Important Safety Information .................................................................................................................................................. ii
Standard Modbus Functions...................................................................................................................................................8
Data Types .............................................................................................................................................................................8
System Information (General) .......................................................................................................................................17
History (16-bit) ..............................................................................................................................................................18
Status ............................................................................................................................................................................19
Digital Output Status .....................................................................................................................................................28
Flow Run 1 Holding (Integers).......................................................................................................................................28
Flow Run 2 Holding (Integers).......................................................................................................................................29
Fluid Information Methods ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Flow Information Methods ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Archive Status ...............................................................................................................................................................39
Flow Run 1 Holding (Floating Points) ............................................................................................................................ 45
Flow Run 2 Holding (Floating Points) ............................................................................................................................ 51
Gas Stream 1 Holding ................................................................................................................................................... 56
Gas Stream 2 Holding .................................................................................................................................................. 57
System Measurements..................................................................................................................................................58
Scanner Logic HMI User Fields.....................................................................................................................................58
Real Time ......................................................................................................................................................................88
Device Status ................................................................................................................................................................88
Units .....................................................................................................................................................................................89
Enron Interval, Daily and Event Registers ........................................................................................................................... 89
Enron Slave Record Format .......................................................................................................................................... 89
Enron Status Decoder ................................................................................................................................................... 90
As-Found/As-Left Value Types ......................................................................................................................................91
Special Events...............................................................................................................................................................92
System Alarms ............................................................................................................................................................102
Data Acquisition Alarms...............................................................................................................................................108
DIO Alarms .................................................................................................................................................................. 110
Real Time Clock .......................................................................................................................................................... 111
Standard Modbus Functions............................................................................................................................................... 11 6
Data Types .........................................................................................................................................................................116
System Information (General) .....................................................................................................................................125
System Measurements................................................................................................................................................126
Real Time ....................................................................................................................................................................126
Status ..........................................................................................................................................................................126
Flow Run 1 Conguration (Integers) ...........................................................................................................................134
Flow Run 2 Conguration (Integers) ...........................................................................................................................134
Flow Run 1 Conguration (Floating Points).................................................................................................................134
Flow Run 2 Conguration (Floating Points).................................................................................................................135
Gas Stream 1 Conguration (Floating Points).............................................................................................................136
Gas Stream 2 Conguration (Floating Points).............................................................................................................136
Scanner Logic HMI User Fields...................................................................................................................................139
Flow Run 1 Holding (Integers).....................................................................................................................................143
Flow Run 2 Holding (Integers).....................................................................................................................................143
Fluid Information Methods ........................................................................................................................................... 144
IF97 Region Override .................................................................................................................................................. 146
Flow Information Methods ........................................................................................................................................... 146
Digital Output Status ...................................................................................................................................................163
Device Status ..............................................................................................................................................................191
Units ...................................................................................................................................................................................191
The communications protocol for the Scanner 3100 is in accordance with Modicon, Inc. RTU Mode Modbus as described in Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide, PI-MBUS-300 Rev. J, June 1996. All registers are implemented
as 4X or holding registers. Reading of registers is implemented via function code 03H (Read Holding Registers). Writing
to registers is implemented via function code 10H (Preset Multiple Registers). The instrument provides Enron Modbus
compliant downloads for interval, daily and event records. For details on Enron Modbus, refer to Specications and Re-quirements for an Electronic Flow Measurement Remote Terminal Unit for Enron Corp., Dec. 5, 1994.
Scanner 3100 Modbus Maps
Scanner 3100 protocol is supported by three pre-dened register maps and a Cameron software application, ScanMap,
for customizing maps to suit individual host requirements.
• Two Modbus maps are preloaded in the Scanner 3100:
–A 32-bit Enron Modbus map includes registers for the Scanner 3100 and up to 20 slave devices. These registers
are described in this section. This map is also stored in ScanMap software (see Table 1.1).
– A 16-bit Modbus map includes registers for the Scanner 3100 and up to 20 slave devices and presents values
in a 16-bit standard Modbus format. These registers are described in Section 2—16-Bit Modbus Protocol. This
map is also stored in the ScanMap software (see Table 1.1 below).
• A third Modbus map—a version of the 32-bit Enron Modbus map without slave device registers (“base unit” map)—is
available for download from Cameron’s ScanMap software. See S3100_MAP_TEMPLATE_ ENRON_BASE_UNIT
in Table 1.1. See ScanMap Download below for download instructions.
