Calculated Industries 3125 User Manual

For the Real Estate Professional
User’s Guide
Introducing the Real Estate Master IIx and . . .
Decimal Place Selection . . . . . . . .12
Basic Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Percent Calculations . . . . . . . . . . .13
Memory Functions . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Date Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Mortgages & Real Estate Loans . . .15
Sales Price/Down Payment . . . . . .20
Taxes & Insurance/PITI Payment .21 Amortization & Remaining Balance27
Future Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Trust Deeds & Discounted Notes .35
APR & Total Finance Charges . . . .37
Odd Days Interest & APR . . . . . . .39
Bi–Weekly Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Adjustable Rate Mortgages . . . . . .42
Qualifying–Qualifier Plus IIx Only 46
Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Battery & Auto Shut–Off . . . . . . . .59
Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Warranty & Repair . . . . . . . . . . . .60
How to Reach CII Headquarters . .63
2 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
Created specifically for residential real estate professionals, the enhanced Real
Estate Master IIx and the Qualifier Plus IIx are the simplest calculators ever
made for residential real estate financing. With the press of a few buttons, they solve hundreds of real estate problems.
3–way Mortgage Qualifying
Instant P&I and PITI Payments
Loan/Mortgage Amounts
Tax and Insurance Capabilities
Interest Rates & Terms
Built–in Sales Price and Down
Complete Amortization
Remaining Balances/Balloon
Bi–weekly Loans
ARM’s with Lifetime Cap
Date Math Functions
Future Value and Appreciation
Yields/Prices on Trust Deeds & Notes
Loan Start Month Other than January
User’s Guide — 3
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Arithmetic operation keys.
[0] – [9] [000] and [•]
Digits used for keying in numbers.
Turns all power off. The Memory and most financial registers are cleared.
When off, turns power on. When on, first press clears the last entry. Second press clears temporary registers.
Four-function (+, –, x, ÷) percent key.
Adds displayed value to Memory. Pressing [Set] [M+] will subtract the dis- played value from Memory. See
Memory Functions
Recalls and displays the contents of the Memory or financial registers.
Used with other keys to set or activate the function printed above the key on your calculator’s face. When used, a small boxed “
S” appears on the display.
4 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
[Dn Pmt]
Down Payment: Enters (in either Percent or Dollars) or calculates a Down Payment based on the entries of Loan Amount (or equivalent mortgage components) and Sales Price. A second press toggles the entered down payment from dollar fig­ure to percent or vice versa.
Note: any entered numerical value under 100 is assumed to be a “percent down payment.”
Sales Price: Enters or calculates a Sales Price based on the Loan Amount and Down Payment.
Note: Entered Sales Price
values will not normally change.
Loan Amount: Enters or solves for the initial loan amount or present value of a financial problem.
Payment: Enters or solves for the periodic principal and interest (P&I) payment. Pressing twice calculates PITI (including property tax, insurance, mortgage insur­ance and expenses, if entered).
Enters or solves for the number of years. A second press gives number of periods.
Interest: Enters or solves for the annual interest rate. Press twice for the periodic rate. (Stored permanently, until changed)
User’s Guide — 5
Period: Specifies a mortgage component (Term/Interest) or amortization/remain­ing balance value as “per period” rather than “per year.” For example,
360 [Per]
[Term] enters 360 periods.
Future Value: Enters or solves for the future value of a financial problem.
Amortization: Finds total interest, princi­pal and remaining balance. First press enters or shows range of periods. Second press shows total interest for period range. Third press shows total principal for range, and final press gives remaining balance at end of range.
Colon: Used to specify a range for amortization or to separate ARM Interest: Term and Qualifying Income: Debt ratio entries. Also used to sepa­rate values in a date entry.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage: Calculates payment and re-amortizes fully or par­tially amortized Adjustable Rate Mortgage based on the inputs of both Interest Adjustment and Term Adjustment, which are separated by the Colon
key. For example, an ARM which adjusts 1% every year is entered as
6 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
1 [:] 1[ARM]. Pressing [Set] [ARM] adjusts
the rate up or down to show future pay­ments. (ARM rates are stored permanently.)
