Carrier 50HCQ04-12 User Manual

48/50TC04 ---28, 50TCQ04---12 48/50HC04---14, 50HCQ04---12 Factory Installed Option R T U --- O P E N
Controls, Start---Up, Operation
and Troubleshoot ing Instruct io ns
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 2.........................
Sensors and Accessories 4.............................
User Interfaces 4.....................................
Install Analog Sensors 4...............................
Supply Air Sensor (SAT) 4...........................
Outdoor Air Sensor (OAT) 4..........................
Space Temperature Sensor (SPT) 4.....................
Sensor(s) (IAQ and OAQ) 6......................
Relative Humidity Sensors 8..........................
Installing Discrete Inputs 8.............................
Compressor Safety 8................................
Humidistat 8......................................
Single Enthalpy (Outdoor Enthalpy) 8..................
Differential Enthalpy 8..............................
Fire Shutdown 9...................................
Filter Status 9......................................
Fan Status 9.......................................
Remote Occupancy 9................................
Communication Wiring--Protocols 10.....................
General 10........................................
I--Vu OPEN 10....................................
BACnet MS/TP 10.................................
Modbus 11.......................................
Johnson N2 11.....................................
LonWorks 11......................................
Local Access 12....................................
START--UP 13........................................
Additional Installation/Inspection 13.....................
Service Test 13......................................
Fan Test 13.......................................
Compressor 1 and Compressor 2 Test 13.................
Heat 1 and Heat 2 Test 13............................
Reversing Valve Test 13.............................
Dehumidification Test 14.............................
Power Exhaust Test 14..............................
Economizer Test 14.................................
Analog Output 2 Test 14.............................
Configuration 14....................................
Setpoint 14.......................................
Unit 14..........................................
Inputs 15.........................................
Service 16........................................
Clockset 16.......................................
USERPW 17......................................
OPERATION 17......................................
Occupancy 17.......................................
Indoor (Supply) Fan 17...............................
Cooling 18.........................................
Economizer 18......................................
Power Exhaust 18....................................
Heating 18.........................................
Indoor Air Quality 19.................................
Dehumidification 19..................................
Demand Limit 19....................................
Unoccupied Free Cooling 19...........................
Optimal Start 20.....................................
Fire Shutdown 20
Compressor Safety 20.................................
Fan Status 20.......................................
Filter Status 20......................................
Door Switch 20......................................
Linkage 20.........................................
TROUBLESHOOTING 21..............................
General 21.........................................
Thermistor Troubleshooting 21.........................
Software Version 21..................................
Communication LED’s 22.............................
Alarms 24..........................................
Third Party Networking 26.............................
RTU --OPEN START --UP SHEET 41......................
Copyright 2010 Carrier Corp. D 7310 W. Morris St. D Indianapolis, IN 46231 Printed in U.S.A. Edition Date: 08/10
Manufacturer reserves the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.
Catalog No:48---50HCTQ ---01T
Replaces: NEW
Installation and servicing of air-conditioning equipment can be hazardous due to system pressure and electrical components. Only trained and qualified service personnel should install, repair, or service air-conditioning equipment. Untrained personnel can perform the basic maintenance functions of replacing filters. Trained service personnel should perform all other operations.
When working on air-conditioning equipment, observe precautions in the literature, tags and labels attached to the unit, and other safety precautions that may apply. Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Have fire extinguisher available. Read these instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions attached to the unit. Consult local building codes and National Electrical Code (NEC) for special requirements.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety--alert symbol
instructions or manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION. These words are used with the safety--alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death. WARNING signifies a hazard which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or death.
Disconnect all power to the unit before performing maintenance or service. Unit may automatically start if power is disconnected.
. When you see this symbol on the unit and in
The RTU--OPEN controller is an integrated component of the Carrier rooftop unit. Its internal application programming provides optimum performance and energy efficiency. RTU--OPEN enables the unit to run in 100% stand--alone control mode, Carrier’s I--Vu Open network, or a Third Party Building Automation System (BAS). On--board DIP switches allow you to select your protocol (and baud rate) of choice among the four most popular protocols in use today: BACnet, Modbus, Johnson N2 and LonWorks. (See Fig. 1.)
