Calculated Industries ConcreteCalc, Construction Master ConcreteCalc User Manual

For Today’s Concrete Professional
User’s Guide
Cu Sq
Introducing ConcreteCalc . . . . . . . . . . .3
Key Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Operating Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Linear Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . .15
Square and Cubic Dimensions . .16
Dimension Conversions . . . . . . .17
Math Operations . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Memory Operation . . . . . . . . . . .23
Fractional Settings . . . . . . . . . . .25
Paperless Tape Function . . . . . . .27
Using the ConcreteCalc . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Linear Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Linear Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Circle Calculations . . . . . . . . . . .32
Area Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Volume Calculations . . . . . . . . . .34
Square-up Concrete . . . . . . . . . .41
Blocks, Bricks, Walls & Footings .42
Computing Drop . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Stair Problems (Risers/Treads) . .50
Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Accuracy/Display . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Auto-Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Battery & Auto Shut-Off . . . . . . .55
Full Reset/All Clear . . . . . . . . . . .55
Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Surface Area and Volume Formulas .56
Area Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
2 – ConcreteCalc™
Designed for today’s concrete profes­sional, the all-new ConcreteCalc™ adds even more power to the already pow­erful Construction Master line-up. Like earlier models, this calculator is so sim­ple to use, even the novice user can easily solve dimension-related prob­lems. Features include:
Solve Dimensional Math with Ease
Instant Dimensional Conversions
English/Metric Conversions
Weight/Volume Conversions
Rectangular Area/Volume Calculations
Instant Block Quantity Solutions
Instant Footing Volume Calculations
Instant Square-Up (Diagonal) Solutions
Drop Distance Calculations
Instant Circular Area and Perimeter
Instant Arc Length Calculations
Calculate Stair Risers and Treads
Material Estimations
Paperless Tape
User’s Guide – 3
Basic Functions
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Arithmetic Operation Keys — Used to perform arithmetic functions.
Percent — Four-function percent key.
[0] – [9] and [ • ]
Numeric Keys — Used to key numeric values.
Power Off — Turns all power off. Resets the display and all non-permanent reg­isters.
Power On/Clear — Turns on power. Pressing once clears the last entry and the display. Pressing twice in succes­sion clears all temporary registers.
Convert — Used with the dimensional keys to convert between dimensions. Dimensions can only be converted with­in the same convention (i.e., linear, square or cubic). Also used to access spe­cial functions when used in combination with other keys as defined herein.
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[ ]
Square Root — Used to find the square root of a number.
Note: Attempts to find
the square root of a linear or volume dimension will cause an “Error”.
[Conv] [ ]
x2 — Finds the square of the displayed
Note: Attempts to find the square of
an area or volume dimension will cause an “Error”
Memory Add — Adds the displayed num­ber to the value stored within the semi­permanent Memory.
[Conv] [M+]
Memory Minus — Subtracts the dis­played value from Memory.
Recall — Recalls values stored in any register. [Rcl] [M+] displays the value in Memory.
[Rcl] [Rcl]
Memory Display/Clear — Displays the value in Memory and clears the register.
[Conv] [Rcl]
Memory Clear — Clears the Memory without changing the current display.
User’s Guide – 5
Dimension Keys
Yards — This is an entry and conver­sion key. The entry can be a whole number or a decimal number. Used with the [Conv] key converts any other dis­played dimensioned number to yards.
This is an entry and conversion key. The entry can be a whole number or decimal number. This key can also be used in conjunction with the [Inch] and [/] keys for entering values in Feet­Inch format. For example, 6 feet 9-1/2 inches is entered as follows:
6 [Feet] 9 [Inch] 1 [/] 2
Repeated presses of this key during conversions will toggle between Feet­Inch and Decimal Feet formats.
This is an entry and conversion key. The entry can be in whole or decimal numbers. This key can also be used in conjunction with the [/] key for enter­ing values in Fractional Inch format. Repeated presses of this key during conversions will toggle between Fractional Inch and Decimal Inch formats.
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Fraction Bar — This key is used to enter fractions. Fractions can be entered as proper (1 or less — 1/2, 1/8, 1/16) or improper (greater than 1 — 3/2, 65/64). For example, to enter 1/2, the key sequence would be: 1 [/] 2. If the denominator (the bottom number) is not entered, then the set fractional level (1/16, 1/2, etc.) is used. [Rcl] [/] displays the current fractional setting.
Cubic — This key is used with a dimen­sion key (feet, inches, yards, meters, etc.) to identify a value as being a vol­ume. Example: 5 [Cu] [Yds].
Square — This key is used with a dimension key (feet, inches, yards, meters, etc.) to identify a value as being an area. Example: 10 [Sq] [Feet].
Meters — This is an entry and conver­sion key used to enter decimal meters or to convert decimal meters from some other dimensional format (when used in conjunction with the [Conv] key).
