STOP! - If you have the impression that four wheels give you the stability of a car, you are wrong. If you have the impression that an ATV is simple to
drive and similar to those other vehicles, you are wrong. The risks involved are at least equal to those faced when riding a motorcycle.
Example: Sharp knife Useful tool for cutting Risk of cutting yo u rs elf
No restraint system, no body, no protective structure Rider must be able to shift weight Motorcycle- like risk, rider can fall or fly off and is
exposed, unprotected
Very high power-to-weight ratio Thrilling acceleration, co m petition
Relatively easy to wheelie, requ ires focus and skill to
stay ahead of machine
Short wheelb ase Maneuverable in woods, c o m pact Relatively easy to whee lie, to turn over backwards or
pitch over forward
Narrow track Maneuverable in woods, narrow trails Relatively easy to turn over
High ground clearance, high center of gravity Clearance for obstacles, more suspension
Relatively easy to turn over
Soft, high t ra c tion tires Traction and flotation on soft, loose
Grip on hard surface (pa vement) makes it easy to turn
Totally unsuited and illegal for road us e Designed exclusively for off road High risk of turn ove r or co llision if you ride on.
Given the realities of spor t ATVs and/or the limit s of your ow n ridin g abilitie s, you may lo se co nt ro l. The limits ar e impos sib le to be sp ecific about because of
the variation in terrain and rider ability are nearly unlimit ed. If you chose to ride an ATV, you must understand and re sp ect the reality of the above.
You could lose control, have an accident an d be se ver ely injured, paralyzed or killed.
The hazards of ATV riding c anno t be completely avoided. They can be minimized with training, good judgement, experience, use of helmet, protective gear and
development of sk ills in weight shifting, throttle and brake control . Readi ng an d un de r sta nd in g thi s Owne r’s Manual and warning labels, watching and understanding the ATV safety video and completing an ATV training course are essential and can begin your learning process.