Cambium Networks, Inc 802.11ax white paper Page 2 of 12
More streaming content, More devices
By 2021, streaming video over the Internet will be
82% of all Internet traffic. In terms of bytes
transmitted, this represents a 70% increase over
Streaming video will not be limited to primetime
in North America; it is global, all day, all the time.
Live video, primarily sports but also news
programs, will increase by 95% in the same time.
And the quality of video in 2020 will also
dramatically increase as more content providers
push out 8k video.
Combined, hotels represent the largest “public access networks” in the world. No matter where you travel,
you can find a hotel that offers free guest Internet access. Today hotel service providers report an average
of 2.75 devices per guest, with 95% of guest devices being a smart phone or tablet. Streaming media is the
number one application in total bitrate consumed by guests. Enterprise All Wireless Office, BYOD and
online education are also driving higher device density year over year, and higher bitrates.
Voice over Wi-Fi calling offers tremendous advantages and cost savings to the client and the carrier. Calls
can be placed and received using the phone dialer, not a separate app. Indoor cellular coverage issues go
away, as the phone need only connect to a local 802.11 access point. Voice calls take less than 100kbps for
the encapsulated voice packets and overhead. Yet, due to the way 802.11 OFDM operates, a small voice
packet consumes one transmission opportunity (TxOP) and the full 20 MHz wide channel.
IOT devices are always-on, always-connected and wireless. In consumer and enterprise markets, IOT
devices provide environmental monitoring, lighting and HVAC control, access control, motion alerts and
more. As with the voice packets, IOT messages are small data exchanges between the IOT device and the
application server. Today, many IOT devices run a custom MAC based on 802.15.4 (aka Zigbee). in the
2020s, low cost 802.11 radios and the concept of running everything in a single access domain may drive
significant interest in the use of 802.11 radios for IOT devices.