Carrier’s diagnostic display tools such as Field Assistant BACview6 Handheld or Virtual BACview can be used with the RTU--OPEN controller. Access is available via a 5--pin J12 access port.
There are a variety of sensors and accessories available for the RTU-OPEN. Some of these can be factory or field installed, while others are only field installable. The RTU-OPEN controller may also require connection to a building network system or building zoning system. All field control wiring that connects to the RTU-OPEN must be routed through the raceway built into the corner post of the unit or secured to the unit control box with electrical conduit. The unit raceway provides the UL required clearance between high and low-voltage wiring. Pass the control wires through the hole provided in the corner post, then feed the wires thorough the raceway to the RTU-OPEN. Connect the wires to the removable Phoenix connectors and then reconnect the connectors to the board. See Fig. 1 and Table 1 for board connections and Fig. 2 for Typical Factory RTU-OPEN wiring.
IMPORTANT: Refer to the specific sensor or accessory instructions for its proper installation and for rooftop unit installation refer to base unit installation instructions and the unit’s wiring diagrams.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury, death and/or equipment damage.
Disconnect electrical power and use lock--out tags before wiring the RTU--OPEN controller.
Fig. 1 -- RTU--OPEN Control Module
Table 1 – RTU--OPEN Inputs and Outputs
Space Temp / Zone Temp zone_temp AI (10K Thermistor) J 2 0 --- 1 , 2 Supply Air Temperature sa_temp AI (10K Thermistor) J 2 --- 1 , 2 Outdoor Air Temperature oa_temp AI (10K Thermistor) J2 --- 3 , 4 Space Temperature Offset Pot stpt_adj_offset AI (100K Potentiometer) J 2 0 --- 3 Safety Chain Feedback safety_status DI (24 VAC) J 1 --- 9 Compressor Safety Status comp_status DI (24 VAC) J 1 --- 2 Fire Shutdown Status firedown_status DI (24 VAC) J 1 --- 1 0 Enthalpy Status enthalpy_status DI (24 VAC) J 2 --- 6 Humidistat Input Status humstat_status DI (24 VAC) J 5 --- 7
Indoor Air CO2 iaq A I ( 4 --- 2 0 m a ) Outdoor Air CO2 oaq A I ( 4 --- 2 0 m a ) Space Relative Humidity space_rh A I ( 4 --- 2 0 m a ) Supply Fan Status* sfan_status DI (24 VAC) Filter Status* filter_status DI (24 VAC) Door Contact Input* door_contact_status DI (24 VAC) Occupancy Contact* occ_contact_status DI (24 VAC)
Economizer Output econ_output A O ( 4 --- 2 0 m a ) J 2 --- 5 SupplyFanRelayState sfan DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J 1 --- 4 Compressor 1 Relay State comp_1 DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J 1 --- 8 Compressor 2 Relay State comp_2 DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J 1 --- 7 Heat Stage 1 Relay State heat_1 DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J 1 --- 6 Heat Stage 2 Relay State heat_2 DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J 1 --- 5 Power Exhaust Relay State pexh DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J 1 1 --- 3 Dehumidification Relay State dehum DO Relay (24VAC, 1A) J 1 1 --- 7 , 8
* These inputs (if installed) take the place of the default input on the specific channel
Pa r a l l e l pin s J 5 --- 1 = J 2 --- 6 , J 5 --- 3 = J 1 --- 1 0 , J 5 --- 5 = J 1 --- 2 a r e u s e d f o r f i l e d in s t a l l a t i o n .
Refer to the input configuration and accessory sections for more detail.
J 4 --- 2 o r J 4 --- 5
J 5 --- 1 o r J 5 --- 3 o r
Sensors and Accessories
The RTU-OPEN controller is configurable with the following field-supplied sensors:
NOTE: Supply air temperature sensor (33ZCSENSAT) is factory-installed.
S Space temperature sensor (SPS, SPPL, SPP, SPPF,
33ZCT55SPT, 33ZCT56SPT, or 33ZCT59SPT
S Indoor air quality sensor (33ZCSENCO2,
33ZCT55CO2, 33ZCT56CO2) required for demand control ventilation.
