Calculated Industries 4045-B User Manual

For Today's Construction Professional
User’s Guide
Table of Contents
The Construction Master
GETTING STARTED...........................4
Key Definitions/Functions................4
Fractional Settings.........................13
Entering Dimensions.....................14
Basic Math Operations..................16
Percentage Calculations ...............18
Memory Operation.........................19
Paperless Tape.............................20
Linear Calculations........................22
Area Calculations..........................24
Volume Calculations .....................27
Volume/Weight Calculations ........31
Board Feet/ Lumber Calculations..32
Right-Triangle Calculations..........32
Hip/Valley & Jack Rafters..............39
Stair Problems (Risers/Treads)....43
Circle Problems.............................46
Appendix A.......................................47
Battery & Auto Shut-Off.................47
Default Values...............................47
Appendix B.......................................48
Repair and Return ...........................50
Designed for today’s construction pro­fessional, the Construction Master
IV is so simple, even the novice user will find it easy to solve hundreds of di­mension-related problems right in feet, inches and fractions!
Solve Dimensional Math English/Metric Conversions Calculate Areas/Volumes Solve Right-Triangle Problems Find Regular and Irregular Hip,
Valley and Jack Rafters
Calculate Stair Risers, Treads
and Stringers
Solve Raked Wall Stud Lengths Volume/Weight Conversions Estimate Board Feet Find Circular Areas,
Circumferences and Arcs
Material Estimations Paperless Tape Function And much, much more!
User's Guide — 3
Key Definitions/Functions
Basic Function Keys
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Arithmetic operation keys.
Four-function percent key.
[0] – [9] and [ • ]
Digits used for keying-in numbers.
[Off] — Off Key
Turns all power off, clearing all non­permanent registers.
[On/C] — On/Clear Key
Turns on power. Pressing once clears the display. Pressing twice clears all temporary values.
[Conv] — Convert Key
Used with the dimensional keys to convert between dimensions or with other keys to access special func­tions.
] — Square Root Key
Used to find the square root of a non-dimensional or area value.
[Conv] [
] — x2 Function
Finds the square of a linear or non­dimensional value.
[M+] — Memory Key
Adds the displayed value to Mem­ory. Clears when the calculator is shut off.
[Conv] [M+] — Memory Minus (M–)
Subtracts the displayed value from Memory.
[Conv] [Rcl] — Memory Clear
Clears Memory without changing current display.
[Rcl] — Recall Key
Used with other keys to recall stored values and settings.
[Rcl] [x] — Imperial/Metric Mode
Changes the defaults of the calcula­tor by setting to Imperial (English) or Metric mode. Note: This setting is
not affected by the ALL CLEAR function.
User's Guide — 5
Dimension Keys
[Weight] — Weight Key
Enters or converts (a volume value) to tons, pounds, metric tons or kilo- grams. Repeated presses will cycle through these units.
[Conv] [%] — Weight/Volume
Enters or converts the Weight per Volume setting as Tons/Yard³, Lbs/Yd³, Lb/Ft³, Metric Ton/m³ or kg/m³. Repeated presses will cycle
through these settings.
[Cu] — Cubic Key
Defines a volume (e.g., 5 [Cu] [Yds]).
[Sq] — Square Key
Defines an area (e.g., 5 [Sq][Feet]).
[Yds] — Yards Key
Enters or converts to yards.
[Feet] — Feet Key
Enters or converts to feet as whole or decimal numbers. Also used with the [Inch] and [/] keys for entering Feet-Inch values (e.g., 6 [Feet] 9 [Inch] 1 [/] 2). Repeated presses toggle between Feet-Inch and Deci­mal Feet.
[Inch] — Inch Key
Enters or converts to inches. Entry can be whole or decimal numbers. Also used with the [/] key for enter­ing fractional inch values (e.g., 9 [Inch] 1 [/] 2). Repeated presses during conversions toggle between Fractional and Decimal Inches.
[ / ] — Fraction Bar Key
Used to enter fractions. Fractions can be entered as proper (1/2, 1/8, 1/16) or improper (3/2, 9/8). If the denominator (bottom) is not entered, the calculator's fractional accuracy setting is automatically used.
[m] — Meter Key
Enters or converts to meters.
[cm] — Centimeter Key
Enters or converts to centimeters.
