Canoga Perkins has prepared this users manual for use by customers and Canoga Perkins personnel as
a guide for the proper installation, operation and/or maintenance of Canoga Perkins equipment. The
drawings, specifications and information contained in this document are the property of Canoga
Perkins and any unauthorized use or disclosure of such drawings, specifications and information is
Canoga Perkins reserves the right to change or update the contents of this manual and to change the
specifications of its products at any time without prior notification. Every effort has been made to
keep the information in this document current and accurate as of the date of publication or revision.
However, no guarantee is given or implied that the document is error free or that is accurate with
regard to any specification.
Table 9. Virtual Group Menu Options............................................................................................. 3-22
Model 1502 Domain Management Module ii
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Chapter 1
Overview and Management Architecture
The Model 1502 Domain Management Module (DMM) provides Universal Chassis System (UCS)
management with commands and controls in the 2U size that fits the UCS 1002. See Figure 1. It
provides multiple levels of fault-tolerant manageability and supports industry-standard methods to
access the module.
Figure 1. UCS 1002 Chassis
The management architecture provides two main features:
• The Domain, Virtual Group, Chassis, and Module hierarchy supports command and control of
real and virtual groups of modules that vary by size and/or technologies.
• The Side-Band Management Channel (SBMC) provides communications between modules in the
chassis and their remotely located link partners.
The DMM provides a single IP addressable window for operating, configuring, and viewing the status
of the UCS system and up to 448 connected modules.
Model 1502 Domain Management Module 1-1
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Features of the Domain Management Module
The DMM, shown in Figure 2, provides these features and functions:
• Command and control up to eight UCS chassis from a single IP address
• Manage up to 224 chassis-based and 224 remote standalone units for up to 448 modules per
• Manage and configure devices within this chassis through the High-level Data-Link Control
(HDLC) protocol, using the domain, virtual group, chassis, and module hierarchy
• Manage and configure remote devices through SBMC, without affecting bandwidth, using the
domain, virtual group, chassis, and module hierarchy
• Create virtual groups based on module type, customer, location, revision, or service priority
• Upload and distribute new firmware revisions to all modules
• Use 10BASE-T Ethernet access to the DMM that supports Telnet and Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) NMS applications
• Use EIA-232 Serial interface access with the DTE/DCE switch for VT100 Terminal/dial-up
modem that supports SLIP and PPP
• Check, monitor, upgrade, and control software revisions through the DMM module code library
• Manage security through strong passwords, encryption, and authentication protocols
• Synchronize the DMM time to the network and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is
similar to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), through the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
Figure 2. The Domain Management Module
The Flash memory holds the Module Code Library and the Event and Traps logs so that the
information remains available after power-down and power-up.
1-2 Model 1502 Domain Management Module
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
DMM Management and SBMC
Depending on the number and organization of modules and chassis, DMM management can include
these four levels:
• Domain: One to eight chassis logically linked in a single management environment; the top level
of DMM management
• Virtual Group: A logical set of two to 128 of the same type of module that can be in different
chassis or remote linked partners, but all within the domain; the DMM supports up to 32 Virtual
• Chassis: An enclosure that holds and provides power to two or more modules
• Module: A single card, typically mounted in a chassis; you can access and manage some
modules directly through the EIA-232 serial port
Two modules support management at the chassis and domain levels:
• A Chassis Interconnect Module (CIM) in each chassis in the domain collects data and alarms
from all modules and power supplies in the chassis. The CIM also monitors status of all linked
chassis. For details, see the User Manual for your CIM(s).
• The DMM provides a serial port for VT100 Terminal and modem support and a 10BASE-T port
for IP based protocol support with SNMP MIB II and Canoga Perkins Enterprise MIBs for each
module in the Domain.
The DMM uses HDLC to extend management from the DMM, across the backplane to local modules,
and through the CIM to modules in other chassis. SBMC extends management through chassis-based
modules to their remote link partners. When CIMs interconnect two or more UCS chassis in a
domain, the DMM can manage all connected chassis and remote devices through the CIMs. SBMC
carries these controls and information across the fiber optic links to remote locations:
• Software upgrades and flash memory bank switching
• Configuration data and changes
• Operational status
• Traps
• Alarm indicators
Exact SBMC implementation varies between devices, and may not be available for a passive module.
Software upgrades for the DMM and all active modules are available on the Canoga Perkins Web
site. You can transfer upgrades to the DMM by any of the file transfer protocols, (TFTP, FTP, or
SFTP) and archive them in the DMM Software Library to store, track, and distribute current and
former software revisions to all connected devices.
For example, you may need to upgrade a group of modules with new firmware when you install a
new module, with newer firmware than its link partner, in the domain. The discrepancy in versions
appears in the DMM status. Through various Domain and Virtual Group functions, you can
distribute the new firmware to the older modules, then reset them to use the new firmware.
