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Installation and Start-Up instructions
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual be%re starting the
This symbol --> indicates a change since the last issue,
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service, maintenance,
or use can cause explosion, fire, electrical shock, or other
conditions which may cause death, personal injury, or property
damage. Consult a qualified installer, service agency, or your
distlibutor or branch for information or assistance. The qualified
installer or agency must use thctory=authorized kits or accessories
when modit}-ing this product. Refkr to the individual instructions
packaged with the kits or accessories when installing.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses, protective clothing,
and work gloves. Use quenching cloth t\_r brazing operations.
Have fire extinguisher available. Read these instructions thor=
oughly and i\fllow all warnings or cautions included in literature
and attached to the unit. Consuh local building codes and National
Electrical (?ode (NEC) tbr special requirements.
Recognize sa_kty information. This is the safety-alert symbol z_.
When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or
manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
Understand these signal words; DANGER, WARNING, and
CAUTION. These words are used with the safety=alert symbol.
DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in
severe personal inju V or death. WARNING signifies hazards
which could result in personal inju V or death. CAUTION is used
to identify unsafe practices which would result in minor personal
inju V or prodnct and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight
suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability,
or operation.
Be[bre installing, modi_}'ing, or servicing system, main elec=
trical disconnect switch must be in the OFF position. There
may be more than 1 disconnect switch. Lock out and tag
switch with a suitable warning tahet. Electrical shock can
cause personal injury or death.
Puron<g, systems operate at higher pressures than standard
R=22 systems, Do not use R-22 serxice equipment or corn=
ponents on Puron<g equipment,
NOTE: In some cases noise in the living area has been traced to
gas pulsations fi'om improper installation of equipment
1. Locate unit away from windows, patios, decks, etc. where unit
operation sound may distt_rb customer.
2. Ensure that vapor and liquid robe diameters are appropriate for
unit capacity.
38EZG, 38ETG, 38ESG
12, 13, 14 SEER SpMit-System
Air Conditioner with Puron®
Fig. 1--Models 38EZG, 38ETG, 38ESG
3 Run refrigerant tubes as directly as possible by avoiding
unnecessary mrns and bends
4. Leave some slack between structure and unit to absorb
5. When passing refiigerant robes through the wall, seal opening
with RTV or other pliable silicon=based caulk. (See Fig. 2.)
6. Avoid direct robing contact with water pipes, duct work, floor
joists, wall studs, floors, and walls.
7. Do not suspend refrigerant tubing fi'om joists and studs with a
rigid wire or strap which comes in direct contact with tubing.
(See Fig. 2.)
8 Ensure that robing insulation is pliable and completely sur-
rounds vapor mbe.
9. When necessary, use hanger stlaps which are 1 in. wide and
confbrm to shape of robing insulation. (See Fig. 2.)
10. Isolate hanger straps front insulation by using metal sleeves
bent to confbrm to shape of insulation.
When outdoor unit is connected to li_ctow-approved indoor unit,
outdoor unit contains system refrigerant charge fbr operation with
indoor unit of the same size when connected by 15 ff of
field-supplied or factor)' accessory robing. For proper unit opera-
tion, check refiigerant charge using charging information located
on control box cover and/or in the Check Charge section of this
IMPORTANT: Maximum liquid-line size is 3/8-in. O.D. for all
residential applications including long line.
IMPORTANT: Always install the _hctory-supplied liquid-line fil-
ter drier. If replacing the filter drier, refer to Product Data Digest
for appropriate part number. Obtain replacement filter driers from
your distributor or branch.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
PC 101 Catalog No 533-80079 Printed in U.S.A. Form 38ESG-1SI Pg 1 1%02 Replaces: New

NOTE: Avoid contact between tubing and structure
Fig. 2--Connecting Tubing InstNtation
Specifications %r t!_is unit in residential new construction market
require the outdoor unit, indoor unit, refi'igerant tubing sets,
metering device, and filter drier listed in prosaic literature. There
can be no deviation. Consult the Application Guideline and
Service Manual Residential Split-System Air Conditioners and
Heat Pumps using PuronR; Refl'igerant to obtain required unit
changes fbr specific applications and for R-22 retrofit.
