Loop Systems ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
GT-PX Indoor Split (50YDS) Series Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
GT-PX Indoor Split (50YDS) Series Features & Benefi ts .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
GT-G Split Indoor (50YCS) Series Features & Benefi ts ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
GT-S Outdoor Split (38WQS) Series Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................10
GT-S Outdoor Split (38WQS) Series Features & Benefi ts .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
ARI/ISO/ASHRAE 13256-1 Data .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Model Nomenclature .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
GT-PX Performance Data ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
GT-GS/GT-S Performance Data .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
Physical Data ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
GT-PX Dimensional Data ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................35
GT-GS Dimensional Data .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
GT-S Dimensional Data ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................37
Electrical Data ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
CXM Control Features .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................40
Typical Wiring Diagram - GT-PX Units ........................................................................................................................................................................................................43
Typical Wiring Diagram - GT-GS Units ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Typical Wiring Diagram - GT-S Units ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 45
Geothermal systems transfer heat from a build ing
to the earth in the cooling mode, or from the
earth to the building in the heating mode. Water
is used as the heat transfer medium, either in a
closed loop piping system, or by directly pumping
well water. By using this stable thermal source,
geothermal heat pumps provide energy effi cient
comfort year around.
Highest Effi ciency
The extremely high levels of effi ciency are
possible because a geothermal heat pump only
uses electricity to move heat, not produce it. A
geothermal unit typically supplies 4 kilo watts of
heat for every kilowatt of elec tric i ty used. Three of
these kilo watts of heat come directly from the ear th
itself, and are clean, free, and renewable. Overall,
geothermal technology offers the highest cooling
EER’s and heating COP’s available in the industry.
Most systems also include a hot water generator,
which diverts a portion of the supplied heat to the
domestic water heater. This provides a substantial
portion of a family’s hot water needs at a very low
cost. Overall, geothermal technology offers the
highest cooling EER’s and heating COP’s available in
the industry.
Agency (EPA) and the De part ment of Energy
(DOE). Because it is lowest in CO2 emissions,
geothermal tech nol o gy provides a solution to global
warming by primarily using the natural energy
of the earth. In contrast, traditional space
conditioning systems depend upon the exploitation
and burning of fossil energy sources with the
resultant greenhouse gas emis sions. Also, Puron®
HFC 410A refrigerant is used in the GT-PX series
equipment for minimum global warming impact and
zero ozone depletion.
Better Investment
Low life-cycle costs are provided by the low
op er at ing and maintenance costs of geothermal
systems, even when the higher initial in stal la tion costs
are considered. In new con struc tion, monthly energy
savings typically exceed the increased mort gage
payments. Therefore, cash fl ow can be positive from
the start. In retrofi t systems, a buyer who purchases
with cash usually realizes a return on in vest ment
well above certifi cate of deposit rates. And, with
equip ment life ex ceed ing 20 years, a Carrier
geothermal system is a lasting in vest ment.
Electric utilities, recognizing the dual benefi ts of
high effi ciency and low electric peak demand, often
provide incentives to purchase these systems.
Maximum Comfort
Geothermal heat pumps also provide higher
comfort levels than traditional space conditioning
equipment. By using a relatively warm source of
heat such as the earth, supply air temperatures
are signifi cantly higher in the heating mode than
traditional air-source heat pumps. Geo ther mal
heat pumps also cycle much less often than fossil
furnaces, creating a consistent indoor temperature
with comfortable relative humidity.
Environmentally Friendly
The environmental advantages of geothermal
systems have caught the eye of governmental
agencies such as the En vi ron men tal Pro tec tion
Before choosing a geothermal system, many
application factors must be evaluated including:
• Ground water availability and quality
• Loop installation costs
• Land area available
• Sub-soil conditions
• Local codes
• Owner preferences
Carrier dealers have the expertise and computer
software to determine the best type of system.
Many regions have contractors specializing in the
in stal la tion of the ground loop portion of the system.