S Outdoor air quality sensor (33ZCTSENCO2)
aspirator box (C33ZCCASPCO2) required for CO
return duct/outside air applications
S Outdoor air enthalpy switch (33CSENTHSW) S Return air enthalpy sensor (33CSENTSEN) required for
differential enthalpy control
S Space relative humidity sensor (33ZCSENSRH-01) S Duct relative humidity (33ZCSENDRH-01) S Humidistat (--HL--38MG-029) S Smoke Detectors (CRSMKSEN002A00,
S Fan and/or Filter Status (CRSTATUS001A00,
User Interfaces
S BACview 6 Handheld (BV6H)
S Virtual BACview (USB-L or USB-TKIT required) S Field Assistant (USB-TKIT required)
Install Analog Sensors
Supply Air Sensor (SAT)
The factory supplies the discharge (supply) air sensor with the unit and is pre--wired. On 04-16 size units, the SAT is secured to the unit’s supply duct opening. This sensor must be relocated into the supply duct during unit installation. On 17-30 size units, the SAT is mounted through the side of the heat chamber below the fan deck, and does NOT require relocation.
The OAT is supplied with the economizer option or accessory. It is wired through the 12-pin plug (PL6) in the return air section of the unit and is mounted on the economizer assembly.
Space Temperature Sensor (SPT)
There are 2 types of SPT sensors available from Carrier, resistive input non-communicating (T55, T56, and T59) and Rnet communicating (SPS, SPPL, SPP, and SPPF) sensors. Each type has a variety of options consisting of: timed override button, set point adjustment, a LCD screen, and communication tie in. Space temperature can be also be written to from a building network or zoning system. However, it is still recommended that return air duct sensor be installed to allow stand-alone operation for back-up. Refer to the configuration section for details on controller configurations associated with space sensors.
Fig. 2 -- Typical Factory Option Wiring
Resistive Non--Communicating Sensor Wiring
For sensor with setpoint adjustment up to 500 ft (152m), use three-conductor shielded cable 20 gauge wire to connect the sensor to the controller. For non set point adjustment (slidebar) or return air duct sensor, an unshielded, 18 or 20 gauge, two-conductor, twisted pair cable may be used. Below is the list of the connections of the SPT to the RTU-OPEN, refer to Fig. 3 and 4 for typical connections at the sensor.
S J20-1 = temperature sensor input (SEN) S J20-2 = sensor common S J20-3 = Setpoint adjustment input (SET)
NOTE: See Fig. 5 for space temperature sensor averaging. T55/56 Override button will no longer function when sensors are averaged. Only Sensor 1 T56 STO input can be used.
Cool Warm
Fig. 3 -- Space Temperature Sensor
Typical Wiring (33ZCT56SPT)
BLK (T56)
Rnet Communicating Sensor Wiring
The Rnet bus allows local communication with the RTU-OPEN, including communicating sensors. The Rnet bus can hold up to 6 devices in the following combinations wired in daisy-chain or hybrid configuration:
S 1-4 SPS sensor(s) S 1 SPPL, SPP, or SPPF sensor S 1-4 SPS sensor(s), and 1 SPPL, SPP, or SPPF sensor S Any of the above combinations, plus up to 2
NOTE: Additional SPS sensors and BACview
must be
addressed. Use the jumpers on the SPS sensor’s circuit
board and refer to the BACview
s installation instructions
for addressing. For Rnet wiring up to 500ft (152m), use 18 AWG 4
conductor unshielded plenum rated cable. The RTU-OPEN’s J13-RNET connection has a 4 pin Phoenix connector wired as described below, Fig. 6 shows sensor Rnet wiring.
S RNET -- 1 = Signal ground (GND) S RNET -- 2 = Signal (Rnet+) S RNET -- 3 = Signal (Rnet--) S RNET -- 4 = Power (+12v)
CO2Sensor(s) (IAQ and OAQ)
The indoor air quality (IAQ) and outdoor air quality
) levels. This
(IAQ) sensor
(OAQ) sensors monitor carbon dioxide (CO information is used to monitor the quality of air in terms of parts per million (PPM). The same sensor is used for inside, outside, and duct monitoring, except an aspirator box is required for outside and duct mounting. The CO sensor is preset for a range of 0 to 2000 ppm and a linear mA output of 4 to 20. The rooftop unit may have a factory installed CO
sensor on the side of the economizer
assembly in the return air section of the unit and is pre-wired and pre-configured at the factory. For field installed sensors, a field supplied transformer must be used to power the sensor. Refer to the instructions supplied with the CO
sensor for electrical requirements
and terminal locations. RTU-OPEN configurations must be changed after adding a CO 7 for typical CO
sensor wiring.
sensor. See below and Fig.