Table 1.1—Predened Modbus Maps
Modbus Map
32-Bit Enron Modbus
16-Bit Modbus
Modied 32-Bit
Enron Modbus
History &
in Scanner
3100ScanMap Template Name
User-Dened Maps (ScanMap Software)
ScanMap software allows a user to create a custom Modbus register map by modifying the contents of a pre-dened map
or using a blank template and selecting individual registers. ScanMap includes databases for all three of the pre-dened
Modbus maps described above. Each can be used as-is, or modied with user-specied registers and units.
See Table 1.1 for the names of available register map templates.
ScanMap Download
To download ScanMap and/or the ScanMap User Manual, visit Cameron’s Measurement website at http:\\www.cameron.\owcomputers, select CAMERON Flow Computer Scanner 3100, and click the link for the ScanMap install or
Section 1 Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol
Standard Modbus Functions
The Modbus functions supported by the Scanner 3100 are as follows:
Function Code (Hex)Description
03Read Holding Registers
10Preset Multiple Registers
Data Types
Various data types are implemented in the Scanner 3100. The following table lists the formats and the numbers of bytes
and registers associated with each type.
Data FormatData TypeByte CountRegister Count
32-bitFloating Point (FP)41
Unsigned Long (INT32)41
Packed ASCII (String [4])41
16-bitFloating Point (FP)42
Unsigned Long (INT32)42
Packed ASCII (String [4])42
Enron Record (ER)——
The word ordering for multiple register data types, such as oating-point numbers or long integers, is for the most significant word to appear rst in the message.
Packed ASCII
The Packed ASCII (PA) type contains four bytes that are four unsigned characters. Generally, multiple Packed ASCII
types are arranged consecutively for implementing strings. For example, the Model Number is a string of 16 unsigned
characters that is implemented as four Packed ASCII registers. Here is an example of a model number from the 32-bit internal Enron Modbus map that contains the string “S3100-G1.”
RegisterHexadecimal ASCII Characters
10553 33 31 30S310
10630 2d 47 310-G1
10700 00 00 00<UNUSED>
10800 00 00 00<UNUSED>
Unused characters at the end of each string will report 0x00 hexadecimal.
Each register has an Access type: read-only or read-write, as described below.
Access TypeDescription
Read Only (RO)Register Can Only Be Read
Read/Write (RW)Register Can Be Read and Written
The registers are grouped into Modbus map blocks according to function. The Scanner 3100 contains the following map
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
Register SectionsStarting AddressRegister Size
Events (16-bit)3216-Bit
Command Registers7132-Bit
System Information (General)10132-Bit
History (16-bit)70116-Bit
Input/Output Holding (Integers)520132-Bit
Flow Run 1 Holding (Integers)530132-Bit
Flow Run 2 Holding (Integers)540132-Bit
Input/Output Conguration (Integers)560132-Bit
Flow Run 1 Conguration (Integers)570132-Bit
Flow Run 2 Conguration (Integers)580132-Bit
Slave 1 Holding (Integers)660132-Bit
Slave 2 Holding (Integers)661132-Bit
Slave 3 Holding (Integers)662132-Bit
Slave 4 Holding (Integers)663132-Bit
Slave 5 Holding (Integers)664132-Bit
Slave 6 Holding (Integers)665132-Bit
Slave 7 Holding (Integers)666132-Bit
Slave 8 Holding (Integers)667132-Bit
Slave 9 Holding (Integers)668132-Bit
Slave 10 Holding (Integers)669132-Bit
Slave 11 Holding (Integers)670132-Bit
Slave 12 Holding (Integers)671132-Bit
Slave 13 Holding (Integers)672132-Bit
Slave 14 Holding (Integers)673132-Bit
Slave 15 Holding (Integers)674132-Bit
Slave 16 Holding (Integers)675132-Bit
Slave 17 Holding (Integers)676132-Bit
Slave 18 Holding (Integers)677132-Bit
Slave 19 Holding (Integers)678132-Bit
Slave 20 Holding (Integers)679132-Bit
Archive Status700132-Bit
Input/Output Holding (Floating Points)720132-Bit
Flow Run 1 Holding (Floating Points)740132-Bit
Flow Run 2 Holding (Floating Points)760132-Bit