Model 1502 Domain Management Module 1-3
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
For enhanced security, the DMM supports four network security protocols: SNMPv3, Remote
Access Dial In User Security (Radius), Secure Shell version 2 (SSH-2) and Secure File Transfer
Protocol (SFTP). You can set values and options within the DMM software that will work with the
security protocols on your network; for specific information, see the documentation for your
implementation. In addition, the DMM supports strong passwords, independent of the security
• SNMPv3 provides authentication and encryption across a network.
• The Radius server maintains user account information. At login, it authenticates the username
and password and sends a message to the DMM to allow the login. The Radius server can also be
set up to require additional authentication information before accepting the user. If the username
or password is not valid, the Radius server sends a message to the DMM to disallow the login and
reject the user. Set up the parameters for the DMM on the Radius Client Configuration screen.
• SSH-2 provides authentication and encryption for a secure remote connection that is similar to a
standard Telnet connection, but more secure. Set up the SSH access option individually for each
User Account.
• SFTP adds encryption to protect uploaded files during the file transfer process, such as for a
software update.
• In software, the Security Configuration screen provides nine options to define password
characteristics, as well as parameters that configure lockout and logout for failed access attempts.
1-4 Model 1502 Domain Management Module
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Chapter 2
Hardware Installation and Functions
This section describes how to install the DMM in the UCS Model 1002.
Setup and Installation
The DMM is installed in the UCS 1002 Chassis in slot 1 at the factory. Occasionally, you may need
to install a DMM in a UCS 1002, if ordered separately. The DMM can be installed anywhere from
slot 1 to slot 14. To install the DMM, see Figure 3 and follow these steps:
1. If multiple chassis will be linked, set up the chassis ID numbers. For details on setting the
Chassis ID switch on each backplane, see the Universal Chassis System UCS 1002 User Manual.
2. Set SW3 to FD for full duplex or HD for half duplex Ethernet.
3. Set the MDX/MDI switch to MDI for a straight through cable or to MDX for a crossover cable.
MDX/MDI Switch
Figure 3. SW3 for Full Duplex (FD) or Half Duplex (HD) Ethernet and MDX/MDI Switch
4. Insert the DMM in any slot except slot 0, pushing it firmly into the connector. Do not force it.
5. Hand-tighten the captive screws to secure the DMM in the chassis.
Note: The DMM is hot-swappable and can be inserted or removed at any time without affecting
data transfer in other modules.
6. If the chassis power is off, switch on the DC power supply(s) for the chassis or plug in the AC
power supply(s). The DMM receives power through the backplane. During the power-on selftest, all LEDs light amber.
7. At the end of self-test, check for these LED conditions:
• STA lights green
• ACT, LNK, and Rx may be green or off, depending on current management activity
Model 1502 Domain Management Module 2-1
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Front Panel Functions
The DMM front panel includes these features (see Figure 2):
• Four Status LEDs; Table 1 lists the LEDs and their meanings
• Two interface ports for serial and 10BASE-T access
• Two switches: Reset (reboots the DMM) and MDM/TRM
Table 1. Status LEDs
LED Color Description
STA Green Normal operation
(DMM Status) Amber Boot-up sequence and self-test
Red or Off Non-operational
ACT Off No management activity
(Manager Active) Green Management activity
LNK Off No Ethernet link
(Ethernet Port) Green Ethernet link established
Rx Off No Ethernet receive activity
(Ethernet Activity) Green (blinking) Receiving activity
On the front panel, set the serial MDM/TRM switch for management access; set it to MDM for a
modem or TRM for a terminal. See Figure 2.
2-2 Model 1502 Domain Management Module
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Chapter 3
Software Management Through VT100
You can manage the system with VT100 Terminal Emulation through the communication port on
the DMM, which is accessible by a Telnet session, HyperTerminal or similar terminal emulation
software or a standard SNMP network manager.
Setting Up for Network Management
Typically, the DMM runs within the network on an Ethernet connection, communicating with
your Network Management Platform.
Set Up the Network Management Platform
You must run several Management Information Bases (MIBs) on your Network Management
Platform in order to successfully manage this module. Before you start, check that these
industry-standard MIBs are loaded:
• standard.mib
• rfc1213.mib
In addition, load Cp.mib, which supports all Canoga Perkins products; for assistance, contact
your technical support person.
Set Up the PC for Terminal Operation
When setting up VT100 sessions, Canoga Perkins suggests that you use HyperTerminal for your
first session. You must set up TCP/IP before you can use Telnet. For details on using your
terminal emulation software, see the documentation for your software. Set up these options:
• After you boot your PC, plug a DE-9 straight-through serial cable into the EIA-232 port on
the DMM and the serial port on the PC or terminal.