S J4--2 or J4--5 = 4--20mA signal input S J4--3 or J4--6 = signal common
NOTE: The factory used J4-2&3 for CO inputs.
Combination Temperature and CO
If using a combination temperature and CO (33ZCT55CO2 or 33ZCT56CO2), refer to the installation instructions provided with the sensor.
24 VAC
NOTE: Must use a separate isolated transformer.
Fig. 4 -- Space Temperature Sensor
Typical Wiring (33ZCT59SPT)
Factory Wiring
Field Wiring
Fig. 5 -- Space Temperature Averaging
24 VAC
24 VDC
SIG COM (J4-6)
4-20mA (J4-5)
Fig. 6 -- Typical Rnet Communication Sensor Wiring
Fig. 7 -- Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality (CO2)Sensor
33ZCSENC02) -- Typical Wiring Diagram
Relative Humidity Sensors (Space or Duct Mounted)
The accessory space humidity sensor or duct humidity sensor is used to measure the relative humidity of the air within the space or return air duct. The RH reading is used to control the Humidi-Mizert option of the rooftop unit. For wiring distances up to 500 ft (152m), use a 3-conductor, 18 or 20 AWG shielded cable. The shield must be removed from the sensor end of the cable and grounded at the unit end. The current loop power for the sensor is provided by the RTU-OPEN controller as 24vdc. Refer to the instructions supplied with the RH sensor for electrical requirements and terminal locations. RTU-OPEN configurations must be changed after adding a RH sensor. See below and Fig. 8 and 9 for typical RH sensor wiring.
S J4--1 or J4--4 = 24vdc loop power S J4--2 or J4--5 = 4--20mA signal input
NOTE: The factory default for dehumidification control is a normally open humidistat.
Installing Discrete Inputs
Compressor Safety
The compressor safety input provides the RTU-OPEN with feedback to when the compressor is not running and should be. This feedback is usually provided by a Compressor Lock-Out (CLO) device. Compressor safety is a dedicated input on the configurable input 3 and tells the RTU-OPEN when the compressor is locked out. The normal condition for compressor safety is good operation. A normally open compressor safety is the factory default for all units. Follow specific accessory instructions if installing a CLO device. The CLO should wire into the unit’s Low Voltage terminal Board (LVTB).
NOTE: Input 3 can also be wired into J--5.
Vin - J4 -1 or J4 -4 24Vdc Io - J4 -2 or J4 -5 4 -20mA output
Fig. 8 -- Space Relative Humidity Sensor Typical Wiring
The accessory humidistat provides the RTU-OPEN insight to the relative humidity in the space. The humidistat reads the RH level in the space and compares it to its setpoint to operate a dry contact. The humidistat is a dedicated input on the configurable input 9 and tells the RTU-OPEN when the RH level is HIGH or LOW. The normal condition for humidity is LOW. A normally open humidistat is the factory default control for the Humidi-MiZert option. To wire in the field:
S J5--8 = 24 VAC source for dry contact S J5--7 = Signal input
Single Enthalpy (Outdoor Enthalpy)
The outdoor enthalpy switch/receiver (33CSENTHSW) senses temperature and humidity of the air surrounding the device and calculates the enthalpy when used without an enthalpy sensor. The relay is energized when enthalpy is high (above 28 BTU/lb OR dry bulb temperature is above 75_F) and de-energized when enthalpy is low (below 27 BTU/lb AND dry bulb temperature is below
74.5_F). The enthalpy input is dedicated to input 8 and tells the RTU-OPEN when the outside air enthalpy is HIGH or LOW. The normal condition for the enthalpy input is HIGH. Enthalpy is configured on input 8 in the factory when it is added as an option.
NOTE: The enthalpy calculation is done using an average altitude of 1000 ft above sea level.