Property Insurance: Stores and recalls annual property insurance as percent or dollar amount. Repeated presses toggle between percent and dollar val­ues. Values of 10 or less are assumed to be annual percentages. Computed from the sales price.
Note: Tax & Insurance entered as dollar amounts remain fixed, even if sales price or loan amount are changed. However, if entered as a percent of sales price or loan amount, these items are automatically recalculated if sales price or loan amount are changed.
Property Tax: Stores and recalls annual property tax in either percent or dollar amount. Repeated presses toggle between percent and dollar values. Values of 10 or less are assumed to be annual percentages. Computed from the sales price.
[Set] [÷]
Payments per Year: Sets the number of payment periods per year. Default is 12, for monthly. Any change to this setting is permanent until reset. To reset to 12 pay­ments per year, press
12 [Set] [÷].
User’s Guide — 7
[Set] [x]
All Clear: Clears and resets the calculator to its default settings and values. Use this
with caution as it resets ratios, periods per year, etc. to default settings (see
Default Settings
in Appendix).
[Set] [+]
Pro-Mode: Toggles the Pro–Mode setting “On” and “Off” (default). An advanced user feature, Pro-Mode changes Tax, Insurance, and on the Qualifier Plus IIx only, Mortgage Insurance to permanent entries. On the Qualifier Plus IIx only, Pro-Mode also changes the order that qualifying values are displayed when using the
[Qual 1] and [Qual 2] keys, by
showing the lower, or restrictive amount with the first press, the higher, or nonre­strictive amount with the second press, and the buyer’s actual ratios with the third press. The fourth press displays the stored income and debt ratios.
[Set] [–]
Change Sign: Toggles the sign of a dis­played value.
[Set] [%]
Lifetime Interest Cap (ARMs):
Permanently sets the lifetime interest cap for ARMs by entering the maximum interest increase. Reset to 0 by pressing
[Set] [%].
8 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
[Set] [:]
Month Offset: Used to set the first month of payment for annual amortization if other than January.
[Set] [000]
Odd Days Interest: Calculates the pre­paid interest, or simple interest accumu­lated (based on a 360 day year) during the days before the first loan payment. Uses stored Interest value.
[Set] [Pmt]
Estimated After-Tax Payment: Calculates an estimated “after-tax” payment if loan variables and property taxes are entered. First enter a tax bracket, then press
[Pmt] to display the annual tax deduction;
second press displays the monthly tax deduction; third press displays the “after­tax” payment.
[Set] [Term]
Bi-Weekly Mortgage function:Converts between monthly and bi-weekly loans. A second press of
[Term] while in bi-
weekly mode, displays the total interest savings.
[Set] [Int]
AnnualPercentageRate (APR): Calculates APR (for fixed rates only), based on the entry of points and/or nonrecurring loan fees paid at initiation. Not used for ARM.
User’s Guide — 9
[Set] [ARM]
ARM Rate Increase/Decrease: Changes ARM function from increasing to decreasing rate.
[Set] [Amort]
Remaining Balance: Displays Remaining Balance when preceded by a single year or range of years (or individ­ual payment or range of payments by using the [Per] key). Continue pressing
[Amort] to see the Remaining Balance.
Qualifying Keys – “Plus” Model Only
[Qual 1]
A multifunction key which performs the following qualifying functions:
1. Stores an Income:Debt Ratio: (i.e. 28
[:] 39 [Qual 1]). The entered ratio will remain in storage until revised or reset. (defaults to 28%:36%.)
2. Finds the Maximum Loan Amount
based on income and other entered values (interest, term, taxes, insurance, etc.) when loan amount is zero.
3. Finds the Minimum Income Required
based on loan amount and other entered values when income is zero.
4. Finds the Actual Income:Debt Ratio
based on loan amount, income and other entered values.
10 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
[Qual 2]
Stores additional (i.e., Government FHA/VA) Income and Debt ratios and operates same as the [Qual 1] key. Default Income and Debt ratios for this key are 29% and 41%, respectively.