Indoor & Outdoor Split
Geothermal Comfort Systems
Closed Loop Systems
Closed Loop Systems consist of an underground
heat exchange network of sealed, high strength
poly eth yl ene plastic pipe and a Flow Controller
pumping module. When cooling, the loop fl uid
temperature will rise, and rejected heat is dissipated
into the cooler earth. Con verse ly, while heating, the
loop fl uid temperatures fall, and heat is absorbed
from the earth. Carrier Flow Controller pumping
modules utilize small wattage pumps to circulate the
water/antifreeze fl uid within the piping system. The
plastic heat exchange loop is closed and ther mal ly
fusion-welded at all connections in the same manner
as natural gas distribution lines. Closed loops do not
require a ground water supply or drain, and they are
not subject to mineral build up.
Closed Loops can be installed in vertical or
hor i zon tal confi gurations, or submerged in a
pond or lake. When designed properly, all three
alternatives operate with similar effi ciency. Carrier
high density poly eth yl ene plastic pipe is used for all
closed loop installations. Pipe con nec tions are heat
fused to form joints that are stronger than the pipe
itself. Carrier loop piping has a life expectancy in
excess of 50 years.
Vertical Loops are the ideal choice when available
land area is limited.
Drilling equipment is
used to bore smalldiameter vertical
holes. Two pipes
joined together with
a u-bend fi tting are
inserted into the
vertical bore. Bore hole depth ranges from 100-300
feet per system ton. Bores must be spaced from
10-15 feet apart and properly grouted. The land
space required ranges from 100-200 square feet per
system ton.
Pond (Lake) Loops are very economical to install
when a body of
surface water is
available, because
ex ca va tion costs are
mostly eliminated.
Coils or “slinky” mats
of pipe are simply
placed on the bottom
of the pond (lake). In most cases, 1/4 to 1/2 acre of
water surface, with a min i mum depth of 8-10 feet, is
needed for a typical res i dence.
Horizontal Loops are often considered when
adequate land space
is available. The
pipes are placed in
trenches, excavated
by a backhoe or chain
trencher to a depth of
4-6 feet. De pend ing
on design, from 1-6
pipes are installed in each trench. Multiple pipe
and coiled “slinky” con fi g u ra tions are often used
to conserve land re quire ments and reduce overall
installed loop costs. Horizontal boring technology
can also be used to install u-bend loops 10-15 feet
deep with minimal landscaping disruption. Trench
lengths range from 100-400 feet per system ton.
Trenches must be spaced from 6-10 feet apart. The
overall land area required ranges from 750-1,500
square feet per system ton.
Ground Water Systems
Open loop systems utilize ground water as a direct
energy source when
good quality water
is available at a
reasonable pumping
depth. A well must
have enough capacity
to deliver a minimum
of 1.5 gpm per system
ton during peak
op er a tion. Ditches, fi eld tiles, ponds and streams are
the most common discharge systems. Re in jec tion or
semi-closed recirculation wells can also be utilized
in some regions. In ideal con di tions, an open loop
ap pli ca tion can be the most eco nom i cal type of
system to install.
Building upon the overwhelming market success of
the GT-PX packaged unit, the split system uses the
same components in a more fl exible confi guration.
The GT-PX split system compressor section can be
coupled with a variety of air handlers and add-on
furnace coils to achieve the highest effi ciencies of
any split system heat pump on the market today,
while still providing the fl exibility of an all-electric or
dual fuel system and a remote compressor section
location. Split systems are often used in areas where
it would be diffi cult to install a packaged unit, such as
in an attic or crawl space.
Puron® Refrigerant
Puron® is a non-chlorine based (HFC
410A) refrigerant, that with R-407C
and R-134A, is seen as the future of
all refrigerants used worldwide. HFC
410A characteristics compared to R22 are:
• Binary and near azeotropic mixture of 50% R-32
and 50% R-125.
• Zero ozone depletion potential and low global
warming potential.
• Virtually no glide. Unlike other alternative
refrigerants, the two components in HFC 410A
have virtually the same leak rates. Therefore,
refrigerant can be added if necessary without
recovering the charge.
Copeland Two-Stage Scroll Compressor
Achieve a greater level of comfort.
