Calculated Industries 8545 User Manual

For Today’s Woodworkers, Hobbyists and
User’s Guide
Cu Sq
Introducing Pocket Handyman IV . . . . 3
Key Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Operating Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Power On & Off . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Basic Math Operations . . . . . . . .11
Memory Functions . . . . . . . . . . .14
Fractional Settings . . . . . . . . . . . .16
“Paperless Tape” Feature . . . . . . .18
Using the Pocket Handyman IV . . . . .20
Entering Dimensions . . . . . . . . . .20
Linear Conversions . . . . . . . . . . .20
Square & Cubic Dimensions . . . .21
Square Conversions . . . . . . . . . .22
Cubic Conversions . . . . . . . . . . .22
Estimating Materials . . . . . . . . . .23
Area Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Volume Calculations . . . . . . . . . .28
Volume & Weight Calculations . .33
Squaring Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Common Rafter Length . . . . . . . .35
Circular Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Area Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Surface Area and Volume Formulas .39
Calculator Information . . . . . . . .40
Product Specifications . . . . . . . . .42
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
2 – Pocket Handyman®IV
Designed for today’s busy woodwork­ers, hobbyists and do-it-yourselfers, the new Pocket Handyman IV is so simple to use, even first-time users will find it easy to solve all kinds of dimension­related problems.
Solves dimensional math
Works in and converts between all
common dimensional units
Finds square & rectangular areas,
cubic volumes, circular areas and cir­cumferences
Weight per volume function
Material estimations
Paperless tape function
And much, much more!
It also works as a standard math calcu­lator with memory and percent func­tions plus battery-saving auto shut-off.
User’s Guide – 3
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Arithmetic operation keys.
Four-function percent key.
0 – 9 and [ • ]
Digits used for entering numbers.
[Off] — Off Key
Turns power off.
[On/C] — On/Clear Key
Turns power on. If on, pressing once clears the last entry and the display. Pressing twice clears all temporary reg­isters (stored values).
Used with the dimensional keys to con­vert between dimensions. Dimensions can only be converted within the same convention (i.e., linear, square or cubic). Can also access special func­tions when used with other keys.
[ ] — Square Root
Used to find the square root of a num­ber. The calculator will display the word “ERROR” if you try to find the square root of a linear or volume value.
4 – Pocket Handyman®IV
[Conv] [ ] — x2 Function
Finds the square of the displayed num­ber. The calculator will display an error if you try to find the square of an area or volume value.
[M+] — Memory Plus
Stores or adds the displayed number to memory.
[Conv] [M+] — Memory Minus
Subtracts the displayed value from memory.
[Rcl] — Recall Key
Recalls values stored in any register (i.e., [Rcl] [M+] displays the value stored in memory).
[Conv] [Rcl] — Memory Clear
Clears the value in memory without changing the display.
Dimension Keys
[Yds] — Yards Key
This is an entry and conversion key. You can enter whole or decimal num­bers. To convert a displayed value to yards, press [Conv] [Yds].
User’s Guide – 5
[Feet] — Feet Key
This is an entry and conversion key. You can enter whole or decimal num­bers. You can also use this key to enter values in feet-inch-fraction format: (2
[Feet] 1 [Inch] 1 [/] 2
). To convert a dis­played value to feet, press [Conv] [Feet]. Repeated presses toggle between feet­inches and decimal feet formats.
[Inch] — Inch Key
This is an entry and conversion key (when used with the [Conv] key). You can enter whole or decimal numbers. You can also use this key with the [/] key to enter fractional inch values. For example to enter 3- 3/4 inches, press 3
[Inch] 3 [/] 4
. To convert a displayed value to inches, press [Conv] [Inch]. Repeated presses toggle between frac­tional inch and decimal inch formats.
[/] — Fraction Key
Enters a fraction. To enter a fraction, enter the numerator, the fraction key [/] and then the denominator: 1 [/] 2. Fractions can be entered as proper (1 or less – 1/2, 1/8, 1/16) or improper (greater than 1 – 3/2, 65/64). If the denominator (the bottom number) is not entered, then the currently selected fractional denominator is used. [Rcl] [/]
6 – Pocket Handyman®IV
displays the current fractional denomi­nator and accesses the fractional setting mode. See the “Fraction Setting” section for more information.
