Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE C9000S PRO User Manual

Operating Information
Please read this guide before operating this product.


Chapter 1
Abbreviations used in this manual.........................................................13
Available documentation.........................................................................14
Chapter 2
Main parts..........................................................................................................15
Overview of the machine configuration.................................................16
The paper module....................................................................................19
Bulk paper modules.................................................................................21
The automatic document feeder (ADF)..................................................23
The operator panel...................................................................................26
The copy tray............................................................................................32
Stacker/stapler and integrated punch unit.............................................33
The puncher..............................................................................................47
Chapter 3
Operating concept............................................................................................59
Operating concept....................................................................................60
Access the Settings Editor.......................................................................64
Maintain the 'Media catalog' ..................................................................66
Maintain the 'Media families' .................................................................68
Maintain the 'Input profiles' ...................................................................72
Maintain the 'Output profiles' ................................................................73
Prepare print jobs with the printer driver...............................................77
Chapter 4
Operator panel views.......................................................................................83
The dashboard..........................................................................................84
The 'Jobs' view.........................................................................................87
The 'Trays' view.......................................................................................89
Chapter 5
Power information............................................................................................93
Use the Sleep mode.................................................................................99
Chapter 6
Print jobs..........................................................................................................101
General information...............................................................................102
Introduction to the print function....................................................102
Description of the print job settings...............................................104
Contradiction handling....................................................................118
Manage print jobs..................................................................................119
Print an urgent job immediately.....................................................119
Give priority to a print job...............................................................120
Print a scheduled job later...............................................................121
Reprint a job......................................................................................122
Print a job ticket................................................................................124
Make a proof.....................................................................................125
Stop the printer.................................................................................126
Delete print jobs...............................................................................128
Schedule a waiting job for printing................................................130
Select more than one job for printing............................................131
Print a file from a USB drive............................................................132
Media handling.......................................................................................133
Introduction to the 'Schedule' view................................................133
Load the media using the 'Schedule' view....................................137
Description of the 'Trays' view........................................................139
Load the media using the 'Trays' view...........................................142
Introduction to the 'Media' section.................................................144
Introduction to the media handling................................................146
Add temporary media to the 'Media catalog' ...............................148
Perform a media registration..........................................................149
Change the job settings before printing...............................................151
Change the number of sets.............................................................151
Check the first set.............................................................................152
Change the use of separator sheets...............................................154
Stack the prints with an offset.........................................................155
Combine jobs....................................................................................157
Change the output settings before printing.........................................159
Change '2-sided' into '1-sided' and vice versa...............................159
Change the binding edge.................................................................160
Select a different media for a job....................................................161
Change the settings for covers........................................................162
Shift the image roughly to create binding space...........................163
Shift the image precisely to create binding space or correct the lay-
Change the print delivery settings..................................................166
Change the finishing method..........................................................168
Chapter 7
Copy jobs.........................................................................................................169
General information...............................................................................170
Introduction to the copy function....................................................170
Description of the copy job settings...............................................172
Feeding originals into the ADF........................................................194
Put originals on the glass plate.......................................................197
Copy your documents............................................................................201
Make a copy......................................................................................201
Combine subsets into 1 document.................................................202
Access other functions during a copy job or scan job..................203
The zoom behavior...........................................................................204
Create and use custom copy templates.........................................207
Rename a copy job...........................................................................208
Copy non-standard size originals....................................................209
Scan now and print later (postponed copying).............................210
Finish the output...............................................................................211
Adjust the image to improve the copy and scan quality..............212
Chapter 8
Scan jobs.........................................................................................................213
Introduction to the scan function..........................................................214
Description of the scan job settings.....................................................216
Scan to file..............................................................................................227
Scan to USB............................................................................................228
Combine subsets into one file...............................................................229
Chapter 9
Paper, toner, and staples...............................................................................233
Loading paper.........................................................................................237
Load the media into the integrated paper trays............................237
Adjust the integrated paper tray to hold a different paper size.....243
Load the media into the paper module..........................................245
Adjust the media size for the paper module..................................252
Load the media into the bulk paper modules................................257
Adjust the media size for the bulk paper module..........................263
Load the media into the inserter.....................................................272
Load the media into the special feeder (multipurpose tray).........278
Loading transparencies....................................................................285
Loading tab paper............................................................................287
Load tab paper into the paper tray.................................................289
Removing paper waste..........................................................................292
Check the status of the punch waste box.......................................292
Remove the punch waste of the punch unit..................................293
Remove the trim waste....................................................................296
Check the status of the toner reservoir and waste toner container.299
Replace the toner cartridge.............................................................301
Check the status of the staple cartridges........................................306
Replace the staple cartridge in the stapler unit.............................308
Replace the staple cartridge in the saddle stitch unit....................312
Chapter 10
Adapt printer settings to your needs............................................................317
System settings (access through the operator panel)........................318
Introduction to the 'Setup' section..................................................318
Work with the workflow profiles.....................................................320
Change the warning time................................................................324
Disable the warning time.................................................................325
Truncate the job name.....................................................................326
Adjust the brightness and contrast of the operator panel............327
Access Settings Editor settings via the operator panel.................328
Automated workflows (access through the Settings Editor)..............331
Introduction to automated workflows............................................331
Add an automated workflow...........................................................333
Edit an automated workflow...........................................................334
Delete an automated workflow.......................................................335
Restore the factory default workflow..............................................336
Introduction to hotfolders................................................................337
Activate the hotfolder function........................................................338
Create a hotfolder.............................................................................339
Create a shared network folder on a workstation..........................340
Create a hotfolder default ticket ('default_ticket.jdf').....................342
Chapter 11
Maintenance and calibration.........................................................................343
Introduction to the 'Maintenance' section...........................................344
Routine cleaning.....................................................................................346
Clean the glass plate and underside the feeder.............................347
Clean the automatic document feeder (ADF).................................348
Clean the wire...................................................................................352
Clean the roller.................................................................................353
Clean the automatic document feeder rollers................................354
Clean the drum.................................................................................355
Clean the operator panel.................................................................356
Reset the day counters.....................................................................357
Find the meter readings (counters).................................................358
Handle paper jams...........................................................................359
'Auto color mismatch correction' ...................................................360
Introduction to printer calibration...................................................361
Calibrate the printer - '1. Shading correction' ...............................362
Calibrate the printer - '2. Auto gradation adjustment' .................364
Calibrate the controller - '3. Media family calibration' .................366
Adjust the CMYK calibration curve manually................................368
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Third party software.......................................................................................391
Third Party Software..............................................................................392
The Software Subjected to the Other Conditions................................394
The Apache Software License, Version 1.1..........................................396
Bouncy Castle License...........................................................................397
MIT License.............................................................................................400
The FreeType Project LICENSE.............................................................402
Adobe Flash Player (in NetFront)..........................................................408
The BSD License.....................................................................................410
Java Servlet Implementation Classes Version 2.1.1 Binary Code Li-
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.........................................................419
GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE..........................................426
Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 ................................................................436
COMMON PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.0..............................................441