The Copeland Scroll UltraTech™
provides superior comfort than
fi xed-capacity compressors by
incorporating a revolutionary twostep design. With a unique 67%
part-load capacity step, systems
with UltraTech™ maintain precise
temperature levels and lower relative
humidity. This eliminates uneven peaks and valleys
and allows for steady cooling comfort. Homeowners
now have a better, more effi cient way to power
their heating and cooling system, raising their level of
comfort, while lowering energy bills. So when your
customers need a new heating and cooling system,
make sure it has the best technology inside – the
Copeland Scroll UltraTech™ compressor.
Save with superior effi ciency. Over 40% of summer
utility bills can come from the air conditioner
compressor operation. A system with the Copeland
Scroll UltraTech™ compressor delivers higher
effi ciency than any other single compressor system.
In fact, systems with UltraTech™ provide up to 60%
greater energy effi ciency as compared to 10 SEER
systems – which can save homeowners hundreds
of dollars a year in energy costs.
Take it easy with quieter control. Copeland
Scroll UltraTech™ is remarkably quiet at both
full- and part-load capacity. In fact, it is up to four
times quieter than a reciprocating compressor.
Homeowners can enjoy its superior effi ciency and
comfort without having to hear the operation.
Learn the beauty of the design. With Copeland Scroll
UltraTech™, two internal bypass ports enable the
system to run at 67% part-load capacity for better
effi ciency
and humidity
control. Based
on demand,
the modulation
ring is
sealing the bypass ports and instantly shifting capacity
to 100%. Take advantage of “shift on the fl y” stage
changing (no stopping and starting required like other
two-stage compressors).
Choose proven scroll performance. While Copeland
Scroll UltraTech™ builds on established scroll
technology, it is still a scroll at heart, which means
it operates with fewer moving parts, no volumetric
effi ciency drop-off or compression leakage. The result
is unsurpassed reliability and virtually silent operation
for both indoor and outdoor applications.
• Double isolated compressor for quiet and
vibration free operation.
• Spring-mounted compressor for additional
noise suppression.
• Open Service-Friendly Cabinet (i.e, all
components in compressor section can be
serviced from the front).
The GT-PX Series Split System has abundant
features and industry leading effi ciency.
Application Flexibility
• Four Capacities 026, 038, 049, and 064.
• Extended range operation (20-120°F EWT) and
fl ow rates as low as 1.5 gpm per ton.
• Compressor section match-ups for a variety of air
handlers and add-on furnace coils for the ultimate
in system and fuel type fl exibility.
• Precharged compressor section with back-seating
service valves for quick installation.
• Circuit breaker protected loop and hot water
generator pumps.
• Field selectable freeze protection setting for well
or loop.
Puron® HFC 410A zero ozone depletion refrigerant.
• Highest effi ciencies for split systems in ARI/ISO/
ASHRAE/ANSI 13256-1 ratings for heating COP’s,
cooling EER’s with low water fl ow rates.
• Two-Stage operation for ultra high effi ciencies and
unsurpassed comfort.
• Operating temperature range and high effi ciency
allow shorter loops.
• Optional hot water generator with internal pump
generates hot water at considerable savings.
• Rugged and highly effi cient next generation
Copeland UltraTech™ scroll compressors provide
the industry’s highest effi ciencies and full capacity
with reduced cycling losses.
• Oversized coaxial tube water-to-refrigerant heat
exchangers operate at low liquid pressure drop.
Convoluted copper (and optional cupronickel)
water tube functions effi ciently at low-fl ow rates
and provides freeze-damage resistance.
Service Advantages
• Removable panels - 3 for compressor section
(plus removable top panel).
• Low profi le control box grants easy access to all
internal components.
• Factory supplied (fi eld installed) liquid line fi lter/drier.
• Brass swivel-type water connections for quick
connection and elimination of wrenches or
sealants during installation.
• Bi-directional thermal expansion valve.
• CXM control features status lights with memory
for easy diagnostics.
• Unit Performance Sentinel alerts homeowner of
potential performance issues.
Circuit breaker protected 75VA control transformer.
• High and low pressure service ports on
refrigerant circuit.
• Accurate refrigerant sensing freeze protection.
