Models 58PAP and 58RAP
Induced-Combustion Furnaces
This manual must be left with the equipment user.
WARNING; If the information in this manual
is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may
result causing property damage, personal in
jury or loss of life.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flam
mable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance.
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not
use any phone in your building.
• Immediately call your gas supplier fi*om a
neighbor's phone. Follow the gas sup
plier's instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
the fire department.
Installation and service must be performed
by a qualified installer, service agency or
the gas supplier.

Please Fill Out And Return Within The Next 10 Days.
• 1. □ Mr. 2. □ Mrs. 3. □ Ms. 4. □ Miss
Hrst Name Initial Last Name
I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I u I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I
street Apt No.
I ( I I I J I I i M 1 1 I I I I I i I I i i I 1 i I I
City State ZIP Code
....................................................................1 -1 I J 1 ..I
Date of Installation;
O Important! For proper registration, please fill in the model
number, and serial number of this product:
A. Model Number.
! i I I I I I I I I 1 I i - l 1 i I
B. Serial Number:
M 1 I M I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1
O Date of birth of person
whose name appears above;
Excluding yourself, what is the and AGE (in years) of children and other adults tiving in your household?
1. □ No one else in household
Male Female Age
1, □ 2, □ I
1. □ 2. □ L_l
1. □
1. □
1 9
Female Age
2. □ I
_ _
2. □
1 —I years
I years
O What type of product is this?
1. □ Central Air Conditioner
2. □ Gas Furnace
3. O Oil Furnace
4. □ Electric Furnace
5. □ Heat Pump
O A. Price paid for this product (excluding [nstatfatien charges and sales tax):
$ !__I
B. Price paid for installation;
I .00
■tl 1 I I l_l.nn
O Name of company that sold you this product;
9 When did you acquire your product?
1. □ Upon purchase of a new dwelling.
2. □ To replace an older system of the same brand,
3. □ To replace an older system of another brand.
4. □ Within a year after purchasing a dwelling with no central air.
5. □ 2-4 years after buying a dwelling with no central air system.
6. □ Over4yearsafter buying a dwelling with no central air system.
O If you replaced an older system, approrumately hovr old was that system?
1. □ Don't know 4. □ 9-11 years 7. □ 18-20 years
2. □ 1-5 years S. □ 12-14 years 8. □ 21-24 years
3. O 6-S years 6. □ 15-17 years 9, □ Over 24 years
O It this is a replacement, what brand did you previously own?
1. □ Amana 6. O Janitrol 11. □ Snyder
2. □ Bryant 7. □ Lennox 12, □ Tempstar
3. □ Carrier 6. □ Payne 13, □ Trane
4. □ Day & Night 9. □ Rheem 14. □ York
5. □ Hetl 10. □ Ruud 15. □ Other______
What factors most influenced your selection of this product? (Check a maximum of two.)
1. □ Brand reputation
2. □ Dealer reputation
3. □ Previous experience with products
of this brand
4. □ Previous experience with this dealer
5. □ Price
I I ! ! M
6, □ Energy efficiency
7, □ Locahon of dealer
8, □ Dealer's installation policy
9, □ Friend’s/relative’s recommendation
10. □ Contractor’s/dealer's recommendation
11. □ Other
Marital Siabis:
1. □ Married
2. □ DTvorcedfSeparated
Occupation: You Spouse
Upper Management/Execirtive
Middle Management.................................................................................................. □ 4. □
Sale si Marketing
Cterleal or Service Worker..............................................
Thadesman/Machine Oper./Laborer........................................................................ □ 7. □
Self EmployediBusiness Owner............................................................................... □ 10. □
ig Which group describes your annual family income?
1. □ Under $15.000 7, □ $40,000-$44,999
2. □ $15,000-519.999 8. □ $45,000-$49,999
3. □ $20.000-$24,999 9. □ $50,000-859,999
4. □ $25,000-$29,999 10. □ S60,000-$74,999
5. □ $30,000-$34,999 11. O $7S,000-$99,999
6. □ $35,000-$39,999 12. O $100,000&over
Education; (please check those which apply) Spouse
Some High School or Less
Completed High School........................................................................................... O 2. □
Vocational/Technical School..............................................................................................3, □
Some College
Completed College ................................................
