Web-based, end-to-end
workflow management
A single, highly scalable and
integrated workflow management
solution, PRISMAdirect streamlines
the entire print production process,
simplifying job acquisition, reducing
overheads and increasing productivity.
Streamline your production workflow
• Highly scalable management solution that streamlines
your entire production workflow with one single
• Easily acquire, process, manage and fulfil smaller, more
numerous and diverse print jobs from a variety of
• Maximise productivity by automating the preparation
and production of predictable and repetitive jobs
• Job splitting and load balancing allows the most
ecient and cost eective distribution of jobs among
available printers
• Assign jobs to specific operators and to dierent
locations for maximum productivity
Grow and control your business
• One central solution with a single overview increases
operational eciency and drives business growth
• Flexible and scalable solution can be configured to
meet the evolving needs of any size or type of printing
• Reduce overheads and achieve faster turnaround times
with quick and easy management of orders and jobs
from start to finish
• Customisable and intuitive web-based interface
accessible at all times and from anywhere.
• Optional Webshop Module oers fully customisable
and unlimited storefronts to retain existing customers
and attract new business
• Automate and personalise customer communication
emails via the interface to strengthen customer
• Greater control over costs with accounting and
reporting capabilities that provide accurate financial
insights into business performance and generate
customised analysis
Optimise existing resources
• Achieve maximum interoperability with third-party
solutions through use of open market standard Adobe
PDF and JDF/JMF interfaces
• Get the most out of your existing print fleet with broad
support for controllers, such as PRISMAsync, EFI Fiery
and CREO as well as other third party devices
• Easily integrate wide format printers into existing
• Advanced print management via integration with the
PRISMAsync Remote Manager.
Technical Specifications
PDF documents PDF 1.1 -1.7
PDF document restrictions Not supp orted: files th at are pas sword prote cted; f iles with
Languages Englis h (UK), En glish (US), Dutch , German, Fren ch, Jap anese ,
Operating system 64 bits Windows S erver 2008 ® R2 SP 1 (Standa rd, Enter prise)
Microsoft SQL Server local
installation 64 bits
Microsoft SQL Server remote
installation 32/64 bits
Network TCP/IP (IP v4), 100 / 1 000 Mb ps
Windows® components in
Microsoft Office Excel® Functio n: Cost calcula tion, Fo rmula ed itor
File Syst em NTFS (nee ds 40 GB or m ore free s pace)
Native document conversion Neevia ® Docum ent Conver ter 6.7
Note Latest critical updates from windows update
Processor Intel® 3 .2 GHz or highe r
Memory 8 GB or mor e
Hard di sk 200 GB or m ore (SATA3)
Video 1280 × 1 024 pixels o r more true c olors (24/ 32 bit) for desktop
Screen 19 inch o r higher
Performance Pass Ma rk rating 8 00 or more
Hard disk performance Disk Mark 100 0 or more
Hard di sk late ncy DPC Lat ency Che cker: 1000 μs o r less
Notes V Mware ESX s erver or M S Hyper-V is support ed
“Prop erties > D ocument Restr iction s Printin g: Allowe d” that ar e
page programmed.
Suppo rted: f iles with “ Proper ties > Documen t Restric tions
Printin g: Allowe d” can b e upload ed via web s ubmiss ion and
Danish, Italian, Norwegian, Portugu ese, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish,
Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Simplified Chinese, Russian
Windows Server 2012® (Datacenter, Standard, Essential,
Windows S erver 2012® R 2 (Datacenter, Sta ndard, E ssential,
Microso ft SQL S erver 2 008 , SP2 or S P3, Exp ress Editi on with
Advanced Services
Microso ft SQL S erver 2 012, Ex press Edi tion with Adv anced
Microso ft SQL S erver 2 014 Expr ess Editi on with Adva nced
Microso ft SQL S erver 2 008 Ex press al l edition s
Microso ft SQL S erver 2 012 Expr ess all ed itions
Microso ft SQL S erver 2 014 Expr ess all ed itions
For a remot e SQL ser ver, remote connec tions, r eporti ng ser vices
and SQL s erver b rowser mu st be ena bled
Microso ft .N ET Framew ork v4.0 a nd 3.5 S P1.