Factory Quality
• All units are built on our Integrated Process
Control Assembly System (IPCS). The IPCS is
a unique state of the art manufacturing system
that is designed to assure quality of the highest
standards of any manufacturer in the water-source
industry. Our IPCS system:
- Verifi es that the correct components are
being assembled.
- Automatically performs special leak tests on
all joints.
- Conducts pressure tests.
- Performs highly detailed run test unparalleled in
the HVAC industry.
- Automatically disables packaging for a “failed” unit.
- Creates computer database for future service
analysis and diagnostics from run test results.
• Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinets are epoxy
powder coated for durable and long-lasting fi nish.
• All refrigerant brazing is done in a nitrogen
• All units are deep evacuated to less than 100
microns prior to refrigerant charging.
• All joints are both helium and halogen leak tested
to insure annual leak rate of less than 1/4 ounce.
• Coaxial heat exchanger, refrigerant suction lines
and all water lines are fully insulated to eliminate
condensation problems in low temperature
• Noise Reduction features include: double isolation
mounted compressors, compressor springs,
insulated compressor compartment, and interior
cabinet insulation using 1/2” coated glass fi ber.
Safety features include: high pressure and loss of
charge to protect the compressor; condensate
overfl ow protection; low water temperature
limit sensors to safeguard the coaxial heat
exchanger and air coil; hot water high limit and low
compressor discharge temperature switch provided
to shut down the hot water generator when
conditions dictate. Fault lockout enables emergency
heat and prevents compressor operation until
thermostat or circuit breaker has been reset.
Advanced Unit Controls With
Easy Diagnostics And
Unit Protection Sentinel Functions
Options & Accessories
• Optional hot water generator with internally
mounted pump.
• Optional cupronickel coaxial heat exchanger.
• Electronic thermostat.
• Closed loop Flow Controller.
• Electronic auto-changeover thermostat with 3stage heat, 2-stage cool and indicator LED’s.
• Extended range operation (20-120°F EWT) and
fl ow rates as low as 1.5 gpm per ton.
• Circuit breaker protected loop and hot water
gen er a tor pumps.
• Field selectable low temperature cut-out selection
setting for well or loop.
• Corner located electrical box for wiring access
from two sides.
• Compressor mounting springs “matched” to each
compressor for maximum quietness.
• Narrow cabinet for movement through doorways.
• Precharged refrigerant circuit with backseating
service valves for quick installation.
Operating Effi ciencies
• ARI/ASHRAE/ISO 13256-1 ratings for heating
COP’s, cooling EER’s and low water fl ow rates.
• Operating and temperature range allow
shorter loops.
• Optional hot water generator with internal pump
generates hot water at considerable savings.
• Rugged, super quiet, and highly effi cient
scroll compressors.
• Oversized coaxial tube water to refrigerant heat
exchangers operate at low liquid pressure drop.
• Convoluted copper (and optional cupronickel)
water tube functions effi ciently at low-fl ow rates
and provides freeze-damage resistance.
Service Advantages
• Removable panels-3 for compressor.
• Brass swivel-type water and HWG connections
for quick connection and elimination of wrenches
or sealants during installation.
Solid state digital compressor module provides
reliable lockout, diagnostic, and time delay functions.
• High side loss-of-charge sensing reduces nuisance
low pressure faults.
• LED Fault and status indication with memory for
easy diagnostics.
Designed for front-access service in tight ap pli ca tions.
• High and low pressure service ports in the
refrigerant circuit.
• Refrigerant sensing freeze protection for more
accurate low temperature cut-out.
Factory Quality
• All units are built on our Integrated Process
Control Assembly System (IPCS). The IPCS is
a unique state of the art manufacturing system
that is designed to assure quality of the highest
standards of any manufacturer in the water-source
industry. Our IPCS system:
- Verifi es that the correct components are
being assembled.
- Automatically performs special leak tests on
all joints.
- Conducts pressure tests.
- Performs highly detailed run test unparalleled in
the HVAC industry.
Automatically disables packaging for a “failed” unit.
- Creates computer database for future service
analysis and diagnostics from run test results.
• Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinets are epoxy
powder coated for durable and long-lasting fi nish.
• All refrigerant brazing is done in a nitrogen
• All units are deep evacuated to less than 100
microns prior to refrigerant charging.
• All joints are both helium and halogen leak tested
to insure annual leak rate of less than 1/4 ounce.
• Coaxial heat exchanger, refrigerant suction lines
and all water lines are fully insulated to eliminate
condensation problems in low temperature
• Noise Reduction features include: double isolation
mounted compressors, compressor springs,
insulated compressor compartment, and interior
cabinet insulation using 1/2” coated glass fi ber.
Safety features include: high pressure and loss of
charge to protect the compressor; condensate
overfl ow protection; low water temperature
limit sensors to safeguard the coaxial heat
exchanger and air coil; hot water high limit and low
compressor discharge temperature switch provided
to shut down the hot water generator when
conditions dictate. Fault lockout enables emergency
and prevents compressor operation until
thermostat or circuit breaker has been reset.
Carrier introduced the industry to the fi rst ever
“outdoor” geothermal split system with internal
pumping for residential applications. We are giving
the consumer choices for unit location! The unit may
be installed inside or outside, thereby satisfying the
requirements of almost any home. When installed
outside, the unit may be placed on an existing pad
and easily connected to existing electric service. And
with this installation option, the fl uid loop remains
outside avoiding extensive installation inside the home.
The GT-S is geothermal without the hassle.
Why “Paradigm Shift”?
We have defi ned the paradigm shift as follows: to
advance a model of technology beyond the familiar.
But what do we mean? Essentially, our GT-S is taking
traditional geothermal technology a step fur ther
by offering a unique split system design suitable for
any home. Home owners can now enjoy all the
savings of a geothermal system with lower installation
costs and less hassle. More importantly, the GT-S is
opening up the previously illusive retrofi t market.
Hence, our slogan “From Air to Water...”. The GT-S is
a competitive product designed to shift traditional air
source homeowners to the benefi ts of water source
geothermal technology.
From the utility perspective, the
perfectly embodies what the utility industry has been
searching for in geothermal: Lower fi rst cost, simple
and easy to service, fi ts traditional dealer practices
and broad market appeal especially for retrofi t, etc.
niche into more of a mainstream segment.
can pull geothermal out of its high end
just about
The GT-S Concept
provides a unique solution to many of the
problems associated with single-package geothermal
units. In addition, it substantially reduces overall
installed costs and perhaps more importantly, opens
up the largely untapped retrofi t market (which, for
conventional equipment, is over 3 times larger than
the new construction market).
In new construction, the
over packaged geothermal units: The fl uid loop is
kept outside, which keeps large diameter piping,
fl ammable antifreezes and fl ushing carts (a large,
messy service tool) out of the home. The outdoor
compressor means noise and most service activity
will remain outside. The indoor air handlers are quiet,
require less space and allow less costly ductwork
(they don’t have to be side return with canvas collars
and plenum lining). Also, a GT-S can utilize a gas
furnace as the blower and supplemental heat (dual
fuel or add-on) which removes a major consumer
barrier in that geothermal has traditionally forced the
homeowner to make an all-electric home decision.
An add-on application also allows the option of sizing
the geothermal component to the cooling load,
rather than heating, which may further reduce fi rst
costs. The
construction segment than geothermal currently
captures, even when marketed through existing
geothermal dealers.
In the replacement market, the
the range of suitable geothermal applications. Current
geothermal retrofi ts have required a complete change
out of all existing equipment, elaborate ductwork
modifi cations, complex routing of interior loop fl uid
lines including below grade foundation penetrations,
upgraded electrical service and unit feeders (110v
furnace being changed to 240v heat pump with
electric backup), and more. This assumes that a
geothermal package unit can even be adapted to fi t
into the existing space. This process is expensive and
disruptive to the owner (they typically don’t want to
change radically from what they have); hence the lack
of geothermal retrofi ts existing. In contrast, the
can be installed outside on the same line set and
electric service supplying the existing air conditioner
or heat pump condensing unit. The loop stays outside.
