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tnstammation and Start-Up tnstructions
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the
This symhoi --> indicates a change since the last issue.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service, nmintenance,
or use can cause explosion, fire, electrical shock, or other
conditions which may cause death, personal injury, or property
damage. Consult a qualified installer, service agency, or your
distributor or branch for information or assistance. The qualified
installer or agency must use fi_ctory=authorized kits or accessories
when modifying this product. Refkr to the individual instructions
packaged with the kits or accessories when installing.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses, protective clotiaing,
and work gloves. Use quenciaing clotia fbr brazing operations.
Have fire extinguisher available. Read these instructions thor°
oughly and fbllow all warnings or cautions included in literature
and attached to the unit. Consuh local building codes and National
Electrical (?ode (NEC) tbr special requirements.
Recognize safety informatiom This is the safety-alert symbolz_ .
When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or
manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, and (AU=
TION. These words are used with the safkty-alert symbol. DAN=
GER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe
personal inju V or death. WARNING signifies hazards which
could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to
identify unsafe practices which would result in minor personal
injury or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight
suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability,
or operation.
38YCC, 38YCG, 38YCS
10 SEER SpMit-System
Heat Pump
Fig, 1--Mode{ 38YCC
Be_bre installing, modil_-ing, or servicing system, main dec=
trical disconnect switch must be in the OFF position. There
may be more than l disconnect switch. Lock out and tag
switch(es) with a suitable warning label. Electrical shock can
cause personal injury or death.
NOTE: In some cases noise has been tlaced to improper instal°
tation of equipment
1. Locate unit away [)om windows, patios, decks, and so forth
where unit operation sounds may distm'b customer
2. Ensure that vapor- and liqui&tube diameters are appropriate to
capacity of unit.
3. Rnn refrigerant tubes as directly as possible by avoiding
unnecessary rams and bends.
4. Leave some slack between structure and unit to absorb
5. When passing refrigerant robes through the wall, seal opening
with RTV or other pliable silicon=based caulk. (See Fig. 30
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without insurring obligations,
PC 101 Catalog No. 533-80100 Printed in USA Form 38YCC-6SI Pg 1 5-03 Replaces: 38YCC-5SI
6 Avoid direct refiigerant robing contact with water pipes, duct
7 Do not suspend refrigerant tubing fiom joists and studs with a
8 Ensure that refrigerant robing insulation is pliable and con>
9. When necessary, use hanger straps which are 1 in. wide and
10. Isolate hanger straps from insulation by using metal sleeves
Fig. 2--Mode{s 38YCG and 38YOS
work, floor joists, walt studs, floors, and walls
rigid wire or strap that comes in direct contact with robing.
(See Fig, 30
pletely sun'ounds vapor robe.
confbm_ to shape of robing insulation. (See Fig. 3.)
bent to con_bt_n to shape of insulation.
NOTE: Avoid contact between tubing and structure
.-_ JO_ST
Fig. 3--Connecting Tubing InstNtat{on
When outdoor unit is connected to factory-approved indoor unit,
outdoor unit contains systen>ref?igerant charge tbr operation with
indoor unit of the same size when connected by 15 ft of
field=supplied or fhctory=accessow- robing For proper unit opera=
tion, check refrigerant charge using charging information located
on control-box cover and/or in the (hock Charge section of this
--> iMPORTANT: Maximum liquid-line size is 3/%in. O.D. for all
residential applications including tong line applications.
---> IMPORTANT: Always install a liquid=line filter drier on any
system using an existing field service lineset and/or existing indoor
coil. Also, always use liquid line tilter driers on burnout compres=
sot replacments. Refer to Product Data Digest for appropriate part
number. Obtain filter &ier fi'om your distributor or branch.
Step 1--Check Equipment and Job Site
Move to final location, Remove cartom taking care not to damage
File claim with shipping company prior to installation if shipment
is damaged oi" incomplete, Locate unit=rating plate on unit=service
panel It contains information needed to properly install unit
Check rating plate to be sure unit matches job specifications,
Step 2--_nstaH on a Solid, Level Mounting Pad
If conditions or local codes require the unit be attached to pad,
tie=down bolts should be used and fastened through knockouts
provided in unit base pan. Refer to unit=mounting pattern in Fig 4
to detem_ine base=pan size and knockout=hole location.
On rooftop applications, mount on level plati:orm or fi'ame 6 in
above roof sur_ce. Place unit above a load=bearing wall and
isolate unit and robing set tiom structure Arrange supporting
members to adequately support unit and minimize transmission of
vibration to building. Consult local codes governing rooftop
Roof mounted units exposed to winds above 5 mph may require
wind baffles to achieve adequate defrost. Consult Low=Ambient
Guideline for wind=baffle construction.
NOTE: Unit must be level to within ÷2 ° (+3/8 inift) per
compressor manufacturer specifications.
I 3/8"D 1953) TIEDOWN
B .I
Dimensions (in.)