Gas Stream 1 Holding780132-Bit
Gas Stream 2 Holding790132-Bit
System Measurements800132-Bit
Scanner Logic HMI User Fields805132-Bit
Scanner Logic HMI PID Fields812632-Bit
Input/Output Holding (Floating Points)820132-Bit
Flow Run 1 Conguration (Floating Points)830132-Bit
Flow Run 2 Conguration (Floating Points)840132-Bit
Section 1 Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol
Register SectionsStarting AddressRegister Size
Gas Stream 1 Holding850132-Bit
Gas Stream 2 Holding860132-Bit
Slave 1 Holding (Floating Points)900132-Bit
Slave 2 Holding (Floating Points)902632-Bit
Slave 3 Holding (Floating Points)905132-Bit
Slave 4 Holding (Floating Points)907632-Bit
Slave 5 Holding (Floating Points)910132-Bit
Slave 6 Holding (Floating Points)912632-Bit
Slave 7 Holding (Floating Points)915132-Bit
Slave 8 Holding (Floating Points)917632-Bit
Slave 9 Holding (Floating Points)920132-Bit
Slave 10 Holding (Floating Points)922632-Bit
Slave 11 Holding (Floating Points)925132-Bit
Slave 12 Holding (Floating Points)927632-Bit
Slave 13 Holding (Floating Points)930132-Bit
Slave 14 Holding (Floating Points)932632-Bit
Slave 15 Holding (Floating Points)935132-Bit
Slave 16 Holding (Floating Points)937632-Bit
Slave 17 Holding (Floating Points)940132-Bit
Slave 18 Holding (Floating Points)942632-Bit
Slave 19 Holding (Floating Points)945132-Bit
Slave 20 Holding (Floating Points)947632-Bit
Slave 1 Conguration (Floating Points)950132-Bit
Slave 2 Conguration (Floating Points)952632-Bit
Slave 3 Conguration (Floating Points)955132-Bit
Slave 4 Conguration (Floating Points)957632-Bit
Slave 5 Conguration (Floating Points)960132-Bit
Slave 6 Conguration (Floating Points)962632-Bit
Slave 7 Conguration (Floating Points)965132-Bit
Slave 8 Conguration (Floating Points)967632-Bit
Slave 9 Conguration (Floating Points)970132-Bit
Slave 10 Conguration (Floating Points)972632-Bit
Slave 11 Conguration (Floating Points)975132-Bit
Slave 12 Conguration (Floating Points)977632-Bit
Slave 13 Conguration (Floating Points)980132-Bit
Slave 14 Conguration (Floating Points)982632-Bit
Slave 15 Conguration (Floating Points)985132-Bit
Slave 16 Conguration (Floating Points)987632-Bit
Slave 17 Conguration (Floating Points)990132-Bit
Slave 18 Conguration (Floating Points)992632-Bit
Slave 19 Conguration (Floating Points)995132-Bit
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
Register SectionsStarting AddressRegister Size
Slave 20 Conguration (Floating Points)997632-Bit
Important All registers cited in this document refer to the address of the register that appears in the actual
Modbus message. For example, register 8000 has an address of 0x1F40 hexadecimal in the
Events (16-bit)
320020Enron: Event/Alarm RegisterER—RO
Command Registers
710047Command Register: Argument 1INT32—RW
720048Command Register: Argument 2INT32—RW
730049Command Register: Argument 3INT32—RW
74004ACommand Register: Argument 4INT32—RW
75004BCommand Register: Command RegisterINT32—RW
76004CCommand Register: Response CodeINT32—RW
Important The argument code must be written before the register code. If “—” is shown, write 0.
Important Administration rights are required to write command registers.
CodeDescriptionArg 1Arg 2Arg 3Arg 4
If Cong Lock = Yes, an active conguration lock in the Scanner prevents changes to the register.
100100Clears the triggered
100102Clears the event
100104Sets the slave device
100333Resets the device
0 = All
archive pointers and
archive pointers and
archive pointers on
the Scanner 3100
(software reset)
1 = Trigger Archive 1
2 = Trigger Archive 2
0 = All
1 = Event Archive 1
0 = All
1 = Slave Archive 1
2 = Slave Archive 2
(continues through
Slave Archive 20)
0 = Force Sync (stop
1 = Force Reload of
all records
Section 1 Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol
CodeDescriptionArg 1Arg 2Arg 3Arg 4
If Cong Lock = Yes, an active conguration lock in the Scanner prevents changes to the register.
