Designed for today’s excavation and
heavy construction professional, the
Construction Master HeavyCalc™ adds
even more power to the ConstructionMaster line-up. As with earlier models,
this calculator is so simple to use, even
the novice will find it easy to solve
hundreds of dimension-related problems right in feet, inches, fractions and
cubic yards!
◆ Solve Dimensional Math with Ease
◆ Instant Dimensional Conversions
◆ English/Metric Conversions
◆ Weight/Volume Conversions
◆ Calculate Square & Rectangular Are a s
◆ Determine Cubic Volumes
◆ Determine % Grade and Slope
◆ Determine Cut and Fill
◆ Find Bank, Loose & Compact Vo l u m e s
◆ Instant Square-Up (Diagonal) Solutions
◆ Constant Add feature
◆ Average Calculations
◆ Material Estimations
◆ Paperless Tape Register
User’s Guide – 3
Basic Functions
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Math Operators — Used to calculate
math problems.
Percent — Four-function percent key.
0 – 9 and [ • ]
Numerical Digits and Decimal Point
Used for keying in numbers.
Power Off — Turns all power off.
Resets the display and all non-permanent registers.
On/Clear — Turns on power. One
press clears the last entry and display.
Two presses clear all temporary re g i s t e r s .
Convert — Used with dimensional
keys to convert among dimensions.
Dimensions can only be converted within the same convention (i.e., linear,
s q u a re or cubic). Also used to access
special functions when used in combination with other keys.
4 – HeavyCalc™
Constant – This key is used to store a
value permanently for use as a constant in repeated calculations.
[Conv] [Cnst]
Square Root — Used to find the square
root of a non-dimensional or area
Memory Add — Adds the displayed
value to the Memory total in the summation register. The Memory total is
recalled by pressing [Rcl] [M+].
[Conv] [M+]
Memory Subtract — Subtracts the displayed value from Memory.
Recall — Recalls values stored in any
register (i.e., press [Rcl] and then the
key you wish to display the value of).
[Rcl] [Rcl]
Memory Recall and Clear — Displays
and clears the value in memory.
[Conv] [Rcl]
Memory Clear — Clears Memory without changing the display.
User’s Guide – 5
Dimension Keys
Yards — This is an entry and conversion key (when used with [Conv]).
The entry can be a whole number or a
decimal number.
This is an entry and conversion key
(when used with [Conv]). The entry
can be in whole or decimal numbers.
This key can also be used in conjunction with the [Inch] and [/] keys for
entering values in Feet-Inch format.
For example, 6 feet 9-1/2 inches is
entered as follows: 6 [Feet] 9 [Inch] 1[/] 2. Repeated presses of this key
during conversions will toggle
between Feet-Inch and Decimal Feet
This is an entry and conversion key.
The entry can be in whole or decimal
numbers. This key can also be used
with the [/] key for entering values in
Fractional Inch format. For example,
enter 9-1/2 inches as: 9 [Inch] 1 [/] 2.
Repeated presses of [Inch] during conversions, toggles between Fractional
Inch and Decimal Inch formats.
6 – HeavyCalc™
[ / ]
Fraction Bar — This key is used to
enter fractions. Fractions can be
entered as proper (1 or less – 1/2, 1/8,
1/16) or improper (greater than 1 –
3/2, 65/64). For example, to enter 1/2,
the key sequence would be: 1 [ / ] 2.
If the denominator (the bottom number) is not entered, then the set fractional level (1/16, 1/2, etc.) is used.
[Rcl] [/] displays the current fractional
[Rcl] [x]
Imperial/Metric Mode — S e l e c t s
either Imperial or Metric defaults for
the following settings: pitch, stair riser
height, and on-center spacing.
Cubic — This key is used with a
dimension key (feet, inches, yards,
meters, or millimeters) to identify a
volume value. Example: 5 [Cu] [Yds].
Square — This key is used with a
dimension key (feet, inches, yards,
meters, or millimeters) to identify an
area value. Example: 10 [Sq] [Feet].
User’s Guide – 7
Meters — This is an entry and conversion key used to enter decimal meters
or, when used with [Conv], to convert
to decimal meters from some other
dimensional format.
Millimeters — This is an entry and
conversion key used to enter decimal
millimeters or, when used with [Conv],
to convert to decimal millimeters fro m
another dimensional form a t.
This key is used to convert a dimensioned cubic value or volume to a
weight value using the [Conv] key and
the stored Weight per Volume (see
below). For example, 5 [Cu] [Yds]
[Conv] [Weight] equals 7.5 tons, or 10
[ We i g h t ] (tons) [Conv] [Cu] [Yds]
equals 6.666667 cubic yards. Repeated
presses of this key, after a cubic entry
or conversion, toggles among tons,
pounds and kilograms.
[Conv] [%]
Weight per Volume — Used to set the
Weight per Volume. Can be pro grammed as Tons per Cubic Yard,
Pounds per Cubic Yard, or Kilograms
per Cubic Meter. Default is 1.5 Tons
per Cubic Yard. To set a different
weight per volume, for example, 2
8 – HeavyCalc™
Tons per Cubic Yard, press 2 [Conv]
[%]. Value will be permanently stored.To recall stored value, press [Rcl] [%].
Area/Volume & Angle Keys
Enters the value for length in dimension problems (e.g., for calculating
area or volume).
[Conv] [Length]
Square-up — Computes the diagonal,
or “square-up,” based on entere d
length and width.
Enters the value for width in dimension problems (e.g., for calculating
area or volume). Also computes width
from entered values of depth and percent grade or slope.
