Cameron LEFM 200 User Manual

200 Modbus
User Manual
LEFM200 Series and SoundTrack
Manual No. IB0147 Rev. 08
IB0147 Rev. 08 LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual
Cameron's Measurement Systems division is a manufacturer of high quality instrumentation and control products, selling direct from a Pittsburgh based factory to customers in the U.S. and through agents and representatives overseas. A complete range of support services is offered. For additional information or assistance on the application, operation or servicing of the LEFM 200 Modbus, write, call, or visit
Before performing maintenance procedures, system verification procedures, repair procedures, and troubleshooting procedures, personnel should receive general training from Cameron. Contact Cameron’s Measurement Systems division for information on training programs.
Caldon is a trademark of Cameron International Corporation (“Cameron”). LEFM is a registered trademark of Cameron. Modbus is a registered trademark of Modbus Organization, Inc.
Copyright © 2010 Cameron International Corporation (“Cameron”). All information contained in this publication is confidential and proprietary property of Cameron. Any reproduction or use of these instructions, drawings, or photographs without the express written permission of an officer of Cameron is forbidden.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the United States of America
Manual No. IB0147, Rev. 08
December 2010
LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual IB0147 Rev. 08
1.0 PURPOSE..................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Related Documents.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Intended Audience......................................................................................................................1
1.3 Procedure ....................................................................................................................................1
2.1 Registers to Save the Setup.........................................................................................................3
2.2 Registers for Scaling Flow, Flow Units and Pulse Output .........................................................3
2.3 Reference Temperature and Pressure for Gross to Net Conversions and Fail State References5
2.4 Display Output Screen Format Definitions.................................................................................5
2.5 Modbus Protocol Setups .............................................................................................................6
2.6 Calculated Viscosity Setups........................................................................................................7
2.7 Calculated Density Setups ..........................................................................................................8
2.8 Password Entry ...........................................................................................................................9
2.9 Analog Inputs............................................................................................................................10
2.10 Analog Outputs.....................................................................................................................13
2.11 Display Notes........................................................................................................................16
2.12 Meter Data Summary Registers (For 101A639 Rev 07.xx.xx and later)..............................16
3.0 LEFM 210E (SINGLE PATH EXTERNAL FLOW METERS)........................................19
3.1 Registers to Save the Setup.......................................................................................................19
3.2 Registers for Scaling Flow, Flow Units and Pulse Output .......................................................19
3.3 Display Output Screen Format Definitions...............................................................................20
3.4 Modbus Protocol Setups ...........................................................................................................21
3.5 Analog Inputs............................................................................................................................21
3.6 Analog Outputs.........................................................................................................................22
3.7 Display Notes............................................................................................................................23
4.0 DATA OUTPUTS – INPUT REGISTERS...........................................................................25
4.1 Path Transit and Delta Time Measurements.............................................................................25
4.2 Acoustic Data Quality...............................................................................................................26
4.3 Flow Data..................................................................................................................................29
4.4 Analog Input Values .................................................................................................................29
4.5 Setup File Information..............................................................................................................30
4.6 Fluid Property Data...................................................................................................................31
4.7 Hydraulic and Velocity Data ....................................................................................................32
4.8 Meter and Path Status Data.......................................................................................................33
4.9 Transducer Impedance Test Data..............................................................................................34
5.0 EXAMPLES ............................................................................................................................37
5.1 Polling Integer Input Registers .................................................................................................37
5.2 Polling Floating Point Registers ...............................................................................................39
December 2010 Page i Table of Contents
IB0147 Rev. 08 LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual
Table of Contents Page ii December 2010
LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual IB0147 Rev. 8
This manual documents the parameters and Modbus addresses necessary for typical maintenance of the LEFM 200 transmitter. It includes the addresses and locations of typical setup configuration values and output data. It also defines the formats and ranges for these values.
This manual is for use with interfacing the LEFM 200 transmitter with other systems. If a user interface is all that is required, then use the LEFMLink interface program available from Cameron.
The parameters defined include the following:
Flow scaling and counts factor
Analog interface parameters
Modbus and display interface parameters
The transmitter will accept any value in a given field (provided it is the expected format and address, for example floating point or integer and not character). However, there are values that produce illogical inputs. Therefore, this document defines and recommends ranges for all inputs based on engineering analysis.
