Camden CX-12 PLUS Door Interface Relay provides all the functionality of the CX-12 and the CX-22 combined into 1 package.
In addition, a new Ratchet Relay mode is provided, making the CX-12 PLUS one of Camden's most versatile door control
relays available.
Used as a make/break relay (or Switching Network), it eliminates the binding of locked automatic doors, by delaying the door
operator until the strike or maglock de-activates rst.
3-1/4” W x 2-5/16” H x 11/16” D
(83mm x 59mm x 18mm)
There are 8 modes of operation, selectable by DIP switches:
OFFOFFON1a & 1bMomentary & Momentary Apartment
ONOFFON2Access Control (Maintained)
ONONON3Smoke Evac.
OFFONON4Latching / Ratchet Mode
OFFOFFOFF5Bi-Directional Sequencer - Momentary
ONOFFOFF6Bi-Directional Sequencer - Maintained
OFFONOFF7Restroom Control - Normally Unlocked
ONONOFF8Restroom Control - Normally Locked
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Momentary Operation
In the Momentary position, even a stuck switch input will allow
the door to time out and close, thereby providing security to
occupants. The CX-12 PLUS will however, still operate normally if
one of the other inputs is activated. Essentially, it ignores the faulty
activation source, as all inputs are isolated.
The inputs to the CX-12 PLUS may be either dry or wet (powered),
meaning that 3-terminal radio receivers may be connected directly
to the CX-12 PLUS without fear of malfunction. See Diagram 1.
Additionally, we provide a direct connection from an apartment
interphone panel. Only Relay #1 (strike) will operate when a
voltage is applied to this input. A vestibule courtesy switch will be
energized for the time set by Pot. 1. See Diagram 2b or 2c.
Maintained Operation
Select Relay 1 Maintained for an Access Control application.
When a maintained signal is applied to WET 1 input, the lock will
remain energized, while the DRY 2 input allows a wall switch to
open the door.
An input on DRY 1 will always unlock and open the door.
See Diagram 2a.
Select Relay 2 Maintained if you are connecting the CX-12 PLUS
to a re alarm panel, or to a presence sensor.
In this mode the lock will re momentarily but the operator relay
will be held in as long as the input is maintained. See Diagram 3.
Latching/Ratchet Operation
In this mode the CX-12 PLUS will latch Relay2 with a momentary
activation on Dry/Wet1. Relay2 is released when Dry/Wet1 are
activated a second time. If Dry/Wet2 are activated, Relay1 and
Relay2 are latched until Dry/Wet2 are activated again.
Washroom Door Controller
In this mode, complete control of a single occupant barrier-free
washroom is obtained. It allows the user lock and secure the
door from the inside by depressing a Push-to-Lock button. The
exterior wall switch is removed electronically from the circuit.
To exit the washroom, simply exit manually via the lever-handle
set (the Door Contact Switch resets the relay), or, press the
interior wall switch to unlock and activate the door operator.
The door remains unlocked upon closure.
Another feature is the ability to use the CX-12 PLUS on
“Normally Secure” washrooms. In this mode, the door is usually
locked. To gain access, the user must rst swipe a card, or enter
a code into the Access System (ie. Keypad), which then signals
the CX-12 PLUS to unlock and open the door. Once inside, the
occupant presses the Push-to-Lock button, which removes the
exterior wall switch from the circuit.
Exiting may be accomplished manually via the lever-handle set
(the Door Contact Switch resets the relay), or, by pressing the
interior switch to unlock and activate the door operator.
The door will re-lock upon closure.
Note: We highly recommend the use of a regulated power
supply when powering strikes for barrier-free washroom
applications where the strike power may be maintained
from a few minutes to many hours.
We offer a low-cost board-only regulated power supply
- CX-PS13 V3, which can be powered from a small 24VAC
transformer, (or the auxiliary power on the door control)
and will supply clean, ltered & regulated 24VDC power for
the strike.
Bi-Directional Door Sequencer
In this mode, the relay will sequence two Automatic doors, in
both directions. Upon a switch closure from one side, a signal is
sent to the rst door (relay 1), then after an adjustable delay, the
second door (relay 2) receives a signal. When a switch closure is
made from the opposite side, the sequence is reversed – Relay
2 is activated, then after the adjustable delay, relay 1 activates.
When used as a door sequencer the user can select either
momentary position for the inputs, or maintained position.