Chapter 1 Preface


List of trademarks
Adobe, Acrobat, Reader and Distiller are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incor­porated.
PostScript 3® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Products in this publication are referred to by their general trade names. In most, if not all cases, these designations are claimed as trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
PANTONE® Colors displayed in the software application or in the user documentation may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE® and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. © Pantone, Inc., 2007
Pantone, Inc. is the copyright owner of color data and/or software which are licensed to (insert name of your company) to distribute for use only in combination with (insert appropriate name of Licensed Materials). PANTONE Color Data and/or Software shall not be copied onto another disk or into memory unless as part of the execution of (insert appropriate name of Licensed Materials).
This product contains the Universal Font Scaling Technology or UFST® under license from Monotype Imaging, Inc. UFST® is a trademark of Monotype Imaging, Inc. regis­tered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Chapter 1 - Preface8
Copyright © 1989 - 1996, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2008, all rights reserved, by Monotype Imaging Inc.
Java and all Java based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
This product includes NetFront, a product of ACCESS Co., Ltd., for the Internet func­tion. NetFront is a registered trademark or trademark of ACCESS Co., Ltd., in Japan and/or other countries. The Web Access Software includes modules developed by Independent JPEG Group. This product contains Adobe® Flash® Player technology under license from Adobe Systems Incorporated. Copyright(C) 1995-2003 Adobe Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Adobe and Adobe Flash are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Chapter 1 - Preface 9


Copyright 2011 by Canon Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any infor­mation storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Canon Inc.
© 2011, Océ All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, copied, adapted, or transmit­ted in any form or by any means without written permission from Océ.
Océ makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Océ reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
This product includes software and/or software modules that are licensed by Canon Inc. or its licensors from third parties. Use and distribution of this software and/or software modules are subject to copyrights (a) and (b) below.
(a) Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
(b) Copyright © Unpublished Work of Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Chapter 1 - Preface10