1.1 Related Documents
The LEFM 200 and SoundTrack transmitters use the Modbus protocol for serial communication: Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide (PI-MBUS-300 Rev. C) dated January 1991. The following documents may also be useful:
Cameron LEFM280C, LEFM 240C and 220C Installation and Operation ManualsSoundTrack Installation and Operation ManualCameron LEFM 210E Installation and Operation Manual
1.2 Intended Audience
The LEFM 200 flowmeters and SoundTrack Interface detectors can be customized following the information provided in this manual. This manual is intended to be used by plant site operators, site engineers, and supervisory personnel. This manual assumes the reader is familiar with the terminology typically used with Modbus.
1.3 Procedure
Note: Always read a register’s value first in order to confirm its current value before it is changed.
1. Identify the Holding Register to be changed.
2. Read the contents of the Holding Register to confirm its as-found value.
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IB0147 Rev. 08 LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual
3. Send Password to Register 2000. (The password expires after ~5 minutes.) The password is typically controlled by the site manager. If the password cannot be determined, contact Cameron’s Measurement System division to determine the as-shipped password.
4. Change the register using Modbus protocol.
5. Activate the Burn and Use Register. The transmitter will not start using any of its new fields until the Holding Register Burn and
Use (address 170) is activated. When this register is activated (by putting a 1 into the field), all the registers are burned into the transmitter’s memory and the device will restart using the latest registers. This must be completed before the password expires!
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LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual IB0147 Rev. 8
2.0 Holding Registers - LEFM 240C(i), LEFM 220C(i),
LEFM280C(i), and SoundTrack
The following table defines the addresses for the software setup variables used by typical users. *Other address locations not listed here were used by Cameron to customize each meter for its
manufactured dimensions. Holding Registers are accessed from the 200 Series Electronics with Modbus Function Code 3. Note: Integer values are limited to ±32767.
2.1 Registers to Save the Setup
Setup Variable Holding Register
Variable Definition Address* Notes
Command to use latest entries
BURN AND USE Integer 170 Activate new setup
Save Setup Lockout (Ci Only) To place the transmitter in lockout mode put switches 1 -6 in the on position. In Lockout mode – all write commands (FNC16, FNC6) to holding registers and special action
holding registers (burn and use) sent via Modbus are blocked. A Modbus error code indicating an illegal address is returned in response. Read commands to holding and input registers (e.g., FNC3, FNC4) are still enabled.
2.2 Registers for Scaling Flow, Flow Units and Pulse Output
Setup Variable Holding Register
Float 44 Flow rates below this value ( in
absolute value) are clamped to 0 (display and pulses) and the flow meter’s totalizers do not update.
UNITS CONVERSION (converts default cubic feet to other units)
December 2010 Page 3 Section 2
Float 52 Typically delivered in customer
requested units: Typical Units:
0.178095238 converts to barrels
2.8317E-02 converts to cubic meters
IB0147 Rev. 08 LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual
Setup Variable Holding Register
FLOW RATE TIME UNITS (converts flow rates from per second to other time units)
Float 54 Typically delivered in customer
requested units (standard is 3600 for flow per hour other choices are 1 for per second 60 for per minute)
NETORGROSS Integer 50 0 = GROSS FLOW, Rate & Total
1 = NET FLOW, Rate & Total
Net Reference Temperature Float 1114 Reference Temperature in
Temperature Units used to Calculate Net Flow.
Use the units that the system was delivered in (e.g., degF or degC)
Net Reference Pressure Float 1116 Reference Pressure in Pressure Units
used to Calculate Net Flow. Use the units that the system was
delivered in. The units maybe one of the following:
Kg/cm2, PSIG, bar, kPa
Kfactor Float 98 See LEFM 240C/220C Installation,
Operation, and Maintenance manual for table of pulses per unit volume.
When changing to a non-standard k­factor the desired flow range must produce an output between these values:
Minimum Frequency = 3 Hz Maximum Frequency = 10 kHz
Force a Frequency Output Integer 802 0 = Normal Operation
Any other value outputs a pulse output at a frequency equal to the value entered.