Microsoft ASP.NET
Microso ft IIS 7.0 or h igher
Microso ft Off ice® 2007 PIA
Microso ft Off ice Excel® 2007
Microso ft Off ice Excel® 2010
Microso ft Off ice Excel® 2013
The requ ired nu mber of co res depe nds on th e configu ration of
The requ ired nu mber me mory de pends on the conf igurati on of
RPM: m ore than 7.2 K , or SSD
RAID-0 (striping)
average se ek per disk: les s than 10 ms
average la tency pe r disk: less than 5 ms
Use the Pe rform ance Test 7.0 tool
Use the Pe rform ance Test 7.0 tool
Operating system 64 bits Windows S erver 2008 ® R2 SP 1 (Standa rd, Enter prise)
Network TCP/IP (IP v4), 100 / 1 000 Mb ps
Windows® components in
Microsoft Oce Excel® Function: Cost calculation
File Syst em NTFS (nee ds 40 GB or m ore free s pace)
Native document conversion Neevia ® Docum ent Conver ter 6.7
Note Latest critical updates from windows update
Web server hardware
VMware Web Server
hardware requirements
Operating system / Web
Notes Ch rome is the recomm ended browser
Video Recomm ended : 1920×1080 p ixels for b oth Web Sho p Editor and
Screen Recomm ended : 24 inch for both Web Sho p Editor an d Order
Processor Intel® C ore i5 or eq uivalent
Memory 4 GB or mor e
Video 1920 × 12 00 pixels o r more true colors 2 4/32 bit
Screen 24 inch screen
Description Clients can su bmit document s via web su bmissi on throug h
Operating System / Web
Notes Ch rome is the recomm ended browser
Opera ting sys tem 32 / 64 b its Windows 7 ®
Windows Server 2012® (Datacenter, Standard, Essential,
Windows S erver 2012® R 2 (Datacenter, Sta ndard, E ssential,
Microso ft .N ET Framew ork v4.0 a nd 3.5 S P1
Microsoft ASP.NET
Microso ft IIS 7.0 or h igher
Microsoft MSMQ
Microso ft Oc e® 2007 PI A
Microso ft Oc e Excel® 2 007
Microso ft Oc e Excel® 2 010
Microso ft Oc e Excel® 2 013
Same as t he serve r hardwa re requir ement s as menti oned bef ore
Same as the VMware Server hardware requirements as mentioned
Windows 8 ® (32-/ 64- bit): Inte rnet Ex plorer 1 0 or high er, Chrome
40 or hig her
Windows 7 ® SP1 (32-/ 64- bit): Inter net Expl orer 10 o r highe r,
Chrome 4 0 or higher
Mac® O S X 10.6 or h igher : Chrome 4 0 or higher, Safari 5 .1.x or
Linux ® 2.4, 2 .6 (32-bit): Chro me 40 or hi gher
Order Processing Console
processing console
PRISM Adirect Webshop o r existing websho p, via ema il, via
hardco py, or via FTP s erver.
Windows 8 ® (32-/ 64- bit): Inte rnet Ex plorer 1 0 or high er,
Chrome 4 0 or higher
Windows 7 ® SP1 (32-/ 64- bit): Inter net Expl orer 10 o r highe r,
Chrome 4 0 or higher
Mac® O S X 10.6 or h igher : Chrome 4 0 or higher, Safari 5 .1.x
or highe r
Linux ® 2.4, 2 .6 (32-bit): Chro me 40 or hi gher
Androi d 5.x: C hrome 4 4 or highe r
iOS 8.x: Safari
Windows 8 ®
Windows 2 008 ®
Windows 2012®
Canon Inc.
Canon Europe
English edition
© Canon Europa N.V.,2015