Names of the components
Apologizi ng for som e featur es and accessorie s of the refriger ator you
brought might not accord with the illus trations, refer to the packin g li
the refrige rator please.
st i n
Please go through this manual before use.
Thank you for purchasing our products.
* Please understand the safety instructions before use.
* Please keep this manual well after reading it for further reference.
* Notice will not be given if this manual is altered due to product
1. WARNING Keep ventilation openings, in the appliance enclosure or in
the built-in structure, clear of obstruction.
2. WARNING Do not use m ec ha ni ca l dev ic es or ot he r mea ns to
accelerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by the
3. WARNING Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.
4. WARNING Do not use e le ct ri ca l appliances inside the food storage
compartments of the appliance, unless they are of the type recommended by
the manufacturer.
5. The appliance has to be unplugged after use and before carrying out
user maintenance on the appliance.
6. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children)
th reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience
and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
7. Children should be supervised to ensure t ha t they do not play with the
8. If the supply co rd is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer,
its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
9. P le as e abandon the refrigerator-free
zer ac co rd in g to local regulators for it
use flammable blowing gas and refrigerant.
10. Disconnect the power supply before replacing the lamp.
11. Please according to local regulations regarding disposal of th e
appliance for its flammable refrigerant and blowing gas . B efore you scr ap
the appliance, please take off the doors to prevent children trapped.
Tray upon the door
Note: remove foldin g top cov er, tray upon the door, ice -make re, ice -coll ectio n box
and refrig erati ng dr awer accor ding to gr aphic expr essio n to get m ore s pace,
and tha t will no t affect the normal functions of the product.
Displ ay co ntr ol
Foldi ng
top cov er
Ice-m ake r
Ice-c oll ect ion b ox
Refri ger ati ng
drawe r
Glass s hel f
Refri ger ati ng
drawe r
Refri ger ati ng
drawe r
Refri ger ati ng
drawe r
Lower d raw er
Leg leveler
n b
re usin
Correct application of the refrigerator
● Excep t the sol ution s recom mende d by the ma nufac turer, d o not use m echan ical
equip ment or o ther me ans to ac celer ate def rosti ng.
● Excep t the typ es reco mmend ed by the m anufa cture r, do not us e elect rical a pplia nce
insid e food cl oset.
● The ref riger ator is provided with R600 a refri geran t and cyc lopen tane fo aming
mater ial, an d both ar e combu stibl e mater ials. O bsole te refr igera tor sho uld be
isola ted fro m fire an d combu stion t reatm ent is fo rbidd en.
New r
Remov e all pac king ma teria ls befo re usin g, incl uding b ottom s eatin g washe r and
foam pa ds and gu mmed pa per ins ide;
● Use war m and wet c leani ng clot h to wipe t he refr igera tor's i nteri or and ex terio r (add a
littl e deter gent in t he warm w ater an d use cle an wate r to clea n up);
● Prepa re a sepa ratin g groun ding re cepta cle wit h both po larit ies. Do n ot shar e multi-
purpo se sock et with o ther el ectri cal app lianc es;
● Conne ct eart h wire. E arth el ectro de of the s ocket m ust be eq uippe d with a re liabl e
groun ding wi re.
t of the r
nd p
n a
● Do not in vert, t raver se, pre ss and sh ake the r efrig erato r. When mo ving th e
refri gerat or, angl e of incl inati on shal l not be la rger th an 45°.
● When mo ving, d o not mak e exces sive pr essur e to the do or or top c over, ot herwi se
defor matio n will oc cur.
● Sligh tly rem ove the r efrig erato r backw ard (le ss than 2 0°) to rear t ruckl e roll a short
dista nce.
Place t he refr igera tor at a ve ntila tive pl ace, fa r away fr om heat s ource a nd direct
sunli ght. In o rder to a void ru st or red uce ins ulati on resu lt, ple ase do no t place i t at
damp an d water ed plac e.
● Top space f or the re frigerator shall not be le ss than 3 0cm. Di stanc e again st two si des
shall n ot be les s than 10 cm, Dis tance a gains t to the wa ll shal l not exc eed 75m m,
provi ding co nveni ence to o pen and c lose th e door an d dispe rse the h eat.
● Place t he refr igera tor on a fl at and so lid flo or. (if it i s not sta ble, yo u can reg ulate the
regul ating l egs)
Ensure that t he refriger ator is placed correctly and s tably.
Be aware of all s afety matte rs needing atte ntion.
1.Connect the electricity
After c onnec ting el ectri city, it will e nter in to ex-f actor y state .
2.Put food into the refrigerator
Sugge stion : after w orkin g a time, t he refr igera tor wil l arriv e store temperature or aft er
the fir st stop o f the com press or, put fo od into i t, whic h is bene ficial to retain
fresh ness.
Note: if the set te mpera ture is alte red or new fo od is put in, temperature
insid e t he box wi ll ach ieve the balan ce after a time , w hich i s d eterm ined b y
the tempe ratur e alter ation d egree , temperature of a mbien t environment,
openi ng freq uency, quantity of t he food i nside a nd so on.
● Gener ally, temperature inside refri gerat ing cha mber is b elow -1 8℃. Food ne eding l ong-
term st orage s hall be p ut in ref riger ating c hambe r.
● Quick -froz en food s hall be p ut into t he refr igera ting ch amber a s soon as p ossib le before
defre ezing .
● Hot foo d shoul d be put in to refr igera ting ch amber a fter it c ools do wn to roo m temperature.
● Fruit a nd vege table s hould n ot be put i nto ref riger ating c hambe r. In orde r to avoi d freezing
and rup ture, g lass co ntain er with l iquid s hould n ot be put i nto the r efrig erati ng chamber.
● Quick -froz en food s hould b e store d by cate gory. Food in t he same k ind sho uld be pu t into
toget her. Thu s, energy conservation c an be rea lized b y reduc ing ope ning fr equen cy.
Refrigera ting chambe r's drawer
It is for f ood nee ding fr eezin g. A block of m eat sho uld be pu t into th e drawe r after b eing sl iced
for con venie nce. Wh en take o ut the fo od, pul l our the d rawer a t first , then ho rizontally push
the tra y above t he draw er inwa rd, and t hen tak e out the f ood und er the dr awer,
Note: close t he drawer, aft er using the refr igerating c hamber.
Make su re the po wer lin e is not pr essed b y the ref riger ator or o ther ar ticles.
Befor e conne ct the po wer lin e, make s ure the v oltag e range o f the ref rigerator
accor d with th at of the p ower su pply.