Notes for the reader

This manual helps you to use the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C9075S PRO/C9065 PRO. The manual contains a description of the product and guidelines to use and operate the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C9075S PRO/C9065 PRO.
Parts of this manual require your special attention. These parts can provide the following:
Additional general information, for example, information that is useful when you perform a task.
Information to prevent personal injuries or property damage.
Symbols used in this manual
The following symbols are used in this manual to explain procedures, restrictions, handling precautions, and instructions that should be observed for safety.
Notes for the reader
Overview of the attention-getters#
Indicates a warning concerning operations that may lead to death or injury to persons if not performed correctly. To use the machine safely, always pay attention to these warnings.
Indicates a caution concerning operations that may lead to injury to persons if not performed correctly. To use the machine safely, always pay attention to these cautions.
Indicates operational requirements and restric­tions. Be sure to read these items carefully to operate the machine correctly and to avoid damaging the machine or property.
Indicates a clarification of an operation or contains additional explanations for a proce­dure. Reading these notes is highly recom­mended.
Chapter 1 - Preface 11
Notes for the reader
Indicates an operation that must not be per­formed. Read these items carefully and make sure not to perform the described operations.
Chapter 1 - Preface12

Abbreviations used in this manual

Microsoft Windows 2000: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Microsoft Windows XP: Microsoft Windows XP Professional: Microsoft Windows Vista operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 operating system: Microsoft Windows Server 2008: Microsoft Windows operating system: Novell NetWare: Apple Macintosh: Apple Mac:
Abbreviations used in this manual
Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Professional Windows 2000 Server Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Windows XP Professional Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 Windows NetWare Macintosh Mac
Chapter 1 - Preface 13

Available documentation

Available documentation
For imageRUNNER ADVANCE C9075S PRO/C9065 PRO, the following information is available.
Operating information
Safety Instructions for the printer
Safety Information for the controller
Material Safety Data Sheets.
Chapter 1 - Preface14

Chapter 2 Main parts

8 912131415 1
1116 10

Overview of the machine configuration

Overview of the machine configuration
The following figures display two example configurations.
[8] Extended configuration
Main unit
Chapter 2 - Main parts16
[9] Compact configuration
PRISMAsync controller1
The controller helps you set up the workflow to meet your specific needs.
Overview of the machine configuration
Operator panel2
The operator panel helps you with your daily work, for example the scheduling of the jobs. Furthermore, the operator panel helps you to solve errors.
Operator attention light3
The operator attention light enables you to check the status of the system from a distance. The operator warning light is option­al.
Automatic document feeder (ADF) (Duplex Color Image Reader Unit-A1)
The automatic document feeder is used to copy and scan sets of 1-sided and 2-sided documents automatical­ly. You can scan documents, such as books, thick originals, thin originals, and transparencies, on the glass plate.
Gives access to the toner bottles.Toner compartment cover5
Fixing transport unit6
The fixing transport unit contains the components that print the media. Access to the fixing transport unit is only required when a paper jam oc­curs or when maintenance is re­quired.
Integrated paper trays7
The main unit contains paper trays holding the media that will be print­ed on.
Main unit8
Optional paper modules
Input options#
Paper module (Multi-Drawer Paper Deck-A1)
The engine module consists of com­ponents 2–7.
The additional paper module has paper trays that contain the media that will be printed.
Chapter 2 - Main parts 17
Overview of the machine configuration
Bulk paper module (POD Deck Lite-A1)
The bulk paper module contains the media that will be printed. The bulk paper module contains 1 tray.
Bulk paper module (Paper Deck Unit-A1)
Optional finishing equipment
Output options#
Inserter (Document Insertion Unit-H1)
Puncher (Professional Puncher-C1 and Professional Puncher Integration Unit-B1)
Folder (Paper Folding Unit-G1)
Stacker/stapler (Booklet Finisher-A1, Punch Unit-BG1/BH1/BF1 and Inner Booklet Trimmer-A1) The name of the puncher unit may differ according to region.
The bulk paper module contains the media that will be printed. The bulk paper module contains 1 tray.
The inserter feeds cover sheets, sepa­rator sheets, or preprinted colored sheets for printed documents and booklets.
Use the puncher to punch holes into prints. Punchers allow you to change die sets.
The folder is used to fold prints in different ways.
The stacker/stapler offers the follow­ing functionality.
Stack prints
Staple prints
Create stapled booklets
Punch prints
Trim booklets
Stacker/stapler (Staple Finisher-A1 with Punch Unit-BG1/BH1/BF1) The name of the puncher unit may differ according to region.
Copy tray17
The stacker/stapler offers the follow­ing functionality.
Stack prints
Staple prints
Punch prints
The copy tray is used to receive the prints and copies.
Chapter 2 - Main parts18

