Calculated Industries KITCHEN CALC PRO User guide

The KitchenCalc Pro is an easy-to-use recipe scaling and conversion calculator designed specifically for professional chefs, caterers and home cooks. With the push of a few buttons, it will help you cook or bake with precision. You no longer have to estimate ingredient quan­tities or waste time or money due to measuring errors.
a “must have” for every serious cook! Features:
?? Automatic recipe scaling ?? Automatic portion scaling ?? Cooking unit keys (e.g., tbsp, tsp, cups, etc.) ?? Operates in fractions (e.g., 1/3 cup) ?? Quick cooking/volume unit conversions ?? Weight conversions ?? Temperature conversions ?? Easy math with cooking units ?? Displays “kitchen-fractions” ?? Built-in, audible timer that counts up or down ?? Also works as a regular calculator
User's Guide — 1
INTRODUCING THE KITCHENCALC PRO ..................................... 1
GETTING STARTED........................................................................3
KEY DEFINITIONS....................................................................... 3
Basic Operation Keys................................................................. 3
Cooking Unit Keys...................................................................... 4
2nd Functions—Additional Conversion Units.............................. 5
Recipe Scaling Keys .................................................................. 6
BASIC MATH WITH COOKING UNITS ......................................... 7
COOKING UNIT CONVERSIONS.................................................. 10
CONVERTING FRACTIONS TO DECIMALS................................. 11
TEMPERATURE CONVERSIONS................................................. 11
USING THE TIMER........................................................................ 12
RECIPE SCALING EXAMPLES..................................................... 14
CHANGING THE NUMBER OF SERVINGS................................... 14
Basic Example......................................................................... 14
Increasing No. of Servings ....................................................... 15
Increasing Number of Dozen.................................................... 16
Decreasing No. of Servings...................................................... 17
CHANGING THE PORTION SIZE.................................................. 18
Increasing Portion Size ............................................................ 18
Decreasing Portion Size........................................................... 19
CHANGING BOTH SERVING & PORTION SIZE........................... 20
Decreasing No. of Servings & Increasing Portion Size.............. 20
APPENDIX..................................................................................... 21
ERRORS......................................................................................... 21
RESET............................................................................................ 21
ACCURACY .................................................................................... 21
AUTO SHUT-OFF & BATTERY.......................................................... 21
REPLACING THE BATTERY............................................................. 21
WARRANTY .................................................................................... 22
2 — KitchenCalc Pro
Basic Operation Keys
[On/C] — On/Clear Key
Turns power on. Pressing once clears the display. Pressing twice clears any previously entered value.
Turns all power off.
[Rcl] — Recall
Recalls stored values (e.g., [Rcl] [Recipe # Servings]). [0] – [9] [00] and [ ? ]
Digits used for keying in numbers. The [00] saves keystrokes when entering ’00 values (e.g., 1 [00] for “100”).
[%] — Percent
Four-function percent.
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=] Arithmetic operation keys.
[Conv] — Convert
Converts to various unit keys (e.g., cooking units, temperature).
[Conv] [+] — (M+) Memory
Adds displayed value to the standard, cumulative Memory. (To sub­tract from Memory, press a value, then [Conv] [–] [Conv] [+]).
[Conv] [Rcl] — Recall Memory [Conv] [Rcl] [Rcl] — Clear Memory [Conv] [–] — Change Sign (+/–)
Changes the sign of the displayed value from plus to minus and vice versa.
User's Guide — 3
[Conv] [x] — Clear Recipe Memory
Clears the values entered into the # of Servings and Portion Size keys, as these values are stored in memory (i.e., remain stored even after you turn your calculator off).
[Conv] [x] [x] — Clear All
Clears all stored values, including memory, serving and portion siz­ing.
Cooking Unit Keys
[lb] — Pound
Enters or converts to pounds.
[dry oz] — Dry Ounce
Enters or converts to dry ounces.
[fl oz] — Fluid Ounce
Enters or converts to fluid ounces.
[cup] — Cup
Enters or converts to cups.
[tbsp] — Tablespoon
Enters or converts to tablespoons.
[tsp] — Teaspoon
Enters or converts to teaspoons.
[ / ] — Fraction Bar Key
Used to enter fractions (e.g., 1 [/] 3 [cup]).
