Designed for today’s construction professional, the all-new Construction
Master IV® adds even more power
and ease of use to the already powerful Construction Master line-up. As
with earlier models, t he format of this
calculator is so simple, even the novice user will find i t easy to solve hu ndreds of dimension-related problems
right in feet, inches and fractions!
Solve Dimensional Math
English/Metric Conversions
Calculate Areas/Volumes
Solve Right-Triangle Problems
Find Regular & Irregular Hip,
Valley and Jack Rafters
Calculate Stair Risers, Treads &
Solve Raked Wall Stud Lengths
Volume/Weight Conversions
Estimate Board Feet
Find Circular Areas, Circumfer-
ences & Arcs
Material Estimations
Paperless Tape Function
And much, much more!
User's Guide — 3
Key Definitions/Functions
Basic Function Keys
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Arithmetic operation keys.
Four-function percent key.
[0] – [9]
Digits used for keying-in numbers.
[Off] — Off Key
Turns all power off, clearing all
non-permanent registers.
[On/C] — On/Clear Key
Turns on power. Pressing once
clears the display. Pressing twice
clears all temporary values.
[Conv] — Convert Key
Used with the dimensional keys to
convert between dimensions or with
other keys to access special functions.
[ • ]
4 — Construction Master IV
[] — Square Root Key
Used to find the square root of a
non-dimensional or area value.
[Conv] [] — x2 Function
Finds the square of a linear or nondimensional value.
[M+] — Memory Key
Adds the displayed value to Memory. Clears when the calculator is
shut off.
[Conv] [M+ ] — M e mory Minus (M–)
Subtracts the displayed value from
[Rcl] — Recall Key
Used with other keys to recall
stored values and settings.
[Rcl] [x] — Imp e ri al/Metric Mode
Changes the defaults of the calculator by setting to Imperial (English) or Metric mode. Note: This
setting is not affected by the ALL
CLEAR function.
[Conv] [Rcl] — Memory Clear
Clears Memory without changing
current display.
User's Guide — 5
Dimension Keys
[Weight] — Weight Key
Enters or converts (a volume value)
to tons, pounds, metric tons or kilo-grams. Repeated presses will cycle
through these units.
[Conv] [%] — Weight/Volume
Enters or converts the Weight per
Volume setting as Tons/Yard³,
Lbs/Yd³, Lb/Ft³, Metric Ton/m³ or
kg/m³. Repeated presses will cycle
through these settings.
[Cu] — Cubic Key
Defines a volume (
5 [Cu] [Yds]
[Sq] — Square Key
Defines an area (
5 [Sq] [Feet]
[Yds] — Yards Key
Enters or converts to yards.
[Feet] — Feet Key
Enters or converts to feet as whole
or decimal numbers. Also used with
Feet-Inch values (
). Repeated presses toggle be-
[/] 2
keys for entering
6 [Feet] 9 [Inch] 1
tween Feet-Inch and Decimal Feet.
6 — Construction Master IV
[Inch] — Inch Key
Enters or converts to inches. Entry
can be whole or decimal numbers.
Also used with the
key for en-
tering fractional inch values (
[Inch] 1 [/] 2
). Repeated presses
during conversions toggle between
Fractional and Decimal Inches.
[ / ] — Fraction Bar Key
Used to enter fractions. Fractions
can be entered as proper (1/2, 1/8,
1/16) or improper (3/2, 9/8). If the
denominator (b o tt o m) is n ot e nt e re d,
the calculator's fractional accuracy
setting is automatically used.
[m] — Meter Key
Enters or converts to meters.
[cm] — Centimeter Key
Enters or converts to centimeters.
[mm] — Millimeter Key
Enters or converts to millimeters.
[Bd Ft] — Feet Key
Enters or converts cubic values to
board feet. One board foot is equal
to 144 cubic inches (1 foot x 1 foot
x 1 inch).
User's Guide — 7
Right Triangle/Ra fter Keys
This key is used to enter or calculate the pitch (slope) of a roof (or
right triangle). Pitch is the amount
of "Rise" over 12 inches (1 meter, if
metric) of "Run." Pitch may be entered as:
a dimension9 [Inch] [Pitch]
an angle30 [Pitch]
a ratio0.75 [Conv] [Pitch]
a percentage75 [%] [Pitch]
A pitch entry will remain in permanent storage until revised or reset. A
solution will be replaced by its entered value once the calculator is
[Rise] — Rise Key
Enters or calculates the rise or vertical leg (height) of a right triangle.
