(when lens is horizontal)
161 (6.34) (when lens is fully vertical)
Technical Specifications
Image Sensor 1/3 typ e CMOS (pr imary co lour filte r)
Numb er of Eec tive Pixel s Approx. 2 .1 million pixels
Scanning Method Progressive
Lens 20x optic al zoom (20x digita l zoom) lens wit h auto focus
Focal Length 4.7 (W ) – 94 mm (T )
F-number F1. 6 (W) – F3 .5 (T)
Viewing Angle For 16: 9 aspect r atios: Hor izontal: 60 .4° (W) – 3.2 ° (T)
Day / Nigh t Switch Auto / Day Mod e / Night Mode
Min. Subject Illumination Day Mode (col our):
Focus Auto / One -shot AF / M anual / Fixe d at infinit y
Shooting Distance Day Mode: 0.3 m ( 12 in.) – infinity ( W), 1.0 m (3. 3 ft.) – infinity ( T)
Shutter Speed 1 , 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15 , 1/30, 1/50, 1/60, 1/100, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500,
Exposure Auto/Auto (Flickerless)/Auto (Shutter-priority AE)/ Auto
White Balance Auto/Manual
Metering Modes Center-Weighted / Average / Spot
Exposure Compensation 9 levels
Smart Shade Control Auto / Manual / Disable
Haze Compensation Auto / Manual / Disable
AGC Lim it 6 levels
Image Stabilizer 2 l evels (digital)
Pan Angle Range 340° (±170°)
Tilt Angle Range 100° (ceiling- mounted p osition: -90° – +1 0°)
Moving Speed Pan: Max . 150°/sec., Tilt: M ax. 150 °/sec.
Video Compression Method JPEG, H.264
Video Size JPEG , H.26 4: 1920 x 10 80, 960 x 540 , 480 x 270
Video Quality JPEG, H .264 : 10 levels
Frame Rate JP EG: 0.1 – 30 fp s H.26 4: 1/2/3/5/6/1 0/15/3 0 fps
Max. Fra me Rate When strea ming JPEG, H. 264 (1920 x 1 080): 30 fps
I-Frame Int erval 0.5/1/ 1.5/2/3/4/5 sec.
Simultaneous Client Access Ma x. 30 Clie nts + 1 Admin C lient
Bit Rate Control Target Bit Rate:
ADSR: Area-specific Data
Size Reduction
Encrypted Communications SSL / TL S, IPse c (Auto Key Excha nge/Ma nual)
Protocol IPv4, I Pv6, TCP/IP, UDP, HT TP, FTP, SNMPv1/v 2c/v3 (MIB2), DH CP,
ONVIF Profile Profi le-S
Audio Compression Method G.711 μ- law (64 kbps)
(W): maxi mum wide angle, ( T): maximum tel ephoto
For 4:3 as pect rati os: Horizon tal: 46 .3° (W) – 2 .4° (T)
0.05 lux ( F1.6 , shutter spee d 1/30 sec ., when sm art sha de
control i s o, 50IR E)
Night Mode (monochrome):
0.003 l ux (F1. 6, shut ter speed 1 /30 sec ., when sm art sha de
control i s o, 50IR E)
Night Mo de: 1.0 m (3. 3 ft.) – infinity ( W), 1.5 m (4.9 ft .) – infinity (T)
When [Enable] is selected for [Dome]:
Day Mode : 2.0 m (6.6 ft.) – in finity (W, T )
Night Mo de: 1.0 m (3. 3 ft.) – infinity ( W), 2.2 m (7.2 f t.) – infinity (T )
1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/8000, 1/10000, 1/16000 sec.
(Aperture-priority AE) /Manual (Shutter Speed, Aperture, Gain)
Daylight Fluorescent/White Fluorescent /Warm Fluorescent/
Mercury Lamp/Sodium Lamp/Halogen Lamp
Manua l: One- shot WB/R G ain/B Ga in
Auto: 3 levels
Manua l: 7 levels
Auto: 3 levels
Manua l: 7 levels
– When the h orizontal direc tion of the c amera is 0 °
– Values repre sent streaming p erformance fr om the camera.
– The fr ame rate may be reduc ed due to Viewer PC’s s pecs, the numb er of clients acce ssing
at the same tim e, network load s, video qualit y setting, type o r movement of the sub ject
or other reas ons.
