Canon Capture Perfect 3.0 User Manual

Capture Perfect 3.0
Operation Guide


Thank you for purchasing a Canon Document Scanner.
CapturePerfect 3.0 is an ISIS-compatible application program that enables the computer to acquire
images from the Canon Document Scanner. To fully understand the CapturePerfect 3.0 functions and to
your scanner's operating manual.
About Trademarks
•ISISTM and MultiStreamTM are trademarks of EMC Corporation.
• Product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
• libtiffs Copyright (c) 1988-1996 Sam Leffler Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
• libjpeg Portions of this software are based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
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• Reproduction of documents such as the following is illegal and subject to penalty: paper currency and other legal tender, valuable instruments and passports issued by a government, as well as licenses, certificates, permits, official documents, and private records issued by a public or private entity.
• Reproduction of copyrighted materials, such as documentation, pictures, imprints, maps, and illustrations, for purposes other than personal use is prohibited.
• Reproduction of the contents of this guide, in part or in whole, without prior permission is prohibited.
• This guide is subject to change without notice.
• Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this guide. However, Canon Electronics Inc. and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors or their consequences.


Preface..................................................................................................................... 2
Before Using ........................................................................................................... 5
Scanning Methods................................................................................................ 38
About the CapturePerfect Window......................................................................................6
Scanner Selection and Settings........................................................................................16
About Saving Image Files .................................................................................................18
About File Naming.............................................................................................................24
About MultiStream Functions............................................................................................27
About OCR Functions .......................................................................................................29
About Log Files .................................................................................................................32
About Barcode/OCR Modification .....................................................................................33
About Other Functions......................................................................................................34
Scan Page.........................................................................................................................39
Scan Batch to File (Saves scanned images to a specified file).........................................40
Scan Batch to Printer (Prints scanned images) ................................................................43
Scan Batch to Mail (Attaches scanned images to email)..................................................45
Scan To Presentation (Displays scanned images full-screen)..........................................47
Scan JOB (Scan According to a Previously Registered Job)............................................50
Scanned Image Operations .................................................................................54
Displaying the Thumbnail Window....................................................................................55
Split View ..........................................................................................................................56
Saving an Image ...............................................................................................................58
Opening an Image File......................................................................................................60
Printing an Image..............................................................................................................62
Adjusting Brightness of the Displayed Image....................................................................64
Inserting/Adding Pages to an Image File ..........................................................................65
Replacing a Page in an Image File ...................................................................................68
Setting PDF File Security Options.....................................................................................71
Index ...................................................................................................................... 73

Before Using

Please read the following descriptions before using CapturePerfect.
About the CapturePerfect Window (P. 6) : Describes the menus in the CapturePerfect window.
Scanner Selection and Settings
About Saving Image Files
About File Naming CapturePerfect.
About MultiStream Functions
About OCR Functions
About Log Files detection function or OCR function.
About Barcode/OCR Modification barcode and OCR recognition results are saved.
About Other Functions warning settings for folders specified as save destinations.
(P. 24) : Describes the requirements of file names for files to be saved by
(P. 29) : Describes the OCR functions.
(P. 32) : Describes how to save recognition results to a log file when using the barcode
(P. 34) : Describes saving rotated images, saving split pages and capacity
• Confirm that your scanner is properly connected to the computer. Refer to your scanner's operating manual for details.
• Before using CapturePerfect, install the ISIS/TWAIN driver for the scanner. Refer to your scanner's operating manual for ISIS/TWAIN driver installation.
(→P. 16) : Describes scanner selection and setup procedures.
(P. 18) : Describes the file types that can be saved by CapturePerfect.
(P. 27) : Describes the MultiStream output functions.
(P. 33) : Describes how to verify and edit the log files in which