The paper module

The optional paper module (Multi-Drawer Paper Deck-A1) provides three additional paper trays. You can load up to 2000 sheets of paper (80 g/m2 / 20 lb bond) per tray.
If the printer is in Sleep mode, you may not be able to open the paper trays, even when pressing the Open buttons. In this case, press the Sleep Mode key on the operator panel to reactivate the printer, then press the Open button on the paper tray you want to open.
To detect when multiple papers are fed with Multi-Drawer Paper Deck-A1, Paper Deck Double Feeding Detection Kit-A1 is required.
If Multi-Drawer Paper Deck-A1 is attached, the special feeder cannot be used.
The following paper sizes can load into Multi-Drawer Paper Deck-A1:
- 330 × 483 mm
- 320 × 450 mm (SRA3)
- 305 × 457 mm
- A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5, B5R, and A5R
- Custom size (139.7 × 182.0 mm to 330.2 × 487.7 mm)
- 13" × 19"
- 12 5/8" × 17 11/16"
- 12" × 18"
- 11" × 17"
- Custom size (5½" × 7 1/8" to 13" × 19 1/4")
The paper module
Chapter 2 - Main parts 19
The paper module
Components and their functions
[10] The paper module
Paper module components and their functions#
Front cover (buffer pass) Open this cover to remove jammed paper.
Open button Press to open the paper tray when you need to load paper or check for a paper jam.
Paper tray Contains the media that will be printed on.
Overview of the machine configuration, on page 16
Load the media into the paper module, on page 245
Adjust the media size for the paper module, on page 252
Chapter 2 - Main parts20

Bulk paper modules

The optional bulk paper module (Paper Deck Unit-A1/POD Deck Lite-A1) allows you to load up to 4000 sheets of paper (64 g/m2 / 17 lb bond) or 3500 sheets of paper (80 g/m2 / 20 lb bond).
If the printer is in Sleep mode, you may not be able to open the bulk paper module. In this case, press the Sleep Mode key on the operator panel to reactivate the printer, then press the Open button on the bulk paper module.
The paper size of the Paper Deck Unit-A1 is fixed to A4 or B5/LTR.
The following paper sizes can load into POD Deck Lite-A1:
- 330 × 483 mm
- 320 × 450 mm (SRA3)
- 305 × 457 mm
- A3, B4, A4, A4R, and B5
- 13" × 19"
- 12 5/8" × 17 11/16"
- 12" × 18"
- 11" x 17"
- LGL, LTR, and LTRR
Bulk paper modules
Chapter 2 - Main parts 21
1 2
1 2
Paper Deck Unit-A1 POD Deck Lite-A1
Bulk paper modules
[11] Available bulk paper modules
Components and their functions
Bulk paper module components and their functions#
Release button Press to move the paper deck away from the main unit when you want to detach it from the printer.
Open button Press to open the paper deck when you want to load paper or check for a paper jam.
Paper supply indicator Allows you to check the amount of paper remaining in the paper deck.
Overview of the machine configuration, on page 16
Load the media into the bulk paper modules, on page 257
Adjust the media size for the bulk paper module, on page 263
Chapter 2 - Main parts22

The automatic document feeder (ADF)

