Calculated Industries HeavyCalc, Construction Master HeavyCalc User Manual

For Today’s Excavation Professional
Introducing HeavyCalc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Key Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Dimension Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Area/Volume & Angle Keys . . . . .9
Excavation/Volume Keys . . . . . .10
Additional Key Functions . . . . .12
Fractional Rounding Settings . . .13
Using the HeavyCalc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Linear Dimensions . . . . . . . . . .14
Square and Cubic Dimensions . .15
Dimension Conversions . . . . . .16
Math Operations . . . . . . . . . . .19
Memory Operation . . . . . . . . . .22
Fraction Settings . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Paperless Tape Function . . . . . .27
Linear Calculations . . . . . . . . . .29
Area Calculations . . . . . . . . . . .31
Volume Calculations . . . . . . . . .32
Right Triangle Problems . . . . . .37
Basic Cut/Fill Solutions . . . . . . .42
Shrink & Swell Solutions – . . . . . .
Material Volume . . . . . . . . . .46
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Accuracy/Display . . . . . . . . . . .50
“Error” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Auto-Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Battery and Auto Shut–off . . . .51
Full Reset/All–Clear . . . . . . . . .51
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
2 – HeavyCalc™
Designed for today’s excavation and heavy construction professional, the Construction Master HeavyCalc™ adds even more power to the Construction
Master line-up. As with earlier models, this calculator is so simple to use, even the novice will find it easy to solve
hundreds of dimension-related prob-
lems right in feet, inches, fractions and cubic yards!
Solve Dimensional Math with Ease
Instant Dimensional Conversions
English/Metric Conversions
Weight/Volume Conversions
Calculate Square & Rectangular Are a s
Determine Cubic Volumes
Determine % Grade and Slope
Determine Cut and Fill
Find Bank, Loose & Compact Vo l u m e s
Instant Square-Up (Diagonal) Solutions
Constant Add feature
Average Calculations
Material Estimations
Paperless Tape Register
User’s Guide – 3
Basic Functions
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Math Operators — Used to calculate math problems.
Percent — Four-function percent key.
0 – 9 and [ • ]
Numerical Digits and Decimal Point
Used for keying in numbers.
Power Off Turns all power off. Resets the display and all non-perma­nent registers.
On/Clear Turns on power. One press clears the last entry and display. Two presses clear all temporary re g i s t e r s .
Convert Used with dimensional keys to convert among dimensions. Dimensions can only be converted with­in the same convention (i.e., linear, s q u a re or cubic). Also used to access special functions when used in combi­nation with other keys.
4 – HeavyCalc™
Constant – This key is used to store a value permanently for use as a con­stant in repeated calculations.
[Conv] [Cnst]
Square Root — Used to find the square
root of a non-dimensional or area value.
Memory Add Adds the displayed value to the Memory total in the sum-
mation register. The Memory total is recalled by pressing [Rcl] [M+].
[Conv] [M+]
Memory Subtract — Subtracts the dis­played value from Memory.
Recall — Recalls values stored in any register (i.e., press [Rcl] and then the key you wish to display the value of).
[Rcl] [Rcl]
Memory Recall and Clear — Displays and clears the value in memory.
[Conv] [Rcl]
Memory Clear Clears Memory with- out changing the display.
User’s Guide – 5
Dimension Keys
Yards — This is an entry and conver­sion key (when used with [Conv]). The entry can be a whole number or a decimal number.
This is an entry and conversion key (when used with [Conv]). The entry can be in whole or decimal numbers. This key can also be used in conjunc­tion with the [Inch] and [/] keys for entering values in Feet-Inch format. For example, 6 feet 9-1/2 inches is entered as follows: 6 [Feet] 9 [Inch] 1 [/] 2. Repeated presses of this key during conversions will toggle between Feet-Inch and Decimal Feet formats.
This is an entry and conversion key. The entry can be in whole or decimal numbers. This key can also be used with the [/] key for entering values in Fractional Inch format. For example, enter 9-1/2 inches as: 9 [Inch] 1 [/] 2. Repeated presses of [Inch] during con­versions, toggles between Fractional Inch and Decimal Inch formats.
