Carrier EZXCAB Brochure

EZ Flex™ Media Filter with Cabinet
Enjoy Enhanced Air Quality
and Efficiency
Innovation and the
Leaders in
Over 100 years ago, a humble but deter mined engineer solved one of mankind’s most elusive chal lenges by controlling the indoor environme nt. A
leading engine er of his day, Dr. Willis Ca rrier would
ile more than 80 patent s
f over the cours e of his
career. His genius would enable incredible advan cements in health care, manufactur ing proce sses, food preservation, art and historical conservation, indoor comfort an d much more.
Carrier’s foresight changed the worl d forever and paved the w ay for over a century of once-impossible inno vations. Yet in add ition to being an accompli shed inventor, he was also an avid outdoo rs­man. Carrier recognized the power and beauty of the natural environment. This appreciation of our wor ld and its resources continues to guide Car rier Corporation to day. We will neve r rest on our accomplish ments, but instead consistently l ook for ways to improve our products, our environment and ou r world.
For a truly co mfortable indoor environment and to keep your heating and cooling eq uipment operating at its peak, Carrier recommend s effecti ve air filtration to remove un wanted airborne pollutants from your ho me. One afford able and convenient option is the EZ Flex™ media filter and cabinet.
Efficiency and Convenience of Cleaner Air
EZ Flex media filter and cabinet provide a
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