Income: Enters the annual income for loan qualifying.
Enters long-term monthly debt pay­ments.
Expense: Enters monthly housing expens­es (i.e., homeowners’ association dues, maintenance and utilities).
[Mtg Ins]
Mortgage Insurance: Stores and recalls annual mortgage insurance (i.e., Private Mortgage Insurance) in either percent or dollar amount. If entered as a dollar amount, a second press converts to annual percentage rate. If entered as a percentage, a second press shows the equivalent annual dollar amount. The number 10 or less is assumed to be an annual percentage. Computed from the loan amount.
Note: The calculator will remember the value as it was entered (i.e., a percent or dollar value.)
User’s Guide — 11
Decimal Place Selection
You can use the [Set] key to perma­nently select the number of decimal places displayed. (Values are rounded using 5/4 rounding.) You may do this before or after finding an answer. Press
[Set] followed by the number of
decimal places you wish to display:
[Set] 3 0.000 [Set] 2 0.00 (Default) [Set] 1 0.0 [Set] 0 0. [Set] [•] Floating Decimal
Note: To return to the standard two dec- imal place setting, press [Set] 2.
Basic Math
Both calculators use standard chaining logic. This means the first value is entered, then an operator, then the second value, then the Equal key to get your answer.
A. 216 [+] 84 [=] 300.00 B. 216 [–] 16 [=] 200.00 C. 12 [x] 12 [=] 144.00 D. 144 [÷] 12 [=] 12.00
12 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
Percentage Calculations
The Percent [%] key is used to find a given percent of a number or for work­ing add-on, discount or division percent­age calculations.
A. 800 [x] 25 [%] [=] 200.00 B. 250 [+] 10 [%] [=] 275.00 C. 25 [–] 50 [%] [=] 12.50 D. 200 [÷] 50 [%] [=] 400.00
Memory Functions
Pressing the [M+] key adds the dis­played value to Memory.
[Set] [M+] sub-
tracts the displayed value from Memory.
[Rcl] [M+] recalls and displays the total
value in Memory.
[Rcl] [Rcl] displays and
clears the Memory.
[Set] [Rcl] clears
Memory without clearing the display.
1. 355 [M+]
[Rcl] [Rcl] 355.00
2. 355 [M+]
255 [M+] 745 [Set] [M+]
[Rcl] [Rcl] – 135.00
Note: [Set] [Rcl] [M+] may be used to replace any value in memory with the dis­played value.
1. 355 [M+] 355.00
2. 500 [Set] [Rcl] [M+] 500.00
[Rcl] [Rcl] 500.00
User’s Guide — 13
Date Function
Using the [:] key, you can quickly solve common real estate date problems: escrow or closing dates, listing expiration dates, and the number of days prepaid interest, etc. You enter a date as follows: Numerical Month
[:], Numerical Day [:]
and Numerical Year. The date function lets you: 1) add a number of days to a date to find a future date, 2) subtract a number of days from a date to find a past date, and, 3) subtract one date from another date to find the number of days in between.
Find the number of days to calculate prepaid interest due at closing, if the escrow closing date is 10/14/96 and the first payment is due 11/1/96.
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Clear calculator:
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Enter 1st payment date:
11 [:] 1 [:] 96 11-1-96
3. Subtract closing date to find number of
days: [–] 10 [:] 14 [:] 96 [=] 18.00
14 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
Mortgages & Real Estate Loans
1. The financial functions; L/A, Pmt, Int,
and Term, work like you would say them. For example, to find the pay­ment on a $100,000 loan for 30 years at 10% interest, enter the three known variables and press the key for the unknown fourth variable: Payment.
2. Financial values may be entered in any
3. Values for Term and Interest are per-
manently stored in memory.
4. Always press
[On/C] twice after com-
pleting a financial problem to ensure the financial registers are cleared.
5. When solving for a financial compo-
nent, the word “run” displays.
6. Once an answer is calculated, for
example, a payment, you can change any variable and recompute for a new answer without having to re-enter the other data.