User’s Guide – 7
Millimeters — This is an entry and con­version key used to enter or to convert to decimal millimeters (when used in conjunction with the [Conv] key).
This key is used to convert a dimen­sioned cubic value or volume, to a weight value using the [Conv] key and the stored Weight per Volume (see below). For example, 5 [Cu] [Yds]
[Conv] [Weight] equals 7.5 tons, or 10 [Weight] (tons) [Conv] [Cu] [Yds] equals
6.666667 cubic yards. Repeated press­es of this key, after a cubic entry or conversion, will toggle between tons, pounds and kilograms.
[Conv] [%]
Weight per Volume — Used to set the Weight per Volume. Can be programmed as Tons per Cubic Yard, Pounds per Cubic Yard, or Kilograms per Cubic Meter. Default is 1.5 Tons/Cu. Yd. To set a dif­ferent weight per volume, for example, 2 Tons/Cu. Yd, press 2 [Conv] [%]. Value will be permanently stored. To recall stored value, press [Rcl] [%].
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Area/Volume Keys
Enters the value for Length in dimen­sion problems (e.g., for calculating area or volume).
Note: This key is also used to
enter the length for “Square-ups” and the “Run” for stair problems.
Enters the value for Width in dimension problems (e.g., calculating area or vol­ume).
Note: This key is also used to enter
the width for “Square-ups.”
Enters the value for Height in dimen­sion problems (e.g., for calculating vol­ume).
Note: This key is also used to enter
the “Rise” for stair problems.
Volume Computes the volume (Length x Width x Height) in Cubic Yards based on entered Length, Width and Height values. A second press will display the area (in square feet) based on entered Length and Width. Successive presses will toggle the display between the calculated area and volume.
[Conv] [Vol]
Area — Computes the area in Square Feet based on entered Length and Width.
User’s Guide – 9
Square-Up & Drop Keys
Square-up — Enters or computes the “Square-Up” (or Diagonal) length based on entered Length and Width values.
Computes the total drop (or fall) over an entered Length, given an entered percentage drop or inch drop per foot value. Successive presses will act as a “constant add,” for displaying succes­sive drops.
Block/Footing Keys
Number of Blocks — Computes the num­ber of blocks or bricks needed after enter­ing a wall area, or values entered in Length and Height.
[Conv] [Block]
Block Size — Used to permanently set the size of a single block or brick. The default size is 128 square inches for an 8” x 16” block. To recall the stored block area, press [Rcl] [Block].
Footing — Used to compute concrete volume of footings, walls, curbs, etc.
10 – ConcreteCalc™
given an entered cross-sectional footing area (see [Conv] [Ftg]) and Length.
[Conv] [Ftg]
Cross-sectional Area — Used to perma­nently set the cross-sectional area for calculating footings. The default setting for the cross-sectional area is 1.8 square feet. To recall the stored cross-section­al area, press [Rcl] [Ftg].
Stair & Circle Keys
A multi-function key that displays the fol­lowing values when pressed repeatedly (using Length and Height values):
# Presses Information Displayed
1 Number of Risers 2 Riser Height 3 Riser Overage/Underage 4 Number of Treads 5 Actual Tread Width 6 Tread Overage/Underage 7 Stringer Length 8 Inclination Angle
When the [Stair] key is preceded by a linear or undimensioned entry, the value will be permanently stored as the
User’s Guide – 11
“Desired Riser Height”. Undimensioned values are assumed to be inches.
Circle — Based on an entered diameter, repeated presses display the following cir­cular values: 1) diameter, 2) area 3) cir­cumference.
[Conv] [Circ]
Arc Length — Used to find the arc length based on an entered diameter and angle. For example: 1 [Inch] [Circ] 180 [Conv]
[Circ] would display an Arc length of 1- 9/16 inches for an entered diameter of 1
inch and a 180° angle.
Fractional Rounding Settings
[Conv] 1
Fraction set to 1/16
[Conv] 2
Fraction set to 1/2
[Conv] 3
Fraction set to 1/32
[Conv] 4
Fraction set to 1/4
[Conv] 6
Fraction set to 1/64
[Conv] 8
Fraction set to 1/8
12 – ConcreteCalc™
[Conv] 7
Fraction set to “Normal Mode” (reduces to the lowest common denominator).
[Conv] 9
Fraction set to “Fixed Mode” (denomi­nator value always fixed or remains the same as fractional setting).
[Conv] [ / ]
Toggles the flashing fraction feature on/off. The flashing denominator reflects the current fractional setting.
Additional Functions
[Rcl] [ = ]
Paperless Tape — Accesses the paperless tape mode.
[Conv] [ ÷ ]
Reciprocal 1/x function.
[Conv] [ x ]
All-Clear — Clears all values including Memory. Resets all permanent registers to default settings (weight per volume, block area, footing cross-sectional area, stair riser height and fraction set).