About the CapturePerfect Window

The following window appears when CapturePerfect launches. The items in the window's menu and status
bar are described here.
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options menu Help menu Status Bar
File menu
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options menu Help menu Status Bar
Open or button
Opens saved image files. The following file types saved by CapturePerfect can be opened: TIFF (*.tif),
JPEG (*.jpg), BMP (*.bmp) and PDF (*.pdf) files. Opening an Image File
(P. 60)
If security is enabled for a PDF file, you are required to enter a password to open the file. Setting PDF
File Security Options (P. 71)
Save Page As or button
This procedure saves open image files with a specified name. Saving an Image (P. 58)
Closes the open image file.
Close All the Files
Closes all open image files.
Print or button
Prints the image displayed in the window. Printing an Image (→P. 62)
Print Format
Selects an image size for printing from the submenu.
•Actual Size Regardless of the printing paper size or scan resolution, the image prints at the same size as the original document.
• Fit to Paper Reduces or enlarges images so they fit the size of the paper, and then prints.
•Actual Pixel The image is printed so that one image pixel corresponds to one printer pixel. So the size of the printed image is smaller when printing to a high resolution printer with small dots.
Printer Setting
Configure printer settings for printing images.
Exits CapturePerfect.
Scan menu
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options menu Help menu Status Bar
Select Scanner
Selects the scanner to be used. Scanner Selection (P. 16)
Scanner Setting or button
Sets up the scanner. Scanner Settings (P. 16)
Scan Page or button
Scans and displays a single document page. Scan Page (P. 39)
Scan Batch to File or button
Continuously scans multiple pages of a document and simultaneously saves the page images to a file or
files. Scan Batch to File (Saves scanned images to a specified file)
(P. 40)
Scan Batch to Printer
Prints the images as documents are scanned. The scanned images are not saved. Scan Batch to
Printer (Prints scanned images) (P. 43)
Scan Batch to Mail or button
Attaches scanned images to an email. The scanned images are not saved. Scan Batch to Mail
(Attaches scanned images to email) (→P. 45)
Scan To Presentation
CapturePerfect switches to full-screen display before scanning. Select whether or not to save scanned
images when Scan To Presentation finishes. Scan To Presentation (Displays scanned images full-
screen) (→P. 47)
In an environment with a projector connected to the computer, such as a presentation meeting, paper
documents can be scanned and instantly projected onto the screen for description.
Scan JOB or button
Select a job title from the JOB list box and click to execute the scan job. Scan JOB (Scan
According to a Previously Registered Job) (→P. 50)
Job Title list box
Click Job in the Edit menu and select a job title, and click on the tool bar. Scan JOB (Scan
According to a Previously Registered Job) (→P. 50)
Use Continue Scanning dialog
Specifies the action to take after all the pages in a document are scanned with Scan Batch to File or
Scan Batch to Mail. When this item is checked, the Continue Scanning dialog box appears after all the
pages are scanned, allowing you to specify whether to continue scanning another document. When this
item is not checked, the scan procedure ends after all the pages are scanned. Scan Batch to File (Saves
scanned images to a specified file) (P. 40) Scan Batch to Mail (Attaches scanned images to email)
(P. 45)
Cancel Scan
Interrupts the current scanning operation.
Edit menu
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options menu Help menu Status Bar
After performing a page operation (delete, insert/add or replace), undoes the change to revert to the
previous state.
Executes the operation that was last undone.
Displays the Brightness Adjustment dialog box for adjusting brightness and contrast of the displayed
image. Adjusting Brightness of the Displayed Image
(P. 64)
Copies the images selected by Select All or in the area specified by Pointer - Selection to the clipboard.
Images copied to the clipboard can be pasted into other applications.
Select All
Selects all parts of the displayed image.
Changes the pointer setting from the submenu when selecting a part of the displayed image area.
•Hand The cursor changes to a hand shape when moving it over an image displayed in the image window. When the image is magnified, the displayed area of the image can be moved by dragging.