[Conv] [ / ] — Rnd +/- (Remainder)
Displays the fractional remainder (if applicable), due to “kitchen frac­tion” values, or calculator rounding. This is an optional calculation and should be used if you want more precise measurements. When the calculator has rounded by more than 5%, the display will read ^Rnd (it has rounded up) or ?Rnd (rounded down). When this occurs, press [Conv] [/] to display the remainder. A plus (+) tells you to add the additional measurement, and a (-) tells you to subtract—e.g.,
4 — KitchenCalc Pro
[Conv] [/] = + 0-1/2 TSP means you should add an additional 1/2 teaspoons of the ingredient.
Note: If you want to minimize rounding altogether, convert to the next smallest cooking unit (e.g., if it reads tablespoons, convert to teaspoons).
[Timer] — Built-in Cooking Timer
Accesses the dual count up/count down timer.
2nd Functions—Additional Conversion Units
Enter or Convert to:
[Conv] [0] — g or gram [Conv] [1] — kg or kilogram [Conv] [2] — C? or Celsius [Conv] [3] — F? or Fahrenheit [Conv] [4] — liter [Conv] [5] — cl or centiliter (equal to 100 ml) [Conv] [6] — ml or milliliter [Conv] [7] — gal or gallon [Conv] [8] — quart [Conv] [9] — pint [Conv] [ ? ] — dash [Conv] [00] — pinch
User's Guide — 5
Recipe Scaling Keys
Use the keys below to “scale” recipes (when you’re cooking or bak­ing for less or more than the recipe’s stated serving size, and have to calculate adjusted ingredient quantities). Your calculator quickly converts recipe ingredients to their proper proportions, so you can cook or bake precisely and avoid measurement errors.
First, find the recipe’s stated number of servings or yield, and then determine how many servings you need to make (if other than the stated serving size). Use the keys below to enter the “stated” and “desired” serving sizes (and/or portion sizes), enter each ingredient quantity and press [Adjust Recipe] to convert each ingredient to its new, adjusted quantity.
Note: You may prefer to write the new quantities on a piece of paper, or note them next to the recipe’s ingredients, or simply measure new ingredient amounts as you go.
[Recipe # Servings] — Recipe’s Number of Servings
Enters the recipe’s stated number of servings.
[Actual # Servings] — Actual Number of Servings
Enters your desired number of servings.
[Conv] [Recipe # Servings] — Recipe’s Portion Size
Enters the recipe’s stated per person portion size.
[Conv] [Actual # Servings] — Actual Portion Size
Enters your desired per person portion size.
[Adjust Recipe] — Recipe Adjust
Calculates adjusted ingredient quantities based on entered # of Serv­ings and/or Portion Size.
[Rcl] [Adjust Recipe] — Recipe Scale Factor
Displays the ratio used for adjusting ingredients.
Note: Values entered in Recipe Scaling Keys are stored permanently, so use [Conv] [x] to clear them prior to entering a new problem. Also, to review stored values, press [Rcl] and the applicable key. For example, to review your stored Recipe’s Number of Serv­ings, press [Rcl] [Recipe # Servings]. To review your stored Recipe’s Portion Size, press [Rcl] [Conv] [Recipe # Servings]).
6 — KitchenCalc Pro
Enter whole cooking units by entering: 1) the quantity and 2) press­ing the appropriate cooking unit key. For example:
Enter 3 tablespoons:
Keystroke Display
3 [tbsp] 3 TBSP Enter cooking units with fractions (e.g., 1/3 cup) by pressing the
fraction [/] key. For example:
Enter 2-1/3 cups:
Keystroke Display
2 1 [/] 3 [cup] 2-1/3 CUP You can also enter the whole unit first, then the cooking unit key,
then the fraction. For example:
Enter 2-1/3 cups:
Keystroke Display 2 [cup] 1 [/] 3 2-1/3 CUP
You can perform basic math with cooking units. For example:
What is 1-3/4 cups + 2-1/3 cups?
Keystroke Display 1 3 [/] 4 [cup] [+] 2 1 [/] 3 [cup] [=] 4-1/8 CUP
What is 1/8 tsp x 6?
Keystroke Display 1 [/] 8 [tsp] [x] [6] [=] 0-3/4 TSP
User's Guide — 7
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