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LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual IB0147 Rev. 8
Setup Variable Holding Register
Totalizer Wrap-around Value Float 100 Absolute value at which totalizers
wraparound. For example if this register = 1000.0,
then the totalizers would wrap around back to 0 after 999.9.
2.3 Reference Temperature and Pressure for Gross to Net Conversions and
Fail State References
Setup Variable Holding Register
Use External Temperature
Variable Definition
Address* Notes
Integer 1118 0 = Use INPUT1 for Fluid Temp
1 = Use INPUT3 for Fluid Temp
Use External Density Integer 1119 0 = Use LEFM Calculated Density for
Gross to Net conversion 1 = Use INPUT4 for Density for Gross to
Net conversion
A/I Failure Default Temperature
A/I Failure Default Pressure
Float 1120 Temperature used by meter if the
Temperature input fails
Float 1122 Pressure used by meter if the Pressure
input fails
2.4 Display Output Screen Format Definitions
Setup Variable Holding Register
Address* Notes
FLOW FIELD WIDTH Integer 776 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
FLOW DECIMAL PRECISION Integer 777 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
DEGREES FIELD WIDTH Integer 778 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
DEGREES DECIMAL PRECISION Integer 779 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
TOTALIZER1 FIELD WIDTH Integer 780 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
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IB0147 Rev. 08 LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual
Setup Variable Holding Register
Address* Notes
Integer 781 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
TOTALIZER 2 FIELD WIDTH Integer 782 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
Integer 783 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
FLOWUNITS Integer 784 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
TOTUNITS Integer 785 See Display Notes below
(page 16)
2.5 Modbus Protocol Setups
Setup Variable Holding Register
Modbus Register Update Period
Address* Notes
Integer 168 Period (in seconds) that Modbus registers
are updated. 240C/220C Note:
Value typically set to 5 seconds. Values less than 4 may adversely affect meter operation.
SoundTrack Note:
Value typically set to 1 second.
Modbus Communications
Integer 787 Communication Protocol Modbus RTU = 0
(Standard) Modbus ASCII = 1
Protocol Modbus Address Integer 788 Modbus address (default as delivered is
Modbus Baud Rate Unsigned
789 Allows different BAUD rates:
9600 19200 38400
It is noted, that if DIP Switch 2 is ENABLED on startup, the following occur:
Modbus address defaults to “1”
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LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual IB0147 Rev. 8
BAUD rate defaults to “9600”
This default state is discontinued if the software is re-started with the DIP Switch 2 set to Disabled (down). Further, if DIP Switch 2 is ENABLED on startup, the software will wait for a setup before it starts to collect data.
2.6 Calculated Viscosity Setups
The LEFM200/SoundTrack calculates the viscosity of the fluid based on the acoustic attenuation and the VOS (sound velocity). The software will calculate a fluid ID for each fluid. There are 10 fluid IDs. Using the fluid ID, the software selects a viscosity curve with which it computes the viscosity. Each of these curves may be given an offset and/or slope in order to optimize the computation of viscosity. This viscosity is only for the customer’s reference or for a fluid property.
Setup Variable Holding Register
Fluid No. 1 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 1 - Viscosity Slope
Fluid No. 2 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 2 - Viscosity Slope
Fluid No. 3 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 3 - Viscosity Slope
Fluid No. 4 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 4 - Viscosity Slope
Address* Notes
Float 826 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 1
Float 828 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 1
Float 850 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 2
Float 852 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 2
Float 874 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 3
Float 876 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 3
Float 898 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 4
Float 900 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 4
Fluid No. 5 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 5 - Viscosity Slope
Fluid No. 6 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 6 - Viscosity Slope
December 2010 Page 7 Section 2
Float 922 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 5
Float 924 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 5
Float 946 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 6
Float 948 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 6
IB0147 Rev. 08 LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual
Setup Variable Holding Register
Fluid No. 7 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 7 - Viscosity Slope
Fluid No. 8 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 8 - Viscosity Slope
Fluid No. 9 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 9 - Viscosity Slope
Fluid No. 10 - Viscosity Offset
Fluid No. 10 - Viscosity Slope
Address* Notes
Float 970 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 7
Float 972 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 7
Float 994 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 8
Float 996 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 8
Float 1018 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 9
Float 1020 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 9
Float 1042 User offset for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 10
Float 1044 User slope for calibrating –
Viscosity Fluid No. 10
2.7 Calculated Density Setups
The LEFM200/SoundTrack calculates the density of the fluid based on the VOS (sound velocity), temperature and pressure. The software calculates a fluid ID for each fluid using these variables. There are 10 fluid IDs. Using the fluid ID, the software selects a density curve with which it computes the density specific to that fluid. Each of these curves may be given an offset and/or slope in order to optimize the computation. This density is only for the customer’s reference or for a fluid property.