• Select the rectangle The cursor changes to a crosshair when moving it over an image displayed in the image window. By dragging the crosshair cursor diagonally, the area dragged over is selected.
Password Settings
These settings determine password security when opening PDF files. Setting PDF File Security Options
(P. 71)
Remove Security Information
When a PDF file with password security has been opened, this allows removing the security settings.
Canceling Security
(P. 72)
Displays the Register/Edit/Delete dialog box for registering and editing a job. Scan JOB (Scan
According to a Previously Registered Job) (→P. 50)
Modify Barcode/OCR
Activated when an image file is open, this option displays the Modify Barcode/OCR dialog box for
modifying the barcode or OCR recognition results. About Barcode/OCR Modification
(P. 33)
View menu
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options menu Help menu Status Bar
Switches display of the toolbar on and off.
Switches the Status Bar (P. 15) on and off.
Zoom In or button
Magnifies the view of the image.
Each time you select Zoom In in the View menu or click the Zoom In button, the view of the image is
magnified (Maximum 400%).
Zoom Out or button
Reduces the view of the image.
Each time you select Zoom Out in the View menu or click the Zoom Out button, the view of the image is
reduced (Minimum 10%).
Best Fit or button
Resizes the view of an image so that it all fits in the current window.
Fit to Width or button
Resizes the view of an image so that its width fits the current window.
One to One
Displays each image pixel as one pixel on the monitor. The image's actual displayed size depends on
the monitor size and resolution.
Rotate Left or button
Rotates the page image(s) specified in the submenu counterclockwise.
Rotate Right or button
Rotates the page image(s) specified in the submenu clockwise.
Split View
Splits the image display window into two or four screens. Split View (P. 56)
By opening the thumbnail window, open images can be viewed at reduced (thumbnail) size. Displaying
the Thumbnail Window (→P. 55)
Full Screen
Displays the open image on the full screen. With full screen display, the display status can be changed
from the submenu displayed by the right mouse button. Scan To Presentation (Displays scanned
images full-screen) (→P. 47)
Page menu
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options menu Help menu Status Bar
Next page or button
Displays the image of the next page.
Prev. page or button
Displays the image of the previous page.
Last Page
Displays the image of the last page.
First Page
Displays the image of the first page.
GoTo Page
Displays the image on a specified page.
Delete Page
Deletes the open page.
Insert/Add Pages
Inserts or adds a page to the open image file.
Added pages are read from the scanner or selected from existing files. Inserting/Adding Pages to an
Image File (→P. 65)
Replace Page
Replaces a page in the open image file.
Replacement pages are read from the scanner or selected from existing files. Replacing a Page in an
Image File (→P. 68)
Options menu
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options Help menu Status Bar
Selects TIFF as the file save type. Setting TIFF File Compression Options (→P. 19)
Selects JPEG as the file save type. Setting JPEG File Image Quality (→P. 20)
PDF File
Sets the compression ratio and OCR target language to use when saving PDF files (*.pdf). Setting PDF
File Saving Options (→P. 21)
MultiStream Settings
MultiStream Settings are enabled if the scanner specified in Select Scanner in the Scan menu supports
MultiStream output functions, allowing you to set scanning criteria and file type for MultiStream output.
About MultiStream Functions (→P. 27)
If the specified scanner does not support MultiStream output functions, MultiStream Settings are
Barcode/OCR Log
Displays the Barcode/OCR LogSetting dialog box for specifying a log file in which to save barcode and
OCR recognition results. About Log Files
(P. 32)
Capacity Warning Settings
Displays the Capacity Warning Settings dialog box for making capacity warning settings. Capacity
Warning Settings (P. 36)
OCR Settings
Displays the OCR Settings dialog box for setting the language for character recognition. About OCR
Functions (→P. 29)
Help menu
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options menu Help Status Bar
Shows CapturePerfect version information.
Help or button
Shows this Help for CapturePerfect.
Image Info
Displays information about the open image file.
Status Bar
File menu Scan menu Edit menu View menu Page menu Options menu Help menu Status Bar
The image's display zoom (%), page number and scanner settings (mode, resolution and paper size) are
displayed on the Status bar.
When CapturePerfect starts, the Status bar is displayed as "---".