• On the DMM, set the MDM/TRM switch to TRM.
• Verify that the COM Properties for your terminal emulation software are set to these values:
• Bits per second: 19200
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: None
• Emulation: VT100
Model 1502 Domain Management Module 3-1
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Management User Interface
The Management User Interface for the DMM provides screens for setup, monitoring, and
diagnostics. You can access the screens directly by connecting to the serial port of the DMM in
the chassis or by establishing a Telnet session with the DMM. These sections discuss the screens
for the DMM. For details about any other module in the domain, see the user manual for that
General Screen Format
A typical screen, shown in Figure 4, includes standard descriptions and reference designations.
Use this and other screens to configure the system, set operational parameters, and verify the
system status. All screens use a common method for navigation.
Chassis and slot information
Model number
Status reports
Change options
Screen navigation
Messages and
urgent status
Figure 4. General Screen Format
Not all screens and menus provide options that you can change. Some menu items reach screens
that only report status, such as revision numbers, module type, or alarms. On other screens, you
can move through and select options, and enter data.
Use these keys to navigate the screens:
• Space bar When a menu item is highlighted, press <Space> to cycle through all options for
that item.
• Tab Press <Tab> to move the highlight to the next column to the right.
• Enter Press <Enter> to select the highlighted option for a menu item.
• Escape Press <Esc> to return to the previous screen.
3-2 Model 1502 Domain Management Module
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
User Interface Organization
The user interface consists of selectable, nested menus and screens, available in this order:
Main Menu
1. Domain Management Module
1. System Configuration
2. Change Security & Passwords
1. Security Configuration
2. User Accounts
1. or 3. Edit User Account
3. Radius Client Configuration
3. PING Menu (Ping Generation)
4. Software Upgrade
5. Trap Configuration
6. Host Access Table
1. or 3. Edit Host Access
7. Trap/Notification Destination Table
1. or 3. Edit Trap/Notification Type
8. Modem/Slip/PPP Configuration
9. Set Date and Time
10. SNTP Configuration
11. Syslog Configuration
2. Virtual Group Management
3. Chassis Management
4. Module Menu
4. Main Menu for module
5. CIM Management
6. Code Library Menu
7. Alarm/System Log
8. System Status
9. Connected Sessions (Manage Logged In Users)
10. Change Password
11. Logout
This chapter describes how to use these screens to manage the DMM and the system.
Model 1502 Domain Management Module 3-3
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Login and DMM Main Menu
When you connect to the DMM through HyperTerminal or Telnet, the first screen is the DMM
Login Menu. To log in, follow these steps:
1. If this is your initial setup and no username or password has been set, type
<Enter> at the prompt for the username. Otherwise, type your username and press <Enter>.
2. At the prompt to enter your password, enter the password if one has been set; otherwise, type
admin and press <Enter>. The DMM Main Menu screen appears.
The DMM Main menu provides management access to the DMM management functions, all
managed chassis, and all managed modules within the domain. See Table 2.
Table 2. DMM Main Menu Functions
Menu Item Description
1. Manage or access the Domain Management Module Set up the DMM, then manage it and system
2. Manage or access a specific Virtual Group Create, edit and/or delete Virtual Groups
3. Manage or access a specific Chassis View or configure any chassis in the domain
4. Manage or access a specific Module View or configure a specific module in a
specific chassis
5. Manage or access the CIM modules View the CIM and manage chassis alarms
6. Access Module Code Library Manage firmware for the domain
7. Alarm/System Log View a list of recent alarms, traps, and events
admin and press
8. System Status View real time system status and static
9. Manage Logged In Users View and manage currently logged in users
10. Change Password Update the password as needed to maintain
system security
11. Logout Log out of this management session
3-4 Model 1502 Domain Management Module
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Manage the DMM
The DMM provides communication with and some controls of the various chassis and modules
within the domain. Most configuration options for basic information and communications
parameters are available from the Domain Management Module menu. To reach the Domain
Management Module screen, follow these steps:
1. At the Main Menu, type
<Enter>. The Domain Management Module menu appears; see Table 3.
2. To return to the Main Menu, press <Esc>.
Table 3. Domain Management Module Menu Selections
Menu Item Description
1. System Configuration Set values for the system information and communications
2. Change Security & Passwords Set up system security and access
3. Ping Generation Send a PING from the DMM to a specific IP address
4. Software Upgrade Download and install new firmware
5. Trap Configuration Set the DMM conditions that generate SNMP traps
6. Host Table Set up managing hosts for accessing the DMM and
7. Trap Destination Table Set up notification by destination
8. Modem/SLIP/PPP Configuration Set up the serial communication port
9. Set Date and Time Set date and time for the DMM; this information is passed
1, "Manage or access the Domain Management Module," and press
receiving traps
to each module in the domain
10. SNTP Configuration Set up SNTP parameters.
11. Syslog Configuration Set up parameters to send data to the Syslog server
Configure the DMM for the System
To set values for basic system parameters, including some SNMP parameters, as well as view
basic system information, go to the System Configuration report and menu. See Tables 4 and 5.
