Cameron Barton 199 User Manual

Standard and NACE Service
User Manual
Manual No. 9A-10030, Rev. 01
January 2008


Section 1 - Introduction .................................................................. Page 3
Section 2 - Theory of Operation .................................................... Page 5
Section 3 - Installation/Operation ................................................Page 9
4-1. Tools Required for Maintenance and Calibration ............. Page 13
4-2. DPU Inspection and Cleaning............................................. Page 13
4-3. Calibration Setup .................................................................. Page 18
4-4. Torque Tube Rotation Check (Replacement Units) .........Page 18
4-5. Range Change ....................................................................... Page 19
4-6. Setting Bellows Travel ..........................................................Page 22
4-7. Bellows Unit Assembly (BUA) Replacement .................... Page 22
4-8. Attaching Drive Arm to Torque Tube ................................. Page 24
4-9. Drive Arm Tightness Test ....................................................Page 24
4-10. Adjusting Pulsation Dampener ......................................... Page 25
4-11. Troubleshooting ..................................................................Page 25
(This manual is for the DPU only.) Refer to the appropriate (separate) instrument manual for information on the instrument being actuated.
Barton instrument is as stated on the back (last

1-1. General

The Barton
Model 199 Differential Pressure Unit (DPU) (see Figure 1 -1) is a mechanical device which accurately measures differential pressure relative to a gas or liquid flowing through a process system, or to the level of a liquid con­tained in a process vessel.
For process ow measurements, the DPU is connected across a primary device (a venturi, an orice plate or a ow tube) located in the process system.
For liquid level measurements, the DPU may be connected in a variety of ways to measure the difference in pressure caused by variations in the level of the liquid in the process vessel

1-2. Product Description

The Model 199 DPU is a dual bellows assembly enclosed within
HP Housing
LP Housing
pressure housings. The dual bellows assembly consists of two opposing internally connected liq­uid-lled bellows, a center plate, range springs, overrange valves, and a torque tube assembly.
The pressure housings are con­nected by Pipe or tubing to the primary device located in the sys­tem piping. Variations in differen-
Torque Tube
Mounting Bracket
Venting Connection
Pressure Connection
tial pressure within the pressure housings cause the bellows to expand or contract in a linear direction towards the side having the lowest pressure
The linear movement of the bellows is converted into angular rotation when transmitted to the torque tube shaft by the drive arm and this mechanical mo­tion actuates the mechanism of the process monitoring instrument.
The process monitoring instrument that is connected to the torque tube as­sembly may be an indicator, a switch, a transmitter, a recorder, or other process control device.
1-3. Specications
Torque Tube Rotation (full scale DP).............8° ±10%
Torque Tube Material..................................Beryllium Copper (BeCu)
Temperature Limits ....................................-40°F/°C to +180°F (+82°C)
Maximum Non-linearity: 0-10" w.c. to 0-400" w.c.
(0-25 mbar to 0-993 mbar) .........................±0.5% of full scale with
appropriate linkage 0-401" w.c. to 0-100 psi
(0-996 mbar to 0-6.9 bar) ...........................±0.75% of full scale with
appropriate linkage
Repeatability ..............................................0.20% of full scale DP
Housing Materials/Ranges ..........................Refer to Table 1-1
0-10" w.c. to 0-400" w.c.
(0-25 mbar to 0-993 mbar )
0-15 psi to 0-100 psi
(0-1 bar to 0-6.9 bar
Available DP Ranges
0-10" w.c. to 0-400" w.c.
(0-25 mbar to 0-993 mbar
Stainless Steel Bellows Inconel Bellows
2-1/8" (55mm) O.D. 3-3/4" (95mm) O.D. 2-1/8" (55mm) O.D. 3-3/4" (95mm) O.D.
0-15 psi to 0-100 psi
(0-1 bar to 0-6.9 bar
Table 1-1. Model 199 DPU Material/Range Specications
Body Housing Material
Cast Aluminum 356T6
Forged Stainless Steel 316
Forged Steel AISI C1018
(For NACE Service
Forged Steel AISI C1018
Forged Stainless Steel 316
Forged Alloy Steel 4142
Forged Alloy Steel 4142
Forged Stainless Steel 17-4 PH
Low Pressure (LP) Head 35" (575 cc) 30" (490 cc) 35" (575 cc) 30" (490 cc)
High Pressure (HP) Head 31" (510 cc) 26" (425 cc) 31" (510 cc) 26" (425 cc)
) (69
in cu. in.(cc)
0.5" (8.2 cc) 1.5" (25 cc) 0.5" (8.2 cc) 1.5" (25 cc)
Displacement in cu. in.(cc) for full-scale
0-40" w.c. (25-0-99 mbar). Intermediate DP ranges available from 0-20" w.c. to 0-100 psi (0-50 mbar ot 0-6.9 bar). Other sizes and types of connectui
NOTES: Zero center or split ranges available on special order (e.g., 0-50" w.c. (0-124 mbar) range may be ordered 25-0-25" w.c. (62-0-62 mbar) or 10-
ons (welding stubs, MS, A.N.D., etc.) available upon request. Standard pressure connections are 1/2" (top) and 1/4" (bottom) NPT. Range springs are
not interchangeable between the different size bellows, the inconel bellows, or the 10" w.c. (25 mbar) range. 3,000, 4,500, and 6,000 SWP versions
can be specied to meet NACE MR-01-75 (Rev. 80). Metric conversions are approximate. Outline dimension drawings available upon request