120000Sets the internal real-
time clock
120001Sets the date of the
internal real-time
120002Sets the time of the
internal real-time
200001Sets the current
local display group
or advances to next
display group.
500000Change the state of
continuous triggering
for Triggered Archive
if Triggered Archive is
in manual mode. The
trigger interval is xed
at one second.
500001Sets archive trigger
once if triggered
archive is in manual
500002Releases a triggered
archive from a
latched state.
500050Publishes all
triggered registers to
the previous triggered
500100Creates archive
partial records.
500300Clears the
device alarms. Will
not unlatch DIO.
500500Bit mask uses bits to
identify which DIO
blocks to clear.
500600Enables wireless
500601Disables wireless
0x00000000 =
Preserve Current Date
Year = Gregorian year
in decimal (i.e.: 2015)
Hour = 0 to 23Minute = 0 to 59Sec = 0 to 59—No
0 = Advance to Next
Display Group
1 – 32 = Set Display
0 = Stop triggering
1 = Start triggering
Bit Mask:
0 = Do Not Unlatch DIO
1 = Unlatch DIO
TIME = 0x00000000:
Preserve Current
TIME = 0x00000001:
Set RTC to 00:00:00
Month = 1 to 12
(January to
Day = 1 to 31—No
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
CodeDescriptionArg 1Arg 2Arg 3Arg 4
If Cong Lock = Yes, an active conguration lock in the Scanner prevents changes to the register.
500700Obtains wireless
mesh path
information for all
connected motes.
501000Clears statistic
information for a
target port.
600000Triggers the creation
of a snapshot le.
600300Stores the current
Flow Run Factor
Calibration Map Data
as a new calibration.
Web interface should
be used to congure
the calibration type.
New factors must be
written (per the Linear
Calibration Factor
procedure below)
before sending this
600302Stores the current
Input K-Factor
Calibration Map Data
as a new calibration.
Web interface should
be used to congure
the calibration type.
New factors must be
written (per the Linear
Calibration Factor
procedure below)
before sending this
601000Programs the
operating mode for
a PID controller. The
analog output must
be in PID mode for
this command to take
0 = All
1 = Serial Port 1
2 = Serial Port 2
3 = Serial Port 3
21 = TCP 1
22 = TCP 2
0 = All
1 = Flow Run 1
2 = Flow Run 2
1 = Flow Run 1
2 = Flow Run 2
1 = Pulse Input 1
2 = Pulse Input 2
3 = Pulse Input 3
1 = Analog Output 1
2 = Analog Output 2
0 = Automatic
1 = Manual Override
Section 1 Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol
CodeDescriptionArg 1Arg 2Arg 3Arg 4
If Cong Lock = Yes, an active conguration lock in the Scanner prevents changes to the register.
601001Changes the
operating mode for
a PID Controller to
manual and sets an
override value. The
target analog output
must be in PID mode
for this command to
take effect.
601002Programs the
operating mode for
a PID Controller to
automatic and sets an
override value. The
target analog output
must be in PID mode
for this command to
take effect.
1 = Analog Output 1
2 = Analog Output 2
1 = Analog Output 1
2 = Analog Output 2
Override: 0.0 to 1.0
written as 32-bit
oating point.
For example: To
apply a 0.75 override,
convert 0.75 to a
32-bit floating point
write the value to
Argument 2, and write
Setpoint: 32-bit
oating point value in
the user-selected unit
for the measurement
category of the control
For example:
To apply a 123.45 set
point, convert 123.45
to a 32-bit oating
point (0x42f6e666),
write the value to
Argument 2, and write
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
CodeDescriptionArg 1Arg 2Arg 3Arg 4
If Cong Lock = Yes, an active conguration lock in the Scanner prevents changes to the register.
610000Sends the selected
Data Set to the
selected Slave
Device. This will
cause the registers
within the Scanner
3100 to be written to
the conguration of
the connected slave.
The conguration
change may take
up to 15 seconds to
0 = None
1 - 20 = Slave1 - Slave20
To synchronize a
slave conguration
change made in the
Scanner 3100 with
the corresponding
slave device, write
the desired value
from the list below
to Argument 2, and
write command. To
–Flow Run 1: Calibration: Nominal Factor, Address 8318
–Flow Run 2: Calibration: Nominal Factor, Address 8418
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
2. Write the Command Arguments 1 through 4 (Address 71-74) to choose the input to be updated.
3. Write the code for Command Register (Address 75) in unsigned long format. The code is 600300 for ow runs and
600302 for pulse inputs.