Scanner Selection and Settings

Scanner Selection
Before using CapturePerfect, follow the procedure below to select a scanner to use with it. The selected
scanner setting is retained until another scanner is selected.
Verify that your scanner is properly connected to the computer, and that the scanner and computer are both
turned on. Refer to your scanner's operating manual for details.
1 Click Select Scanner in the Scan menu.
The Select Scanner dialog box appears.
If the name of the scanner does not appear in the dialog box, install the ISIS/TWAIN driver for the
2 Select the scanner to be used, and click the OK button.
The Select Scanner dialog box closes and scanner selection is complete.
Scanner Settings
Before scanning a document, set up the scan settings. Settings remain in effect until changed.
1 Click Scanner Setting in the Scan menu, or click the button.
The scanner setting dialog box appears.
• The settings dialog box displayed depends on your scanner model.
• Scanner settings can be made in the settings dialog box while scanning. Scanning Methods
(P. 38)
2 Make the appropriate settings for your scanning conditions.
For help related to these settings, click the Help button in the dialog box to refer to the driver help.
3 Click the OK button to exit the settings dialog.

About Saving Image Files

Image file types, file name requirements and multi-page files that can be saved with CapturePerfect are
described here.
About File Types
Images scanned with CapturePerfect can be saved as TIFF (*.tif), BMP (*.bmp), JPEG (*.jpg) or PDF (*.pdf)
files. However, please note that the JPEG file type can be selected only when the specified scanning mode
is 256-level Gray, 24-bit Color, or Auto Color Detection.
Scanning Mode File types that can be saved
Black and White Yes Yes Yes No Error Diffusion Yes Yes Yes No Text Enhanced Yes Yes Yes No Advanced Text Enhancement Yes Yes Yes No Advanced Text Enhancement II Yes Yes Yes No Hi-Speed Text Enhancement Yes Yes Yes No 256-level Gray Yes Yes Yes Yes 24-bit Color Yes Yes Yes Yes Auto Color Detection Yes Yes Yes Yes
• The available scanning modes will differ depending on the scanner.
• When the file type is JPEG File (*.jpg), the image quality set by the JPEG File setting in the Option menu is applied. Refer to Setting JPEG File Image Quality
• When JPEG File (*.jpg) is selected as the file type with Auto Color Detection as the scanning mode, black and white images are saved as TIFF files using CCITT Group 4 compression, regardless of the current TIFF file compression settings in the Options menu. Color images are saved as JPEG files using the JPEG file image quality settings in the Options menu.
• When the file type is PDF File (*.pdf), the compression ratio set by the PDF File setting in the Options menu is applied. Refer to Setting PDF File Saving Options
(P. 20) for details.
(P. 21) for details.
File Type Settings
The following file-type-dependent settings are available. Settings are made by selecting the file type from
the Options menu
(P. 14) .
Setting TIFF File Compression Options
When TIFF file (*.tif) is selected for the file type in Save Page As dialog box, the compression format
specified here is applied.
1 Click TIFF File in the Options menu.
The TIFF File Settings dialog box appears.
2 Select the image type (Black and White, or Grayscale or Color).
3 Select the compression format from the list box.
CCITT Group 4 can be selected when the image type is black and white, and OLD JPEG(6) or JPEG(7)
can be selected when the image type is grayscale or color. If compression is set to None, saved files
may be quite large.
• CCITT Group 4 This compression format is used by faxes and other such devices for data transmission, and is used to compress black and white images.
• OLD JPEG(6) and JPEG(7) These compression formats are for saving grayscale and color images. When OLD JPEG(6) or JPEG(7) is selected, the value set in the JPEG File Setting dialog box is applied.
• OLD JPEG(6) is the JPEG format supported by Image Viewer that was bundled with Windows prior to Windows 2000, and is no longer supported by the Windows Image and Fax Viewer bundled with Windows XP.
• JPEG(7) is not supported by Image Viewer that was bundled with Windows prior to Windows 2000.
• The compression format supported by CapturePerfect may not be supported by other applications. If a TIFF file saved by CapturePerfect cannot be opened by another application, set the compression to None and save it again.
Setting JPEG File Image Quality
Select the image quality to be applied when saving scanning images as JPEG files. The file size depends
on the selected image quality.
1 Click JPEG File in the Options menu.
The JPEG File Setting dialog box appears.
2 Make the following settings:
Select the quality of files to be saved from the following choices. The slider position changes when an
item is selected.
Quality Setting Slider Value Image Quality File Size
High Quality 90 (Auto) High Large Standard 75 (Auto) Standard Standard High Compression 10 (Auto) Low Small User Manual setting See Note See Note
When High Quality is selected, the quality of saved images has priority, but files are large. When High
Compression is selected, the size of saved image has priority, but image quality is poorer.
3 Click the OK button.
The JPEG File Setting dialog box closes.
Setting PDF File Saving Options
When saving scanned images as PDF (*.pdf) files, set the compression and OCR object language saving
1 Click PDF File in the Options menu.
The PDF File Setting dialog box appears.
2 Make the following settings:
•Mode Select the PDF file compression ratio.
– High Compression
Files are saved with high compression. Image quality is degraded, but the file size is smaller.
– Standard
Files are saved with standard compression.
– Character Precedence
To prevent character legibility from degrading, only non-character areas are compressed when files are saved.
The Mode setting is only valid when the specified scanning mode is 256-level Gray or 24-bit Color, or
when a color document is detected with Auto Color Detection as the scanning mode. If the scanning
mode is a two-color mode such as Black and White, or Error Diffusion, the size of the file depends on
the size of the document.
• Language for OCR When the Apply OCR check box is selected, you can select from the list box the language of the text to be scanned.
•Apply OCR Select this check box to cause printed characters in the image to be recognized and saved as text data attached to the recognized area.
– For PDF files (*.pdf) with attached OCR information, document character strings scanned as
images are recognized as text and saved as text data.
– When the Apply OCR check box is selected, deskewing is performed regardless of the scanner
driver's Deskew setting. If you scan sizes smaller than the set scan size or you set the TWAIN driver Margin to a large value, the image is moved to the upper-left corner.
– Depending on documents, some images may be truncated if the Apply OCR box is selected. If this
happens clear the Apply OCR check box.
• High-Speed (JPEG transfer) High-Speed (JPEG transfer) can be enabled if your scanner supports JPEG transfers. When the scanning mode specified during scanner setup is 256-level Gray or 24-bit Color, this feature applies JPEG compression to images transferred from the scanner to the computer.
3 Click the OK button.
The PDF File Setting dialog box closes.
About Multi-Page Files
When scanning with Scan Batch to File (→P. 40) or Scan Batch to Mail (P. 45) , and when performing
Save Open Image
PDF file.
(→P. 58) , the MultiPage function can be used to save multiple images to one TIFF or
MultiPage Settings
MultiPage settings are made from a settings dialog box when Scan Batch to File (→P. 40) or Scan Batch
to Mail (P. 45) is selected for scanning.
Available MultiPage settings are determined by the file type (BMP, JPEG, TIFF or PDF) selected in the scan
settings dialog box.
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