- 2-stage cool, 2-stage heat for 2-speed air-conditioning systems, or 2-stage cool, 3-stage heat for 2-speed heat pump systems.
Mode Button selects be_,oen HEAT COOL AUTO and OFF operation
Heat pump thetrr c_tatmodels also m Fan Button Fndude an EMERGENCY HEATmode¸
increase o_ decrease the desked tempe atur6 setting
LOW BATTERY Indicator _ wJl_ light when batteries
(il In_tal_ed) need be replaced
Outdoor Temperature Dlgplay-
Is an optiona_ feature that shows the
outdoor temperature on the LCD
SERVICE FILTER Indicator lets you know _ _stime to clear_
of replace your systems a# f_lter
Room Temperature Display _ shows cu_ro_t room temperature
COOL ON MdlcMor J _sd_spl_yed w_on the
cooling equipment is operating /
HEAT ON Indicator Is d_sp_ayed when the
heating equipment _s opo_ati0g
AtJXlUARY HEAT Indicator Fs displayed when a heat pump
system Is operat[ng with auxflla*y
heat a[r filter
P274-0100-C P274-0200-C P274-0300-C
HEIGHT (in.) WIDTH (in.) DEPTH (in.)
3V2 53/4 13/8
Fig. 1 -- Totaline Non-Programmable Thermostat
Manufacturer reserves the right to
discontinue, or change at any time,
specifications or designs without notice
and without Incurring obligations.
REPLACES: 997-510011-19
Step 1 -- Thermostat Location
Thermostat should be mounted:
Approximately 5 fl (1.5 m) from floor.
Close to or in a frequently used room, preferably on an inside partitioning wall.
On a section of wall without pipes or ductwork.
Thermostat should NOT be mounted:
Close to a window, on an outside wall, or next to a door leading to the outside.
Exposed to direct light and heat from a lamp, sun, fire- place, or other temperature-radiating object which may
cause a false reading.
Close to or in direct airflow from supply registers and
return-air grilles.
In areas with poor air circulation, such as behind a door or
in an alcove.
Step 2 -- Select Model
P274-0100-C (l-stage cool, l-stage heat) is to be used for single-stage heating and/or cooling applications only. It
CANNOT be used with optional outdoor temperature sensol: (See Table 1.)
P274-0200-C (l-stage cool, 2-stage heat) can be used with a single-speed heat pump (HP), or tin air conditioner (AC) with a
2-stage furnace or fan coil. When using the thermostat softwme (Configuration mode) select Option 5, HP/AC con-
figuration. This thermostat comes configured from the factory as a heat pump thermostat. Select AC in Option 5 for AC oper-
ation. When AC operation is selected, the O/W2 terminal is converted from a reversing valve output (O) to a second-stage
heat output (W2). This output can be used to control 2-stage furnaces or 2-stage electric heat in fan coils. (See Table 1.)
P274-0300-C is for 2-speed compressor systems only (HP and AC). Output YI controls compressor low speed and output
Y/Y2 controls compressor high speed. (See Table 1.)
Step 3 -- Install Thermostat
c. As each wire is disconnected, record wire color
and terminal marking.
d. Discard or recycle old thermostat.
NOTE: Mercury is a hazardous waste and MUST be dis- posed of properly.
3. Open thermostat (mounting base) to expose mounting holes. The base can be removed to simplify mounting. Snap apart carefully to separate mounting base from
remainder of thermostat.
NOTE: If thermostat will not separate, insert a small screw- driver into top slots for ease of separation.
4. Route thermostat wires through large hole in mounting base. Level mounting base against wall (for aesthetic
value only -- thermostat need not be leveled for proper operation) and mark wall through 2 mounting holes.
5. Drill two 3/lr,-in. mounting holes in wall where marked.
6. Secure mounting base to wall with 2 anchors and screws provided, (additional anchoring holes available
for more secure mounting if needed) making sure all wires extend through hole in mounting base.
7. Adjust length and routing of each wire to reach proper terminal and connector block on mounting base with
I/4 in. extra wire. Strip only 1/4 in. insulation from each
wire to prevent adjacent wires from shorting together when connected.
8. Match and connect equipment wires to proper termi- nals of the connector blocks. (See Table 1.)
ELECTRICAL OPERATION HAZARD Failure to follow this caution may result in equipment dim-
age or improper operation. hnproper winng or installation may dmnage the therlno-
stat. Check to make sure wiring is correct before proceed- ing with installation or turning on unit.
ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Failure to follow this wmning could result in personal
injury or death. Before installing thermostat, turn off all power to unit.
There may be more than 1 power disconnect.
Turn OFF all power to unit. If an existing thermostat is being replaced: a. Remove existing thermostat from wall. b. Disconnect wires from existing thermostat, one at
a time. Be careful not to allow wires to fall back into the wall.
9. Push any excess wire into wall and against mounting base. Seal hole in wall to prevent air leaks. Leaks can affect operation.