System Information (General)
1010065System: Firmware VersionFP—RO
1020066System: Boot Loader VersionFP—RO
1030067System: LEP Firmware VersionFP—RO
1040068System: UIC Firmware VersionFP—RO
1050069System: Model Number S 1String[4]—RO
106006ASystem: Model Number S 2String[4]—RO
107006BSystem: Model Number S 3String[4]—RO
108006CSystem: Model Number S 4String[4]—RO
109006DSystem: Serial Number 1INT32—RO
110006ESystem: Serial Number 2INT32—RO
111006FSystem: Manufacturing DateFPMMDDYYRO
1120070System: Manufacturing TimeFPHHMMSSRO
1130071System: Sale DateFPMMDDYYRO
1140072System: Sale TimeFPHHMMSSRO
1150073System: MVT Serial Number S 1String[4]—RO
1160074System: MVT Serial Number S 2String[4]—RO
1170075System: MVT Serial Number S 3String[4]—RO
1180076System: MVT Serial Number S 4String[4]—RO
1190077System: Archive Contract HourINT32—RW
Model Number
The Model Number is a read-only parameter set by the factory, stored in two 32-bit registers and used to identify a Scanner 3100 device. See Packed ASCII, page 8, for details about decoding packed ASCII values.
Firmware Version
Firmware version numbers are read-only values set by the factory and stored in the IEEE 754 single precision oating point
format. For example, a rmware register number is read as 0x3F853F7D in hexadecimal. This represents a version as 1.041.
Manufacture Date/Sales Date
These date and time parameters are read-only values set at the factory and stored in the IEEE 754 single precision oating
point format in two 32-bit registers. Only the integer portion of the oating point value is used to represent the date or time.
The rst register denes the date in MMDDYY format. The second register denes the time in HHMMSS format.
Generally, the Scanner 3100 low, high, low-low, and high-high conditions for inputs are dened as shown in the following table.
LowBelow transducer range by 0.5% of span
Low LowBelow transducer range by 20% of span
HighAbove transducer range by any amount
High HighAbove transducer range by 20% of span
Alarm records are created when the device goes into and out of alarm condition. For example, an alarm is created when
a damped input is greater than the upper end of the transducer range. The alarm will not clear until the damped value is
less than 0.5% of span below the upper limit of the transducer range. A damped value is altered by eld calibration but
has not been altered by the low input cutoff value.
Fail status results when any of the following fail conditions exist.
InputFail Condition
RTDOpen circuit or short circuit is detected
1 to 5 VDCInput less than 125 mV
4 to 20 mAInput less than 0.5 mA
MVTSerial number is not read at boot-up
Temperature Sensor (TSEN): < –100°C or > 200°C
Static Pressure: < –10 psi or > 10000 psi
Differential Pressure: < –2000 In H20 or > 2000 In H20
Flow Run Status Denitions
Bit PositionFlow Run Status When Bit=1
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
Bit PositionFlow Run Status When Bit=1
2High High
4Low Low
8Data Input Change
9Static Pressure Input Invalid
10Static Pressure is Input Fail
11Static Pressure is Category Mismatch
12Process Temperature Input Invalid
13Process Temperature is Input Fail
14Process Temperature is Category Mismatch
15Differential Pressure Input Invalid
16Differential Pressure Input Fail
17Differential Pressure is Category Mismatch
18Square Root of Differential Pressure Input Invalid
19Square Root of Differential Pressure is Input Fail
20Square Root of Differential Pressure Category Mismatch
21Uncorrected Accumulation Input Invalid
22Uncorrected Accumulation Input Fail
23Uncorrected Accumulation is Category Mismatch
24Gas Fraction Input Input Fail
25Oil Fraction Input Input Fail
26 – 27—
28Flow Calculation
29Fluid Calculation
31Calculation Change
Fluid Status Denitions
Bit PositionFluid Status When Bit=1
0Fluid Change
1No Temperature Change
2No Pressure Change
3Ideal Properties Incorrect
4Molar Mass Incorrect
5Ideal Absolute Viscosity Incorrect
6Base Density Incorrect
7Gas to Liquid Volume Ratio Incorrect
8Liquid Oil Mass Fraction Incorrect
9Normal Viscosity Incorrect
Section 1 Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol
Bit PositionFluid Status When Bit=1
10Flowing Density Incorrect
11Flowing Viscosity Incorrect
13Isentropic Exponent Incorrect
14Joule Thompson Coefcient Incorrect
15Enthalphy Incorrect
16Molar Heating Value Incorrect
17Mass Heating Value Incorrect
18Volume Heating Value Incorrect
19Phase Is Liquid
20Liquid Oil Density Incorrect
21Liquid Water Density Incorrect
22BS&W Value Incorrect
24Temperature Range Error
25Pressure Range Error
26Thermal Expansion Range Error
27Density Range Error
28 – 29—
30Non-Fatal Convergence Error
31Conguration Error
Flow Status Denitions
Bit PositionFlow Status When Bit=1
0Square Root Differential Pressure
1Stability Warning
2D Material Invalid
3D Alpha Override Invalid
4D Corrected Diameter Invalid
5d Material Invalid
6d Alpha Override Invalid
7d Corrected Diameter Invalid
8Reference Beta Ratio Invalid
9Flowing Beta Ratio Invalid
10Gas Expansion Factor Invalid
11Meter Type Invalid
12D Reference Diameter Invalid
13d Reference Diameter Invalid
14d > D
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
Bit PositionFlow Status When Bit=1
15Incorrect Fluid Type
16Reynold’s Number Low Warning
17Reynold’s Number High Warning
18Beta Low Warning
19Beta High Warning
20Multiphase Root Search Failure
21Multiphase Non-fatal Convergence Fail
Gas Stream Holding Status Denitions
Bit PositionGas Stream Holding Status When Bit=1
0Overridden (ow run uses static composition)
1Gas Chromatograph Alarm
2Static Due to Fail
3 – 4—
5Molecule Entry 1 Range Fail
6Molecule Entry 2 Range Fail
7Molecule Entry 3 Range Fail
8Molecule Entry 4 Range Fail
9Molecule Entry 5 Range Fail
10Molecule Entry 6 Range Fail
11Molecule Entry 7 Range Fail
12Molecule Entry 8 Range Fail
13Molecule Entry 9 Range Fail
14Molecule Entry 10 Range Fail
15Molecule Entry 11 Range Fail
16Molecule Entry 12 Range Fail
17Molecule Entry 13 Range Fail
18Molecule Entry 14 Range Fail
19Molecule Entry 15 Range Fail
20Molecule Entry 16 Range Fail
21Fractional Sum Test 1 Fail
22Fractional Sum Test 2 Fail
23Fractional Sum Test 3 Fail
24Fractional Sum Test 4 Fail
25Input Stale Fail
26 – 29—
30Input Failed Tests
31Gas Stream Alarm
Section 1 Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol
PID Holding Status Denitions
Bit PositionStatus When Bit=1
1Process Value Invalid
2Process Value is Integer
3Process Value Data Type Mismatch
4Static Pressure Invalid
5Static Pressure is Integer
6Static Pressure Data Type Mismatch
7Track Invalid
8Track is Integer
9Track Data Type Mismatch
10Test Value Invalid
11Test Value is Integer
12Test Data Type Mismatch
13Signal Select Active
14Manual Override
15Calculation Error
16Automatic Period Tracking
17Process Value Tag Category Change Error
18Process Value Fail
19Process Value Disabled
20Process Value Tolerance
21Process Value Deadband
22Setpoint Value Tag Category Change Error
23Setpoint Value Fail
24Setpoint Value Disabled
25 – 28—
29Tolerance Lock
Slave Device Comm Status Denitions
0Slave Device Archive Parameters Not Received
1Slave Device Archive Parameters Received
0Slave Not Responding
1Slave Responding
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
Slave Device Status Denitions (Registers 5053 through 5059)
Bit PositionAlarm Enabled When Bit=1Bit PositionAlarm Enabled When Bit=1
0Slave Device 110Slave Device 11
1Slave Device 211Slave Device 12
2Slave Device 312Slave Device 13
3Slave Device 413Slave Device 14
4Slave Device 514Slave Device 15
5Slave Device 615Slave Device 16
6Slave Device 716Slave Device 17
7Slave Device 817Slave Device 18
8Slave Device 918Slave Device 19
9Slave Device 1019Slave Device 20
Input/Output Holding (Integers)
52011451Digital Input: Instantaneous Digital InputsINT32—RO
52021452Digital Input: Daily Digital InputsINT32—RO
52031453Digital Input: Interval Digital InputsINT32—RO
52041454Digital Input: Triggered ValueINT32—RO
52051455Digital Input: Previous Daily Digital InputsINT32—RO
52061456Digital Input: Previous Interval Digital InputsINT32—RO
Digital Output: Holding: Output registers report the state of the corresponding digital output when Digital Input/Output
mode is congured as one of the following settings:
• Alarm. Selected device alarms.