[mm] — Millimeter Key
Enters or converts to millimeters.
[Bd Ft] — Feet Key
Enters or converts cubic values to board feet. One board foot is equal to 144 cubic inches (1 foot x 1 foot x 1 inch).
User's Guide — 7
Right Triangle/Rafter Keys
This key is used to enter or calculate the pitch (slope) of a roof (or right tri­angle). Pitch is the amount of "Rise" over 12 inches (1 meter, if metric) of "Run." Pitch may be entered as: a dimension 9 [Inch] [Pitch] an angle 30 [Pitch] a ratio 0.75 [Conv] [Pitch] a percentage 75 [%] [Pitch]
A pitch entry will remain in perma­nent storage until revised or reset. A solution will be replaced by its en­tered value once the calculator is cleared.
[Rise] — Rise Key
Enters or calculates the rise or verti­cal leg (height) of a right triangle.
[Run] — Run Key
Enters or calculates the run or hori­zontal leg (base) of a right triangle.
[Diag] — Diagonal Key
Enters or calculates the common or diagonal leg (hypotenuse) of a right triangle. Typical applications are “squaring" slabs or finding common rafter lengths.
[Conv] [Diag] — Rake Walls
This function finds the decreasing stud sizes in a raked wall based on computed or entered values for pitch, rise and/or run. Repeated presses display stud sizes from longest to shortest.
The on-center spacing of a raked wall can be permanently stored by entering a dimension prior to solving for stud sizes (12 [Inch] [Conv] [Diag]). Default on-center spacing is 16 inches (Metric Mode: 600 mm).
[Hip/V] — Hip/Valley Rafter Key
Finds the regular or irregular hip/ valley rafter length. If an irregular pitch is entered, the irregular hip/ valley rafter length is displayed, oth­erwise the regular (45º) hip/ valley rafter length is displayed.
[Conv] [Hip/V] — Irregular Pitch
Enters and displays the irregular pitch value used to calculate lengths of the irregular hip/valley and jack rafters.
User's Guide — 9
[Jack] — Jack Rafter Key
Finds the jack rafter sizes – from largest to smallest – for both regular and irregular pitched roofs. The ini­tial jack rafter values displayed are from the regular pitched side. After showing the minimum value, the cal­culator will display the sizes for the irregular pitched side. An on-center spacing can be entered by pressing [Jack] (i.e., 12 [Inch] [Jack]). The default spacing is 16 inches (Metric Mode: 600 millimeters).
[Conv] [Jack] — Irregular Side Jacks
Operates same as [Jack], but dis­plays the irregular pitched side jack rafters first. The calculator uses the same on-center spacing as the regu­lar pitch sided jack rafters unless a new on-center spacing is entered (e.g., 19.2 [Inch] [Conv] [Jack]).
10 — Construction Master IV
Stair & Circle Keys
[Stair] — Stair Key
A multi-function key that enters a desired riser height and uses the rise and run values to compute and display the following:
Default value is 7-1/2 inches (Metric Mode: 185 millimeters).
[Circ] — Circle
Displays the following values, given an entered diameter:
1) diameter,
2) area, and
3) circumference.
[Conv] [Circ] — Arc Length
Calculates the arc length based on an entered diameter and angle.
1 Number of Risers 2 Actual Riser Height 3 Riser
4 Number of Treads 5 Actual Tread Width 6 Tread
7 Stringer Length 8 Inclination Angle
User's Guide — 11
Additional [Conv] Key Functions
When used in conjunction with the following keys, the [Conv] key gives access to these additional functions:
[Conv] [ ÷]
Reciprocal, or 1/x function.
[Conv] [ x ] — All Clear
Clears all values, including Memory. Resets all permanent settings to de­faults. Note: Will not change the Im-
perial/Metric mode setting. [Rcl] [x] changes this setting.
[Conv] [ + ] — Pi (π)
Constant = 3.141593.
[Conv] [ – ] — Sign (+ / –) Toggle
Toggles the sign of the displayed value.
[Conv] [ = ] — Paperless Tape
Accesses the paperless tape mode.