Step 1--Check Equipment and Job Site
Move to final location Remove carton taking care not to damage
File claim with shipping company prior to installation if shipment
is damaged or incomplete Locate unit rating plate on unit corner
panel It contains information needed to properly install unit
(hock rating plate to be sure unit matches job specifications.
Step 2--Bnstall On a Solid, Level Mounting Pad
If conditions or local codes require the unit be attached to pad, tie
down bolts should be used and fastened through knockouts
provided in unit base pan. Refer to unit mounting pattern in Fig 3
to detem_ine base pan size and knockout hole location.
On rooftop applications, mount or* level platfbrm or f?ame. Place
unit above a load-bearing wall and isolate unit and tubing set ti'om
structure. Arrange supporting members to adequately support unit
and nainimize transmission of vibration to building. Consult local
codes governing rooftop applications.
Roof mounted units exposed to winds above 5 mph may require
wind banes. (onsult the Application Guideline and Service
Manual Residential SplitoSystem Air Conditioners and Heat
Pumps using Puron® Refrigerant for wind battle construction.
NOTE: Unit must be level to within ÷ 2° (÷ 3/8 inJft) per
compressor manufacturer specifications.
Step 3--Clearance Requirements
When installing, allow sufficient space for airflow clearance,
wiring, refiigerant piping, and service Allow 30=in clearance to
service end of unit and 48 in above unit For proper airflow, a 6oin
clearance on 1 side of unit and 12 in or* all remaining sides must
I 3/8"D (953) TIEDOWN
B .I
22-112 X 22-112
30 X 30
Fig. 3--Mounting Unit to Pad
be maintained Maintain a distance of 24 in between units.
Position so water, snow, or ice from roof or eaves cannot fall
directly on unit
Step 4_Operating Ambients
The mininlum outdoor opeIating ambient in cooling mode is 55°F,
and the maxin-mm outdoor operating ambient in cooling mode is
Step g--Cheek Indoor AccuRater® Piston and
hstaH Piston Ring {38EZG Standard)
If'unit is to be installed with a piston metering device, proceed as
1. (hock indoor coil piston to see if it matches the required
piston shown on outdoor unit rating plate. If it does not match,
replace indoor coil piston with piston shipped with outdoor
unit. The piston shipped with outdoor unit is correct fbr any
approved indoor coil combination.
2. After correct piston is installed, locate Teflon piston ring
shipped in piston bag. Install piston ring behind metering
piston as shown in Fig. 4. The piston ring ensures that piston
stays seated during all operating conditions.
NOTE: If a Puron TXV is used wit}* a Puron reciprocating
compressor, an appropriate accessoLw hard start kit (capacitor and
relay) must be used. For the appropriate accessoQ" hard start kit see
the Product Data Digest.
Step 6--TXV InstNlation (38ETG and 38ESG Required)
NOTE: All 38ETG and 3gESG units MLST be installed with a
hard shut off PuronR: TXV.
The thern_ostatic expansion valve is specifically designed to
operate with Puron®. De not use an R-22 TXV. An existing Ro22
TXV must be replaced with a factory-approved TXV specifically
designed fbr PuronRL To replace an Ro22 TXV, re*_r to Installa-
tion Inshqactions packaged with accessow- kit.
NOTE: FK4 and F(4 tim coils are equipped with an Ro22 TXV.
If an FK4 or an FC4 fire coil is used with a Puron® air conditioner,
the Ro22 TXV must be replaced with a Puront_ TXV.
3-11/16 18-1/8 14-3/8
6-1/2 2%1/2 20

Fig. 4_AccuRater® Components {38EZG Use)
Remove indoor coil piston if unit is to be installed on system
with a TXV metering device.