User’s Guide — 15
Finding a Monthly Loan Payment
Find the monthly payment on a $95,500, 30 year loan at 7.75% annual interest.
Steps/Keystroke Display
1. Clear calculator:
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Enter loan amount:
95,500 [L/A] 95,500.00
3. Enter term, interest and find the monthly
payment: 30 [Term] 30.00
7.75 [Int] 7.75 [Pmt] “run” 684.17
Finding a Term of a Loan
How long does it take to pay off a loan of $15,000 at 10% interest if you make payments of $181.01 each month?
Steps/Keystroke Display
1. Clear calculator
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Enter loan amount, interest, monthly
payment, then find term in years: 15,000 [L/A] 15,000.00 10 [Int] 10.00
181.01 [Pmt] 181.01 [Term] “run” 11.78
3. Find periodic term:
[Term] 141.35
16 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
Finding the Interest Rate of a Loan
Find the interest rate on a $98,500 mort­gage with a 30 year term and a monthly payment of $1,150.
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Clear calculator:
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Enter loan amount, term, monthly pay-
ment and find annual interest and peri­odic rate: 98,500 [L/A] 98,500.00 30 [Term] 30.00 1,150 [Pmt] 1,150.00 [Int] “run” 13.78 [Int] 1.15
Finding a Loan Amount
How much can you borrow if the cur­rent interest rate is 9.75% on a 30 year term and you can pay $950 each month?
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Clear calculator:
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Enter interest, term and monthly pay-
ment. Then find loan amount:
9.75 [Int] 9.75 30 [Term] 30.00 950 [Pmt] 950.00 [L/A] “run” 110,573.84
User’s Guide — 17
Non-Monthly Loans & Payments Per Year (Pmt/Yr)
Most residential real estate loans are paid monthly. If paying a non-monthly loan, the number of payments per year must be changed by entering the number of payments per year then pressing
. as shown in the following exercise:
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Clear calculator
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Enter number of payments per year:
4 [Set] [÷] (Pmt/Yr) 4.00
To recall the currently stored number of payments, press [Rcl] [÷]:
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Clear calculator:
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Recall number of payments per year:
[Rcl] [÷] (
) 4.00
IMPORTANT: Complete steps 1 and 2 below to return your calculator to 12 pay­ments per year (default).
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Clear calculator:
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Enter # of payments per year:
12 [Set] [÷] (
18 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
Finding a Quarterly Payment
Find the quarterly payment on a 10 year loan of $15,000 with an annual interest rate of 12%.
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Clear calculator:
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Set to 4 payments per year:
4 [Set] [÷] (Pmt/Yr) 4.00
3. Enter loan amount:
15,000 [L/A] 15,000.00
4. Enter term in years
10 [Term] 10.00
5. Enter annual interest:
12 [Int] 12.00
6. Find quarterly payment:
[Pmt] “run” 648.94
7. Reset to 12 payments per year:
12 [Set] [÷] “run” 12.00
User’s Guide — 19
Sales Price/Down Payment
Review these pointers before working with Sales Price and Down Payments.
1. When using the [Price], [DnPmt] and
[L/A] keys, enter the two known values
(i.e., Price and Down Payment), then solve for the third (i.e., Loan Amount), before calculating financial values.
2. If a Sales Price is entered, it remains con-
stant until you enter a new Sales Price or precede a Down Payment or Loan Amount entry with
Finding L/A Based on Sales Price & Down Pmt
Find the loan amount and dollar down payment if the Sales Price is $175,000 and you’re putting 20% down.
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Clear calculator:
[On/C] [On/C] 0.00
2. Enter sales price:
175,000 [Price] 175,000.00
3. Enter down payment percent and find
loan amount: 20 [Dn Pmt] 20.00 [L/A] 140,000.00
4. Display down payment percent then find
down payment amount: [Dn Pmt] 20.00 [Dn Pmt] 35,000.00
20 — Real Estate Master®IIx/Qualifier Plus®IIx
+ 44 hidden pages