In the momentary position, even a stuck switch input will allow
the door to time out and close, thereby providing security to
the occupants.
The CX-12 PLUS will however, still operated normally if one
of the other inputs is activated. Essentially, it ignores the
faulty activation source, as all the inputs are isolated. In the
maintained position, a switch that is held on will cause its
respective relay (operator) to be held on. So switch #1 would
hold in relay #1, and switch #2 would hold in relay #2.
If an emergency (or anti-entrapment) switch is desired in the
vestibule, then wire that switch directly to one of the operator
inputs. Usually the exterior door is used in this case.
IMPORTANT: Do not apply power until you have read the
instructions fully and made the required adjustments.
The LED’s are visible through the wrap-around sleeve, which also
has cutouts for adjusting the potentiometers, and setting the dip
switch. Once the unit has been adjusted, it may be tucked up
into the operator header or axed using the supplied Velcro.
Wiring of this unit is dependent on the mode desired, however
the following commonalities apply.
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Note: Do not wire Safety devices to the CX-12. If installed,
wire your safety device directly to the operator control box
as per usual.
IMPORTANT: Do not apply power to the unit until all
secondary wiring is complete, and dip switches have been set.
Both relay outputs are Form C and are rated at 3 amps maximum.
Use relay # 1 for the strike or electromagnet. Generally, the N.O. & COM. Terminals (#3 & 4) are used for a strike, and COM & N.C. (#4 &
5) are used with an electromagnet. The door operator will be wired
to relay #2 N.O. & COM terminals (#6 & 7). In a door sequencing
application, door 1 is relay #1, and door 2 is relay #2. The unit will
operate on 12 or 24 volts, AC or DC. Connect to Terminals 1 & 2,
which are non-polarity sensitive.
Standard Timer Mode (Mode 1)
Set dip switches as shown. Also refer to Diagram 1.
Connect a dry contact such as a wall switch to DRY1 (Terminals
11 & 12). A Wet (powered) output connects to WET 2 (Terminals
13 & 14).Upon a switch activation the strike relay will re for the
time set by potentiometer 1 (DOR RL1). After a delay, adjustable
by potentiometer 2 (DOO RL2), the operator relay will re. The
hold time for relay #2 is set with potentiometer 2 (DOR RL2).
Most modern door operators have built-in time delays, and
if so, it is usually desirable to use them to add sucient holdopen time. In this case adjust the CX-12 PLUS to send just a
momentary pulse (1 or 2 seconds only). Observe the door and
adjust timers until desired operation is observed.
The above dip switch setting is also used for applications
such as apartment entries with an interphone panel. Refer to
Diagrams 2b & 2c. In each case the interphone input (WET 1)
will activate the strike relay only. If a courtesy switch is located in
the vestibule, it is connected to DRY 2 (Terminals 15 & 16).
This input is only active when the strike relay is energized.
Another application using this mode is door sequencing in
one direction only. Connect Door 1 operator to relay 1, and
door 2 operator to relay 2. The delay between the two doors
is adjusted via the DOO RL2 potentiometer. For bi-directional
sequencing refer to specic set-up instructions below.
Access Control Mode (Mode 2)
Set dip switches as shown. Also refer to Diagram 2a.
Typically the access panel (or time clock) will be wet (powered)
therefore connect to WET 1 (Terminals 9 & 10).
The exterior activating switch is wired to DRY 2 (Terminals 15 &
16). This input signals the door operator (Relay 2), and is only
active when the strike relay is energized.
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An interior switch may be connected to DRY 1 (Terminals 11
& 12). This input will always unlock and open the door when
activated. (Regardless of the status of input connected to WET
1). If the interior switch is Wet (powered) connect to WET 2
(Terminals 13 & 14).
Smoke Evac. Mode (Mode 3)
Set dip switches as shown. Also refer to Diagram 3.
Suitable for connection to a Fire Alarm Panel, this mode will re
the electric lock momentarily, then hold in the operator relay
until the input is released.
Connect the Wet (powered) output of the Fire panel to WET 2 (Terminals 13 & 14) A device with a dry output such as a
Presence sensor will connect to DRY 1 (Terminals 13 & 14).
Latching/Rachet Mode (Mode 4)
Set dip switches as shown.
Also refer to Diagram 4a & 4b.
Latching – Upon receipt of a signal (or contact closure)
on WET1 or DRY1, RELAY1 will activate for an adjustable
time. Then after an adjustable time, RELAY2 will activate.