[Run] — Run Key
Enters or calculates the run or horizontal leg (base) of a right triangle.
8 — Construction Master IV
[Diag] — Diagonal Key
Enters or calculates the common or
diagonal leg (hypotenuse) of a right
triangle. Typical applications are
“squaring" slabs or finding common
rafter lengths.
[Conv] [Diag] — Raked Walls
This function finds the decreasing
stud sizes in a raked wall based on
computed or entered values for
pitch, rise and/or run. Repeated
presses display stud sizes from
longest to shortest.
The on-center spacing of a raked
wall can be permanently stored by
entering a dimension prior to solving for stud sizes (
). Default on-center spacing
12 [Inch] [Conv]
is 16 inches (Metric Mode: 600 m m ).
[Hip/V] — Hip/Vall ey R a fter K ey
Finds the regular or irregular hip/
valley rafter length. If an irregular
pitch is entered, the irregular hip/
valley rafter length is displayed,
otherwise the regular (45º) hip/
valley rafter length is displayed.
User's Guide — 9
[Conv] [Hi p/V] — Irregular Pitch
Enters and displays the irregular
pitch value used to calculate lengths
of the irregular hip/valley and jack
[Jack] — Jack Rafter Key
Finds the jack rafter sizes – from
largest to smallest – for both regular
and irregular pitched roofs. The
initial jack rafter values displayed
are from the regular pitched side.
After showing the minimum value,
the calculator will display the sizes
for the irregular pitched side. An
on-center spacing can be entered by
pressing [Jack] (i.e.,
). The default spacing is 16
12 [Inch]
inches (Metric Mode: 600 millimeters).
[Conv] [Jack] — Irregular Side Jacks
Operates same as
, but displays the irregular pitched side jack
rafters first. The calculator uses the
same on-center spacing as the
regular pitch sided jack rafters unless a new on-center spacing is entered (
10 — Construction Master IV
19.2 [Inch] [Conv] [Jack]
Stair & Circle Keys
[Stair] — Stair Ke y
A multi-function key that enters a
desired riser height and uses the
rise and run values to compute and
display the following:
1Number of Risers
2Actual Riser Height
3Riser Overage/Underage
4Number of Treads
5Actual Tread Width
6Tread Overage/Underage
7Stringer Length
8Inclination Angle
Default value is 7-1/2 inches (Metric Mode: 185 millimeters).
[Circ] — Circle
Displays the following values,
given an entered diameter:
1) diameter,
2) area, and
3) circumference.
[Conv] [Circ] — Arc Length
Calculates the arc length based on
an entered diameter and angle.
User's Guide — 11
Additional [Conv] Key Functions
When used in conjunction with the
following keys, the [Conv] key gives
access to these additional functions:
[Conv] [ ÷]
Reciprocal, or 1/x function.
[Conv] [ x ] — All Clear
Clears all values including Memory.
Resets all permanent settings to defaults. Note: Will not change the
Imperial/Metric mode setting. [Rcl]
[x] changes this setting.
[Conv] [ + ] — P i (π)
Constant = 3.141593.
[Conv] [ – ] — Sign (+ / –) Toggle
Toggles the sign of the displayed
[Conv] [ = ] — Paperless Tape
Accesses the paperless tape mode.
[Conv] [ • ] — Per Function
Allows you to compute a total material cost given a unit dimension and
12 — Construction Master IV
an entered Per Unit Cost. Note:
Board feet calculations are per
1,000 Bdft (Mbm)
Fractional Settings
Setting Fractional Accuracy
When your calculator is in a d efault
condition (battery change or full reset), it is set to round fractional values
to the nearest 1/16th of an inch. The
fractional level can be revised by using the following keystrokes:
[Conv] 1= Accuracy set to 1/16
[Conv] 2= Accuracy set to 1/2
[Conv] 3= Accuracy set to 1/32
[Conv] 4= Accuracy set to 1/4
[Conv] 6= Accuracy set to 1/64
[Conv] 8= Accuracy set to 1/8
A sta r () will appear in the bottom
left of the dis play when the calculator
is turned on, if the setting is different
from the default. The fractional setting
can be displayed at any time by
[Rcl] [ / ]
User's Guide — 13
Normal Fractional Mode
(Default) In Normal Mode (
), the fractional result is reduced to
its lowest common denominator (8/16
reduces to 1/2).