For field installation, refer to the enthalpy accessory instructions. For wiring see below and Fig. 10. The RTU-OPEN board provides 24vac on one of the two loose grey wires in the return air section of the rooftop near the 12-pin economizer plug. To determine the correct grey, measure the voltage on the wires with power applied to the unit. If 24-vac is sensed, then that is the grey wire that is connected to the RTU-OPEN board at J2-7. The other is the signal for input 8, connect it to the LOW Enthalpy terminal on the enthalpy switch/receiver. Tie into the 12-pin economizer plug on pin 4 or the black wire connected to the actuator for the enthalpy’s GND connection. Power can also be provided direct from the unit transformer and J5 terminal on the RTU-OPEN.
S J2--7orJ5--2=24VACforenthalpyswitchpower S J2--6 or J5--1 = input signal
Differential Enthalpy
Differential enthalpy control requires both an enthalpy switch/receiver (33CSENTHSW) and an enthalpy sensor (33CSENTSEN). The enthalpy sensor must be installed in the field as the factory can only provide single enthalpy. The enthalpy sensor must be mounted in the return airstream and calculates the enthalpy of the indoor air. The relay is energized when the enthalpy detected by the return air enthalpy sensor is less than the enthalpy at the enthalpy switch/receiver. The relay is de-energized when the enthalpy detected by the return air enthalpy sensor is greater than the enthalpy at the enthalpy switch/receiver (differential enthalpy control).
J4-1 or J4-4 + 24 VDC Supply Voltage
J4-2 or J4-5 (-) 4 to 20 mA Current Loop Output
Fig. 9 -- Duct Relative Humidity Sensor Typical Wiring
4-20 VAC GND 0-5V mA or or VDC 0-10V
Relative Humidity Sensor (Polarized Male Connector)
To wire return air enthalpy sensor:--MP Connect the 4-20 mA In terminal on the enthalpy switch/ receiver to the 4-20 mA Out terminal on the return air enthalpy sensor. Connect the 24-36 VDC Out terminal on the enthalpy switch/receiver to the 24-36 VDC In terminal on the return air enthalpy sensor. (See Fig 10.)
Fire Shutdown
The fire shutdown input is provided for unit shutdown in response to a fire alarm or smoke detector. The fire shutdown input is dedicated to input 5 and tells the RTU-OPEN when to shutdown due to smoke detection or fire alarm system. The normal condition for fire shutdown is there is no fire alarm. The unit may have factory installed smoke detector(s); refer to the base unit installation instructions for details on any adjustments required during unit installation. Fire shutdown is always factory configured for a normally open smoke detector.
For field installation of a smoke detector see instructions for that specific accessory. See below and the troubleshooting section for wiring at the unit’s Low Voltage Terminal Board (LVTB).
S LVTB -- UNIT SHUTDOWN -- Smoke Alarm = Signal
input to RTU--OPEN
NOTE: Input 5 can also be wired into J5--3.
Filter Status
The filter status accessory is a field-installed accessory. This accessory detects plugged filters. When installing this accessory, the unit must have a free input (input 3, 5, 8, or 9). One of the dedicated functions (Humidistat, Fire shutdown, Enthalpy, or Compressor safety) must not be in use to configure Filter Status. Refer to the configuration section for details on configuring inputs for specific functions and state. Refer to Fig. 1 for wire terminations at J5.
Fan Status
The fan status accessory is a field-installed accessory. This accessory detects when the indoor fan is moving air. When installing this accessory, the unit must have a free input (input 3, 5, 8, or 9). One of the dedicated functions (Humidistat, Fire shutdown, Enthalpy, or Compressor safety) must not be in use to configure Fan Status. Refer to the configuration section for details on configuring inputs for specific functions and state. Refer to Fig. 1 for wire terminations at J5.
Remote Occupancy
The remote occupancy accessory is a field-installed accessory. This accessory provides an input to change the units occupancy status. When installing this accessory, the unit must have a free input (input 3, 5, 8, or 9). One of the dedicated functions (Humidistat, Fire shutdown, Enthalpy, or Compressor safety) must not be in use to configure remote occupancy. Refer to the configuration section for details on configuring inputs for specific functions and state. Refer to Fig. 1 for wire terminations at J5.