6 – HeavyCalc™
[ / ]
Fraction Bar This key is used to enter fractions. Fractions can be
entered as proper (1 or less – 1/2, 1/8, 1/16) or improper (greater than 1 – 3/2, 65/64). For example, to enter 1/2,
the key sequence would be: 1 [ / ] 2. If the denominator (the bottom num­ber) is not entered, then the set frac-
tional level (1/16, 1/2, etc.) is used. [Rcl] [/] displays the current fractional
[Rcl] [x]
Imperial/Metric Mode S e l e c t s
either Imperial or Metric defaults for the following settings: pitch, stair riser
height, and on-center spacing.
Cubic This key is used with a
dimension key (feet, inches, yards, meters, or millimeters) to identify a volume value. Example: 5 [Cu] [Yds].
Square This key is used with a
dimension key (feet, inches, yards, meters, or millimeters) to identify an
area value. Example: 10 [Sq] [Feet].
User’s Guide – 7
Meters — This is an entry and conver­sion key used to enter decimal meters or, when used with [Conv], to convert to decimal meters from some other dimensional format.
Millimeters This is an entry and conversion key used to enter decimal millimeters or, when used with [Conv], to convert to decimal millimeters fro m another dimensional form a t.
This key is used to convert a dimen­sioned cubic value or volume to a weight value using the [Conv] key and the stored Weight per Volume (see below). For example, 5 [Cu] [Yds]
[Conv] [Weight] equals 7.5 tons, or 10 [ We i g h t ] (tons) [Conv] [Cu] [Yds]
equals 6.666667 cubic yards. Repeated presses of this key, after a cubic entry or conversion, toggles among tons, pounds and kilograms.
[Conv] [%]
Weight per Volume — Used to set the Weight per Volume. Can be pro ­grammed as Tons per Cubic Yard, Pounds per Cubic Yard, or Kilograms per Cubic Meter. Default is 1.5 Tons per Cubic Yard. To set a different weight per volume, for example, 2
8 – HeavyCalc™
Tons per Cubic Yard, press 2 [Conv]
[%]. Value will be permanently stored. To recall stored value, press [Rcl] [%].
Area/Volume & Angle Keys
Enters the value for length in dimen-
sion problems (e.g., for calculating
area or volume).
[Conv] [Length]
Square-up — Computes the diagonal,
or “square-up,” based on entere d length and width.
Enters the value for width in dimen-
sion problems (e.g., for calculating
area or volume). Also computes width from entered values of depth and per­cent grade or slope.
[Conv] [Width]
Percent Grade — Used to enter and
display percent grade. Also computes percent grade using entered values for width and depth, or slope.
Enters the value for depth in dimen­sion problems (e.g., for calculating volume). Also computes depth from
entered values of width and percent grade or slope.
User’s Guide – 9
[Conv] [Depth]
Slope — Used to enter slope as a ratio of run per unit rise (e.g., 4:1), or in decimal degrees (e.g., 10°). Also com­putes slope using entered value for width and depth, or percent grade.
Note: Only works with width. Does not operate in conjunction with length.
Volume — Computes the volume (in cubic yards) based on entered length, width and depth values. A second press will display the area (in square feet) based on entered length and width. Successive presses will toggle the display between the calculated area and volume.
[Conv] [Vol]
Area – Computes the area (in square feet) based on entered length and width.
Excavation/Volume Keys
Used to enter or calculate the cut or fill amount (based on entries of pro p o s e d and existing benchmarks). A fill is dis­played as a positive value; a cut as a neg­ative value.
10 – HeavyCalc™
Existing — Used to enter or calculate an existing benchmark, grade or value.
P ro p o s e d — Used to enter or calculate a p roposed benchmark, grade or value.
Bank Volume — Enters or calculates
the volume for bank fill material. Bank fill is material in an untouched, pris-
tine state.
Compacted Volume — Enters or calcu­lates the volume for compacted fill
material. Compacted fill is material
that has been compacted.
[Conv] [Comp]
% Shrink — Enters or recalls percent shrink factor for converting between
bank and compacted fill volumes.
Loose Volume — Enters or calculates
the volume for loose fill material. Loose fill is material that has been dis-
turbed (excavated).
[Conv] [Loose]
% Swell — Enters or recalls the percent swell factor used for converting
between bank and loose volumes.
User’s Guide – 11
Additional Key Functions
[Conv] [ ÷ ]
Reciprocal — 1/x function.