Only the indoor coil might need to be changed on
an existing furnace, or possibly the air handler on an
older heat pump. The purchase timing could be driven
by a fi rst-time central cooling addition; the upgrade
replacement of an aging or broken air conditioner, heat
pump or furnace; an HVAC change necessitated by a
renovation; or an effi ciency upgrade driven by a utility
marketing program.
The GT-S does not need to be located outside.
It can be placed in garages, carports, basements,
crawl spaces, etc. This may be important to some
homeowners who may be very concerned about
outdoor aesthetics. They also can utilize ground
water if placed in an appropriate indoor location.
Noise is not a problem as the GT-S is extremely
quiet (the box is sealed and insulated). The GT-S also
has excellent heating and latent cooling capacities
compared with competitive high effi ciency geothermal
units. In many cases a GT-S produces the heating
Typical GT-S / Air Handler Installation
Insulated line
set with UV
output of one size larger competitor unit. And the
GT-S is likely to be the highest EER per dollar cost
unit available in the geothermal industry today.
The goal for the
Series is based upon
application fl exibility, effi ciency, reliability and a solid
state microprocessor compressor control, producing
a reliable, simple product both easy to service and
install. Its effi ciency and application fl exibility make it
the “Paradigm” of geothermal heat pumps.
• High and low pressure service ports in the
refrigerant circuit.
• Refrigerant sensing freeze protection for more
accurate low temperature cut-out.
Factory Quality
• All units are built on our Integrated Process
Control Assembly System (IPCS). The IPCS is
a unique state of the art manufacturing system
that is designed to assure quality of the highest
standards of any manufacturer in the water-source
industry. Our IPCS system:
- Verifi es that the correct components are
being assembled.
- Automatically performs special leak tests on
all joints.
- Conducts pressure tests.
- Performs highly detailed run test unparalleled in
the HVAC industry.
Automatically disables packaging for a “failed” unit.
- Creates computer database for future service
analysis and diagnostics from run test results.
• Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinets are epoxy
powder coated for durable and long-lasting fi nish.
• All refrigerant brazing is done in a nitrogen
• All units are deep evacuated to less than 100
microns prior to refrigerant charging.
• All joints are both helium and halogen leak tested
to insure annual leak rate of less than 1/4 ounce.
• Coaxial heat exchanger, refrigerant suction lines
and all water lines are fully insulated to eliminate
condensation problems in low temperature
• Noise Reduction features include: double isolation
mounted compressors, compressor springs,
insulated compressor compartment, and interior
cabinet insulation using 1/2” coated glass fi ber.
Safety features include: high pressure and loss of
charge to protect the compressor; condensate
overfl ow protection; low water temperature
limit sensors to safeguard the coaxial heat
exchanger and air coil; hot water high limit and low
compressor discharge temperature switch provided
to shut down the hot water generator when
conditions dictate. Fault lockout enables emergency
heat and prevents compressor operation until
thermostat or circuit breaker has been reset.
Options & Accessories
• Optional remote-mounted hot water generator
with internally mounted pump.
• Optional cupronickel coaxial heat exchanger.
• Wide thermostat selection.
• Closed loop fl ow controller.
Features and Benefi ts
Single-Stage Outdoor Split
R22 Systems
Powder Coated Galvanized
Heavy Gauge Steel
Insulated Weather
Resistant Cabinet
Internally Mounted
Flow Controller
Copeland Scroll Compressor
(Rotary in 018)
Digital Controls
Hot Water
Generator Ready
Integral Carrying Handles
BackSeating Brass Service Valves
with Service port
Cooling capacities based upon 80.6°F DB, 66.2°F WB entering air temperature.
Heating capacities based upon 68°F DB, 59°F WB entering air temperature.
All ratings based upon 208V operation.
Cooling capacities based upon 80.6°F DB, 66.2°F WB entering air temperature.
Heating capacities based upon 68°F DB, 59°F WB entering air temperature.
All ratings based upon 208V operation.
Cooling capacities based upon 80.6°F DB, 66.2°F WB entering air temperature.
Heating capacities based upon 68°F DB, 59°F WB entering air temperature.
All ratings based upon 208V operation.