Fig. 10 -- Enthalpy Switch and Sensor Wiring
Communication Wiring--Protocols
Protocols are the communication languages spoken by control devices. The main purpose of a protocol is to communicate information in the most efficient method possible. Different protocols exist to provide different kinds of information for different applications. In the BAS application, many different protocols are used, depending on manufacturer. Protocols do not change the function of a controller; just make the front end user different.
The RTU--OPEN can be set to communicate on four different protocols: BACnet, Modbus, N2, and LonWorks. Switch 3 (SW3) on the board is used to set protocol and baud rate. Switches 1 and 2 (SW1 and SW2) are used to set the board’s network address. See Fig. 11 and 12 for protocol switch settings and address switches. The 3rd party connection to the RTU--OPEN is through plug J19. See Fig. 13 for wiring. Refer to the RTU--OPEN 3rd Party Integration Guide for more detailed information on protocols, 3rd party wiring, and networking.
NOTE: Power must be cycled after changing the SW1--3 switch settings.
I-Vu OPEN is a Carrier front-end and Building Automation System (BAS). It is a web based network system that uses a native BACnet over MS/TP communication protocol. The speed of the network can range from 9600 to 76,800 baud. OPEN devices communicate with a proprietary language called Linkage on I-Vu OPEN. Linkage is established automatically and allows the flow of specific data across OPEN devices. Refer to I-Vu OPEN literature for more information on I-Vu.
BACnet Master Slave/Token Passing (MS/TP) is used for communicating BACnet over a sub--network of BACnet--only controllers. This is the default Carrier communications protocol. Each RTU--OPEN module acts as an MS/TP Master. The speed of an MS/TP network can range from 9600 to 76.8K baud. Physical Addresses can be set from 01 to 99.
SW3 Protocol Selection
(Master) Modbus
(Slave) N2
(Slave) LonWorks Unused ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON
NOTE: DS = Dip Switch BACnet MS/TP SW3 example shown
9600 OFF OFF 19,200 ON OFF 38,400 OFF ON 76,800 ON ON
Unused OFF OFF OFF ON OFF Select Baud Select Baud
Unused OFF OFF ON ON OFF Select Baud Select Baud
Baud Rate Selections
Fig. 11 -- RTU--OPEN SW3 Dip Switch Settings
Fig. 12 -- RTU--OPEN Address Switches
The RTU--OPEN module can speak the Modicon Modbus RTU Protocol as described in the Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide, PI----MBUS----300 Rev. J. The speed of a Modbus network can range from 9600 to 76.8K baud. Physical Addresses can be set from 01 to 99.
Johnson N2
N2 is not a standard protocol, but one that was created by Johnson Controls, Inc. that has been made open and available to the public. The speed of N2 network is limited to only 9600 baud. Physical Addresses can be set from 01 to 99.
LonWorks is an open protocol that requires the use of Echelon’s Neuron microprocessor to encode and decode the LonWorks packets. In order to reduce the cost of adding that hardware on every module, a separate LonWorks Option Card (LON--OC) was designed to connect to the RTU--OPEN.
This accessory card is needed for LonWorks and has to be ordered and connected using the ribbon cable to plug J15. The RTU--OPEN’s baud rate must be set to 38.4k to communicate with the LON--OC. The address switches (SW1 & SW2) are not used with LonWorks.
Fig. 13 -- Network Wiring
Fig. 14 -- LON--OC and LON Network Wiring
Local Access
The BACview connect to the RTU--OPEN to access the control information, read sensor values, and test the RTU. (See Fig. 15.) This is an accessory interface that does not come with the RTU--OPEN controller. You connect the BACview
one of the communicating space sensor’s access port. There are 2 password protected levels in the display (User and Admin). The user password is defaulted to 0000, but can be changed. The Admin password is 1111 and cannot be changed. There is a 10 minute auto logout if a screen is left idle. See Appendix A for navigation and screen content.
is a keypad/display interface used to
to the RTU--OPEN’s J12 local access port or
Virtual BACview
Virtual BACview is a freeware computer program that
functions as the BACview
Handheld. The USB Link interface (USB--L) is required to connect a computer to the RTU--OPEN board. The link cable connects a USB port to the J12 local access port. This program functions and operates identical to the handheld.
