Cameron W-K-M DynaSeal 210F Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Pg 1 of 4
DynaSeal 210F Ball Valve
Table of Contents
Nameplate Information .......... 2
Storage ..................................... 2
Installation ............................... 2
Operation................................. 3
Routine Maintenance ............. 3
Troubleshooting ...................... 4
Item Description
1 Tailpiece 2 Tailpiece Gasket 3 Seat Ring 4 Ball 5 Body 6 Grease Fitting 7 Lever 8 Retainer Ring 9 Stop Plate 10 Cap Screws 11 Locking Plate 12 Stem O-Rings 13 Stem Seal 14 Stem
8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 3 5 6 2 1
The W-K-M DynaSeal 210F is a premium quality floating ball valve proven in a number of applica­tions. It has deep-pocketed seats, double “O” ring stem seals and is available in carbon steel and stainless trims. They may be specified in sizes from 1” to 4” in class 150, 300, and 600 flanged ends. Threaded 2” full and regular bores are also available.
W-K-M DynaSeal 210F Ball Valve
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
210F Ball Valve
Installation, Operation and Maintenance ManualPg 1 of 4
Nameplate Information
Size 2”F and Larger
Item Description
Plant of Manufacture
4 5
22 R WKM 210FR WKM 210F
740 MOP740 MOP
1 2 3
7 8
After valves are assembled and tested, they are placed in the full open position, flange seal surfaces and bores are greased and end protectors are installed. This will provide adequate protection for indoor storage. Extended outdoor storage requires periodic inspection and the addition of a corrosion inhibitor. Contact your Cameron representative for extended storage guidelines. Valves should only be stored in the full open or full close position to prevent seat distor­tion.
DynaSeal 210F valves may be installed in any position with flow from either direc­tion.
1 Nominal valve size and type designation 2 Body material symbol and seat-seal code designation 3 Ball-Stem material designation 4 Maximum cold working pressure 5 Maximum working pressure 6 Maximum temperature 7 Assembly part number 8 Model number
Size 2”R and Smaller
Item Description
1 Nominal valve size 2 Valve type designation 3 Body material designation 4 Seat-Seal code designation 5 Ball-Stem material designation 6 Maximum cold working pressure 7 Model number 8 Date of manufacture
However, for best service life there is a preferred vertical or horizontal position to maximize sealing and minimize the accumulation of sediment. In the vertical position it is preferred to have the upstream pressure from above so the weight of the ball will assist the pressure in sealing. With the run of the valve in a horizontal position, it is preferred to have the stem lying horizontal (i.e. toward the viewer) with pressure from the right. During operation, flow will act as a siphon and minimize retention of sediment.
When handling or installing a valve, keep the valve in the full open position whenever possible to prevent foreign object damage to the ball.
W-K-M DynaSeal 210F Ball Valve
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
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