CN20×50 IAS H
Super35 Meets Super Telephoto
With the advance of digital cinematography, most new digital cine cameras have made use of the entrenched large global inventory
of 35mm motion picture film lenses. Digital cinematography has squarely encompassed the emerging 4K movement – in both the
television-centric UHD and the cinema-centric 4K digital motion imaging production formats.
In the broadcast industry, large-format cameras and lenses for digital cinema are now being adopted for applications such as dramas,
documentary programs, and promotional videos because of their superb imaging characteristics.
Documentary, sports coverage and natural history programs seek extended focal ranges. Such focal ranges in the Super 35mm image
format size with full 4K optical performance, pose significant challenges to size and weight of the lens.
In recognition of this pressing production need, the CN20×50 IAS H ultra-telephoto zoom lens in Super 35mm format has been
developed, significantly extending the imaging capabilities of 4K large-format cameras.
Powerful 4K images created by unprecedented 1500mm focal length
The CN20x50 IAS H is a zoom lens for the Super 35mm format,
having the superiority of the longest focal length(*) of 1500mm
(with a 1.5× extender) and the highest zoom ratio(*) of 20× in
the world of the Super 35mm format that offer a whole new
image expression.
Built-in 1.5× "4K" extender is another first in the large format
optical arena, which maintains excellent 4K image quality.
The lens weighs only 6.6 kg and has an overall length of only
405.2mm (**) a combination that will readily support carryable
documentary, natural history and sports shooting.
(*) As of September 2014
(**) 〈PL Mount〉 CN20x50 IAS H/P1 : 405.2mm
EF Mount〉 CN20x50 IAS H/E1 : 413.2mm
f = 50mm f = 1000mm
Conversion Table
Focal Length(mm)
Super 35mm
50 – 1,000
App. 20 – 370
App. 75 – 1,460
with 1.5× Ext(mm)
75 – 1,500
App. 30 – 560
App. 110 – 2,190
4K Optical Performance
The 4K optical performance is carefully managed across the entire image plane to ensure superb subjective sharpness especially
on the wider angle settings. Sophisticated computer simulation in the design phase produced an excellent final optimization that
maintains the 4K optical performance over the entire focal range even when the built-in extender is in use and over an object
distance ranging from the minimum object distance to infinity.
New glass materials assisted in the goal of achieving the necessary tight control of optical aberrations.
The most contemporary multilayer optical coatings ensure very high contrast by their superb control of black reproduction
augmented by optical and mechanical design innovations that substantially reduced flare and any internal reflections.
Similar attention to minimization of ghost images and other highlight-related color bleeding extend the operational contrast range
of the lens.