Some Graduate School □ 6. D
Completed Graduate School
9 Which credit cards do you use regularly?
1. □ American Express, Diners Club
2, □ MasterCard, Visa, Discover
3, □ Department Store, Oii Company, etc,
4. □ Do not use credit cards
® For your primary residence, do you:
1. □ Own a House?
2. □ Own a Townhouse or Condominium?
3. □ Rent a House?
4. D Rent an Apartment, Townhouse or Condominium?
................................................................................................................ 4. □
3. D Widowed
4. D Never Married (Single)
1. O
.................. ..
..........................................................................7, □
........................................P 9. □
8. □
. . . □ 2. □
. , O 6. □
□ 3. □
. O 5. □
O 1. □
. □ 5. □
To help us understand our customers’ lifestyles, please indicate the interests and activitiss in which you or your spouse enjoy participating on i
oB '
Ш 1
о 1
01. □ Bicycling Frequently
02. □ Golf
03. □ Physical Fitness/Exercise
04. □ Running/Jogging
05. □ Snow Skiing Frequently
05. □ Tennis Frequently
07, □ Camplng/Hiking
08, □ Fishing Frequently
09, □ HuntingfShooting
10, □ Power Boating
11. □ Sailing
12. □ House Plants
13. O Grandchildren
I Using the numbers in the above list, please
indicate the 3 most important activities for.
I Please check all that apply to your household:
1, □ Regularly Purchase items
Through the Mail
2. □ Military Veteran in Household
Thanks (or taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. Your answers will be used (or market research studies and reports — andwii help us better serve you in the future. They will also allow you to receive Important mailings arid
spedal oilers from a rrumber of fine companies whose products and services relate directly to the specitic interests, hobbies, and other Inforrrration indicated above. Through this selective program, you will be able to obtain more
Information about acitivities In which you are Involved and less about those In which you are not. Please check here if, (or some reason, you would prefer not to participate in tnls opportunity. □
If ygu have comments or suggestions about our product please write to; Carrier
14. 3 Needlework/Khitting
15. □ Vegetable Gardening
16. □ Rower Gardening
17. □ Sewing
18. □ Crafts
19. □ AutomoCve Work
20. □ Electronics
21. □ Home Workshop/Do It Yourself
22. □ Recreational Vehicles
23. n Stereo. Reoordsi/Tapes/CDs
24. □ Buy Pre-Recorded Videos
25. □ Avid Book Reading
26. □ Bible/Devotional Reading
You L
3. □ Member of Frequent Flyer Program
4. □ Support Health Charities
5. □ Subscribe to Cable TV
Consumer Relations Department
P.O. Box 4808
Syracuse, NY 13221
or call 1-800-C-A-R-R-l-E-R
27. □ Health/Natural Foods
28. □ Photography
29. □ Home Furnishing/Decorating
30. O Attending Cultural/Arts Events
31. D Fashion Clothing
32. D Fine Art/Antiques
33. □ Foreign Travel
34. □ Travel in the USA
D Gourmet Cooking
36. □ Wines
37. □ Coin/Stamp Collecfing
38. □ Collectibies/Collections
Spouse L_UL_UU_J
6. □ Have a Microwave Oven
7. □ Have a CD Player
8. □ Have a VCR
39. □ Dor Nation’s Heritage
40. □ Heal Estate Investments
41. □ Stock/Bond Investments
42. D Entering Sweepstakes
43. □ Casino Gambling
44. □ Science Fiction
45. □ Wildlife/Environ mental Issues
46. □ Diehng/Weight Control
47. □ Science/New Technology
48. □ Self Improvement
49. □ Walking for Health
50. □ Watching Sports on TV
9. □ Use a Personal Computer
10. □ Have a Dog
11. D HaveaCat