[Conv] [ x ]
All Clear — Clears all values including Memory. Resets all permanent regis­ters to default settings (weight per vol­ume and fraction set).
[Conv] [ + ]
Pi (π) — Constant = 3.141593.
[Conv] [ – ]
+/– Toggles the sign of the displayed value between positive and negative.
[Rcl] [ = ]
Tape — Accesses the paperless tape mode.
[Conv] [ • ]
Per — Allows you to compute a total material cost given a unit dimension and an entered “Per Unit Cost”.
[Conv] [ 0 ]
Degrees — Used for entering slopes that are in decimal degrees instead of a ratio.
12 – HeavyCalc™
Fractional Rounding Settings
[Conv] 1
Fraction set to 1/16
[Conv] 2
Fraction set to 1/2
[Conv] 3
Fraction set to 1/32
[Conv] 4
Fraction set to 1/4
[Conv] 6
Fraction set to 1/64
[Conv] 8
Fraction set to 1/8
[Conv] 7
Fraction set to “Normal Mode” (re d u c e s
to the lowest common denominator).
[Conv] 9
Fraction set to “Fixed Mode” (denomi-
nator value always fixed or remains the same as fractional setting).
[Conv] [ / ]
Toggles the flashing fraction feature
o n / o ff. The flashing denominator reflects the current fractional setting.
User’s Guide – 13
Linear Dimensions
To enter dimensional values, enter the l a rgest dimension first – feet before inch­es, inches before fractions. Enter frac­tions by entering the numerator (value above the line), pressing [ / ] and then the denominator (value below the line).
Note: If no denominator is entered, the default fraction setting is used. The exam ­ples below show how to enter linear dimensions:
Dimension Keystrokes
5 Feet 5 [Feet] 1/2 Inch 1 [ / ] 2 5 Feet 1 Inch 5 [Feet] 1 [Inch]
5 Feet 1-1/2 Inch 5 [Feet] 1 [Inch] 1 [ /] 2
10 Yards 10 [Yds]
17.5 Meters 17.5 [m]
Note: Yards, meters and millimeters may only be entered as whole values (5 yards) or decimal values (5.5 meters), and not in combination with feet and inches or them ­selves (5 meters, 8 millimeters). If a p ro b ­lem contains such a dimension, convert the y a rds (or meters) to “feet-inches” then add d i m e n s i o n s .
14 – HeavyCalc™
Square and Cubic Dimensions
S q u a re and cubic dimensions are entered in the following order:
1) Numerical Value
2) Convention – Square or Cubic
3) Unit – Meters, Yards, Feet, Inches
Note: Feet–Inch format cannot be used to directly enter square or cubic values. By
definition, this display format is a linear
measurement. However, the area or vol ­ume can be found through simple multipli ­cation.
The following examples show how to
enter square and cubic dimensions:
Dimensions Keystroke
5 Cubic Yards 5 [Cu] [Yds] 130 Square Feet 130 [Sq] [Feet] 33 Square Meters 33 [Sq] [m]
User’s Guide – 15
Dimension Conversions
Note: Before doing the following exercis ­es, make sure the calculator is set to facto ­ry defaults. To do this, press [Conv] [x].
Linear Conversions
Convert 14 feet to other linear dimen­sions:
Keystrokes Display
[On/C] [On/C] 0. 14 [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Yds] 4.666667 YD [Conv] [Feet] 14 FT 0 IN [Conv] [Inch] 168 IN [Conv] [mm] 4267.2 MM [Conv] [m] 4.2672 M
Note: In the last conversion to “mm” the answer displays as “meters.” This will occur whenever the answer is beyond the calculator’s normal 7-digit range.
16 – HeavyCalc™
Square Conversions
Convert 14 square feet to other square dimensions:
Note: When converting values, [Conv]
only has to be pressed once.
Keystrokes Display
[On/C] [On/C] 0. 14 [Sq] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch] 2016 SQ IN [Yds] 1.555556 SQ YD [m] 1.300643 SQ M
Cubic Conversions
Convert 14 cubic feet to other cubic dimensions:
Keystrokes Display
[On/C] [On/C] 0. 14 [Cu] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch] 24192 CU IN [Yds] 0.518519 CU YD [m] 0.396436 CU M
User’s Guide – 17
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