SingMe-Packaged Gas Heat/EMectric CooMing
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A Guide to Operating and Maintaining Your
Singme-Packaged Gas Heat/Emectric Cooming Unit
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual be%re starting the
Installation and servicing of air-conditioning equipment can be
hazardous due to system pressure and electrical components Only
trained and qualified personnel should install, repair, or service
air-conditioning equipment.
Untrained personnel can per_bt_n basic maintenance timctions of
cleaning coils and filters. All other operations should be pertbm?ed
by trained service personnel. When working on air-conditioMng
equipment, observe precautions in the literature, tags, and labels
attached to the unit, and other sat)ty precautions that may apply.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Use
quenching cloth _br unbrazing operations. Have fire extinguisher
available for all brazing operations.
Recognize safety infhrmation. This is the safety-alert symbolz_.
When you see this symbol on d_e product or in instructions or
manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAU-
TION, and NOTE. Danger identifies the most serious hazards,
which will result in severe personal injury or death. Warning
indicates a condition that could cause serious personal injm N or
death. (audon is used _o identify unsafe practices, which would
result in minor personal injury or product and property damage.
NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in
enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.
Note to Installer: This manual should be left with the equipment
Unit with Puron (R-410A) Refrigerant
Be%re per%truing recommended maintenance, be sure d-_e
main power switch to unit is turned off and lock-out tag
installed. Electric shock could cause serious injury or death.
This 48XP unit is a small packaged gas heat/electric cooling
system that can utilize the comfi_rt of gas heating packaged along
with e_Ecient electric air conditioning. This unit uses Puron®, the
ozone friendly refrigerant for cooling.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and
tiqnids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. Failure to
follow this warning could result in fire, serious injury, or
Do not use this unit if any part has been under water
Immediately call a qualified sela'ice technician to inspect the
unit and to replace any part of the control system which has
been under water Failure to fbllow this warning could result
in electrical shock, fire, serious injury, or death.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
PC 101 Catalog No 534-80114 Printed in USA Form OM48-16 Pg 1 6-03 Replaces: New
Starting or Shutting Unit Off
1 To start the unit:
a. Turn on the electrical and gas power supply to unit.
b. Select temperattlre and set SYSTEM switch or MODE
control to desired mode.
2. To shut unit off:
NOTE: If the unit is being shut down because of a malfm_ction,
call your dealer as soon as possible.
a Set system SWITCH or MODE control to OFF.
b Turn off the electrical power, install lock-out tag and shut
off gas supply to unit.
The operation of your system is contlolled by the indoor tempera-
rare control. You simply adjust the thermostat and it maintains the
indoor temperature at the level you select. Most thermostats of
heating and cooling systems have 3 controls: a temperature control
selector, a FAN control, and a SYSTEM or MODE control. Refer
to your thermostat owner's manual fbr more iM'ormation.
Fig. 1--Unit 48XP

To better protect your investment and to eliminate unnecessary
service calls, fim_iliarize yourself with the following filets:
Step !=Cooling Mode
With the SYSTEM or MODE control set to COOL, yonr unit will
run in cooling mode until the indoor temperature is lowered to the
level you have selected. On extremely hot days, your unit will run
tbr longer periods at a time and have shorter "off" periods than on
moderate days.
Step 2--Gas Heat Mode
With &e SYSTEM or MODE control set to HEAT, your unit will
run in heating mode until the indoor temperature is raised above
the level you have selected. On extremely cold days, your unit will
run for longer periods at a time and have shorter "of_" periods than
on moderate days.
This section discusses maintenance that should be pertbrmed on
your system Most maintenance should be performed by your
dealer, You, as the owner, may wish to handle some minor
maintenance tbr your new unit,
All routine maintenance should be handled by skilled, experienced
personnel, Your dealer can help you establish a standard proce=
For your safe w, keep the unit area clear and flee of combustible
materials, gasoline, and other flammable tiquids and vapors.
To assure proper fmactioning of the unit, flow of condenser air
must not be obstructed from reaching the unit Clearance from the
top of the unit is 48 in. Clearance of at least 36 in is required on
sides except the power ent W side (42 in clearance) and the duct
side (12 in mininmn_ clearance)
Befbre proceeding with those things you might want to maintain
yourselg please earefi.dly consider the following:
2. When removing access panels or perfbm_ing maintenance
thnctions inside your unit, be aware of sharp sheet metal
parts and screws. Although special care is taken to keep
sharp edges to a n_inin_um, be extremely carethl when
handling parts or reaching into the unit.
Air Filters
The air filter(s) should be checked at least every 3 or 4 weeks and
changed or cleaned whenever it becomes dirty. Dirty- filters
produce excessive stress on d'le blower motor and can cause the
motor to overheat and shut down.
This unit must have air filters in place befPre it can be operated.
These filters can be located in one of at least two places. In many
applications the installer will provide return air filter grilles
mounted on the wall or ceiling of the conditioned structure. In the
instance of filter grilles, the filters can simply be removed fi'om the
grille and replaced.
The other typical application is an accessory filter rack installed
inside the unit itself The tbltowing information is given to assist
in changing filters used in these internal filter racks.
Table 1 indicates the cml'ect filter size %r your unit. Refer to Fig.
2 to access filters installed in the accessory filter rack.
TaMe I--Indoor-Air Filter Data
48XP024-030 20 x 20 x 1
48XP036 20 x 24 x 1
48XP042-060 24 x 30 x 1
*For accessory filter rack.
Fig. 2--FiRer Access Pane{-VerticN Supply Shown
To replace or inspect filters (or accessoQ" filter rack when
1. Remove the filter access panel using a 5/16°in nut driver
2. Remove the filter(s) by pulling it out of the unit. If the tilter(s)
is dirty, clean or replace with a new one.
When installing the new filter(s), note the direction of the airflow
arrows on the filter frame.
If you have dik_culty locating your air filter(s) or have questions
concerning proper filter maintenance, contact your dealer tbr
instructions. When replacing filters, always use the same size and
type of filter that was supplied, originally, by the installer.
Never operate your unit without d_e filter(s) in place Failure
to heed this warning may result in damage to the blower
motor and/or compressor. An accumulation of dust and tint on
internal parts of your unit can cause loss of efficiency and, in
SOITIe case% a fire,
Fans and Fan Motors
Periodically, check the condition of thn wheels and housings and
fan=motor shall bearings. (ontact yonr dealer for the required
annual maintenance.
Indoor and Outdoor Coils
(:leaning of the coils should only be done by qualified service
personnel, (ontact your dealer for the required annual mainte°