When used i n the following comb inations:
When strea ming H.264 (1) (1920 x 10 80) and H.26 4(2) (all sizes) simultan eously: 15 fps
When strea ming H.264 (1) (all sizes) and H.2 64(2) (1920 x 1 080) simultan eously: 15 fps
When strea ming H.264 (1) (1280 x 9 60) and H.264 (2) (1280 x 960) si multaneousl y: 15 fps
When strea ming H.264 (1) (1280 x 72 0) and H.264(2 ) (1280 x 720) simu ltaneously: 1 5 fps
– H.2 64: Max. 1 0 Clients
64/128/2 56/384/5 12/768/1 024/1536/2 048/3072/409 6/6144/8
192/10240/12288/14336/16384 kbps
Numbe r of Speci fied Area s: Max. 8 are as
Data Size Re duction Level: 3 leve ls
SSL/ TLS, IPs ec, ONVIF, WV- HTTP (Canon p roprietar y)
Vertica l: 35.1 ° (W) – 1. 8° (T)
Vertica l: 35.1 ° (W) – 1. 8° (T)
1280 x 72 0, 640 x 36 0, 320 x 180
1280 x 9 60, 640 x 4 80, 320 x 240
Audio Communication
Audio File Playback Available (au dio files c an be played b ack when a n event is
Privacy Mask Number of reg istratio n: Max. 8 pl aces, N umber of ma sk colou rs: 1
View Restriction Available
Preset Numbe r of registe rs: Max. 6 4 positions (+Home P osition)
Intelligent Function Video:
Event Trigger Type External Device Input, Intelligent Function (Video), Intelligent
Image Upload FTP / HTTP / SMTP (e-mail)
Event Notification HTTP / SMTP (e-mail)
Enhanced Digital Zoom Available
On-Screen Display Available (English only)
Daylight Saving Time Available
Viewer Camera Viewer
Camera software Camera Management Tool
Language German/English/Spanish/French/Italian/Polish/Russian/
Network Terminal LAN x 1 (RJ 45, 100 Base-TX (auto / full- duplex / half-du plex))
Audio Input Terminal
(common f or LINE IN &
Audio O utput Term inal (LI NE
External Device I/O Terminal Input x 2, Out put x 2
Memor y Card SD Memo ry Card, SDH C Memor y Card, SDXC Memo ry Card
Operating Environment Temperatu re: -10°C – + 50°C (+14°F – +12 2°F)
Power Supply Po E: PoE powe r supply vi a LAN con nector (I EEE802 .3at Type1
Power Consumption When us ing PoE: M ax. approx . 9.2 W*
Dimensions (Φx H) Φ132 x 155 m m (Φ5.20 x 6 .10 in.)
Weigh t Approx. 1 140 g (2.52 lb.)
International Standard EN550 32 Class B , FCC part 15 subpa rt B Class B , ICES-00 3 Class
All data i s based on C anon sta ndard testing me thods excep t where ind icated.
Subje ct to chang e without n otice.
™ and ®: All company and / or product names are trademarks and / or registered trademarks
of their re specti ve manufa cturers i n their ma rkets and / o r countrie s.
Full-dup lex (two-way)/half-d uplex
RT P, Sound Tran sfer Proto col by Cano n
trigge red by the inte lligent f unctio n or externa l device in put.)
– A third-party amplifier speaker is necessary
(select f rom 9 colou rs)
Numbe r of Preset Tour Ro ute: Max. 5
Moving Object Detection, Abandoned Object Detec tion,
Removed Object Detection, Camera Tampering Detection,
Passing Detection, Intrusion Detection
Detecti on Setti ngs: Max . 15
Non- detectio n Area Set tings: Avai lable
Volume Detection, Scream Detection
Functio n (Audio), Timer, Day/Night M ode Switching
Numbe r of Linked Eve nts: 2
Linked Eve nt Conditi ons: OR , AND (wheth er or not the re is a
sequence to events)
- The foll owing lang uages require th e use of the O n-Scree n
Display Assist Tool.
Korean/Chinese (Simplified) /Japanese
Mobile C amera Viewer
Record ed Video U tility
On-Sc reen Disp lay Assis t Tool
Turkish/Thai/Korean/Chinese (Simplified) /Japanese
Φ3.5 mm (Φ0 .14 in.) mini-jac k connec tor (monaural)
LINE I N (connect to an a mplifier micro phone) or MI C IN (connec t
to a microp hone w/o ampli fier)
– Switch LIN E IN/MIC IN in th e Setting P age.
Φ3.5 mm (Φ0 .14 in.) mini-jac k connec tor (monaural)
LINE O UT x 1 (connect to a n amplifier spe aker)
Compatible .
Frame Rate : Max. 1 fps (J PEG)
Max. 30 f ps (H. 264)
Humid ity: 5% – 85% (wi thout con densati on)
AC Adapter : PA-V18 (1 00 – 240 V AC) (sold s eparate ly)
Exter nal power so urce: 24 V AC/ 12 V DC
When us ing AC Adapter PA-V 18: Max . approx. 9 .9 W (10 0 V AC)
When us ing DC: Ma x. approx . 8.6 W
When us ing AC: Max . approx. 8 .8 W
* Class 0 power s ourcing equipm ent (requests 15 .4 W)
– Camera on ly (height when c amera is placed h orizontally, excludi ng Ceiling Brack et)
B, VCCI Cl ass B, RC M AS/NZS E N55032 C lass B, C NS134 38 Class
B, KN3 2 Class B, E N55024 , KN35, E N505 81
Max. ap prox. 9.4 W ( 240 V AC)
155 (6.10)
Canon Europe
English edition
© Canon Europa N.V.,2018
Φ132 (Φ5.20)
R55 (R2.17)
(possible range of motion)
All dimension are in mm (in.)
1 3
Network Interface RJ45, 100Base-TX (Auto / Full-duplex / Half-duplex)
Power Connection Terminal 12V DC / 24V AC
Audio Input 3.5 mm mono mini-jack
Audio Output 3.5 mm mono mini-jack
External Device I/O 2 x Inputs / 2 x Outputs
Memory Card Slot SD, SDHC and SDXC Memory Card compatible