10. Snap case back together.
11. Close thermostat assembly making sure pins on back of circuit board align with sockets in connector.
12. Turn ON power to unit.
NOTE: If a common wire has not been connected two AA batteries must be used to power the thermostat.
Table 1 -- Model Selection and Wiring Diagram Chart
1 Speed 2 Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed
1-Stage Model 0100-C Model 0300-C Requires Requires
Heat See Fig. 2 See Fig. 8 Dual Fuel Thermostat Dual Fuel Thermostat
2-Stage Model 0100-C Model 0200-C Model 0300-C Requires Requires
Heat See Fig. 3 See Fig. 5 See Fig. 9 Dual Fuel Thermostat Dual Fuel Thermostat
Model 0100-C Model 0200-C Model 0300-C Model 0200-C Model 0300-C
Typical Fan Coil See Fig. 4 See Fig. 6 See Fig. 10 See Fig. 7 See Fig. 11
Variable-Speed Fan Coil Model 0100-C Model 0200-C Model 0300-C Model 0200-C Model 0300-C
(FK4D, FV4, 40FK) See Fig. 12 See Fig. 13 See Fig. 14 See Fig. 15 See Fig. 16
*Model 0100-C will only cycle through 1-stage heat, but can properly operate when installed on a 2-stage heat system.
On power up, LCD readout will display AC, HE A2, or H2
depending on the thermostat model status and if the equipment is powering the thermostat. Refer to Operational Information,
Power On Check on page 10 for more information.
Step 4 -- Thermostat Configuration -- Configu-
ration options are intended to be selected at inst_dlation and are nonn_dly not modified by the home owner These options are
not discussed in the Homeowner's Guide and therefore must be made as p_ut of the installation. A special procedure allows
entry into the Configuration mode. The themlostat will auto- matically exit this mode if no button is pressed for 3 minutes.
While in the configuration mode, up to 14 option choices can
be made: Option 01: Anticipator setting
Option 02: Clean filter setting Option 03: Fahrenheit or Celsius selection Option 04: Enable fan (G) on with W/Wl output Option 05: HP/AC Option 06: Cooling Ix_ckout (available only if an outdoor air tempemtme sensor is present) Option 07: Enable zoning Option 08: Auxiliary heat lockout temperature adjustment (available only on heat pump systems and if an outdoor air temperature sensor is present) Option 10: O (reveLsing valve) ON with Heat or Cool (present on Heat Pump models only) Option 13: Room temperature offset adjustment Option 15: Enable AUTO mode Option 18: Backlight configuration Option 19: Number of wires Option 21: Keypad Lockout
An explanation for each of these and how to enter the con-
figuration mode follows. TO ENTER THE CONFIGURATION MODE -- To enter
Configuration Mode, hold the FAN button down for approxi- mately 15 seconds. After 15 seconds, Option 01 will appear in the display and the SERVICE icon will be turned on.
NOTE: If the FAN button is pressed again or if no button is pressed for 3 minutes, the thermostat will exit Configuration mode and return to normal operation. To reenter the Config- uration mode, press and hold the FAN button for 15 seconds.
While In Configuration Mode -- The display is used to show
both the option number and the selection choice within that option.
justment controls the sensitivity and cycle rate of the thermo-
stat. Higher numbers decrease the sensitivity and slow the cycle rate. Lower numbers increase sensitivity and inoease cycle rate. HoweveL a limiting feature will not _dlow more than 6 equipment cycles per hour. regardless of setting. Vtdues can range from 1 to 9. The factory default setting is 3. This default selection will provide optimum performance in nearly all instalhnions. Do not change setting unless there is evidence
of need to do so.
Unlike conventiomd anticipators, this setting is not to be de- termined by current di'aw. There is no need to measure, know. or compensate for current. There is _dso no droop with this thermostat, legardless of anticipator setting. This adjustment controls only sensitivity and cycle rate up to the maximum of 6 cycles per hi:
To adjust:
1. Enter Configuration mode.
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 01. The SET icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will appeac Option 01 setting is now displayed.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between the avail- able Option 01 values of 1 to 9. The factory default is 3.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 01. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press the FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
OPTION 02- CLEAN FILTER TIMER--This option selects the number of hours of blower operation (heating, cooling, or fan) before the SERVICE FILTER icon is displayed. With OF selected, the icon will never appear, disabling this feature.
Time selection can be from 400 to 3600 hours by selecting numbeLs 1 through 9. (Time is 400 times number selected.)
Factory default is 2 (800 houL's). Recommended selections for blower operation are:
disposable tilter 800 hr
media tilter 1200 to 1600 hr
electronic air cleaner 1600 to 2400 hr of blower operation. To adjust:
1. Enter Configuration mode.
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 02. The SET icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will appem: The Option 02 setting is now displayed.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between the avail- able Option 02 values of OF and 1 through 9. The fac-
tory default is 2.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 02. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press the FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
OPTION 03 -- FAHRENHEIT/CELSIUS SELECTION -- This option selects Fahrenheit or Celsius operation.