[Cu] — Cubic Key
Used with a dimension key (feet, inch­es, yards, meters, etc.) to identify a vol­ume dimension. Example: 5 [Cu] [Yds].
[Sq] — Square Key
Used with a dimension key (feet, inch­es, yards, meters, etc.) to identify an area dimension. Example: 10 [Sq] [Feet].
[m] — Meters Key
This is an entry and conversion key (when used with the [Conv] key). You can enter decimal meters or convert a displayed dimension to decimal meters.
[cm] — Centimeters Key
This is an entry and conversion key (when used with the [Conv] key). You can enter decimal centimeters or con­vert a displayed dimension to decimal centimeters.
[mm] — Millimeters Key
This is an entry and conversion key (when used with the [Conv] key). You can enter decimal millimeters or con­vert a displayed dimension to decimal millimeters.
User’s Guide – 7
[Weight] — Weight Key
Enters or converts (a volume value) to tons, pounds, metric tons or kilograms. Repeated presses will cycle through these units.
[Conv] [%] — Weight per Volume
Enters or converts the Weight per Volume setting as Tons/Yard3, Lbs/Yd3, Lb/Ft3, Metric Ton/m3or kg/m3. Repeated presses will cycle through these settings.
[Circ] — Circle Key
Used to enter a circular diameter and find the area and circumference. Pressing this key displays values in the following order: 1) diameter, 2) area 3) circumference.
[Conv] [Circ] — Arc Length
Used to find the arc length based on an entered diameter and angle.
Special Functions
[Conv] [÷]
Reciprocal, or 1/x function.
[Conv] [x] — All Clear
Clears all values including memory. Resets to default settings.
8 – Pocket Handyman®IV
[Conv] [+] — Pi (π)
Internal constant = 3.141593.
[Conv] [–] — Change Sign Function
Toggles th e sign of a value between positive and negative values.
[Rcl] [=] — Paperless Tape Feature
Accesses the paperless tape mode. See the “Paperless Tape” section for more information.
[Rcl] [x] — Metric Mode Toggle
Toggles between Imperial and Metric defaults for the weight per volume fac­tor and the weight key. When you are in Metric Mode, any value in meters will be limited to three decimal places to the right. To verify which mode you are in, do an all clear ([Conv] [x]), then press [Rcl] [Weight]. If the displayed unit of measurement is kilograms, you are in Metric Mode. If the displayed unit is tons, you are in Imperial Mode.
[Conv] [•] — Per Unit Function
Used to calculate total material cost, if you multiply the total amount of mate­rial by the per unit cost of the item. For example, to find the cost of 39.7 square yards of carpet at $11.75 per square yard, enter 39.7 [Sq] [Yds] [x] 11.75
[Conv] [•]
which will give you $466.48.
User’s Guide – 9
Power On & Off
Turn the calculator on by pressing the
[On/C] key. To turn it off, press the [Off] key.
Auto Shut-Off
The calculator will turn itself off if it is not used within 8-10 minutes.
Basic Math Operations
Your calculator uses standard chaining logic which simply means that you enter your first value, the operator (+, –, x, ÷), the second value and then the equals sign (=).
3 [+] 2 [=] 5 3 [–] 2 [=] 1 3 [x] 2 [=] 6 3 [÷] 2 [=] 1.5
This feature also makes the calculator simple to use for dimensional math, as shown in the following examples:
10 – Pocket Handyman®IV
Adding Dimensions
Add 7 feet 3-1/2 inches to 11 feet 4 inches:
7 [Feet] 3 [Inch] 1[/] 2 [+]
11 [Feet] 4 [Inch] [=] 18 FT 7-1/2 IN
Add 11 inches to 2 feet 1 inch:
11 [Inch] [+] 2 [Feet] 1 [Inch] [=] 36 IN
Add 2 feet 1 inch to 11 inches:
2 [Feet] 1 [Inch] [+] 11 [Inch] [=] 3 FT 0 IN
Note: The format of the first value you enter determines the format of the answer. However, with the [Conv] key you can change to any format you want, provided that you maintain convention.