• Conditional. Value above setpoint, value below setpoint, or value out of setpoint range.
• Programmed. Time of day output control or controlled output state (via serial port).
Read the corresponding register to determine its output state.
ValueOutput Status
Digital Output: Holding: Pulses
Digital Output: Holding: Pulses registers can be used to set the Digital Output state when the Digital Input/Output mode
is congured as “Programmed–Controlled Output State (via serial port).”
ValueOutput Status
Any other integerEnabled
Write a value to the desired Digital Output: Holding: Pulses register to set the output state. Read the corresponding Holding: Output register to validate the digital output status.
Flow Run 1 Holding (Integers)
530114B5Flow Run 1: Congure: Calculation PeriodINT32—RW
530214B6Flow Run 1: Congure: Fluid Calculation IntervalINT32—RW
530314B7Flow Run 1: Congure: Dampening ModeINT32—RW
530414B8Flow Run 1: HAccum: Flow DirectionINT32—RO
530514B9Flow Run 1: HFluid: MethodINT32—RO
530614BAFlow Run 1: HFluid: OverrideINT32—RO
530714BBFlow Run 1: HFlow: MethodINT32—RO
530814BCFlow Run 1: HFlow: OverrideINT32—RO
530914BDFlow Run 1: HFlow: Installation ParametersINT32—RO
531014BEFlow Run 1: HFlow: Meter Tube MaterialINT32—RO
531114BFFlow Run 1: HFlow: Orice MaterialINT32—RO
Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol Section 1
531214C0Flow Run 1: HFlow: Tap TypeINT32—RO
531314C1Flow Run 1: HFlow: Tap LocationINT32—RO
Flow Run 2 Holding (Integers)
54011519Flow Run 2: Cong: Calculation PeriodINT32—RW
5402151AFlow Run 2: Cong: Fluid Calculation IntervalINT32—RW
5403151BFlow Run 2: Cong: Dampening ModeINT32—RW
5404151CFlow Run 2: HAccum: Flow DirectionINT32—RO
5405151DFlow Run 2: HFluid: MethodINT32—RO
5406151EFlow Run 2: HFluid: OverrideINT32—RO
5407151FFlow Run 2: HFlow: MethodINT32—RO
54081520Flow Run 2: HFlow: OverrideINT32—RO
54091521Flow Run 2: HFlow: Installation ParametersINT32—RO
54101522Flow Run 2: HFlow: Meter Tube MaterialINT32—RO
54111523Flow Run 2: HFlow: Orice MaterialINT32—RO
54121524Flow Run 2: HFlow: Tap TypeINT32—RO
54131525Flow Run 2: HFlow: Tap LocationINT32—RO
Flow Direction
Bit PositionDescription
0Accumulating ow from positive differential
pressure or positive uncorrected accumulation
1 Accumulating ow from negative differential
pressure or negative uncorrected accumulation
Fluid Information Methods
ValueF02-F00: Fluid Type
0Gas Mixture
1Gas Gross
2Fluid Pure Substance
3Liquid Hydrocarbon Mixture
4Liquid Gross
5Liquid Composite
Section 1 Scanner 3100 Modbus Protocol
ValueE04-E00: Equation of State
Fluid Type: Gas Mixture
0 – 1—
2AGA 8, Gas, Detailed (1994)
3Gerg 08, Gas
4 – 8—
Fluid Type: Gas Gross
1 – 9—
Fluid Type: Liquid Hydrocarbon Mixture
1Gerg 08, Liquid
Fluid Type: Liquid Gross
0API MPMS, Chapter 11
1API MPMS, Chapter 11 - Basic Densitometer
2API MPMS, Chapter 11 - Net Oil Computer
3API MPMS, Chapter 11 - Crude Densitometer
4 – 5—
ValueTST: GPA Test Tables
ValueTAS: GPA Tables Source
0Internal GPA table used
ValueSPC: Secondary Phase Conditions
0Congured Secondary Phase Densities at Base Conditions
1Congured Secondary Phase Densities at Flowing Conditions