To select:
1. Enter Configuration mode.
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 03. The SET icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will appem: The Option 03 setting is now displayed.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between the available Option 03 choices of F (Fahrenheit) or C
(Celsius). The factory default is E
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 03. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press the FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
OPTION 04 -- G (FAN) ON WITH W/WI OUTPUT -- This selection determines whether the G (fan) output is to be ON
or OFF when any W (furnace or strip heat) output is ON. Most lhrnaces and fan coils manage their own blowo_ and do not le-
quile a separate G signal. For these applications, select OFE Some auxilituy heatel5 require a sep_uate G sigmd to turn on the
blowec In this case, select ON. The factoly default is OF (off). To select:
1. Enter Configuration mode.
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 04. The SET icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will appem: The Option 04 setting is now displayed.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option 04 choices of ON or OF. Factory default is OF.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 04. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press the FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
OPTION05-- HPAND2S/ACCONFIGURATION-- ThisconfigurationisavailableonHPand2Smodelsonly.
SelectingACallowstheinst_dlertouseanHPor2Sthermostat inanACapplication.
1. EnterConfigurationmode.
2. UseupanddownbuttonstodisplayOption05.The SETiconshouldbeoff.
3. PressMODEbuttononce.TheSETiconwill appeal. TheOption05settingisnowdisplayed.
4. Useupanddownbuttonstomovebetweenavailable Option05choicesofACorHRThefactorydefaultis
5. PressMODEbuttonagaintoreturntoOption05.The SETiconwillnowbeoff.
6. UseupanddownbuttonstoselectanotherOption,or presstheFANbuttontoexitConfigurationmode.
OPTION06-- COOLINGLOCKOUT--An outdoorair sensorisrequiredforthislimction.In OF mode, cooling is
available regardless of outdoor temperature. In ON mode, cooling will not be initiated if the outdoor-air temperature is
below 55 E If file compressor is aheady operating and the out- door air temperature &ops below 55 E the compressor will
continue to operate until the cooling cycle has completed. [fthe mode has been set to ON and the outdoor air sensor fails, an E3
error will be displayed. To select:
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 06. The SET icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will appear. The Option 06 setting is now displayed.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option 06 choices of OF or ON. The factory default is
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 06. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
OPTION 07 -- ZONING ON/OFF CONFIGURATION -- This selection enables or defeats the cycle timel: the staging
timel: and the compressor timeguard. (See Operational Infor- mation on page 10 for details.) These timers MUST be enabled
(zoning OFF) for noml_fl operation and disabled (zoning ON) for zoning applications. In zoning applications, the zone con-
trol center performs these timing functions. Tile factory default is OK
To select:
1. Enter Configuration mode.
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 07. The SET icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will appear. The Option 07 setting is now displayed.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option 07 choices of ON or OF. The factory default is
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 07. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press the FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
OPTION 08 -- HIGH AMBIENT AUXILIARY HEAT LOCKOUT -- Present in HP and 2S models only when con- figured as a heat pump. Outdoor temperature sensor must be
attached. This selection allows lockout of any electric heat (W output) when outdoor temperature is above a selected
tempemtme. Temperatures of 5 to 55 F can be selected. Feature can be disabled by selecting OR Emergency heat (EHEAT
mode) always overrides this feature. To select or adjust:
1. Enter Configuration mode.
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 08. The SET icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The display now shows Option 08 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option 08 choices of OF. or 5 through 55 in 5-degree
steps. Factory default is OK
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 08. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press the FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
OPTION 10 -- O (Reversing Valve) ON WITH HEAT OR COOL SECTION- This selection is only available on HP
and 2S model thermostats when HP is selected via Option 05. This selection determines whether the reversing valve is ener-
gized in the Heating (H) or Cooling (C) mode. Factory default is C, energized in cooling. Use up and down buttons to change
between H and C. To select:
1. Enter Configuration mode.
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 10.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will appear. The Option 10 setting is now displayed.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option 10 choices of H (heat) or C (cool). Factory
default is C.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 10. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
OPTION 13 -- ROOM TEMPERATURE OFFSET -- This option _dlows c_dibration (or deliberate misc_dibration) of a room temperature sensol: There are various reasons why the
home owner may want to have displayed temperature adjusted to a higher or lower value. The selected number is the number
of degrees, plus or minus, which will be added to the actu_fl temperature. The number can range between -5 and +5. Facto- ry default is 0. This adjusted v_flue will be used as actual tem-
perature for both display and control action. For example, if 2 is selected, 72 F actu_fl will read 74 E If set point is 72, the
room will control to an actual value of 70 which will be displayed and acted upon as if it were 72. Tile effect is that a
positive number selection will make the room temperature lower and vice versa. This thermostat is factory calibrated
within an accuracy of plus or minus 1° E so this adjustment will provide the best accuracy when set to 0.
To select:
1. Enter Configuration mode.
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 13. The SET icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The Option 13 setting is now displayed.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option 13 choices of-5 through +5 in 1 degree steps.
The factory default is 0.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 13. The SET icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press the FAN button to exit Configuration mode.
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