2-1. Basic Components (See Figure 2-1)

Torque Tube Shaft
HP Bellows
Center Plate
Torque Tube
LP Bellows
Range Spring
HP Over-
range Valve
HP Housing
Damping Valve Plug
Valve Stem
LP Housing
LP Overrange Valve
Housing Bolts
Pulsation Damper
Figure 2-1. 199 BUA Cutaway
A. Pressure Housings
The two pressure housings of the Model 199 DPU are available in the vari­ous safe working pressure ratings dened in Table 1-1 and in the Outline Dimensional Drawings (seen in Section 6 DRAWINGS).
Each pressure housing has two tapped connection ports: one port is located in the top of the housing, the other port is located in the bottom of the housing.
The pressure housings may be rotated 180 degrees to facilitate connection at the top of the housing for draining when used in gas service, or at the bottom to provide venting when used in liquid service.
The housings enclose the bellows on each side of the center plate.
B. Bellows
The bellows of the Model 199 DPU are available in the various materials and sizes (refer to Table 1-1) to accommodate the various safe working pressure ratings.
The DPU has two bellows. One end of each bellows is sealed. The open end of each bellows is attached and sealed to a side of the center plate (one bellows on each side).
The bellows and center plate are lled with ll liquid via the drive arm hole plug. An opening through the center plate provides a passageway for the transfer of ll liquid between the two bellows. This opening also allows the bellows to be connected internally by a valve stem
C. Range Springs
The range of the dual-bellows type DPU is determined by the force required to move the bellows through their normal range of travel.
The range springs, which are available in various ranges (refer to Table 1-1), act with the bellows and torque tube to balance the differential pressure applied to the unit. The number of springs used and their spring rate depends on the individual differential pressure range requirement
Drive Arm Hole Plug
Torque Tube Gland Nut
Torque Tube Shaft
2-1/8" Bellows Unit Assembly (BUA)
Range Springs
Lock Nu
Range Spring Assembly
Push Rod
Drive Arm Hole Plug
Torque Tube Gland Nut
Torque Tube Shaft
3-3/4" Bellows Unit Assembly (BUA)
Spring End Cup
Spring Post
Range Spring Assembly
Retainer Nut
Push Rod
Lock Nut
Figure 2-2. Bellows Unit Assemblies (BUAs)
D. Torque Tube Assembly
O-Ring Seal
Torque Tube Lock Nut
Torque Tube
Torque Tube
Center Plate
Needle Beaing
Ball Bearing
Minature Precision Ball Bearing
Valve Stem
Drive Arm
Valve Stem
Bellows Travel
Figure 2-3. Torque Tube Assembly
As illustrated in Figure 2-3, the torque tube assembly consists of a torque tube, a torque tube shaft, and the supporting members. The outboard end of the torque tube shaft is attached to the center plate. The torque tube shaft, located in the center of the torque tube, is welded to the inboard end of the tube
Movement of the bellows is transmitted by the drive arm to the torque tube as a rotary motion. Since the torque tube is attached to the center plate, the tube must twist when subjected to torque. The torque tube shaft, which is freely supported within the torque tube at its outer end, but connected to the torque tube and drive arm at its inner end, rotates through the same angle as the differential pressure unit
NOTE: An extended torque tube is used on electronic transmitters and explosion-proof instruments
E. Pulsation Dampener
The pulsation dampener (see Figure 2-1) controls the ow of ll-liquid between the high and low-pressure bellows with an externally adjustable pulsation dampener needle valve. Restriction of liquid ow reduces the effects of pulsation. In applications where pulsation is not a problem, the needle valve is set to the fullopen position.
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3-1. Unpacking