Field Assistant
Field Assistant is a computer program included with the purchase of the USB Link Tech Kit (USB-TKIT). This is a field Tech Tool to set-up, service, or download the RTU-OPEN controller. The link cable connects a USB port to the J12 local access port. The menu structure is similar to the BACview, but accessed and functions the same as I-Vu.
Fig. 15 -- BACview6Handheld Connections
IMPORTANT: Follow the base unit’s start-up sequence
documented in its specific instructions. Use the base unit’s start-up check list when performing the start-up. At the end of this manual there is an additional RTU-OPEN Start-up Sheet to be completed and included with the base unit check list.
Besides the base unit start-up, there are a few steps to take to properly start-up the controls. RTU-OPEN’s Service Test function should be used to assist in the base unit start-up and also allows verification of output operation. Controller configuration is also part of start-up. This is especially important when field accessories have been added to the unit. The factory pre-configures options installed at the factory. There may also be additional installation steps or inspection required during the start-up process.
Additional Installation/Inspection
Inspect the field installed accessories for proper installation, making note of which ones do or do not require configuration changes. Inspect the RTU-OPEN’s Alarms for initial insight to any potential issues. See troubleshooting section for alarms. Inspect the SAT sensor for relocation as intended during installation. Inspect special wiring as directed below.
Humidi--MiZert Control Wiring
In units equipped with the optional Humidi-MiZer option there are 2 pink wires loose in the control box used to control the dehumidification function of the unit. These pink wires are meant to be ties to a space humidistat or thermidistat on an electromechanical unit. On RTU-OPEN equipped units these pink wires must be connected to J11-7 & 8 to allow the OPEN board to operate the dehumidification function or the unit. Disconnect the J11 Phoenix style connector form the board and use the plug screws to secure the pink wires in pins 7 and 8, reconnect the plug to the board at J11.
Power Exhaust Relay Power
The relay used by the RTU-OPEN board to control power exhaust is a dry contact which means it does not have 24vac. This 24vac must be connected to the relay to allow it operate the power exhaust relay in the PE accessory. A 24vac source should be provided to the J11-2 pin on the RTU-OPEN. This can be provided by the unit’s transformer from various sources. The “R” terminal on the unit’s low voltage terminal board (LVTB) is a logical source.
Service Test
The Service Test function can be used to verify proper operation of compressors, heating stages, indoor fan, power exhaust fans, economizer, and dehumidification. Use of Service Test is recommended at initial system start up and during troubleshooting. See Appendix A for Service Test Mode table.
Service Test mode has the following changes from normal operation:
S Outdoor air temperature limits for cooling circuits,
economizer, and heating are ignored.
S Normal compressor time guards and other staging
delays are ignored.
S The status of Alarms (except Fire and Safety chain) is
ignored, but all alerts and alarms are still broadcasted on the network.
Service Test can be turned ON/OFF at the unit display or from the network. Once turned ON, other entries may be made with the display or through the network. To turn Service Test on, change the value of Test Mode to ON, to turn Service Test off, change the value of Test Mode to OFF.
NOTE: Service Test mode is password protected when accessing from the display. Depending on the unit model, factory--installed options, and field--installed accessories, some of the Service Test functions may not apply.
Fan Test
This point allows the board’s fan output to be manually turned On (Enable) and Off (Disable). Other test points that require the fan for operation will automatically turn the fan on and this point will still show “Disable.” Fan test can operate simultaneously with other Service Test Points.
Compressor 1 and Compressor 2 Test
The compressor test points are used to change output status for the individual compressors. Compressor starts are not staggered. The fan and heating service test outputs are reset to “Disable” for the compressor service tests. The Indoor fan and outdoor fans are controlled normally to maintain proper unit operation. All normal cooling alarms and alerts are functional.
NOTE: Compressor 1 is always operated with Compressor 2 due to outdoor fan control on Compressor
1. Always test Compressor 1 first, and leave it on to test Compressor 2.
Heat 1 and Heat 2 Test
The heat test points are used to change output status for the individual heat stages, gas or electric. The fans and cooling service test outputs are reset to “Disable” for the heat service tests. Indoor and outdoor fans are controlled normally to maintain proper unit operation. All normal heating alarms and alerts are functional.