Step 3--Clearance Requirements
When installing, allow sufficient space %r airflow clearance,
wiring, refrigerant piping, and service. Allow 30=in clearance to
service end of unit and 48 in. above unit For proper airflow, a 6=in.
clearance on 1 side of unit and 12 in. on all remaining sides must
be maintained Maintain a distance of 24 in between units.
Position so water, snow, or ice from roof or eaves cannot fall
directly on unit
On rooftop applications, locate unit at least 6 in. above roof
Step 4--Operating Ambients
The minin_mn outdoor-operating ambient in cooling mode is 55°F,
and the maximum outdoor=operating arnbient in cooling mode is
125°F The maxinmm outdoor-operating ambient in heating mode
is 66°F,
Step 5--Elevate Unit
Accumulation of water and ice in base pan may cause
equipment damage.
In areas where prolonged freezing temperatures are encountered,
elevate unit per local climate and code requirements to provide
clearance above estimated snowfitll level and ensure adequate
drainage of unit
Step 6--Check indoor And Outdoor AccuRater® Piston
(heck indoor-coil piston to seeif it matches the required piston
shown on outdoor unit=rating plate, If it does not match_ replace
indoor-coil piston with piston shipped with outdoor unit. The
piston shipped with outdoor unit is correct for any approved
indoor-coil combination,
22-1/2 x 22-1/2 3-11116 18-118 14-318
30 x 30 6-1/2 23-1/2 20
Fig. 4--Mounting Unit to Pad
& 0 TM
Table 1--Refrigerant Connections and Recommended Liquid- and Vapor=Tube Diameters (In.}
Connection Diameter Tube Diameter Connection Diameter Tube Diameter Connection Diameter Tube Diameter
0t8, 024
030, 036
042, 048
1. Tube diameters are for lengths up to 50 fl or 20 fi vertical differential For tubing lengths greater than 50 fl, consult Long Line section of the Application Guideline.
2. Do not apply capillary-tube indoor cells to these units.
To avoid equipment damage and/or loss of per%m_ance
remove indoor-coil piston if unit is to be installed on system
with a TXV=metering device.
Step 7--Check Defrost Thermostat
(heck defiost thermostat to ensure it is properly located arid
securely attached There is a liquid header with a brass distributor
arid feeder robe going into outdoor coil At the end of 1 of the
feeder tubes, there is a 3/%in OD. stub robe approximately 3 in.
tong. The det)ost thermostat should be located on stub tube. Note
that d-iere is only 1 stub tube used with liquid header, and on most
units it is the bottom circuit
Step 8--Make Piping Connections
Relieve pressure and recover all refiigerant be%re system
repair or final unit disposal to avoid personal injury or death.
Use all service ports arid open all flow-control devices,
including solenoid valves.
3/8 3/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
3/8 3/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8
3/8 3/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1-1/8
3/8 3/8 7/8 1-1/8 7/8 1-1/8
To avoid valve damage while brazing, service valves n-rest be
wrapped in a heat-sinking material such as a wet cloth,
Remove plastic retainer holding outdoor piston in liquid-
service valve.
Locate adapter robe shipped with unit.
Install strainer in adapter robe and connect robe to service
valve. (See Fig 5)
(onnect refiigerant tubing to fittings on outdoor-unit vapor-
and liquid=service valves
Service valves are closed fiom f_ctory and ready fbr brazing.
After wrapping service valve with a wet cloth, robing set can
be brazed to service valve using either silver-bearing or
non-silver=bearing brazing material Do not use soft solder
(material that melts below S00°F). Consult local code require-
Refiigerant tubing and indoor coil are now ready for leak testing.
This check should include all field arid facto W joints.
If ANY rekigerant tubing is burie& provide a 6 in. vertical
rise at service valve to avoid equipment damage Ret'rigerant
robing lengths up to 36 in may be buried without fk_rther
special consideration For lengths above 36 in, consult your
local distributor.
To prevent damage to unit or smaqce valves observe the
*'(!sea brazing shield.
*Wrap service valves with wet cloth or use a heat=sink
Outdoor units may be connected to indoor section using accessory=
robing package or fMd-supplied refrigerant=grade robing of cot=
rect size and condition. For tubing requirements beyond 50 ft
length or 20 f_ vertical diffkrential, substantial capacity arid
per£_rmance losses can occur. Following the recommendations in
the Residential Split-System Long-Line Application Guideline
will reduce these losses. Refer to Table 1 for field=robing diam=
Connect robing to fittings on outdoor unit vapor- arid liquid=
smwice valves, (See Table 1) Lse refrigerant-grade robing Refer
to appropriate section below fbr type of service valves installed on
Fig. 5--Liquid-Service VNve with Sweat-Adapter
IMPORTANT: Check to be certain factow tubing on both indoor
and outdoor unit has riot shifted during shipment. Ensure robes are
not rubbing against each other or any sheet metal Pay close
attention to t'ceder robes, making sure wire ties on feeder robes are
secure and tight