[Conv] [ + ]
Pi (π) — Constant = 3.141593.
User’s Guide – 13
[Conv] [ – ]
Positive/Negative Toggle — Toggles the sign of the displayed value between positive and negative.
[Conv] [ • ]
Per — Allows you to compute a total material cost given a unit dimension and an entered Per Unit Cost.
14 – ConcreteCalc™
Linear Dimensions
To enter dimensional values, enter the largest dimension first – feet before inch­es, inches before fractions. Enter fractions by entering the numerator (value above the line), pressing [/] and then the denominator (value below the line).
Note: If no denominator is entered, the default fraction setting is used. The exam­ples below show how to enter linear dimen­sions:
Dimension Keystrokes
5 ft 5 [Feet] 1/2 in 1 [ / ] 2 5 ft 1 in 5 [Feet] 1 [Inch]
5 ft 1-1/2 in 5 [Feet] 1 [Inch] 1 [ /] 2
10 yds 10 [Yds]
17.5 m 17.5 [m]
Note: Yards, meters and millimeters may only be entered as whole values (5 yards) or decimal values (5.5 meters), and not in combination with feet and inches or them­selves (5 meters, 8 millimeters). If a problem contains such a dimension, convert the yards (or meters) to “feet-inches” then add dimen­sions.
User’s Guide – 15
Square and Cubic Dimensions
Square and cubic dimensions are entered in the following order:
1) Numerical Value
2) Convention – Square or Cubic
3) Unit – Meters, Yards, Feet, Inches
Note: Feet–Inch format cannot be used to directly enter square or cubic values. By definition, this display format is a linear measurement. However, the area or volume can be found through simple multiplication.
The following examples show how to enter square and cubic dimensions:
Dimensions Keystroke
5 Cubic Yards 5 [Cu] [Yds] 130 Square Feet 130 [Sq] [Feet] 33 Square Meters 33 [Sq] [m]
16 – ConcreteCalc™
Dimension Conversions
Linear Conversions
Convert 14 feet to other linear dimen­sions:
Keystrokes Display
14 [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Yds] 4.666667 YD [Conv] [Feet] 14 FT 0 IN [Conv] [Inch] 168 IN [Conv] [mm] 4267.2 MM [Conv] [m] 4.2672 M
Square Conversions
Convert 14 square feet to other square dimensions:
Keystrokes Display
14 [Sq] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch] 2016 SQ IN [Yds] 1.555556 SQ YD [m] 1.300643 SQ M
Note: When converting values, [Conv] only has to be pressed once.
User’s Guide – 17
Cubic Conversions
Convert 14 cubic feet to other cubic dimensions:
Keystrokes Display 14 [Cu] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch] 24192 CU IN [Yds] 0.518519 CU YD [m] 0.396436 CU M
Note: In the last conversion to “mm” the answer displays as “meters.” This will occur whenever the answer is beyond the calcu­lator’s normal 7-digit range.
Weight Conversions
Convert 25 tons to other weights:
Keystrokes Display
25 [Weight] . . .
[Conv] [Weight] 50000 LB [Weight] 22679.62 kG [Weight] 25 Ton
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Weight per Volume Conversions
Your calculator has the capability of converting between weight and vol­ume. The weight/volume ratio is per­manently stored by entering the value and pressing [Conv] [%]. The default value is 1.5 tons per cubic yard.
Find the weight of 15 cubic yards at
1.75 tons per cubic yard, then convert to other weights:
Keystrokes Display
1.75 [Conv] [%] 1.75 Ton Per CU YD 15 [Cu] [Yds] . . .
[Conv] [Weight] 26.25 Ton [Weight] 52500 LB [Weight] 23813.61 kG [Weight] 26.25 Ton
User’s Guide – 19
Math Operations
Your calculator uses standard chaining logic. This means that you enter your first value, the operator (+, –, x, ÷), the second value, then the (=) sign.
3 [+] 2 [=] 5 3 [–] 2 [=] 1 3 [x] 2 [=] 6 3 [÷] 2 [=] 1.5
This feature also makes it easier to solve dimensional problems.
Adding Dimensions
Add 7 feet 3-1/2 inches to 11 feet 4 inches:
7 [Feet] 3 [Inch] 1[/] 2 [+] 11 [Feet] 4 [Inch] [=] 18 FT 7-1/2 IN
Add 11 inches to 2 feet 1 inch:
11 [Inch] [+] 2 [Feet] 1 [Inch] [=] 36 IN
Add 2 feet 1 inch to 11 inches:
2 [Feet] 1 [Inch] [+] 11 [Inch] [=] 3 FT 0 IN
Note: The format of the first value you enter determines the format of the answer. However, with the [Conv] key, you can change to any format you want, provided that you maintain convention.
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