[Conv] [ • ] — Per Function
Allows you to compute a total mate­rial cost given a unit dimension and an entered Per Unit Cost. Note:
Board feet calculations are per 1,000 Bdft (Mbm)
12 — Construction Master IV
Fractional Settings
Setting Fractional Accuracy
When your calculator is in a default condition (battery change or full reset), it is set to round fractional values to the nearest 1/16th of an inch. The fractional level can be revised by using the following keystrokes:
[Conv] 1 = Accuracy set to 1/1 [Conv] 2 = Accuracy set to 1/2 [Conv] 3 = Accuracy set to 1/3 [Conv] 4 = Accuracy set to 1/4 [Conv] 6 = Accuracy set to 1/6 [Conv] 8 = Accuracy set to 1/8
) will appear in the bottom left
A star ( of the display when the calculator is turned on, if the setting is different from the default. The fractional setting can be displayed at any time by pressing [Rcl] [ / ].
6 2 4
User's Guide — 13
Entering Dimensions
Linear Dimensions
When entering feet-inch values, enter dimensions from largest to smallest — feet before inches, inches before fractions. Enter fractions by entering the numerator (top), pressing [ / ] (fraction bar key) and then the denominator (bottom). Note: If a
denominator is not entered, the fractional setting value is used.
Examples of how linear dimensions are entered:
5 Yards 5 [Yds] 5 Feet 1-1/2 Inch 5 [Feet] 1 [Inch]
17.5 Meters 17.5 [m]
Square and Cubic Dimensions
Examples of how square and cubic dimensions are entered:
5 Cubic Yards 5 [Cu] [Yds] 130 Square Feet 130 [Sq] [Feet] 33 Square Meters 33 [Sq] [m]
1 [ / ] 2
14 — Construction Master IV
Linear Conversions
Convert 14 feet to other dimensions:
Keystroke Display
14 [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Yds] 4.666667 YD [Conv] [Feet] 14 FT 0 IN [Conv] [Feet] 14 FT [Conv] [Inch] 168 IN [Conv] [mm] 4267.2 MM [Conv] [cm] 426.72 CM [Conv] [m] 4.2672 M
Square Conversions
Convert 14 square feet to other square dimensions:
Keystroke Display
14 [Sq] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch] 2016 SQ IN
* 1.555556 SQ YD
[Yds] [m] 1.300643 SQ M [mm] 1300643 SQ MM [cm] 13006.43 SQ CM
* When performing conversions, [Conv] only
has to be pressed once.
User's Guide — 15
Cubic Conversions
Convert 14 cubic feet to other cubic dimensions:
Keystroke Display
14 [Cu] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch] 24192 CU IN [Yds] 0.518519 CU YD [m] 0.396436 CU M [cm] 396435.9 CU CM
* 0.396436 CU M
Basic Math Operations
Your calculator uses standard chaining logic, which simply means that you en­ter your first value, the operator (+, –, x, ÷ ), the second value and then the Equals sign (“=”).
A. 3 [+] 2 [=] 5
B. 3 [–] 2 [=] 1 C. 3 [x] 2 [=] 6 D. 3 [÷] 2 [=] 1.5
This feature also makes the calculator simple to use for dimensional applica­tions:
* The calculator's auto-range function forced
the answer to be in meters, as it is out of the calculator's normal 7-digit range (See Appendix A–Auto-Range).
16 — Construction Master IV
Adding Dimensions
Add 11 inches to 2 feet 1 inch:
11 [Inch] [+] 2 [Feet] 1 [Inch] [=]
*36 IN
Subtracting Dimensions
Subtract 3 feet from 11 feet 7-1/2 inches:
11 [Feet] 7 [Inch] 1 [ / ] 2 [–] 3 [Feet] [=] 8 FT 7-1/2 IN
Multiplying Dimensions
Multiply 5 feet 3 inches by 11 feet 6­1/2 inches:
5 [Feet] 3 [x] 11 [Feet] 6 [Inch] 1[ / ] 2 [=] 60.59375 SQ FT
Dividing Dimensions
Divide 30 feet 4 inches by 7 inches: 30 [Feet] 4 [Inch] [÷] 7 [Inch] [=] 52
Divide 20 feet 3 inches by 9: 20 [Feet] 3 [Inch] [÷] 9 [=] 2 FT 3 IN
* The format of the first value entered de-
termines the answer format. [Conv] can be used to change to any format desired, pro­vided convention is maintained.
User's Guide — 17
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