INPORTANT: The TXV should be mounted as close to the
indoor coil as possible and in a vertical, upright position. Avoid
mounting the inlet tube vertically down. Valve is more susceptible
to malfunction due to debris if inlet tube is fScing down. A factoQ"
approved filter-&ier must be installed in the liquid line.
1. Pump system down to 2 psig and recover refi'igerant.
2. Remove hex nut from piston body. Use backup wrench on fhn
3. Remove and discard _Sctoryoinstalled piston. Be sure Teflon
seal is in place.
4. Reinstall hex nut. Finger tighten nut plus 1/2 turn.
NOTE: If the piston is not removed flora the bo@, TXV will not
function properly.
: 0 J
To prevent damage to the unit, use a brazing shield and wrap
TXV with wet cloth or use heat sink material
5. Install TXV on indoor coil liquid line. Sweat swivel adapter to
inlet of indoor coil and attach to TXV outlet Use backup
wrench to avoid damage to tnbing or valve Sweat inlet of
TXV, marked _'IN" to liquid line Avoid excessive heat which
could damage valve.
6. Install vapor elbow with equalize* adapter to suction robe of
line set and suction connection to indoor coil Adapter has a
1/4 in. male connector _br attaching equalize* tube
7. Connect equalizer robe of TXV to 1/4 in. equalizer fitting on
vapor line adapter.
8. Attach TXV bulb to horizontal section of suction line using
clamps provided. Insulate bulb with fieldosupplied insulation
tape. See Fig. 5 tbr con'ect positioning of sensing bulb.
9. Proceed with remainder of unit installation.
1. Pump system down to 2 psig and recover refi'igerant.
2. Remove coil access panel and fitting panel fiom front of
3. Remove TXV support clamp using a 5/16-in. nut driver. Save
the clamp.
4. Remove Ro22 TXV using a backup wrench on flare conneco
tions to prevent damage to tubing.
5. Using wire cutters, cut equalizer robe off flush with vapor robe
inside cabinet.
6. Remove bulb flora vapor robe inside cabinet.
7 Braze equalizer stub-robe closed. Use protective bmTier as
necessary to prevent damage to drain pan.
ff_PORTANT: Route the equalizer tube of Puron¢<; TXV through
suction line connection opening in fitting panel prior to replacing
fitting panel around tubing.
8. Install TXV with 3/8oin. copper tubing through small hole in
service panel. Use wrench and backup wrench, to avoid
damage to tubing or valve, to attach TXV to distributor.
9. Reinstall TXV support clamp (removed in item 3).
10. Attach TXV bulb to vapor robe inside cabinet, in same
location as original was when removed, using supplied bulb
clamps (nylon or copper). See Fig. 5 for con'ect positioning of
sensing bulb.
11 Route equalizer robe through suction connection opening
(large hole) in fitting panel and install fitting panel in place
12 Sweat inlet of TXV, marked IN, to liquid tine Avoid
excessive heat which could damage valve.
13 Install vapor elbow with equalizer adapter to vapor tine oftine
set and vapor connection to indoor coil. Adapter has a 1/4 in
male connector for attaching equalizer robe.
14 (onnect equalizer robe of TXV to 1/4 in. equalize*" fitting on
vapor line adapter. Use backup wrench to prevent damage to
equalizer fitting.
15. Proceed with remainder of unit installation.
with a TXV metering device
Step 7--Making Piping Connections
Relieve pressure and recover all refi'igerant before system
repair or final unit disposal to avoid personal iriim'y,,-or death.
Use all service ports and open all flow-control devices,
including solenoid valves.
Do not leave system open to atmosphere any longer than
nainimum required _br installation POE oil in compressor is
extremely susceptible to moisture absorption Always keep
ends of robing sealed during installation.