RELAY2 will stay held until a second contact closure contact
closure on DRY/WET1.
Ratchet - Upon receipt of a signal (or contact closure) on WET2
or DRY2, RELAY1 will activate and stay latched. Then after an
adjustable time, RELAY2 will activate and stay latched. A second
activation of WET/DRY2 will release both relays.
Bi-Directional Sequencing Mode
Mode 5: Momentary
Mode 6: Maintained
Set dip switches as shown. Also refer to Diagram 4.
Turn on power and activate the Interior input (switch). Observe
LED1, which should light immediately. The length of hold time is
determined by adjusting the pot marked DOR/RL1, clockwise for
more time, counter clockwise for less time. The delay between
the two doors is adjusted via the DOO RL2 potentiometer. After
the above-mentioned delay, LED2 should light. The length of
hold time is adjusted by the pot marked DOR/RL2.
The ideal time delay between the two doors is best set by actual
walk-testing. It should be set so that a person can walk in either
direction without having to pause before the second door
activates. Test in both directions.
If an emergency (or anti-entrapment) switch is desired in the
vestibule, then wire that switch directly to one of the operator
inputs. Usually the exterior door is used in this case. Once the
desired operation is achieved, proceed to Section 4, for
System Inspection Instructions.
Washroom Door Controller
For Normally Unlocked Door set dip switches as shown.
Also refer to Diagram 6.
For Normally Locked Door set dip switches as shown.
Also refer to Diagram 7.
Connect the inputs from the various switches according to the
appropriate diagram. Please note that the Magnetic contact switch
should be a Normally Closed switch (contacts closed when door is
closed (at rest), and contacts open when the door opens).
The “Push to Lock” switch should be a normally-open
momentary switch. The door lock is connected to Relay 1
(Terminals 3 & 4, or 4 & 5). Both fail safe, and fail secure locks
may be used with the CX-22 controller.
The Automatic Door Operator is typically connected to Relay 2
(N.O. Terminals 6 & 7). The unit will operate on 12 or 24 volts, AC or
DC. Connect to Terminals 1 & 2, (they are non-polarity sensitive).
Set up
Apply power to the CX-12 PLUS and observe the LED’s.
Pot DOR/RL1 adjusts the Lock release time (up to 30 seconds).
The Pot marked DOO/RL2 adjusts the delay before the Door operator relay res, and the Operator hold time is adjusted
with Pot DOR/RL2.
Normally Unlocked Mode (Mode 7):
Press the exterior wall switch. If the washroom is unoccupied
the door will open automatically. After entering the washroom,
wait for the door to close, then push the “Lock” button.
The CX-12 PLUS will energize the lock, and remove the outside
wall switch from the circuit.
To exit the washroom, two options are available:
1. To have the door unlock and open automatically, push the
interior wall switch. This also resets the relay for the next
person to use.
2. Manual use. The door may also be used manually. To exit
the washroom, turn the lever handle and pull (push) the
door open. The magnet switch resets the relay for the next
person to use.
If a CM-9600 switch is used with this system, you can connect
the LED’s using a CM-9600C harness. Wire as per Diagram 6.
If using an “OCCUPIED WHEN LIT” sign, such as our CM-AF500,
wire as per Diagram 6.
Normally Locked Mode (Mode 8):
In this situation the door is always locked from the exterior.
Enter code or swipe card. The door unlocks and after the
adjustable delay, opens the door. After entering the washroom,
wait for the door to close, then push the “Lock” button. You will
hear a brief double click of the strike indicating the door is now
locked, and the outside access control device is removed from
the circuit.
To exit the washroom, two options are available:
3. To have the door unlock and open automatically, push the
interior wall switch. This also resets the relay for the next
person to use.
4. Manual use. The door may also be used manually. To exit
the washroom, turn the lever handle and pull (push) the
door open. The magnet switch resets the relay for the next
person to use. Once the desired operation is achieved,
proceed to Section 4, for System Inspection Instructions.
After the Installation and operational check of the system:
1. Place warning label on the door (as per ANSI A156.10 or
A156.19 guidelines). This will advise the person entering the
swing side zone that the door will move.
2. Instruct the owner on door system operation and how to test
it. This should be checked on a daily basis.
3. Instruct the owner on what to do if the door or any of its
components become damaged.
4. Strongly recommend to the owner that the complete entry be
inspected twice a year as part of the service agreement.
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