To access the System Configuration screen, follow these steps:
1. At the Domain Management Module menu, type
<Enter>. The System Configuration screen appears.
2. At the prompt, type an item number and follow the prompts on the screen. Table 5 lists
options for each menu item.
3. To return to the Domain Management Module menu, press <Esc>.
Model 1502 Domain Management Module 3-5
1, "System Configuration," and press
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Table 4. System Configuration Report
Item Description
Chassis Type Always 2U, the UCS 1002
Ethernet Address MAC address for the DMM
Ethernet Link Shows link status (up or down) and current full or half-duplex
Current Bootcode Version number for bootcode for this module
Current Firmware Version number for firmware for this module
Active Bank Flash memory that holds the currently-used firmware
Table 5. System Configuration Options
Menu Item Description
1. System Contact
2. System Name
3. System Location
4. Default SNMPv1/v2c
Read Community
5. Default SNMPv1/v2c
Write Community
6. SLIP/PPP IP Address IP address for access through Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) or
7. DMM IP Address IP address for this DMM; Table 6 lists the IP address classes and
8. Subnet Mask Mask that sets the network ID part of the IP address
9. Default Gateway Address of the network node that connects to another network
10. BOOTP "Enabled" if the module needs to obtain its IP address from a BOOTP
11. Serial Port Mode Type of serial port connection: VT100, SLIP, or PPP
12. Telnet Security "Enabled" to use the security features included with Telnet;
13. Mgmt VLAN
Optional information, up to 50 characters; also sets sys Name, sys
Location, and sys Contact information in Standard MIB
Password for SNMP Read access, up to 14 characters, default is
Password for SNMP Write access, up to 14 characters, default is
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
default subnet masks
server; when the unit has an IP address, set to "Disabled"
"Disabled" to disable the Telnet security
"Enabled" recognizes incoming management traffic only if it is
tagged to match item 14, Mgmt VLAN ID, ignores other traffic;
outgoing traffic will be tagged to match item 14
"Disabled" recognizes incoming management traffic only if it has no
VLAN tag, ignores all tagged traffic; outgoing traffic will not be
14. Mgmt VLAN ID ID for the VLAN used for management
15. Mgmt VLAN P-Bit Priority for the VLAN used for management
Note: The SLIP or PPP IP address must be on a different network than the Ethernet IP address.
Because SLIP and PPP run point to point, the SLIP/PPP subnet mask is assumed from
the Class type of the SLIP/PPP IP address, and no gateway is allowed.
3-6 Model 1502 Domain Management Module
EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System
Table 6. IP Address Classes
Class First Octet of IP Address Default Subnet Mask
Class A 1-126
Class B * 128-191
Class C 192-233
*Address 127 is reserved for loopback.
The MAC or Ethernet hardware address for the DMM is fixed. If BOOTP is enabled during the
initialization process, it broadcasts BOOTP request packets until it receives a response from the
BOOTP server or you press <Esc> to continue. If the DMM has a fixed IP address, disable
BOOTP. To assign an IP address to the DMM through the BOOTP request process, follow these
1. At the Domain Management Module menu, type
2. Check item 10, BOOTP.
• If it is set to "Enabled," reset the DMM to start the BOOTP process.
• If it is set to "Disabled," type
Disabled and Enabled, and then press <Enter>. The next time you reset the DMM, it will
start the BOOTP process.
3. To return to the Domain Management Module menu, press <Esc>.
10 and press <Enter>, then press <Space> to cycle between
1; the System Configuration screen appears.
Manage Traps and Alarms
Traps are messages that require management attention and are routed to the Network Manager
and the DMM Alarm Log, but do not trigger alarms. Use the Trap Configuration screen to view
the current configuration and enable log only, send only, both log and send; or disable traps
individually or use the "Master Trap Control" to set all traps for the DMM. For a list of events
that trigger traps, see Table 7. To set up the traps, follow these steps:
1. At the Domain Management Module menu, type
2. At the Trap Configuration screen, type the number for a trap and press <Enter>. See Table 7.
3. Press <Space> to cycle to Log Only, Send Only, Both Log and Send, or Disabled and press
5, "Trap Configuration," and press <Enter>.
4. To return to the Domain Management Module menu, press <Esc>.
These selections do not affect how the CIM Major and Minor LEDs report alarms.
Model 1502 Domain Management Module 3-7
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