_--10 O'CLOCK
"_ 2 O'CLOCK 7
Connect vapor tube to f_tting on outdoor unit vapor service valves,
Connect liquid tube to filter drier (See Fig 6 and Table 1,) Use
refrigerant grade robing,
Fig. 5--PosRion of Sensing Bulb
If ANY refi'igerant tubing is buried, provide a 6 in, x ertical
rise at serxice vah,e Refi'igerant tubing lengths up to 36 in
may be buried v,ithout I:urther special consideration. Do not
bury lines fbr lengths o_er 3d in
To prevent damage to unit or service valves observe the
* Use a brazing shield
* Wrap sen'ice valves with wet cloth or use a heat sink
Outdoor units may be connected to indoor section using accesso_-
tubing package or field-supplied refiigerant grade robing of correct
size and condition. For tubing requirements beyond 50 fl, substan-
tial capacity and performance losses can occur Following the
recommendations in the Application Guideline and Service
Manual Residential Split-System Air Conditioners and Heat
Pumps Ersing Puron(a Refrigerant will reduce these losses. Refer
to Table 1 fbr field robing diameters. Refer to Table 2 for
accessory requirements.
No buried-line applications greater than 36 in.
If refligerant robes or indoor coil are exposed to atmosphere, they
must be evacuated to 500 microns to eliminate contamination and
moisture in the system.
Outdoor unit contains cmTect system refrigerant charge %r opera-
tion with ARI rated indoor unit with highest sales volume when
connected by 15 t't of field-supplied or fitctow-accesso W robing
Check refi'igerant charge for n_aximum efficiency
W ' II O
To axoid compressor damage and per%finance loss due to
plugged circuits and expansion device, installation of filter
drier in liquid line is required.
To a\oid valve damage while brazing, serxice xahes must be
wrapped in a heat-sink material such as a wet cloth.
Service valves are closed fi'om fbctory and ready %r brazing Afier
wrapping service valve and filter drier with a wet cloth, braze
sweat connections using industry accepted methods and materials.
Consuh local code requirements. Refrigerant robing and indoor
coil are now tea@ t'or leak testing. This check should include all
field and factory joints.
To avoid compressor damage, nexer use the system compres=
sor as a vacunnl pump
Refiqgerant robes and indoor coil should be evacuated using the
recommended deep vacuum method of 500 microns, The ahernate
triple evacuation method may be used if"the procedure outlined
below is %llowed Always break a vacuum with dW nitlogen,
Deep Vacuum Method
The deep vacuum method requires a vacuum pump capable of
pulling a vacuum of 500 microns and a vacuum gage capable of
accurately measuring this vacuum depth. The deep vacuum
method is the most positive way of assuring a system is flee of air
and liquid water (See Fig. 7,)
Triple Evacuation Method
The triple evacuation method should only be used when vacuum
pump is only capable of pumping down to 28 in of mercu W
vacuum and system does not contain any tiquid water Refkr to
Fig. 8 and proceed as fbllows:
1, Pump system down to 28 in. of"mercu W and allow pump to
continue operating fPr an additional 15 minutes
2, Close service valves and shut off'vacuum pump,
3, Connect a nitrogen cylinder and regulator to system and open
until system pressure is 2 psig
4. (;lose service valve and allow system to stand fbr 1 hr During
this time, &y nitrogen will be able to diffuse throughout the
system absorbing moisture,
5, Repeat this procedure as indicated in Fig 8, System will then
be f?ee of" any contaminants and ware* vapor
IblPORTANT: Check to be certain factor)' robing on both indoor
and outdoor unit has not shifted during shipment. Ensure tubes are
not rubbing against each other or any sheet metal. Pay close
attention to feeder tubes, making sure wire ties on f_eder tubes are
secure and tight.
Step 8--Make Emeetrieal Connections
Refkr to Fig (5and install filter drier as fbltows:
1, Braze 5-in. connector robe to tiquid service valve, Wrap fiher
&ie* with damp cloth
2, Braze filter drier between connector tube and liquid robe to
indoor coil, Flow arrow must point towards indoor coil
To avoid personal i*!iuryor death, do not supply pox_ er to unit
with compressor terminal box cover removed.
Be sure field wiring complies with local and national fire, safkty,
and electrical codes, and voltage to system is within limits shown