Fixed Fractional Mode
In the Fixed Mode (
tional results are displayed in the calculator's fractional accuracy setting.
[Conv] 9
), frac-
Flashing Denominator
Your calculator can be set to flash
the fractional accuracy setting in the
denominator during entry by pressing
[Conv] [ / ]
. Pressing
[Conv] [ / ]
will turn it off.
Entering Dimensions
Linear Dimensions
When entering feet-inch values, enter dimensions from largest to smallest
— feet before inches, inches before
fractions. Enter fractions by entering
14 — Construction Master IV
the numerator (top), pressing
[ / ]
tion bar key) and then the denominator
(bottom). Note: If a denominator is
not entered, the fractional setting
value is used.
Examples of how linear dimensions
are entered:
5 Yards5 [Yds]
5 Feet 1-1/2 Inch5 [Feet] 1 [Inch]
1 [ / ] 2
17.5 Meters17.5 [m]
Square and Cubic Dimensions
Square & cubic dimensions* are
entered in the following order:
(1) Numerical Value
(2) Convention — Square/Cubic
(3) Unit — Meters, Feet, Inches
Examples of how square and cubic
dimensions are entered:
* Feet-Inch format cannot be used to directly enter
Convert 14 square feet to other square
Keystroke Display
14 [Sq] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch]
2016 SQ IN
1.555556 SQ YD
1.300643 SQ M
1300643 SQ MM
13006.43 SQ CM
* When performing conversions, [Conv] only has to be
pressed once.
User's Guide — 17
Cubic Conversions
Convert 14 cubic feet to other cubic
Keystroke Display
14 [Cu] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch]
24192 CU IN
0.518519 CU YD
0.396436 CU M
396435.9 CU CM
0.396436 CU M
Basic Math Operations
Your calculator uses standard chaining
logic, which simply means that you
enter your first value, the operator (+,
–, x, ÷ ), the second value and then the
Equals sign (“=”).
answer to be in meters, as it is out of the calculator's
normal 7-digit range (See Appendix A–Auto-Range).
18 — Construction Master IV
This feature also makes the calculator
simple to use for dimensional applications:
Adding Dime nsions
Add 11 inches to 2 feet 1 inches:
11 [Inch] [+] 2 [Feet] 1 [Inch] [=]
36 IN
Add 2 feet 1 inches to 11 inches:
2 [Feet] 1 [Inch] [+] 11 [Inch] [=]
3 FT 0 IN
Subtracting Dimensions
Subtract 3 feet from 11 feet 7-1/2
11 [Feet] 7 [Inch] 1 [ / ] 2
[–] 3 [Feet] [=]
Subtract 32 inches from 81 inches:
81 [Inch] [–] 32 [Inch] [=]
8 FT 7-1/2 IN
49 IN
* The format of the first value entered determines the
answer format. [Conv] can be used to change to any
format desired, provided convention i s mai nt ai ned.
User's Guide — 19
Multiplying Dimensions
Multiply 5 feet 3 inches by 11 feet 61/2 inches:
5 [Feet] 3 [x] 11 [Feet]
6 [Inch] 1[ / ] 2 [=]
60.59375 SQ FT
Multiply 2 feet 7 inches by 10:
2 [Feet] 7 [Inch] [x] 10 [=]
25 FT 10 IN
Dividi ng Dimensions
Divide 30 feet 4 inches by 7 inches:
30 [Feet] 4 [Inch] [÷] 7 [Inch] [=]
Divide 20 feet 3 inches by 9:
20 [Feet] 3 [Inch] [÷] 9 [=]
2 FT 3 IN
Percentage Ca lculations
The Percent [%] key can be used for
finding a given percent of a number or
for working add-on, discount or division percentage calculations. It can be
used with any type of number, in any
dimension (feet, inch, millimeter, etc)
and any type of convention (nondimensioned, linear, square or cubic).
20 — Construction Master IV
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