Setup Variable Holding Register
Fluid No. 1 - Specific Gravity Offset
Fluid No. 1 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 2 - Specific Gravity Offset
Fluid No. 2 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 3 - Specific Gravity Offset
Address* Notes
Float 286 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 1
Float 288 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 1
Float 340 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 2
Float 342 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 2
Float 394 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 3
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LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual IB0147 Rev. 8
Setup Variable Holding Register
Fluid No. 3 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 4 - Specific Gravity Offset
Fluid No. 4 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 5 - Specific Gravity Offset
Fluid No. 5 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 6 - Specific Gravity Offset
Fluid No. 6 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 7 - Specific Gravity Offset
Address* Notes
Float 396 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 3
Float 448 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 4
Float 450 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 4
Float 502 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 5
Float 504 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 5
Float 556 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 6
Float 558 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 6
Float 610 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 7
Fluid No. 7 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 8 - Specific Gravity Offset
Fluid No. 8 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 9 - Specific Gravity Offset
Fluid No. 9 - Specific Gravity Slope
Fluid No. 10 - Specific Gravity Offset
Fluid No. 10 - Specific Gravity Slope
Float 612 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 7
Float 664 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 8
Float 666 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 8
Float 718 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 9
Float 720 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 9
Float 772 User offset for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 10
Float 774 User slope for calibrating –
Specific Gravity Fluid No. 10
2.8 Password Entry
Entering the password into Holding Register 2000 enables the user to change any Holding Register’s value and to save it (Burn and Use). Once an administrator password has been entered, then the passwords for up to 5 users and the administrator himself can be changed. The 5 non-administrators can change only the analog scaling and the Kfactor (LEFM200C only).
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IB0147 Rev. 08 LEFM 200 Modbus User Manual
Setup Variable Holding Register
Address* Notes
Password Entry Integer 2000 Enter Password In This
Register USER0 Integer 2001 Set Password For USER0 USER1 Integer 2002 Set Password For USER1 USER2 Integer 2003 Set Password For USER2 USER3 Integer 2004 Set Password For USER3 USER4 Integer 2005 Set Password For USER4 ADMIN5 Integer 2006 Set Password For ADMIN5
2.9 Analog Inputs
The “Units” Holding Register let’s the user select the units for the input interfaces. Typically, the meter only has an input from the meter body RTD. However, other engineering units can be used.
2.9.1 Analog Inputs – Units
The Holding Register (102) scales the units as follows:
1 1 2 1
Temperature (°F=0, °C=1) Pressure (psig =0, kg/cm2=1, bar=2, kPa=3) Density (g/cc=0, kg/m³=1,API=2,lbm/ft³=3)
Velocity (ft/s - in/s=0, m/s=1)
The analog inputs are slightly different between the 200C electronics and the 200Ci electronics. For clarity, these two products are treated separately.
2.9.2 Analog Inputs – 200C Electronics Only Each analog input is scaled using four parameters as follows:
Input Scaling - X1, Y1, X2, Y2
X1 and X2 are in volts (Min = 0; this is associated with 0 volts. Max = 5). Note: The 4 – 20 mA input is converted to 0 to 5 volts (as is the RTD input).
Y1 and Y2 are in engineering units. Where:
X1 = Minimum limit voltage Y1 = Engineering value associated with the minimum voltage X2 = Maximum limit voltage Y2 = Engineering value associated with the Maximum voltage
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