F-719SG Technical Information
Display Type Liquid Crystal Display
Line of Display Multi-view (4 line)
LCD Contrast Adjustment Yes
Scientific Notation Yes
Engineering Notation Yes
Floating Decimal Yes
Fix Decimal Yes
Decimal Point Indication (Dot / Comma) Yes
Input Method Indicator (LINE) for 2-line input Yes
Keytops Plastic Key
No. of Keys 52
Auto-Power Off Yes
Low Battery Indication Yes
Independent Memory One - 3 Keys (M+, M- , MR)
Sum to Memory YES (M+, MR)
Store to Memory (STO) Independent key 17
Recall Memory (RCL) 17 (RCL + 0-9, A-D, M, X, Y key)
Alphameric Character 7 (A, B, C, D, M, X, Y)
Answer Memory YES
Built-in Formula 38
Mathematical Expression - 2 Line Display Method (Line) Yes
Dot Matrix Maths Input & Output/Display Method (Maths) Yes
Input Format Exchange (Maths <-> Line) Yes
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Yes
Square Root, Cube Root, Multiple Root Yes
Square, Power Square, Cube Yes
Reciprocal Yes
Percentage (%) Yes
Rounding Yes
Pi (Internal Value = 3.141592653589793) Yes
Exponential e Value (internal value = 2.718281828459045) Yes
Fix Decimal (0-9) Yes
Significant Digits (0-9) Yes
Norm (1-2) Yes
Negative Value ( - ) Yes
Parentheses [(--- ---)] 99
Degree-Minutes-Seconds Yes
Fractions Calculation (a b/c & b/c) Yes
Improper, Mix Fractions, Decimal Conversion Yes
Exponential (x10x) Yes
Logarithm, Natural Logarithm Yes
Antilogarithm Yes
Logab Yes
Quotient & Remainder Calculation (Q…r) Yes
Quotient & Remainder Exchange ---
Least Common Multiple (LCM) Yes
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) Yes
Absolute Value Calculation (Abs) Yes
(STO + 0-9, A-D, M, X-Y key)
Angles (Degree, Radian, Gradient) Yes
DRG Conversions Yes
Trigonometry, Inverse Trigonometry Yes
Hyperbolic Yes
Inverse Hyperbolic Yes
Coordination Conversion (Rectangular <-> Polar) Yes
Input the Function Yes
Start - the Starting Step of X (Default = 1) Yes
End - the End Step of X (Default = 5) Yes
Step - Increment Step (Default = 1) Yes
Auto Generate the Result (from St. Value to End Value) Yes
No. of Variable 2
Number of Samples Input n Yes
Mean of X & Y Yes
Standard Deviation of Sample X & Y Yes
Standard Deviation of Population / Parameter X & Y Yes
Median (in 1-Var Stat only) ---
Maximum Value of X & Y Yes
Minimum Value of X & Y Yes
Sum of Value / Summation on X, Y Yes
Sum of Square of Value X,2 Y2 Yes
Sum of all XY pairs Yes
Sum of Cube of Value X3 Yes
Sum of X2Y Value Yes
Sum of Quadrate of X-data X4 Yes
1-Var - Single Calculation Yes
2-Var - Regression Calculation Yes
Linear Regression Yes
Quadratic Regression Yes
Euler Exponential Regression Yes
General Exponential Regression Yes
Logarithmic Regression Yes
Power Regression Yes
Inverse Regression Yes
Regression Correlation Coefficient A Yes
Linear Regression Coefficient B Yes
Quadratic Coefficient C Yes
Estimated Value of X1, X2, Y1, Y2 Yes
Factorials (n!) Yes
Permutations & Combinations (nPr, nCr) Yes
Random Number Generator (Rand) Yes
Integer Random Number Generator (I~Rand) Yes
Last Digit Correction Yes
Last Answer Recall Yes
Multiple Replay Yes
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