The 199 DPU should be inspected at time of unpacking to detect any damage that may have occurred during shipment
NOTICE: The instrument was checked for accuracy at the factory — do not change any of the settings during examination or accuracy will be affected.
NOTICE: For application in critical media, requiring special cleaning pro­cesses and precautions, a polyethylene bag is used to protect the instrument from contamination. This protective bag should be removed only under conditions of controlled extreme cleanliness
NOTICE: Do not locate the instrument near vents or bleed holes that dis­charge corrosive vapors or gases.

3-2. Mounting

A. Flush or Panel Mounting
Attach the case of the instrument (recorder, indicator etc.) to the panel. Refer to the Installation and Operation Manual for the specic instrument for the mounting details
B. Pipe Mounting
Refer to the Outline Dimension Drawing in Section 6 for the pipe mount­ing diagram. The DPU must be mounted approximately level to operate properly
3-3. Piping — Standard Practices
A. All Applications (ow and liquid level)
1 . Shorten the distance between the primary device and the DPU as
2. Slope all piping at least one inch per linear foot to avoid liquid or gas
3. Provide two feet of uninsulated piping between the DPU and the pri-
4. Assure that the temperature of the DPU never exceeds 180°F
5. Install a suitable pulsation dampening device upstream of the DPU.
6. Mount the DPU on a solid support to minimize vibration. Tighten all
much as possible. Distances exceeding 100 feet are not recommended. For distances up to 50 feet, use 1/4-inch or 3/8-inch pipe or tubing. For runs of 50 to 100 feet, use 1/2-inch pipe or tubing. The recom mended limitation does not apply if an air purge or blow-back system is used
mary device for each 100°F (+37.8°C) in excess of +200°F (+93.3°C).
(+82°C). When steam tracing is necessary, the steam pressure should not exceed ve pounds per square inch and insulation should not be used. If pressure must exceed ve pounds per square inch, limit the length of tubing around the DPU to two turns and do not insulate
Where severe pulsation is present, the accuracy of the ow measure ment will be affected.
points, using a suitable compound; leaks in piping can cause measure ment errors.
3-3. Piping — Standard Practices (Cont.)
7. Rotate the housing as necessary to place the connection in the proper position. The DPU has connections in the pressure housings to accom modate various pipe sizes (refer to Section 6- Drawings).
8. Install a valve manifold connecting the DPU and the source of differen­tial pressure to facilitate operation and checking of the DPU.
9. Locate all shutoff valves and bypass valves to be readily accessible from the front of the instrument. Locate block valves at the source of dif ferential pressure.
B. Flow Applications
Assure that the DPU high-pressure housing is connected to the upstream tap of the primary device.
NOTE: To prevent overheating the DPU during blowdown, the operator should monitor the temperature by placing his hands on the pipe between the DPU and the manifold pipe containing the vent valves
C. Liquid Level Applications
The process media may be used as a reference leg seal uid when it is of a type that will condense in the reference leg under all conditions
If the process or process media characteristics are such that the above con­ditions cannot be met, a special reference leg seal uid will be required. The special seal uid media characteristics are such that the above conditions cannot be met, a special reference leg seal uid will be required. The special seal uid must not be volatile and must not be miscible with the process media. Also, the difference in the densities of the special seal uid and the process media will require compensation in calculating the differential pres­sure range of the DPU.

3-4. General Startup Practice Considerations

Observe the following practices when starting up an instrument.
1. Always start with the block valves closed.
2. Perform a zero check on the instrument as follows. NOTICE: For gas service, it is recommended that zero check be performed
with both block valves closed. If the gas ow is pulsating, there may be a standing wave effect in the process line which can displace the indicator and appear as a zero error
a. Open the bypass valve(s), then open one shutoff valve. This proce-
dure equalizes the pressure between both sides of the instrument. The instrument should indicate zero
b. If the instrument does not indicate zero, check for gas or liquid entrap-
ment in the lines or in the DPU (depending on the orientation of the piping layout and service)
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