1 2 3
67 8 9 10
The automatic document feeder (ADF) copies and scans sets of 1-sided and 2-sided documents automatically. You can scan documents, such as books, thick originals, thin originals, and transparencies, on the glass plate.
Do not put your fingers into the gaps around the original supply tray, as your fingers may get caught. Also, be careful not to drop objects, such as paper clips, into the gaps. Doing so may damage the printer or cause it to break down.
When using the glass plate to copy or scan thick originals, such as books or maga­zines, do not press down hard on the feeder.
Blocking the original output area can result in damaging originals, and printing may not take place correctly. Therefore, do not place objects into the original output area.
If the glass plate is dirty, print quality may deteriorate. Make sure the feeding belt and glass plate are clean.
The automatic document feeder (ADF)
[12] The ADF includes the glass plate
Chapter 2 - Main parts 23
The automatic document feeder (ADF)
[13] The ADF handle helps you close the ADF
Components and their functions
ADF components and their functions#
Feeder cover Open this cover to clear a paper jam.
Original set indicator Lights when originals are placed in the original supply tray.
Original supply tray Originals placed here are automatically fed into the feeder sheet by sheet. Place originals into this tray with the surface that you want to scan face up.
Auxiliary original supply tray Pull out this tray when feeding large paper.
Auxiliary original output tray Pull out this tray when outputting large paper.
Original output tray Originals that have been scanned from the original supply tray are output into the original output tray in the order they are fed in the feeder.
Slide guides Adjust the slide guides to match the width of the original.
Document feed scanning area Scans documents sent from the feeder.
Glass plate Use the glass plate when scanning books, thick originals, thin originals, transparencies, and so on.
Inner cover Open this cover when cleaning the document feed scanning area.
ADF handle The ADF handle helps you close the feeder.
Chapter 2 - Main parts24
Overview of the machine configuration, on page 16
Feeding originals into the ADF, on page 194
Put originals on the glass plate, on page 197
The automatic document feeder (ADF)
Chapter 2 - Main parts 25

The operator panel

The operator panel
The operator panel helps you to carry out print jobs, copy jobs and scan jobs. This section describes the main components of the operator panel.
You can clean the screen of the operator panel with a 50% mix of water and isopropyl alcohol (K2). Use a lint-free cloth. Always put the cleaner onto the cloth and not di­rectly on the screen.
[14] The operator panel
The components of the operator panel
The components of the operator panel#
Sleep mode key1
Stop key2
Chapter 2 - Main parts26
Depending on whether the printer is currently active or in the sleep mode:
Put the machine into the sleep mode, or
Wake up the machine from the sleep mode.
Shut down the printer and controller.
Stop the printer.
After a set, or
As soon as possible
The operator panel
Paper tray key3
Get immediate and always access to the 'Trays' section on the operator panel to do the follow­ing, for example:
Check the content of all paper trays.
Load a new media type into a paper tray.
Change the media type which is available in one of the paper trays.
USB port4
Use the USB port to:
Connect the spectrophotometer and cali­brate the printer and controller.
Print a file from an USB drive
Scan to a USB drive
'Schedule' button5
Access the 'Schedule' view to manage the jobs in the schedule.
'Jobs' button6
Access all functions to print, copy and scan your documents.
Manage or change the settings of jobs in the lists of 'Waiting jobs', 'Scheduled jobs' and 'Printed jobs'.
Carry out copy jobs and scan jobs.
'Trays' button7
Access the 'Trays' view on the operator panel to do the following, for example:
Check the content of all paper trays.
Load a new media type into a paper tray, or
Change the media type which is available in one of the paper trays.
Chapter 2 - Main parts 27
The operator panel
'System' button8
Access 'System' view to do the following, for example:
Check the status of the toner, staples and other supplies.
Read the counters.
Start maintenance.
Set up the preferred workflows.
Change a number of default system set­tings.
Adjust the brightness and contrast of the LCD panel.
Shut down the printer.
View the content of the Media catalogue or add temporary media to the Media cat­alogue.
Start maintenance, calibration and media registration
Adjust the CMYK curve manually.
The dashboard displays information about the system status such as:
Information about the current printing process.
Information about operator intervention that is required soon.
Information about errors.
Information about the status of the toner reservoir and staple cartridges.
Continue the job when the status is 'On hold'.
Chapter 2 - Main parts28
The operator panel
Status LED10
Displays the status of the system.
Red The machine has stopped, for example because a required media type is not avail­able or an error has occurred. Operator attention is required now.
Orange The machine will stop soon, for example because more paper is required. Operator attention is required soon. The orange light illuminates when the machine reaches the warning time. The warning time is a time you can set to deter­mine when the orange light must illumi­nate. You can set the warning time in the 'System' view of the operator panel.
Green The machine is busy printing. The ma­chine can print longer than the set warning time. Operator attention is not required.
Overview of the machine configuration, on page 16
Stop the printer, on page 126
Introduction to the Schedule view, on page 133
The operator attention light, on page 30
No color. The machine is idle. There are no jobs scheduled for printing.
Chapter 2 - Main parts 29

The operator attention light

The operator attention light
The operator attention light on top of the printer helps you to monitor the status of the printer from a distance. The colors of the lights match the printer status that the dashboard displays.
[15] The operator attention light
Status colors
The status colors of the operator attention light#
Chapter 2 - Main parts30
The machine has stopped, for example because a required media type is not available or an error has occurred. Operator attention is required now.
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