Innovation and the
How Clean is Your
Over 100 years ago, a humble but
determined engineer solved one of
mankind’s mo st e lu sive challenges by
controlling the ind oo r en vi ronment. A
leading engineer of his
day, Dr. Willis Carrier would
file more than 80 p at en ts
over the course of his
career. His genius would
enable incredible
advancements in health care ,
manufacturing proce ss es , fo od
preservation, art and historical
conservation, indoor comfort and
much more.
Carrier’s fo resight changed the world
forever and paved t he w ay f or over a
century of once-impossible innovations.
Yet in addition to being an accomplished
inventor, he was also an avid outdoorsman. Carrier recogn iz ed t he power and
beauty of the natural environment. This
appreciation of our w or ld a nd its
resources continues to guide Carrier
Corporation today. We will never rest on
our accomplishments, but instead
consistently look for ways to improve our
products, our environment and our world.
Today, as most people spend 90 percent
of their time indoors, brea thing an
estimated 2,300 gallons of air daily,
Carrier offers premium solutions for
enhanced indoor air quality – the Infinity
air purifier and the Perform an ce ™ air
purifier. Both provide effective defense
against indoor air pollution that can
aggravate allergies, asthma and other
respiratory ailments.
Indoor Air?
Pollen and mold spore s en te r through open doors and windows. Bacteria and
viruses spread betw ee n fa mi ly and friends. Fine dust part ic le s get kicked up
from floors and fur niture . And, dander and hair fall from pets. These
contaminants can make the air inside your home up to fi ve t im es more
polluted than outdoor air, spreading di se as e or triggering allergic and
asthmatic reactions .
Healthier Air for the Entire Home
The patented Infinity air purifier and Performance air purifier are ideal for
homeowners with allergy concerns, those susceptible to airborne germ s, such
as infants and the elderly, and those sensitive to the effects of molds, pollen,
pets and more.
• Carrier®air purifiers offer e xt remely
high air filtration eff ic ie ncy and
patented germicidal technology so
effective they even c ap tu re and kill
airborne pathogens such as
bacteria, viruses and mold.
• These air purifiers use the same
technology trusted to pro te ct secure
government facilities and hospital
room patients.
How Do They Work?
Carrier air purifiers tre at 100% of the air flowing through your home comfort
system using a unique three -step process:
Step 1: Precision point ion iz at io n charges particles as they en te r th e purifier.
• Unlike many portable air cleaners,
Carrier air purifiers are s ilent and
can treat the air t hroughout your
entire home. In fac t, t he y clean over
100 times more air th an s om e of the
popular portable units.
• Carrier air purifiers are as c on ve ni en t
as they are powerful because no
cleaning is required. Simply remove
and replace the med ia c ar tridge
periodically to maintain peak
perfor mance.
Step 2: A specially designed, continuously charged media captures airborne
Step 3: Patented, state-of-the-art technology kills captured vi ru se s, b acteria, and
mold and can preven t fu rther growth of bacteria and fungi on the filter.