Reversing Valve Test
This test point activates the DO7 relay at J11. These rooftop units do not use reversing valve control for heat pumps, therefore this test is not used.
Dehumidification Test
For units with the factory Reheat option, the dehumidification relay is used to change the output status to operate the circuits in different Reheat modes. Dehumidification relay on by itself puts all circuits running in Hot Gas Reheat dehumidification mode; dehumidification relay on and the cooling test (compressor test relays) on puts unit and or individual circuits in subcooling dehumidification mode. The fans and heating service test outputs are reset to “Disable” for the dehumidification service test. Indoor and outdoor fans are controlled normally to maintain proper unit operation. All normal cooling/dehum alarms and alerts are functional.
Power Exhaust Test
This point allows the board’s power exhaust (PE) output to be manually turned On (Enable) and Off (Disable). Power Exhaust test can operate simultaneously with other Service Test Points.
Economizer Test
This point allows the board’s economizer output to be manually controlled from 0 to 100 % Open. Economizer test can operate simultaneously with other Service Test Points.
Analog Output 2 Test
This test point activates the AO2 0-10vdc analog output at J22. These rooftops do not use this output, therefore this test is not used.
NOTE: Service Test Mode does not timeout. Be sure to turn off test mode or cycle power to the RTU to return to normal operation.
The RTU-OPEN controller’s configuration points effect the unit’s inputs and operation. Review and understand the meaning and purpose of each configuration point before changing it from the factory default value. Use the RTU-OPEN Start-up Sheet during configuration; fill in changed values if changed from factory default. There are three main configurations menus: SETPOINT, UNIT, and SERVICE. Each configuration point is described below under its according menu. See Appendix A for BACview menu structure.
Occupied Heating Setpoint -- The heating setpoint the
controller maintains during the occupied period.
Range = 40-90_F
Occupied Cooling Setpoint – The cooling setpoint the controller maintains during the occupied period.
Range = 55-99_F
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint – The heating setpoint the controller maintains during the unoccupied period.
Range = 40-90_F
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint – The cooling setpoint the controller maintains during the unoccupied period.
Range = 55-99_F
Effective Heating Setpoint – The current setpoint value heating operation will control to.
Effective Cooling Setpoint – The current setpoint value cooling operation will control to.
Optimal Start - The earliest time prior to occupancy, at which the Optimal Start function may begin to adjust the effective setpoints. Setting this to 0 will disable optimal start.
Range = 0-4 hours Default = 4 hours
Occ Relative Humidity Setpoint – The space RH setpoint the controller maintains during the occupied period.
Range = 0 to the Unocc RH setpoint Default 60%
Unocc Relative Humidity Setpoint – The space RH setpoint the controller will maintain during the unoccupied period.
Range = 30-100% Default = 90%
DCV Max Ctrl Setpoint – The difference between indoor and outdoor CO ventilation damper position.
Range = 0-9999ppm Default = 650ppm
Power Exhaust Setpoint – When the economizer damper position opens above this point the power exhaust operation will begin. When the damper position falls below this point and 5% lower the power exhaust will shutdown.
Range = 20-90% Default = 50%
NOTE: This point is only used when Continuous Occupied Exhaust = NO
level which results in maximum
Fan Mode – Sets the operation of the indoor fan when not
in cooling or heating mode. Refer to fan operation for details on each operation.
Range = Auto, Continuous, or Always On Default = Continuous
Unit Start Delay – Refers to the time delay the unit will wait after power up or when transitioning from unoccupied to occupied before it pursues any specific operation.
Range = 0-30 sec Default = 5 sec
Fan Off Delay – Time delay in which the fan will continue run after being commanded off.
Range = 0-180sec Default = 90sec
Minimum Cooling SAT – The supply air temperature must remain above this value to allow cooling with the economizer and/or compressors. There is 5_Fplusand minus deadband to this point. If the SAT falls below this value during cooling a compressor stage will be removed and/or the economizer will return to minimum position.
Range = 45-70_F Default = 50_F
Maximum Heating SAT – The supply air temperature must remain below this value to allow heating. There is 5_F plus and minus deadband to this point. If the SAT falls below this value during heating the heat stages will begin to decrease until the SAT has dropped below this value.
Range = 95-150_F Default = 120_F
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