[Conv] [Width]
Percent Grade — Used to enter and
display percent grade. Also computes
percent grade using entered values for
width and depth, or slope.
Enters the value for depth in dimension problems (e.g., for calculating
volume). Also computes depth from
entered values of width and percent
grade or slope.
User’s Guide – 9
[Conv] [Depth]
Slope — Used to enter slope as a ratio
of run per unit rise (e.g., 4:1), or in
decimal degrees (e.g., 10°). Also computes slope using entered value for
width and depth, or percent grade.
Note: Only works with width. Does not
operate in conjunction with length.
Volume — Computes the volume (in
cubic yards) based on entered length,
width and depth values. A second
press will display the area (in square
feet) based on entered length and
width. Successive presses will toggle
the display between the calculated
area and volume.
[Conv] [Vol]
Area – Computes the area (in square
feet) based on entered length and
Excavation/Volume Keys
Used to enter or calculate the cut or fill
amount (based on entries of pro p o s e d
and existing benchmarks). A fill is displayed as a positive value; a cut as a negative value.
10 – HeavyCalc™
Existing — Used to enter or calculate
an existing benchmark, grade or value.
P ro p o s e d — Used to enter or calculate a
p roposed benchmark, grade or value.
Bank Volume — Enters or calculates
the volume for bank fill material. Bank
fill is material in an untouched, pristine state.
Compacted Volume — Enters or calculates the volume for compacted fill
material. Compacted fill is material
that has been compacted.
[Conv] [Comp]
% Shrink — Enters or recalls percent
shrink factor for converting between
bank and compacted fill volumes.
Loose Volume — Enters or calculates
the volume for loose fill material.
Loose fill is material that has been disturbed (excavated).
[Conv] [Loose]
% Swell — Enters or recalls the percent
swell factor used for converting
between bank and loose volumes.
User’s Guide – 11
Additional Key Functions
[Conv] [ ÷ ]
Reciprocal — 1/x function.
[Conv] [ x ]
All Clear — Clears all values including
Memory. Resets all permanent registers to default settings (weight per volume and fraction set).
[Conv] [ + ]
Pi (π) — Constant = 3.141593.
[Conv] [ – ]
+/– Toggles the sign of the displayed
value between positive and negative.
[Rcl] [ = ]
Tape — Accesses the paperless tape
[Conv] [ • ]
Per — Allows you to compute a total
material cost given a unit dimension
and an entered “Per Unit Cost”.
[Conv] [ 0 ]
Degrees — Used for entering slopes
that are in decimal degrees instead of
a ratio.
12 – HeavyCalc™
Fractional Rounding Settings
[Conv] 1
Fraction set to 1/16
[Conv] 2
Fraction set to 1/2
[Conv] 3
Fraction set to 1/32
[Conv] 4
Fraction set to 1/4
[Conv] 6
Fraction set to 1/64
[Conv] 8
Fraction set to 1/8
[Conv] 7
Fraction set to “Normal Mode” (re d u c e s
to the lowest common denominator).
[Conv] 9
Fraction set to “Fixed Mode” (denominator value always fixed or remains
the same as fractional setting).
[Conv] [ / ]
Toggles the flashing fraction feature
o n / o ff. The flashing denominator
reflects the current fractional setting.
User’s Guide – 13
Linear Dimensions
To enter dimensional values, enter the
l a rgest dimension first – feet before inches, inches before fractions. Enter fractions by entering the numerator (value
above the line), pressing [ / ] and then
the denominator (value below the line).
Note: If no denominator is entered, the
default fraction setting is used. The exam ples below show how to enter linear
Note: Yards, meters and millimeters may
only be entered as whole values (5 yards)
or decimal values (5.5 meters), and not in
combination with feet and inches or them selves (5 meters, 8 millimeters). If a p ro b lem contains such a dimension, convert the
y a rds (or meters) to “feet-inches” then add
d i m e n s i o n s .
14 – HeavyCalc™
Square and Cubic Dimensions
S q u a re and cubic dimensions are
entered in the following order:
1) Numerical Value
2) Convention – Square or Cubic
3) Unit – Meters, Yards, Feet, Inches
Note: Feet–Inch format cannot be used to
directly enter square or cubic values. By
definition, this display format is a linear
measurement. However, the area or vol ume can be found through simple multipli cation.
The following examples show how to
enter square and cubic dimensions:
Note: Before doing the following exercis es, make sure the calculator is set to facto ry defaults. To do this, press [Conv] [x].
Linear Conversions
Convert 14 feet to other linear dimensions:
[On/C] [On/C]0.
14 [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Yds] 4.666667 YD
[Conv] [Feet]14 FT 0 IN
[Conv] [Inch] 168 IN
[Conv] [mm] 4267.2 MM
[Conv] [m] 4.2672 M
Note: In the last conversion to “mm” the
answer displays as “meters.” This will
occur whenever the answer is beyond the
calculator’s normal 7-digit range.
16 – HeavyCalc™
Square Conversions
Convert 14 square feet to other square
Note: When converting values, [Conv]
only has to be pressed once.
[On/C] [On/C]0.
14 [Sq] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch] 2016 SQ IN
[Yds] 1.555556 SQ YD
[m]1.300643 SQ M
Cubic Conversions
Convert 14 cubic feet to other cubic
[On/C] [On/C]0.
14 [Cu] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch] 24192 CU IN
[Yds] 0.518519 CU YD
[m] 0.396436 CU M
User’s Guide – 17
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