Subtracting Dimensions
Subtract 3 feet from 11 feet 7-1/2 inches:
11 [Feet] 7 [Inch] 1 [/] 2
[–] 3 [Feet] =] 8 FT 7-1/2 IN
Subtract 32 inches from 81 inches:
81 [Inch] [–] 32 [Inch] [=] 49 IN
Multiplying Dimensions
Multiply 5 feet 3 inches by 11 feet 6-1/2 inches:
5 [Feet] 3 [Inch] [x]
11 [Feet] 6 [Inch] 1 [/] 2 [=] 60.59375 SQ FT
User’s Guide – 11
Multiply 2 feet 7 inches by 10 :
2 [Feet] 7 [Inch] [x] 10 [=] 25 FT 10 IN
Dividing Dimensions
Divide 30 feet 4 inches by 7 inches:
30 [Feet] 4 [Inch] [÷] 7 [Inch] [=] 52
Divide 20 feet 3 inches by 9:
20 [Feet] 3 [Inch] [÷] 9 [=] 2 FT 3 IN
Percentage Calculations
The Percent [%] key is used to find a per­cent of a number or for working add-on, discount or division percentages. It can be used with any type of number, any dimension (feet, inch, millimeter, etc) and convention (non-dimensioned, linear, square or cubic).
Find 18% of 500 feet:
500 [Feet] [x] 18 [%] 90 FT 0 IN
Add 10% for waste to 137 square feet:
137 [Sq] [Feet] [+] 10 [%] 150.7 SQ FT
Take 20% away from 552 feet 6 inches:
552 [Feet] 6 [Inch] [–] 20 [%] 442 FT 0 IN
Divide 350 cubic yards by 80%:
350 [Cu] [Yds] [÷] 80 [%] 437.5 CU YD
12 – Pocket Handyman®IV
Memory Functions
Whenever the [M+] key is pressed, the displayed value will be added to mem­ory. Other memory functions:
Function Keystrokes
Recall total in memory [Rcl] [M+]
Display & clear memory [Rcl] [Rcl]
Clear memory, no display [Conv] [Rcl]
Subtract from memory [Conv] [M+]
Replace memory with
displayed value [Conv] [Rcl] [M+]
The memory is semi-permanent; it will only be cleared when you:
1) turn off the calculator;
2) press [Rcl] [Rcl];
3) press [Conv] [Rcl];
4) press [Conv] [x] (all clear).
User’s Guide – 13
How to use memory functions:
Steps Keystrokes Display
Add to memory 355 [M+] 355.
Add to mem. 255 [M+] 255.
Recall total mem. [Rcl] [M+] 610.
Subt. from mem. 745 [Conv] [M+] 745.
Recall total mem. [Rcl] [M+] – 135.
Replace mem. 50 [Conv]
[Rcl] [M+] 50.
Recall & clear [Rcl] [Rcl] 50.
The memory function can also be used with dimensional units, as long as they are of the same convention (all linear, square or cubic). The calculator will display the word “ERROR” if you try to enter numbers of different conventions.
14 – Pocket Handyman®IV
Fractional Settings
When you first receive your calculator it is set to its default state. When in this state, fractional values are rounded to the nearest 1/16 of an inch. However, you may program your preference for six different accuracy levels and two different modes (Normal and Fixed), all of which remain in permanent memo­ry until revised or reset.
The fractional level can be revised by using the keystrokes below:
Keystroke Fraction Setting
[Conv] 1 1/1
6 [Conv] 2 1/2 [Conv] 3 1/32 [Conv] 4 1/4
[Conv] 6 1/64
[Conv] 8 1/8
Note: Whenever the calculator is set to any­thing other than 1/16 normal mode, a star (★) will appear in the bottom left of the dis­play during power up to indicate a special fractional setting has been stored within. The fractional setting can be displayed at any time by pressing [Rcl] [/] .
User’s Guide – 15
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